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[ archive ] How many times have registered on the forum, and still, "I am newbie". I'll just shake my head.  Dragonfund is my account, if you check my history on forum before I created the alt, I have never posted anything important to the forum, I have never contributed any meaningful subject to the forum and that's why I created Dragonfund. I don't intend to used it for any farm or account on Bounties. The account is J. Member and I dnt intend to use it to farm in one way or the other. I thought having two account is not a crime but using it to farm is the main crime. I have merits also and each account has never received merit from one another. If that wallet is the main crime, I am leaving the campaign and the proof of registration will be deleted 24 hours. CC lovesmayfamilis YOSHIE I just noticed that I have been tagged with a negative trust for participating in a separate bounty that I never violate the forum by JollyGood It's unfair that this is getting back to me every quarter. The last time, a guy tagged me for multiple accounts which I had to explain myself and after that, he removes it, now again its still coming back by Jollygood.
New trends often give rise to new scams, and with the introduction of Defi, fraudsters have utilized a plethora of tricks to entice people into trapping and stealing their money. NFTs are not new to us, but the desire for them and how valuable they are has lately gained the attention of many media outlets, which, as you know, is always a signal and new employment for fraudsters to start a new method of exploiting the uninformed ones. NFT are one of the most in-demand Defi applications since they are scarce, unique, and because only one entity of them exists, those who value it will pay any amount to acquire it before anybody else. The values that come with them have enticed fraudsters to go to any length to get your money. These are some of the more prevalent methods fraudsters have used to defraud users of their NFT arts. Cloning of NFT markets: Because of the nature of NFT, they cannot be listed on exchanges in the same way that other coins and tokens are, therefore NFT are usually auctioned on prominent NFT marketplaces such as Opensea and Rarible. Some Defi projects make their own marketplace available to their investors and token holder but scammers always find their way out to clone these websites just like the conventional ways hackers do to online banking where they copy every feature of the bank and ask you to input your sensitive information and also credits, these are no way different in NFTs markets too, NFT markets script can be purchase online and they can clone them and make you purchase a fake NFTs in exchange for your ETH and BNB which are the popular networks that support NFTs. Online Telegram support: You should be aware that Opensea does not offer telegram group chat assistance since it is difficult to maintain owing to the numerous impersonators and frauds that occur on the platform on a regular basis. Rarible used to have a Telegram group, however, it was later announced that they had migrated to Discord due to difficulties in controlling fraudsters and the amount of reported scams. If you are dealing with NFTs on those two largest NFT marketplaces, stay away from Telegram, if you have any problems, you may check the online support on their website, but you should also be wary about the website. Don't make complain on open social networks. it's no different from Telegram, except that Telegram has become a haven for fraudsters due to the rise of cryptocurrency. As you can see from their official Twitter handle, you can only get support via their website or Discord, avoid telegram like you avoid a plague.  Regarding the rest of the projects that have their own NFT markets place, you should be aware that most admin will never send you a private message asking for private keys or any other sensitive information. Instead, tailor your problem to the appropriately tagged admin in the official group, and he/she may direct you on how to resolve the issues. NFT giveaways: This never gets old, and I despise anything free. Airdrops were given out during the previous bull run where everyone received free tokens and coins from new projects, but that has changed recently. The only available airdrops you see around are mostly for promotion and for loyal investors, particularly those who stayed with projects during their early stages and those who invested in them. In some projects, the only method to obtain NFT is to hold their token and stake them in exchange, you get randomly picked for this NFTs airdrop. Don't lose your wallet for free stuff that doesn't worth it. Avoid been associated with NFT projects because of Artists and celebrities: Artistes and celebrities, in general, are just regular people like you; this isn't the first time they've taken on new projects for the sake of a few checks, similar situations have occurred in the past, and they were later fined for getting followers invested in new projects, according to some reports from SEC website. This is not an exception, they will sell them to you and return to their way of life in the entertainment industry. Buy NFT from trustworthy organizations and projects that will provide you with security; don't buy items you will later regret; and even if you are following an artiste for NFT, you may make the mistake of purchasing the wrong NFT due to impersonators. Fake Projects: Defi is a new place, and no regulations have been put in place to protect investors, so your chances of being scammed are quite high. Do your study and due diligence before transferring all of your funds in the name of an image that may end up in the hospital, scammers do not deserve your attention.
The development of the lightning network has solved the speed issue with bitcoin transactions, but it is moving its goal to a centralized organization. I'm interested if it's feasible to improve bitcoin transaction throughput while retaining decentralization.
Another issue, the bitcoin upgrade is coming, and I heard that Bitcoin may include a potential smart contract, but it would still make it appear centralized, is there any way for devs to do that while keeping decentralization?
My Bitcointalk adventure and early days were purposely for the packs and incentives, I wouldn't lie or deny, that was the picture that was presented to me, how you come here, do some minute writing and receive some penny but when the expectations get low, we tend to find a smart dumb method to defeat the system, and before we realize it, it always ends in ''don't know it was like that.'' Our methods of orientation are quite different, which is why we make mistakes from time to time but does this matter when there are a set of rules and laws that control a system? There should be no justification for failing and failing to do things the right way.
