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1  Economy / Scam Accusations / Be careful of scammers who promote fake exploit methods for Amazon gift cards on: August 11, 2024, 09:14:49 AM
Something I've just noticed on the forum. There was a thread about Amazon gift cards that seemed harmless enough at first.  But there's a sinister motive hidden beneath the surface.

A couple of newbies popped up, just chatting about how to use or sell these cards.  But I could tell something was off. Turns out, they were lowkey promoting some fake method to generate Amazon cards.  Shady enough on its own.  But that wasn't even their real endgame.  They were trying to get people to download these malicious browser scripts.  And you just know those things were packed with nasty code ready to steal your crypto or whatever else.

It's a classic bait-and-switch tactic.  They lure you in with promises of easy money and free gift cards.  But before you know it, your system's infected with garbage you don't want.   Wink

Scammers Profile Links:;u=3647855 - Revaniz;u=3647856 - WARtoze99

Reference Links:
(I have reported both threads to the moderators, so they may be deleted. You can find them in the archives if you are interested.)

Here's a link to a suspicious greasemonkey/tampermonkey script. It's heavily obfuscated and beyond my ability to analyze, so if anyone has more experience with it, feel free to give it a try.

Link #1
Link #2 (backup)
(don't install this in your browser unless you know exactly what you're doing!)
2  Other / Archival / Test on: April 01, 2024, 09:41:28 AM
3  Economy / Service Discussion / [Review] [banned mixer] - easy to use and great value for money on: December 31, 2023, 07:22:25 PM
Since this is the last day we are allowed to promote and discuss Bitcoin mixer services, I will use this opportunity to test and to make a small overview of the WebMixer service. (the topic will be locked immediately to prevent further discussion)

WebMixer recently did a total makeover of their site.  I gotta say, the new design looks real slick - modern and easy on the eyes.  Works nicely whether you're on a computer, phone or tablet too.  I gave it a test run on a couple different browsers and devices and didn't run into any issues.   

The interface walks you through mixing your Bitcoin quick and painless and  within minutes I was able to complete the process and see the newly mixed coins in my wallet.

Security-wise, I'm impressed with what WebMixers offering.  They give users a few different options to dial up the anonymity - "Basic Anonymity", "Precise Payment", and "Max Anonymity".  Each has its own level of privacy protection, fees, wait times deposit limits etc - so you can pick what makes sense for your situation.

I chose the Basic Anonymity option for this test.  The anonymity is lower than the other choices, but the fee (1-1.5% plus 0.00035 BTC) and mixing time (0-2 hours) are also the lowest.   

After entering your address to receive the mixed coins and hitting Mix now, you go to a new page with the address to send your BTC for mixing and the choice to download a Letter of guarantee.  Make sure you download this before sending over your BTC.

Then just send your bitcoins to that address and wait.  To start the mixing, your incoming transaction needs 1 confirmation on the network.

Here are some of the things I like most about Webmixer:

The interface works nice and smooth
Tor mirror helps keep things private
Multiple mixing options
Secure and anonymous
Reliable and trustworthy (service has been in operation since 2020)

Some of the things I didn't like about the mixer:

It might not be so great if you just need to mix a tiny bit of bitcoin
The fee they charge has a fixed amount of 0.00035 BTC on top of the percentage, and it goes up to 0.0007 BTC (for precise payment and max anonymity modes)

Overall, mixing my Bitcoin with WebMixer was smooth as expected. It is a safe, secure, and anonymous service that is easy to use and provides great value for money. However, this is not an endorsement, WebMixer worked great for my purpose at the time, but you should always do your own research before using any crypto service!
4  Economy / Scam Accusations / [SCAM WARNING] TheTopSpotOnline Plagiarized Whitepaper on: April 19, 2023, 12:07:41 PM
What happened: TheTopSpotOnline is yet another fake project with completely plagiarized whitepaper from multiple sources.

