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1  Other / Off-topic / Need help with PHP and charting (display example inluded) on: December 09, 2023, 06:03:04 PM
Hi folks,

i have a good reason to sort of revive my PHP programming again.
There are not many things i didn't do with PHP yet, but i need help with charting.
It's not hard to create the data, but i ceased to find a library that easily lets me display a simple chart like this:

The line is representing non-zero values, positive and negative, but the differnce to zero should be colored (red for negative diff, green for positive).
Any hints or tips?

Thanks  Grin


For now, it looks like the Highcharts JS API will do.
Using the "area" type of Graph, setting css properties .highcharts-point and .highcharts-graph.highcharts-negative to the desired colors does the trick.
2  Other / Meta / Idea: How to exchange Emails outside the forum, without giving up opsec on: December 09, 2020, 08:56:27 PM
I'm just gonna roll out an idea here that lingered on my mind to post on bitcointalk for longer now, on how to exchange messages via email outside the board, with like atomic low security risk.

Question: How to send Email to a forum member without giving up anonymity or worrying that highly sensitive, private information is being stored in btctalk's PM database?

Answer: Consider the following steps:

1. Member "A" wants to send mail to member "B"
2. B creates a ten-minute-mail address (TMM), sends it to B via PM or posts it in a forum message
3. A sends email to B's TMM-address, using a random string or number as email title
4. A let's B know what random string/value he used as a title, to avoid imposters.
5. B looks in his TMM inbox, opens and reads A's email, identified by said unique title.
6. TMM address expires after ten minutes, as usual. All traceable data should be lost.

I came across this idea when using a newspaper portal comment section, lacking the ability to exchange messages with other users, when i did want to communicate privately with another user, without exposing (one of) my email address(es) to the world and also without worrying that somebody else could disturb communication by pretending to be the user i originally wanted to communicate to.

I created a TMM address, posted it with a request to instantly send me (one of) his/her real email address(es), with a random number as title. After sending the mail, the user should post his random number, for me to identify the authentic email in the TMM inbox. Could have also been a phone number instead of a private email address, for example.
So i could write a standard email from a personal account to the user's personal email without exposing my or her/his email addy (or phone number) to the world forever.

Maybe this is of some use to some follows here on bitcointalk.


EDIT: If you find a flaw, let us know and discuss it  Grin
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