I was redeemed, I went back and corrected the mistakes and learnt new things, which gained me another level, my joy is overflowing, and I will be forever grateful to everyone who helped me grow. My experience and inexhaustible knowledge gained have improved both within and outside the forum; certainly, the wise one is always given a second chance. Everyone deserves a fair second chance. I congratulate myself on becoming a Full Member.
Special Thanks to YOSHIE lovesmayfamilis DdmrDdmr Ratimov
Plagiarism has been the topic of intense debate since the beginning of this week, and I have chosen an intriguing controversial perspective that we normally disregard as well as myself. I've learned something in and out of this forum, and every other member will agree with me that not everyone will rule for what you say here, there will always be criticism to everything you do in life, and the sooner you accept that the less trouble you'll have and the less entertaining your arguments will be. I came across a topic titled The forum culture is to kill all newbies? When the OP was talking about how higher rank members constantly degrade beginners, and I just had to quote another user for complaining about how Pokapoka124, who has always been one of the tough members, had been hard on him, making a ban appealing. - All you do is tell us that the "newbie" is to blame for the plagiarism and not you.
- All you do is try to outshine us with your "alleged" achievements instead of appealing
I'm not going to go into detail about how he was banned, but I would want to highlight some of the factors that usually led to our bans, which the newbies, like myself, refused to accept. You see, Bitcointalk is a faceless forum, which means you don't know who is behind a particular moniker unless they expose their identity, and the forum's goal was to assist everyone grasps the notion of Bitcoin. It was done with the intention of spreading information and understanding the significance of bitcoin, and as a result, everyone will always have an opinion on everything. So, instead of becoming upset or irritated when someone says anything opposite to what you write, you either respond if you believe you are correct and provide further proof to back up your argument, or you ignore; you must not respond to every critic. This happens all the time, even outside of the forum and in academia, as long as there is a concept and our techniques of processing it aren't the same. You should always embrace them, they're a part of life, and you shouldn't be frightened by anybody. Many people have abandoned the high rank you are so eager to get because they want to live, many have reached it and were banned due to certain mistakes. Anyone can be a beginner if they lack understanding about that subject, so don't be offended if they tag you as one. However, I have also got to realize that not every newbie is truly new, some may open an account and ask a specific question and that's it, you will never see them again in the forum. You shouldn't regard any high-rank members as demi-gods simply because they are there, they all worked hard to get there. I personally don't get irritated by being bullied; you can say whatever you want, knowledge is more important, and you shouldn't feel bad when they correct you, it's part of the process. Even in an academic setting, your teacher will correct you not because he feigns ignorance. We have always focused on how to rank up when we joined the forum, which is not a bad thing, but there are some things we don't take seriously, and that thing you are ignoring today may bring you down, it scares me so much that I hope I don't get involved even by mistake. If you fail to learn these things, you may just wake up one day and realize that your many years journey on the Bitcointalk forum is a wasted effort. The rules that govern Bitcointalk are extensive; I will attempt to emphasize the ones that I feel are essential to me and any newcomer on the forum. Plagiarism: copying and pasting other people's work on this forum is like signing your ticket to hell, plagiarizing is frowned upon. There is some level of plagiarism that is accepted in certain places but zero on Bitcointalk. So, My Friend, the sooner you join this forum, the better for you to accept this. Don't wait until you've accumulated hundreds of merits. Scamming: It's the same as carrying a pistol and standing on the highway, you should never be tempted to loot from others, and don't claim to be someone you're not, it will only take a millisecond to obtain an immediate ban. negative trust. Don't troll anyone, learn how to cohabit: There are some extremely reputable members on this site who, if they suspect you are trolling them, will not hesitate to give you negative feedback. So, while you are on the forum accumulating merits, don't upset anybody since negative feedback may cause you a lot of trouble. In summary, is governed by rules and regulations; this is what has kept things in order, and I believe that when there are rules, one must follow them even if they are unpopular. There is no sin where there is no law, but since this is a lawful community, don't go against them. Here are another lists of the general rules that guide beginners in the forum. Unofficial list of (official) rules, guidelines, FAQ[GUIDE] Plagiarism and how to avoid it[TIPS] to avoid plagiarismRatimov's Forum Guides, Tutorials & Lists
I wasn't an early cryptocurrency investor, but I recall many horrible things during the 2018 bear market, such as how the market was hopeless and how media news here and there were hurting all investors who had all gone into different alts, including those with a real use-case and those with a shady use-case. The big tech companies were all afraid of what bitcoin and altcoins would do to them because they feared losing customers, the media wasn't helping with their negative portrayal of cryptocurrency, it was so difficult to approve an ordinary ETF in the US that was rejected many times, which has now become the norm, and the SEC was never too friendly with cryptocurrency. The rise of Non-fungible tokens and because of the large sums of money involved, the originality of artwork into NFTs has captivated everyone's interest, they call it adoption since they could easily use the corporate influence to produce paintings and auction them at a high price for art lovers, they call that an adoption, isn't that awkward and betraying? This demonstrates that these firms only go where there is free money to be had from their consumers, and I continue to find NFT uninteresting. They are working hard to promote NFT as a trend, but I believe it is overhyped.
There is no way to know your limit height in life if you never attempt, yet there is always a boundary to what an individual is capable of doing in any situation. To enjoy your wealth, you must be physically and emotionally fit, not the other way around. Nobody enjoys his or her money unless they are in good health. It is your primary responsibility as an investor to look after your health; investing in cryptocurrency should never put your life at risk; your investment should always prioritize your health because selling your properties, life savings, and everything into crypto is a foolish thing to do. What happens in a bear market, and then unanticipated health issues arise? How do you deal with this? It's sweet to invest in cryptocurrency because of the enormous return, but you can only enjoy that as a healthy investor; you can't enjoy your Lambo if you're sick.