Scammer Profile: TheTopSpotOnline
Flag Type 1 (support/oppose):;flag=3150

ANN Thread: [ANN] TheTopSpotOnline - Music NFT Marketplaces [archived]
Other Threads: Bounty Campaign (bounty manager: qqwx)



Most of the content in the whitepaper is plagiarized from multiple sources, for example:






Some other sources were also used:
5  Economy / Service Discussion / PayPal Crypto Holdings Report on: February 11, 2023, 10:55:17 AM
According to a report filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission [1], PayPal held $604 million worth of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash, as of December 31, 2022. Bitcoin is the largest part of PayPal's crypto holdings, accounting for $291 million. Ethereum was second, with $250 million, and the remaining $63 million was split between Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash. PayPal's crypto holdings accounted for 67% of the company's total financial liabilities of $902 million. The company's total financial assets were over $25 billion. Despite offering cryptocurrency services for more than two years, this is the first time PayPal has provided a breakdown of its crypto holdings in its annual financial report.

An article on Cointelegraph [2] reports that PayPal keeps its customers' cryptocurrencies through the use of a third-party custodian. The company emphasized in the filing that it has a contractual agreement in place with the custodian mandating the segregation of customer assets and prohibiting their mix with the custodian's proprietary or other assets. However, PayPal stated that they cannot guarantee the effectiveness of these contractual obligations in the event of the custodian's bankruptcy or insolvency.

I'm not sure whether PayPal has enabled the withdrawal of cryptocurrency funds to personal wallets for all users. However, it appears that many still don't fully grasp the significance of the adage "not your keys, not your coins."

[1] -
[2] -
6  Other / Off-topic / LastPass - Notice of Recent Security Incident on: August 26, 2022, 12:14:24 PM
This morning, I received a notification to my email address about a security incident involving the LastPass password manager. Here is the notice in full:

Dear valued customer,

We are writing to inform you that we recently detected some unusual activity within portions of the LastPass development environment. We have determined that an unauthorized party gained access to portions of the LastPass development environment through a single compromised developer account and took portions of source code and some proprietary LastPass technical information. We have no evidence that this incident involved any access to customer data or encrypted password vaults. Our products and services are operating normally.

In response, we immediately initiated an investigation, deployed containment and mitigation measures, and engaged a leading cybersecurity and forensics firm. While our investigation is ongoing, we have achieved a state of containment, implemented additional enhanced security measures, and see no further evidence of unauthorized activity.

Based on what we have learned and implemented, we are evaluating further mitigation techniques to strengthen our environment. We will continue to update our customers with the transparency they deserve.

We have set up a blog post dedicated to providing more information on this incident:

We thank you for your patience as we work expeditiously to complete our investigation and regret any concerns this may have caused you.

The Team at LastPass
7  Economy / Scam Accusations / [SCAM WARNING] QI Blockchain Plagiarized Whitepaper and Website Content on: August 16, 2022, 02:04:27 PM
What happened: QI Blockchain is yet another fake project with completely plagiarized whitepaper and website content from multiple sources.

Scammer Profile: Jawadu
Flag Type 1 (support/oppose):;flag=3020

ANN Thread: [ANN] QI Blockchain - The only blockchain the world will ever need. [archived]
Other Threads: Signature Campaign, Bounty Campaign


176 days old
Created on 2022-02-21
Expires on 2023-02-21
Updated on 2022-04-14

Whitepaper: [archived]

Original Source:

Most of the content is plagiarized from the MultiChain Whitepaper, but some other sources were also used, for example:




8  Economy / Scam Accusations / [WARNING] ATHOS META [ATM] Plagiarized Content, Multiple Red Flags on: August 10, 2022, 10:24:23 PM

Based on all the evidence, I tagged their account and created a Newbie warning (Type 1) Flag against user AthosMeta:;flag=3019
Please support if you agree.

What happened: ATHOS META [ATM] is yet another project with plagiarized content in the whitepaper and some other red flags.

