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On-chain address poisoning attack is the newest wallet address attack which the attackers use in steal stable coins from their unsuspecting victims on both BSC and Ethereum network. In the attack, the victim unknowingly send funds to the attacker's address and over $1.6M stolen in that regard from December 2, 2022. The details of the attack and how to prevent yourself from being a victim is here.
YOUENGINE is a project on ethereum network with a native token called YOUcash (YOUC). The project has been appeared to be stagnant for a very long time with no admins' activities on telegram, likewise with no news on their twitter page. This left investors hanging their hopes on luck until April 14 when the investors saw a crash in the price of $YOUC on the two exchanges it was listed on. The crash was believed to have prompted the CEO of the project himself to come back to being the admin in the official Telegram group of YOUENGINE. He announced that the wallet of an investor was hacked and that's the reason for the fall as the hacker moved the token to BITFOREX and LATOKEN to sell. Everyone understood and many investors bought the dip to use the crash to lower their average. This was going on with the price gradually recovering before the YOUC CEO again announced the delisting of YOUC from exchanges and announced that there would be a token swap which will set a blow at the hackers and protect the genuine investors. And that was a lie and the beginning of implementation of a legitimate scam plans.
Scammers are at it again sending out bulk mails disguised to be from pancakeswap congratulating you on winning some free ethereum or other coin. The link below is attached to it disguise to be wallet connect link which will require your confirmation on your wallet to claim the free coin. If you receive such mail, make sure you don't follow the link on your wallet or give any permission in order to stay safe from their scam.
Crypto community has been recording a great rise in prices in the past few days. Everyone has been saying the bull run has come again until this night when the prices of all the major cryptocurrencies. started falling again. Can this price fall be a Dip or the dump.
Another Binance Smart Chain shit coin with smart contract address 0x087e8aedd213f9e4a3dd94aef0c302a0eff748e3 has rugpulled again on Pancakeswap running with the investors funds up to the tune of 1500 BNB.
Despite the fact that the project is scam, many unsuspecting investors are still investing hence the need for this post.
The project admin carefully strategize his way to manipulate many trusted airdrop Promoters as being its promoters and partners. All these trusted groups helped their scamming really work on people as the investors transfer the trust they have in these promoters to the SAFEMOONART team and invested hugely. The team was able to make sales of over 1,500 BNB in less than 20 minutes and rugged immediately. All their links on social media becomes dead immediately.
The RIVEMONT team minted their new RVMT on Binance Smart Chain on the 29th March, 2021. The proof is as follows:- team started the payment of bounty rewards on April 14 meaning the already had the token on new network and still went on to distribute the soon-to-be-scrapped tokens on ERC-20 network to the hunters that worked for them. They started becoming suspicious when they announced that all the hunters must open an account with their exchange partner (TOKPIE) in which the payment will be made to despite the fact that ERC-20 Wallet were initially stated to be submitted for payment. They completed the minting of the new token 15 days before the commencement of the payment but they still paid the hunters with the soon-to-be-scrapped token. They came now and announced that every tokens on the exchange they paid to hunter must be withdrawn to personal with a payment of withdrawal fee of 0.009 ETH as transaction fees to their exchange partner (TOKPIE). The above is a show that the RIVEMONT team in collaboration with the Tokpie willfully manipulate the bounty hunters for them to extort them of their ethereum. IF THEY DO THIS, CAN INVESTORS TRUST THEM WITH THEIR HARD EARNED MONIES?
There is circulated bulk mail going around disguised to be a newsletter from The mail is said to notify the receiver to claim a sum of DOGE coin for their usage of Clicking on the link takes you here:- which is a pseudo website of blockchain meant to steal your wallet details and password. Ensure you do not fall for this. Ensure you check any websites very well to ensure you're logging on to the right website before inputting your login details in order to avoid loss of your accounts to malicious spam messages senders.
The Cryptocurrency market and its community have been experiencing a major dip in the past 2 days with the major cryptocurrencies falling with as much as 35% of their values. This didn't leave XRP behind. The surprising thing is that despite the deadly blow the US SEC dealt on the XRP at the beginning of this ending bull run, XRP seems to be strongest coming of the dip recovering up to a single digit negative fall in its price from a fall of close to 45% in the last 24 hours. This is a great and an unexpected performance from XRP in this kind of time considering its lawsuit from the US SEC.
As it has been predicted by major cryptocurrency experts since 2020 that the ongoing bull run will come to an end in the first quarter of 2021, the current market prices in the last 72 hours has seen major cryptocurrencies bleeding in prices.
We can see Bitcoin losing around $7,000 after breaking an all time High of $58,000. Ethereum was around $2,054 but currently around $1,600 which was different from what we saw the last time Bitcoin fell. Ethereum and other altcoins reached a new ATH when Bitcoin was falling early this month at the time Bitcoin was falling then.
Now that Bitcoin and the major altcoins are losing price at the same time, can we say the bull run is already ending?
This poses that the Cryptocurrency traders and new entrants into cryptocurrency world has to thread with caution to avoid or minimise losing of funds to the amount they can conveniently afford to lose.