I was reading through a thread on one particular board, but I couldn't find the link to the thread where the OP stated that no matter how hungry he was, he would not sell his bitcoin. Yes, he may be correct; that is the true power of diamond hands; however, this should not come at the expense of your health. I'm not saying you should sell all your bitcoin and eat healthy food, but I am advising you not to go hungry because it lowers your good health rate.
There are many unusual things we do that are harmful to our health; avoiding these will not only improve your health but will also help you maintain your physical and daily activities. These are the irregularities that we used to overlook in this space.
Not getting enough sleep: After staying all day, staring at your computer screen, trying to determine the next market movement, burning all of your energy chatting the trend with many lines and trying to explore the next thing that will double your portfolio, but failing to get some sleep after the daily routine, you are not only pushing your health to the wall, but you are also slowing down your immune system. Getting adequate sleep sharpens your intellect, boosts your mood, and keeps you calm when making crucial decisions.
Not eating well: This is part is very crucial; food is an important part of life and having a delicious brunch and a balanced diet won't cost you much. You don't want to stay at your table all day sipping coffee; instead, have some nice, high-quality meals after work. You don't want to seem thin like a cancer patient.
Take a stroll and exercise: Some individuals are naturally introverted, so getting out might be difficult for them. However, this should not prevent you from exercising; sitting in one location for an extended period can make your job uninteresting and inefficient.
Don't quit your main work: so you invested some money and made a lot of money in a short amount of time and you chose to quit your job is a stupid decision. You might be lucky in a bull market and gain a lot of money, but the same can be lost in a bear market, leaving you with the option of holding with a loss because you need that job to survive the winter, and winters are always long. Make no steps that will cause you to second-guess yourself.
Stay healthy and keep learning.
It has become a norm that new projects now used proof of stake or the common phrase "stake" to deceive token holders who do not understand the distinction between proof of stake (POS) and token locking mechanisms. Proof of stake is simply a consensus technique used by nodes to confirm transactions and protect the network from attacks, and they get a reward based on the quantity of that coin they hold. To be a node, you really need a number of coins to be allocated to the network before you can be one, which is why you can either be a node or simply delegate your coins to a node and simply get a reward, but you may be forced to pay a fee by staking with a node for maintenance cost. Locking of tokens on the other hand is just what the team used as a tool to reduce the number of coins or tokens in circulation. When the demand for tokens is low and there appears to be a lot of pressure on token sales on the market, they have no choice but to design a smart contract that locks tokens based on the duration token holders desire to lock their tokens. I've seen 14 days, 30 days, 120 days, 180 days, and annually as the most prevalent. The Annual percentage yield (APY) differs depending on your duration, the APY increases as the lock duration increases. However, there are things they wouldn't tell you about locking of tokens and this is where things usually get ugly for unaware token holders. - Once your token is staked, you wouldn't get access to them until the locked period is over, and when the market is dumping, you can't do anything either.
- Don't get carried away by the huge APY, that 3000% depends on the total amount of token lock. So as soon you see high APY, they get slash down as soon as everyone locked their tokens and you may end up with an APY of 20% and in any case 0f market dump, that's the beginning of your nemesis, so don't be greedy.
- You should also know that locking tokens on some networks doesn't worth it especially Ethereum network, you may end up spending more than what you locked because the fee is so high, so stay safe and be vigilant.
Sequel to this thread Share your costly lesson about cryptocurrency.. I saw a post on the bitcoin subreddit with the title Good bye Bitcoin savings gone for good with over 2k comments, and the title piqued my interest, so I had no choice but to read the contents, and I couldn't agree more with COOLCRYPTOVATOR that we lose something to learn something, but there are some things that can never be fixed even after learning some lesson. When I was about to open this thread, the contents had already been deleted for reasons best known to the OP, but I was able to obtain some quotations from a blog that had published it before it was removed. Bitcoin works as an investment vehicle in a variety of ways for different people; some like to hold, while others love to trade, and some gamblers choose futures since that is what works for them; but, if you choose to do it all, that may mark the journey of your portfolio collapse. You can't do all in cryptocurrency, this is why the majority of investors choose to hold. Except for theft and hacking of a wallet, which may be due to the holder's negligence, I have never seen or heard of anyone who has kept bitcoin for a long period of time with losses. What exactly happens to this guy? He and his wife worked tirelessly to get bitcoin, but his carelessness put an end to their dreams. He assumed he could be everything and outsmart the market but it doesn't work that way practically. when it comes to Bitcoin or perhaps crypto in general, it's very broad and it fit in everyone who wishes to be revolutionised by decentralised finances but overdoing it wouldn't help you in the long run because jack of all trades is usually a dead end. He has a pitiful story, and it goes like this: During the last years, me and my wife have put in Bitcoins everything we had and slowly managed to reach 1.7 BTC, our entire life savings, 10 years of grinding and accepting odd jobs trying to save every dollar possible and buying every BTC amount we could,” the Redditor wrote.
When BTC began to rise from “$30k to $40k,” he started to watch YouTube videos to explain how to “earn more,” “trade futures,” and “leverage.”
“In [a] matter of hours my YouTube feed was completely flooded by videos of Michael Saylor, one of the world['s] top CEOs betting hard on BTC by doubling and tripling down his BTC holdings and claiming it would easily go to a million each BTC, I was HOOKED,”