Profile Link: AthosMeta


Website: [archived]

112 days old
Created on 2022-04-20
Expires on 2024-04-20
Updated on 2022-04-25

Whitepaper: [archived]

Red Flag #1: Plagiarized Content

Original source:

The disclaimer in their whitepaper is also completely copied from other sources.

Red Flag #2: Unrealistic ROI

They offer unrealistic and ridiculous annual percentage yield (up to 165%) and interest rates on staking (up to 25% per month)...

... and also, a ponzi-like referral scheme.

Red Flag #3: Intellectual property infringement

They use other people's intellectual property for their marketing purposes without the author's permission.

(used in their whitepaper and second ANN thread)

That screenshot is actually taken from the game BanCa Fishing by Gila Studio.

All rights, title and interest in and to the Service (including without limitation any games, titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialogue, catch phrases, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, documentation, in-game chat transcripts, character profile information, recordings of games played using a Gila game client, and the Gila game clients and server software) are owned by Gila. Gila reserves all rights, including without limitation, all intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, in connection with its games and the Service.

9  Economy / Scam Accusations / [SCAM ALERT] List of fake donation sites during the Ukraine crisis on: March 04, 2022, 08:27:48 PM
Make sure you send your donations to the right place!

As might be expected, we began to notice an increasing number of fake sites trying to take advantage of the Ukrainian crisis to scam altruistic individuals looking to help those in need. Since some members have already pointed out a number of fake domains, I decided to put them all in one place for easier reference.

Anyone who wants to contribute is encouraged to post in this thread, so if you come across such scam attempts, please let me know so I can add them to the list. However, please keep the thread clean, without unnecessary or off-topic comments.

So without further ado, here is a list of FAKE donation sites I've come across so far:

Domains already reported in other threads:

10  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu on: February 24, 2022, 09:01:55 AM
So it begins...

Nešto prije 4 sata ujutro po našem vremenu, u televizijskom obraćanju, ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin objavio je da je ovlastio vojsku za specijalnu vojnu operaciju u ukrajinskoj regiji Donbas.

[VIDEO] Putin delivers an emergency address to the people of Russia on the situation in Donbass

Nedugo nakon toga ukrajinski ministar vanjskih poslova izjavio je da je Rusija pokrenula invaziju na Ukrajinu i da su mnogi gradovi i vojni objekti diljem Ukrajine pod raketnim napadom. U isto vrijeme CNN izvještava iz niza gradova u kojima su novinari i reporterske ekipe svjedočili eksplozijama. Oko 6 sati glavnim ukrajinskim gradom počele su odjekivati sirene za zračnu uzbunu. Kijev izvještava da je Moskva pokrenula sveobuhvatni napad na Ukrajinu.

11  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / 🏆 Bitcointalk Community Awards [2021] on: January 25, 2022, 02:01:40 PM
Jučer je @icopress pokrenuo glasanje za "najbolje" članove foruma u 13 različitih kategorija za 2011. godinu. Javne nominacije i glasanje trajat će do kraja veljače, u kojem mogu sudjelovati svi aktivni članovi koji su dosegli Full member rang ili skupili 50 merita ili više. Ovo je prijevod originalne teme koju možemo koristiti za komentare i raspravu. Originalni thread za glasanje se nalazi ovdje.

Quote from: BitcoinTalkShow [Nova epizoda] Rasprava na [Eng][Spa][Rus][Ger][Por]Bitcointalk kviz [Live] Prošlogodišnji rezultati [Ovdje]

Bitcointalk Community Awards je sjajna prilika da izrazimo zahvalnost onim posebnim ljudima koji daju svoje najbolje za ovu zajednicu, za sva dobra djela i za utjecaj koji imaju na forumu. Iako je 2022. u punom jeku, to nas ne sprječava da sagledamo prošlost, pa ako znate za korisnika koji zaslužuje priznanje u nekoj od kategorija, slobodno ga nominirajte. 🏆

       Kakve nagrade očekuju pobjednike?