A recent consistent increase in the price of ethereum has resulted in the increase in the gas fees to be paid on the transactions conducted on the ethereum blockchain network. We have in the recent time see fast transactions being at $44 worth of ethereum. The increase in the gas fee is traceable to increase in the price of ethereum and increase in the quantity of transactions being conducted at the same time.
Conducting transactions on Decentralized exchanges using ethereum network such as uniswap, has become so much expensive for the people transacting low amount.
This rise in transaction fees has resulted in many of the projects on ethereum network look toward other directions in finding solution this, and they seem to have found one by migrating their projects on to BINANCE SMART CHAIN. This might be a woe for ethereum as it may result in reduction and its usage and a boom for BNB as it is the fuel to be used in conducting transactions on the Binance Smart Chain.
Ripple (XRP) has been suffering series of hindrances from regulatory body (The US SEC) since late last year. The attack led to a litigation in a US court leading to panic sales of XRP from majority of their investors. The litigation in the US saw the co-founder of XRP who happens to be the CEO of Stellar XLM sold his XRP. This created more fear among the investors before XRP started to gain the market loss back in January.
Another report came out a week ago that the UK treasury has classified XRP as non-security asset and this is different from the law suit by the US SEC filed against XRP.
Will this mean the XRP might be back to it's position in the Cryptocurrency community soon?
BITCNY on the 31st of December 2021 announced a massive airdrop giving 10,000 BITCNY worth $1,500 to the participants who has a minimum of 5 referrals. Distribution of the Airdrop token was scheduled to be 15th of January, 2021. The airdrop events attracted a lot of participants which is recorded at above 120,000 participants and they reported.
The surprising thing about this is that when many projects are looking for ways to reduce the rate of free tokens issued out, they announced only 20% of their total participants are eligible for payment which will make them postpone their distribution for other 80% to meet up with the required tasks to be eligible for the free tokens.
Things started going a scam way when the team announced their partnership with UNISWAP and then given out 400 UNI to anyone who makes a donation towards their project which is now a new normal scam strategy adopted nowadays. They also two days ago announced their partnership with Bitcoin and Ethereum claiming to be giving away $3,000,000 to their contributors.
All these above shows they are scammers. A look at their website shows no details about the team is uploaded to examine the legitimacy of their project, no office or official contact other than their social media communities.
If this project is actually real, the money they claim to be giving away should have been used towards the development.
To me, I believe the project is on scamming mission and every investors should be careful of putting their funds towards it.
The CEO of Stellar coin who happens to be a Co-founder of XRP Jed McCaleb is reported to have sold some XRP coin belonging to him to the tune of $411million in 2020. He must must have sold the coin before the start of the Impending litigation against the XRP.
What does this mean to the old investors who are still holding the coin and the new ones just adopting it in this time. Could Jed McCaleb selling off his or parts of his XRP mean that XRP is near its death with the ongoing litigation?
Scammers and their relentlessness in fraudulently stealing from the Cryptocurrency community just take another dimension. On the January 1, 2020, SAFEPAL shook the Cryptocurrency community with a massive airdrop which ended in less than 12 hours of its launch. There were series of well known new projects that hyped the project on their official twitter handle which makes everyone know that SAFEPAL might possibly be one of the biggest of the 2021 crypto projects. Scammers saw this and are currently using it to take cheap advantage of the people's trust in the project. The scammers have created a website purported for fake sales of SPL coin to the unsuspecting public. The fake website is While the Safepal original website is is not conducting any sales at the moment To avoid being a victim of the scammers, ensure you join the Safepal social media community. Twitter:- group:- channel:- to get direct access to their announcements and avoid being scammed of your hard earned funds.
As we have seen in the past, the rise in the price of Bitcoin usually results in the rise in the prices of other major cryptos like ethereum, ripple, litecoin, Bitcoin cash and so on, but the recent rise in the price of Bitcoin turns the other way for Ripple (XRP) as the latest rise in the price of Bitcoin in the last 24 hours has seen the XRP's falling like no prise rise season is on. What could XRP be doing wrong to make its price suffer the falls while it should be rising?
As we all know a huge lots of people lost their trons (trx) to plenty of scam smart contract investments on the tron network. Most of these smart contract addressed then adopted a way of taken funds from the contract addresses through backdoors carefully created. Now that they know people have known about backdoors, they adopt another method by adding the administrative fee of between 10% - 30% of the amount invested. That means when you invest 100 tron on a smart contract investment, the Admin takes and additional fee from your wallet. Be careful with what you invest in and too good to be real investments in order not to lose your funds so cheaply.
As a newbie into cryptocurrency world, I understand up to a certain extent the reason for high or low transaction (gas) fees on mostly used blockchain network which is ethereum. But a thing I find funny is doing a transaction almost at the same time on both tron link wallet and Klever wallet, a gas fee of just 1 tron was charged on tron link while Klever charged about 13 trx for the same amount of transfer at almost the same time. What can possibly be the reason for that?
Putting concentration on your gas fee before confirming your transaction is as required as giving concentration on the certainty of the address you're sending fund to on ethereum blockchain of nowadays.
Ethereum is said to be getting moved into Ethereum 2 and care should be taken to avoid losing one's fund to just transfer of Little sum of funds just like we had it few months ago.