Wanting to be a “hero” for his wife, he made the decision (despite not knowing what he was doing) to bet on future trades, which resulted in him managing to turn “1.7 BTCs into 2.1 BTCs.”
“I have put all ours 2.1 BTCs on a leveraged future for BTC going to $100k, and I was already envisioning the 21 BTCs (worth about $1m) in profit. I saw this as a gateway to exit our mediocre life,” the Redditor said.
But, it didn’t work in his favor.
“ BTC went from touching $50k down to $47k, and our whole life savings have been wiped out,” he wrote.
The Redditor also noted that he hasn’t mentioned the situation to his wife and is “simply devastated” as the money was supposed to help them in the future.
He concluded his post by offering advice to people on how not to fall into the “marketing traps.”
“Just HODL [hold on for dear life], BTC is the best thing ever happened to humanity, just HODL and don’t risk your beloved BTCs like I did.” Source: Life savingThe final paragraph is crucial; bitcoin has been the best investment so far; it is great to have it and keep it secure, rather than allowing it to be consumed by greed of doubling the investment. Protect yourself from inflation, that amount would have been a stepping stone in their lives.
I just saw a thread created by Royse777 on how and why is not paying the bounty hunters.I also recall some weeks ago when Billycoiner was making some warning how the whole campaign may end up but many were quick to judge him. Campaign link - campaign management is serious business on this forum. By managing a campaign the manager is effectively putting his name & reputation on the line. What do you think about this junk? I mean come on, DOGE PORN? We all like earning money but there has to be some kind of limit to how desperate you can be. I’m sorry but this guy Royse777, where is your self respect. This shit coin is likely a scam, pump & dump ponzi vehicle. I have to admit that no one is flawless in any profession, regardless of skill, experience, or years invested. I'm not taking sides; I'm only saying that anyone, regardless of their position, might be wrong.
Table of Contents
Introduction QR code is an abbreviation for Quick Response code, as the title implies. You may be wondering how these dispersed pixelated black and white images with three square lines included your bitcoin wallet address and your camera managed to scan, analyze, and identify the address without losing any character or embedded information in it. As small as it may appear, a QR code can store approximately 4000 characters and is easily detectable by a Laser camera and smartphone camera, which explains its widespread use in point of sales, in industries to track bill of materials, tracking of goods and products to consumers, in electronics to track parts details and other products without opening the package, stock control in warehouses and health care units. Its simplicity has boosted its demand since it can quickly convey information and promote Brands to share a specific URL, to send a greeting text, request for a fixed amount of payment, share a video link, email and Wi-Fi without publicly displaying passwords. Quick response code is a piece of the internet that is explored not only by tech companies, but it has also become a component of bitcoin wallets and other coins that are used across all centralized exchanges to make it easier and faster to send and receive payments between two or more people. You can receive a personalized amount from everyone that wants to send you money if you check your wallet. The use of QR codes is very organized and suitable for anyone to use, but caution must be taken because you risk revealing your personal information such as monitoring your location, infecting your device with malicious URLs that may affect your device, and making your calendar and Google sensitive information available to hackers and criminals. There has not been a growth of reported cases of abuse and attack using QR code but since crypto space hasn't been regulated, there has been some reported theft by Baofeng how Fake Bitcoin QR Code Generators were stealing bitcoin from users and the amount they managed to steal from users who wanted to customize receiving wallet address to their either clients or customers. This guide will fundamentally show you what it entails, the building block, architecture of QR code and how it stores information and the risk associating with QR code and generator.
Quick Response Architecture What exactly is a QR code and why the popular use? QR code is an upgraded unique 2-Dimensional type of Barcodes that hold more data than any other accessible Barcode and is quickly recognized by the camera, hence the term quick response, with the three squares functioning as the finder pattern that easily notifies the camera about the code orientation. Unlike 1-dimensional barcodes that hold very limited information in different widths of line and space and translate them into numbers of code that can be easily read by lasers, quick response codes on the other hand can hold up to 7089 digits or 4296 characters in a single picture.QR codes come in a variety of configurations, each with a different number of modules or distinct arrangements that indicate the maximum number of Alphanumeric characters that it can carry; these modules are the black and white squares that form the QR code. There are currently around 40 different types of QR codes. For example, version 1 QR codes have a module of 21x21 with a maximum capacity of 22 characters, version 2 QR codes have a module of 25x25 with a maximum capacity of 22 characters, and version 40 QR codes have a module of 177x177 with a maximum capacity of 4296 characters. The module for each version increase with a corresponding increase in the capacity of information every version can hold.The table below indicates the input, possible characters and maximum characters version 40 QR code can store in an image. The input includes Numeric, Alphanumeric, Binary and Adopted Chinese character that is used by Japanese. Input | Maximum characters | Possible characters
| _______________ | ______________________ | ____________________________________________ | Numeric | 7,089 | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 | Alphanumeric | 4,296 | 0–9, A–Z (upper-case only), space, $, %, *, +, -, ., /, : | Binary | 2,953 | ISO 8859-1 Characters | Kanji/kana | 1,817 | Shift JIS / X 0208 Characters | Source: Stackoverflow