Iako i dalje vjerujemo da je javno priznanje najprestižnija nagrada, naši sponzori, Sportsbet & [C]ryptioS pobrinuli su se da dobitnici doista osjete svoju važnost. Imajte na umu da BCA 2021 nije službeni događaj i održava se pod pokroviteljstvom zajednice.


Svaki dobitnik će dobiti ekskluzivni kolekcionarski predmet / Cyrus i dečki iz Cryptiosa preuzeli su na sebe da svakom pobjedniku izradi personalizirani poklon koji bi trebao sadržavati dosta zanimljivih i jedinstvenih predmeta, (fotografije stižu uskoro)Napomena.

Svi dobitnici će dijeliti nagradni fond od 50 mBTC, a besplatne oklade će se izvlačiti između svih glasača. Štoviše, ove godine glavna nagrada bit će VIP turneja za dvoje, na utakmicu Arsenala ili Southamptona, uključujući poslovnu ložu, smještaj i letove ➥ Napomena.

ChipMixer je također ljubazno pristao postati dio sponzorskog tima i osigurao dodatni nagradni fond od 70 mBTC, pa će svaki pobjednik dobiti bon u iznosu od 5 mBTC, a između glasača će se nasumično izvući 10 bonova od po 2 mBTC. ➥ Napomena.


BestChange već nekoliko godina podržava javne inicijative, pa ni ovoga puta nije ostao po strani postati dio tima sponzora te je osigurao nagradni fond od 50 mBTC. Tako će uz najavljene nagrade svaki pobjednik dobiti dodatnih 5 mBTC !

       Kako funkcionira glasovanje?

Od trenutka objave pa do kraja veljače (+2W) bit će otvoreno javno glasovanje u kojem može sudjelovati svaki aktivni korisnik. Svaki korisnik ima pravo voditi kampanju za ili protiv drugih kandidata u zasebnoj temi posebno kreiranoj za to. Tko će biti među prva tri pobjednika u svakoj kategoriji ovisi samo o vašoj aktivnosti (koristit ćemo IRV sustav glasovanja). Da bi sustav glasovanja funkcionirao, svaki predloženi kandidat mora imati podršku najmanje tri korisnika, (kandidati s najmanjim brojem glasova bit će eliminirani). Kada timer dosegne nulu, blokirat ćemo ovu temu i zbrojiti glasove.

  • U svakoj kategoriji možete glasati za do 3 korisnikaNapomena.
  • Možete uređivati svoju prijavu sve dok se tema ne zaključa ➥ Napomena.
  • Morate imati 50 merita ili biti Full member ili više da biste imali pravo glasovanja ➥ Napomena.

Korisnička titula
Opis nominacije

Hero of Good
Nagrada se dodjeljuje neformalnom vođi, [prisustvo kulta je poželjno].

Ovaj izvanredni čovjek posvetio je mnogo godina služenju zajednici i ostavio je neizbrisivo nasljeđe radeći društveno dobro bez obzira na osobnu korist / pobjednik u ovoj nominaciji dobit će glavnu nagradu.

Golden Feather
Nagrada se dodjeljuje sudioniku čije ime simbolizira povjerenje i mudrost.

Napomena: Na forumu je uvijek bilo korisnika koji se svojim stilom i objektivnošću izdvajaju iz mase, onih čije je postove uvijek ugodno čitati, a razgovori s njima donose zadovoljstvo.

Bitcointalk Ninja
Nagrada se dodjeljuje za izniman doprinos razvoju Bitcointalk foruma!

Osoba čije su aktivnosti iznimno korisne za bitcointalk zajednicu ili netko bez koga ne možete zamisliti forum. U ovoj kategoriji se ocjenjuju istinski kreativni ljudi, a sada je vrijeme da odredimo najbolje!