The purpose on Bitcoin, Altcoins and exchange wallet From the beginning of your crypto journey, you will have comes across a QR code on your personal wallet or exchange wallet that comes with an address. This wallet has a distinctive code, contains your wallet alphanumeric characters and they come with either a private key or a public key, but not in all situations unless they are built-in and designed to work that way. The main purpose of this QR code is to assist you in sending your wallet address to anyone who may want to send you coins or transact with you. Since wallets addresses are long characters that are difficult to remember and can be interchanged when trying to call them to anyone, this is where QR code comes into play and which can be easily scanned and detect by anyone. Some non-custodial wallets may enable you to choose the amount of money you wish to receive from anyone, however, you should avoid QR generators since they are unsafe to use because after your wallet code is generated, there is no way to know if it includes your wallet unless when you scan it.QR codes aren't only for wallets; some exchanges have a way of presenting products to their costumers in their own style. For example, an exchange may use the QR codes to guide its users to where they may download a wallet or app exchange in order to avoid being scammed by fraudsters, and it may also be used to show a URL code that contains a link to their Telegram groups and channels.
Error correction Have you ever wondered why an image is usually placed in the center of a QR code, or why your camera was able to scan a damaged QR code despite some missing parts and provide the necessary information? This is due to the fact that they contain built-in error correction; each version of QR code includes a percentage of correction, allowing one to scan despite missing data without compromising anything. It can replace any missing data on any section of the code up to a particular degree. This is why certain exchanges usually put their logo in every QR code when they want to transmit information to their users, as well as in the case of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies generators. This provided image can always be replaced and adjusted depending on wideness. The larger the damaged part, the bigger level of correction data to be fix and the smaller the damaged part, the less amount of missing data to be replaced. It provides correction levels settings of low, medium, quartile, and high, allowing your camera to always read your fancy codes. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Error correcting level | | | Amount restorable | | | | | Low (L) | | | 7% | | | | | Medium (M) | | | 15% | | | | | Quartile (Q) | | | 25% | | | | | High (H) | | | 30% | | | Source: QR code
Safe way of Using QR code
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, we must exercise extreme caution in how we engage, especially when utilizing third-party websites whose services we may be skeptical about. There are numerous generators that give QR code service for quick data entering, but the question is if they are safe to use and whether your input will become your output. Many cases of QR code fraud have been reported on the scam board. When you want to use a QR code but your wallet doesn't have one, go to Blockchain and search for your wallet; it will reveal all transactions sent and received, as well as the total balance and QR code on the side; you can simply take a screenshot and share it with whomever you want to send money. By entering your private key into any generator, you are placing your wallet security and finances at risk, especially if they are phishing kinds.
Reference1. QR code type2. qr-codes-basics3. Characters in QR code4. QR code about5. QR code - Everything you need to know6. Basic of Barcodes7. QR code history8. Bitcoin QR Code Generator9. {Warning}: Fake Bitcoin QR Code Generators
Disclaimer: Persistence is turned off by default. make sure you write down your seed or activate persistence to keep your seed on Tailsos.This tutorial is only for Windows users, although similar steps can be followed by Mac users who want to create a bitcoin storage wallet on TailsOs using a USB flash drive and the Electrum integrated wallet. I'll make a table of contents for easy learning and for those who want to skip forward some steps.
Table of Contents
Introduction Bitcoin is both store value and money. Its very essential protect your money from anyone who may in one way or the other bring harm to your Bitcoin investment. The best way to protect your bitcoin is to hold them in your wallet where only you can have access anytime and anywhere without any form of restriction. However, bitcoin wallet vary, there is two type of bitcoin wallet, the cold wallet and hot wallet. The hot wallet is basically connected to the internet while the cold wallet is never connected to the internet until it is ready to be spent. The hot wallet is mostly used by individuals who conduct transactions and spend money from their wallet on a regular basis, whereas the cold wallet is used by long-term investors to secure their investment. Cold wallets offer an advantage over hot wallets in that they are never linked to the internet, thus your chances of being hacked are extremely minimal. Cold wallets protect you from hacks like as malware and keyloggers, which can capture and send your personal information to another user. While a hot wallet may be downloaded from any reliable website, a cold wallet is made by several respectable firms who provide comparable wallets but charge different prices. This is the main objective of this tutorial. We are going to create a bitcoin cold storage wallet for free that is both offline and secure.
REQUIRE SOFTWARE Basically, in this tutorial, we are making a cold storage bitcoin wallet, and in order to do so, we will need some new software program, which I will go over in more depth for optimum security since software installation is required with a quick explanation.1. TailsOS: Tails is an open source operating system that offers its users with utmost security by leveraging the Tor network to avoid censorship and allow you to browse the internet without anybody observing your actions. It is free and can be verified by anybody, with a unique interface that deletes all traces on your computer after you have finished using them and does not retain information on your hard disk. Tails is a simple and complex program in that all actions performed on it are broadcasted to the Tor network, which subsequently encrypts and anonymizes your connection by broadcasting your data across multiple servers. These servers are managed privately by individuals from different locations. Tails has an inbuilt programs/applications which we will be using later after verification and installation in our computer.2. balenaEtcher: This is an open Source system software that enable one to free burn image( operating system) into computer without any form of interruption. It is safe, very fast and works on any USB flash with quick validation to ensure there is well package image before installation. 3. Quickhash: Its a hashing tool used for confirming the originality of a file. Its often used to test how valid a file is and if they have not be clone in one way or the other. After hashing the file, it simply tells you how secure it is on your device before installation on your device.
DOWNLOAD AND INSTALLATION STEP 1. We need a TailsOS which we are going to download from the Tails OS official website, it's up to 1.22gb and should take up to 30 minute depending on your network speed and note that, you are downloading Tails for USB stick. STEP 2. Download balenEtcher from the official website, the page should look exactly as the image below

After successful download, kindly install and then proceed to next step.STEP 3. Download Quickhash from the official website, select and download quickhash for window version. After a successful download, the downloaded file should come in zip format, extract the file and open Quickhash GUI application.

You should have something like this on your interface at end of the day.

In other to hash the TailsOS, you need to know the indicated numbers on the image above. 1. Indicate that we are selecting a file. 2. Indicate the Secure hash algorithm. In our case, we will be using SHA256. 3. File image been hash 4.Computed hash from the file image. 5.Expected hash i.e hash from the website
STEP 4. In this step, we will be testing the originality and authenticity of the file by hashing with quickhash and validate the hashed with the official website. We want to know if this file is actually official TailsOS from the official website. Open quickhash and and select the downloaded image file from your computer, you will have should have something below as soon as the hashing is complete.

We need to compare the hash result from quickhash and the one from the website for originality. To do so, simply go to TailsOS Json to copy the SHA256 hash. The hash get updated every time a new update is added to the TailOS. It's possible by the time you are viewing this, a new version of TailsOS should be out and SHA256 value may be different with the image below. While i was testing TailsOS, I already copied my SHA256 which may also vary from yours but everything remain the same. Kindly copy and paste it in the expected hash (5) in Quickhash.

You should have something similar to the image below with a popup notification that says Expected hash MATCHES the computed file hash!
This shows that our image file is safe and ready to be burn(etch) into our USB flash.