Bitcoin Geek
Nagrada se dodjeljuje sudioniku za kojeg smatrate da je najviše pomogao u područjima vezanim za Bitcoin.

Recite nam tko je od vaših poznanika do krajnosti strastven prema bitcoinu, koji vam lako može objasniti takve posebnosti za koje niste ni znali ili tko je jednostavno odabrao ASIC za vašu baku.

Event of the Year
Koji je događaj imao najveći utjecaj na vas?

Ova nominacija je priznanje za najznačajnije događaje u kripto zajednici ili najznačajnije za vas osobno. Ovo je druga godišnja nagrada, možete nominirati i glasati samo za značajne događaje koji su se dogodili u 2021. godini.

Fail of the Year
Događaj koji je najviše obećavao, a koji je donio puno razočaranja zajednici. Mnogo je ugodnije prisjetiti se ugodnih događaja, ali ipak će nam biti korisno izvući zaključke kako bismo izbjegli razočaranja u budućnosti. S čime ste se najteže pomirili?

of the Year
Možda jedna od najneočekivanijih, ali u isto vrijeme ikonska kategorija, koja pokazuje da je forum živ.

Nagrada se dodjeljuje ne samo bitcoinerima početnicima, već i ostalim korisnicima koji su aktivno sudjelovali u životu foruma tijekom protekle godine ... dovraga, čak možete nominirati svog najboljeg bitcointalk prijatelja!

Nagrada se dodjeljuje korisniku volonteru za neprocjenjiv doprinos održavanju reda na forumu.

Smatramo da ova nagrada najbolje pristaje najvažnijoj osobi među reporterima ili koja na svaki mogući način doprinosi suzbijanju prevara i lažnih aktivnosti u temama, (provjerite ove teme za više [1] [2] [3]).

Nagrada se dodjeljuje izvanrednom volonteru koji radi isključivo za dobrobit zajednice.

Drži se prilično snažnog moralnog kodeksa, uzor je i dosljedno pokazuje neiscrpni entuzijazam za identificiranje zlostavljača na Bitcointalku, (u ovim sekcijama [1] [2] možete osobno upoznati takve korisnike).

Craft Master
Nagrada se dodjeljuje onima koji iskreno vole svoj zanat, bilo da je riječ o profesionalnoj djelatnosti ili hobiju.

Smatramo da je ova nagrada najprikladnija za najznačajniju osobu među kolekcionarima, menadžerima, povjerenicima, dizajnerima ili korisnicima koji su toliko strastveni oko sporta i p2p-a da motiviraju druge da se klade isključivo u BTC.

Nikada nije želio biti negativac, ali je morao prihvatiti pravila igre u kojoj "igra na crno".

Zapamtite da čak i zlo ima svoja načela, pa je takva osoba sposobna za bilo što, čak i ako joj to ne ide u korist. Stoga ga ponekad čak poželite zagrliti i zaplakati, Ili... prvo ga ubiti, a onda "zagrliti i zaplakati".

Miss Bitcointalk
Iako su djevojke sada u manjini na Bitcointalku, 4,6 perma 1, i dalje su nam divne, zanimljive i važne. Razumijem da je izbor tri pobjednice među svim našim divnim djevojkama problematičan, ali ipak ćemo pokušati.

Što mislite, tko posebno zaslužuje biti Miss Bitcointalk?

Best Forum Moderator
Nagrada se dodjeljuje za podršku i uređivanje globalnih ili lokalnih sekcija foruma.

Bojimo ih se i poštujemo, grubi su, ali pošteni... Moderator je uvijek pristojan i odgovara na vaša pitanja? Daj mu glas! Pomaže li neki drugi moderator s tehničkim problemom? I on zaslužuje vaš glas!

Posebne zahvale: Cyrus, Steve, Xhomerx10, LoyceV, GazetaBitcoin
Originalna tema: [Voting 2021] Bitcointalk Community Awards
12  Economy / Scam Accusations / [WARNING] Facebook Metaverse Token Plagiarized Whitepaper on: December 22, 2021, 05:13:17 PM
What happened: FACEBOOK METAVERSE TOKEN is yet another fake project with plagiarized content in the whitepaper. Furthermore, they (illegally) use a registered trademark and Facebook Metaverse hype to lure naive and inexperienced people into buying their scam tokens.

Scammer Profile: Facemeta
Type 1 Flag (please support/oppose):;flag=2896

ANN Thread: [ANN] Facebook Metaverse Token


54 days old
Created on 2021-10-29
Expires on 2022-10-29
Updated on 2021-12-19

Archive: link

Quote from:
The term “metaverse" is the latest buzzword to capture the tech industry's imagination — so much so that one of the best-known internet platforms is rebranding to signal its embrace of the futuristic idea.

Quote from:

Think of it as the internet brought to life, or at least rendered in 3D. Zuckerberg has described it as a “virtual environment” you can go inside of — instead of just looking at on a screen. Essentially, it’s a world of endless, interconnected virtual communities where people can meet, work and play, using virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps or other devices.
It also will incorporate other aspects of online life such as shopping and social media, according to Victoria Petrock, an analyst who follows emerging technologies.

Quote from:

Things like go to a virtual concert, take a trip online, and buy and try on digital clothing.
The metaverse also could be a game-changer for the work-from-home shift amid the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of seeing co-workers on a video call grid, employees could see them virtually.
Facebook has launched meeting software for companies, called Horizon Workrooms, to use with its Oculus VR headsets, though early reviews have not been great. The headsets cost $300 or more, putting the metaverse’s most cutting-edge experiences out of reach for many.

Original Source: EXPLAINER: What is the metaverse and how will it work? By MATT O'BRIEN and KELVIN CHAN (October 28, 2021)
13  Economy / Scam Accusations / [WARNING] PENNY UTILITY TOKEN Plagiarized Whitepaper on: December 16, 2021, 10:59:42 PM
What happened: PENNY UTILITY TOKEN is yet another fake project with completely plagiarized content from multiple sources in the whitepaper.

Scammer Profile Link:;u=1055353
Flag Type 1 (support/oppose):;flag=2890

ANN thread: [ANN]🔥🔴🔥[PENNY UTILITY TOKEN]🔥🔴🔥 One Token for Multiple Platforms 🔥🔥🔥


113 days old
Created on 2021-08-25
Expires on 2022-08-25
Updated on 2021-10-24


Original source:

Original source:

Original source:

Original source:

I'm not sure if these are original sources but they are the oldest I've found. The rest of the whitepaper was also copied from various sources.  
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / OpenSea head officer caught on insider trading on: September 15, 2021, 09:23:22 AM
It seems that @natechastain, one of the OpenSea executives, was caught on insider trading.


According to twitter user @ZuwuTV, here is one tx on returning profits to the main 0xa3a4548b39da96eb065ff91811ca30da40431c0d wallet after flipping the item currently on the front page of the OpenSea platform:

What is your opinion on this? I am looking forward to watching this drama unfold.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Visa bought a CryptoPunk NFT for $150,000 on: August 23, 2021, 01:07:14 PM
Visa's vice president and head of crypto, Cuy Sheffield, discussed the future of crypto and NFTs in a Forbes interview after the company purchased CryptoPunk #7610, the company's first piece of NFT technology, for $150,000.

"This is just the beginning of our work in this space," says Sheffield. "We're really excited to see what developers build and how we can help merchants, brands and platforms connect and interact with NFT commerce."


16  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Bitcoin bankomati i fizičke kripto mjenjačnice u Hrvatskoj... i šire on: August 17, 2021, 11:07:59 AM
Podaci s Coin ATM Radar web stranice pokazuju da popularnost Bitcoin bankomata raste i trenutno ih je diljem svijeta instalirano više od 25.000. Prvi Bitcoin bankomat (poznat i kao BTM) je stigao u Hrvatsku još davne 2014. godine. Od tada je instalirano još nekoliko strojeva u Zagrebu, kao i u nekim drugim većim gradovima na obali.