STEP 5. Insert USB flash into your computer, Open balenEther and locate your downloaded TailsOS and burn it in your USB flash. By default, balenEtcher will automatically detect your inserted flash but its good to manually check for confirmation.

You should have a successful result after etching the image file as the image below.

STEP 6. Now that we are finally done with hashing and Etching, our file should be ready for our computer. Boot the TailsOS image into the computer with the following steps:
-NB: Make sure that your computer is disconnected from internet. -Shutdown your computer and make sure the USB is plugin. - Turn on your computer. - press and hold the ESC or F12 depending on your computer. - When the boot menu appears, select select F9 and choose TailsOS USB drive. - Your computer will now boot into TailsOS.

Select English as default, click Next and proceed with installation.

It's time to launch your Electrum wallet, navigate to the application menu. select Internet and open Electrum Bitcoin wallet.

By default, Persistence will be disabled from your electrum wallet. This feature is great and it better remain disable because we don't want to save anything our computer for privacy.

Create a name to your wallet and click next. you may choose to live it as default_wallet.

The next step has a cool feature for users who wish to create a multi-signature cold wallet. This is why Electrum wallet is mostly used by Bitcoin holders, it has other great features. Select standard wallet, choose seed type as Segwit because you may want to save transaction fee when making transactions, and click Next.

This is where you are going to need a pen and a paper to put down your seed phrase. write down your generated seed on paper and safekeep it in a place where you can have access to anytime. copy the seed, create and confirm password for your wallet.

Then, finally you have successfully make a cold storage Bitcoin wallet that is free from internet, it's safe and ready to be use anytime. It's has not been connected to the internet and from the image below, we have achieved our primary goal, to create a bitcoin cold storage wallet for free that is both offline and secure.