Iako ANN teme i neki komentari za pojedine bankomate već postoje na ovom forumu, nije mi poznato da postoji tema koja bi na jednom mjestu objedinila sve dostupne informacije.
Prema informacijama koje sam pronašao, napravio sam kratak popis svih bankomata u Hrvatskoj, a ovu temu možemo koristiti i za raspravu i konkretna iskustva članova koji su već podizali gotovinu ili kupovali kripto na bankomatima, što bi moglo biti korisno ekipi koja se s time još nije susretala.

Popis i Lokacije Bitcoin Bankomata:

Grad Zagreb

Village / History Bar, Zagreb (prvi bitcoin bankomat u Hrvatskoj)
Instaliran: rujan 2014., Operater: Bspend, Lokacija: Ivana Tkalčića 68, Village / History, Zagreb

Avenue Mall, Zagreb
Instaliran: listopad 2018., Operater: Blokidea d.o.o., Lokacija: Avenija Dubrovnik 16, Avenue Mall, Zagreb

Super Konzum Radnička (ex Mercator), Zagreb
Instaliran: travanj 2019., Operater: Boris, Lokacija: Radnička 49, Super Konzum Radnička, Zagreb

Shitcoins Club Ilica 202a, Zagreb
Instaliran: studeni 2020., Operater: Shitcoins Club, Lokacija: Ilica 202a (pored kafića Summit Club), Zagreb

La Canntina, Zagreb
Instaliran: prosinac 2020., Operater: Kriptomat, Lokacija: Trg Josipa Jurja Strossmayera 8, Zagreb

Shitcoins Club Širolina ul. 6, Zagreb
Instaliran: siječanj 2021., Operater: Shitcoins Club, Lokacija: Stjepana Širole 6 (pored Tabacco shop 5 i kafića Lui), Zagreb

Grand Casino Admiral Hotel, Zagreb
Instaliran: lipanj 2021., Operater: Shitcoins Club, Lokacija: Rudeška cesta 140, Grand Casino Admiral Hotel, Zagreb

Grad Split

Frizerski studio Models, Split
Instaliran: svibanj 2016., Operater: Bspend, Lokacija: Vukovarska 5, Frizerski studio Models, Split

Shitcoins Club Mall of Split, Split
Instaliran: studeni 2020., Operater: Shitcoins Club, Lokacija: Josipa Jovića 93, Mall of Split, Split

Grad Rijeka

Botel Marina, Rijeka
Instaliran: svibanj 2016., Operater: bitKonz, Lokacija: Adamićev gat, Botel Marina, Rijeka

Admiral Automat Club Krimeja, Rijeka
Instaliran: lipanj 2021., Operater: Shitcoins Club, Lokacija: Kumičićeva ul. 61/1, Rijeka

Gabriel Touristic Services, Rijeka
Instaliran: srpanj 2021., Operater: Gabriel Touristic Services d.o.o., Lokacija: Trpimirova ul. 4, Rijeka

Grad Pula

Bounty Pub, Pula
Instaliran: listopad 2017., Operater: nepoznato, Lokacija: Veronska ul. 8, Bounty Pub, Pula


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Popis i lokacije Bitcoin bankomata u BiH i Srbiji by Pmalek

Popis i lokacije Bitcoin bankomata u Sloveniji by dkbit98

Popis i lokacije fizičkih kripto mjenjačnica u HR
17  Economy / Service Discussion / Binance ceasing support for stock tokens on: July 16, 2021, 10:00:08 AM
According to the Binance announcement, crypto exchange is halting operations for its stock tokens offering, which let users buy and sell tokenized stocks of popular equities such as Facebook, Tesla, and Google, among others. Users who have such assets will have 90 days to sell them or move their holdings to a soon-to-be launched CM-Equity's portal (if they are residents of the EEA). All stock token positions on Binance will be closed after the deadline of October 15, 2021 13:30 (UTC).

Quote from: Binance
Today, we are announcing that we will be winding down support for stock tokens on to shift our commercial focus to other product offerings. Effective immediately, stock tokens are unavailable for purchase on, and will no longer support any stock tokens after 2021-10-14 19:55 (UTC).
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Google has lifted its ban on crypto advertisements on: June 11, 2021, 11:40:03 AM
Google recently updated their policies regarding Google Ads and will now allow ads related to cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets provided they have registered with FinCEN. This change is set to take effect in August 2021. As you may recall, the ban was imposed in March 2018 and lasted almost three years.

This easing of crypto advertising restrictions is a positive sign. Google appears to be warming up to bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general as many governments, financial institutions and private companies are increasingly liberalizing their crypto policies these days. What do you think?
19  Other / Politics & Society / Step aside, Tesla. Nevera has arrived! on: June 02, 2021, 07:59:13 PM
Yesterday, June 1, Croatian manufacturer Rimac Automobili introduced a new all-electric hypercar called Nevera. It features performance figures that put it on par with the still-under-development second-generation Tesla Roadster.

Rimac Nevera: Dare to Feel the Next Generation of Performance

The Nevera is the production-ready iteration of the Rimac C_Two concept car, which was revealed at the International Geneva Motor Show in 2018. Since then, Rimac’s engineers have refined their new flagship on every level during an extensive development program, in the pursuit of the ultimate electric hypercar driving experience. With the majority of key components of the Nevera developed in-house at Rimac's HQ in Croatia, all systems have been improved and enhanced since the initial prototypes to deliver on the ambitious performance targets set for at the beginning of the project in 2018.

Rimac Nevera impressive tech spec:

0 - 60mph in 1.85 secs
0 - 62mph (100km/h) in 1.97 secs
0 - 100mph in 4.3 secs
0 - 186mph (300km/h) in 9.3 secs
Top speed 258mph (412 km/h)
Standing 1/4 mile (0-402 metres) in 8.6 secs

Power output: 1408 kW/ 1914hp
Motor torque: 2360 Nm
Wheel torque: 13,430 Nm
Range: 340 miles / 550 km

Price: €2 million
Limited to 150 units
Designed, engineered and built in Croatia, homologated for global use.
read more

20  Economy / Gambling discussion / Online gambling risks during coronavirus pandemic on: May 09, 2021, 07:27:08 AM
As we stay at home more it is inevitable that we will spend more time online, on social media, and online games. Several research studies have demonstrated that online gambling companies have benefited greatly as a consequence of this.

I recently read an article in which Lazaros Gonidis, lecturer in Psychological Methods and Statistics at University of Kent, commented about the risks that gambling addicts might face during the COVID-19 lockdown, as well as the responsibility of operators to protect vulnerable individuals.[1]

Whether you have a history of pathological gambling addiction or just considering gambling for fun, Gonidis has shared some valuable tips for all of us:

  • When you are tempted to gamble online, use that to motivate you to go for a walk or exercise instead.
  • If you decide to gamble, you should keep a record of how much money and time you spend on gambling daily. Studies show that gamblers lose track of how much time and money they spend on gambling.
  • Social distancing should not lead to social isolation, so talk to your friends and peers and discuss your gambling problem with them. Having support can make a big difference.
  • Finding other mental stimulation to keep your mind busy can be very helpful in suppressing thoughts of gambling. If you need to be online then seek out online activities that help you to overcome the urge to gamble.
  • Seek expert advice if you feel your gambling activities are getting out of hand. is a very good place to start.

Does any of these methods work for you? How do you keep a rein on your gambling habits?

[1] - Olivia Miller, "Online Gambling Risks During COVID-19 Lockdown", News Centre - University Of Kent
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