The arrow in the image above should indicate Not connected. That's the only way your wallet is safe.
Significance of finding 1. We were successful in verifying, authenticating, and burning TailsOS. 2. We were also able to create a free and secure offline cold bitcoin wallet that is not connected to a computer. 3. Anyone can further explore TailsOS other apps such as Tor Browser to access website with full privacy and anonymity.
One of the popular Dapps for connecting web3 platform is having a clone similar web which is very difficult to notice at first glance. Original Website: Website: in letters: CPlease be careful, don't interact with the second Dapps. They get access to your private key as soon as you grant the web with your wallet. The first picture is the original website and the second is the fake website. learn to bookmark your favourite web and avoid clicking links to phishing and malware website. Original Website  Fake website  Original Website with a strict warning: Don't give your private key to anyone.  The fake website is not showing any warning 
Bitcoin as a pioneer and lime-light instrument of digital currency has been branched into centralised finance and decentralised financed. There has been a lot of emphasis and growth in the latter finance sector, and there are a lot of opportunities. This guide clearly explains the cryptocurrency prospects that are yet to be realized. TABLE OF CONTENT1. INTRODUCTION 2. OPPORTUNITIES IN A NEW WORKING ENVIROMENT3. CAREERS IN DECENTRALISED FINANCE
INTRODUCTION There's an intriguing form of finance structure and assets value management in a decentralised environment that has captured the attention of the global financial atmosphere. The total value assets locked in decentralised finance is approximately over 40billion which is expected to exponentially increase over time according to some influential and financial experts. The financial unconstrained in Defi such as freedom of assets transfer accompanied by pseudo-anonymity and interaction with codes of law/protocol was the main transition of finance from a traditional form to a decentralised form that has further caused FOMO and emotional agitation in crypto space. The ability of people to interact with the system without a middle man has exploded Defi space from lending, borrowing, swapping in decentralised exchanges, ability to provide liquidity, farming and staking, initial decentralised offering popularly known as IDO and overall new frenzies, non-fungible tokens of art inscribed with codes. NFT as a fundamental feature of decentralised finance has scored an immense inflow of money to Defi since the beginning of the year 2021 with the last two significant sales that happen in March. Jack Dorsey recently sold his first tweet for $2.9 million which was all donated to charity and the last straw that break the camel toe was a Beeple as a piece of artwork that was sold for $69 million. This begs the question of where Defi is headed and what is the future of Defi to a layman out there. OPPORTUNITIES IN A NEW WORKING ENVIROMENT A new system often creates an opportunity especially when there's an increase in demand for that product growing at a rapid rate as more and more people connect to the system. As the system expands over time, so do demand for services also increase. Over the last few months, crypto enthusiast and professionals have benefited from the new trend, when a new trend emerges, different services and experts are always hired by Tech companies to deliver the best solution to their client and investors, they always have to search for the best man for the suitable for the job. It's always easier to upgrade a line of the field to close related ones due to experience assemble during the main job, a similar approach has been tapped by many in Defi space which have been a source of income for the majority in decentralised finance. Every new environment is always balanced by skilled and significant experts, it's your responsibility to learn and improve your knowledge and harness that energy into positivity. CAREERS IN DECENTRALISED FINANCE 1. Community Manager and Social media handler: Telegram groups has always been one of the popular platforms where crypto enthusiast and investors with common interest across the world virtually meet and Twitter for updating and dissemination of information to investors. The team always hire experience individuals who can manage these platforms to properly communicate and reply to anywho who desire information about their project. The payment is mostly open to negotiation as you either get paid in btc or stable coin. I know of a person that manages 4 telegrams groups for different solid projects and his earning big. 2. Regional Ambassadors: Cryptocurrency is complex in nature; no one can better describe an idea than someone who can quickly interpret and provide feedback in their native tongue. There are occasions where a team may need someone to organize meetups in specific cities, regions, or nation. Hiring representatives for a project or team, there are some criteria and requirements that must be considered. 3. Advisors: The team is not complete without an advisor. The Project idea may be solid and fundamentally strong to convince the audience to invest in the project. However, the impact of advisors aren't always ignored by new projects and team. There is always room for improvement and someone who experienced the field that can guide them on how to properly channel the project to the right audience at the right time. A career as an advisor can be very rewarding thanks to the team's allocation of tokens or coins, but it can also be very difficult because the project's progress is based on the advisor's decisions. 4. Smart contract Expert Reviewer: Hijack of funds and smart contract exploitation are not new concepts in the defi space. Bugged smart contracts are often used by hackers and developers who are tech-savvy in order to steal funds that are safely held by the team. Since written contracts are written by humans, they are vulnerable to errors, so they are often reviewed by developers and experts. As a developer, you are compensated for formally testing these codes, which have proven to be beneficial to certain registered businesses. 5. Graphic Designer: When investors may envision their thoughts with diagrams and details layouts that provide pictures, they are quickly convinced. As a graphics maker, there are already some untapped interesting design opportunities that could pique the interest of some projects; you might be invited to join the team if your designs and graphics methods pique their interest. Web designer/ developer. 6. Buggy Hunter: Bug as the name implies. Some Dapps popularly know as decentralised applications require data input and output with a rigorous test in the alpha and beta phase before successfully allow for public used, this is to ensure they are not vulnerable to mistakes and exploits. There are chances you may get slots and whitelisted for testing these decentralised softwares and applications. 7. Content Creation: People need a passionate individual who can produce high-quality content. If you're good at making content, you'll always be able to make money, particularly if your channels are successful on platforms like YouTube, Yahoo Finance, Medium, and Bloomberg. If you have many number of subscribers, upcoming projects can reach out to you for paid promotion such as motion videos and infographics, as well as audience awareness. Other Popularly Known careers1. Be a Trader, begin your journey from here. 2. Be a Buy and hoDL person/Investor, there are plenty of post and threads here.
Forewarned is forearmed!
 One of the most common Telegram channels, Airdrop6, has been hacked for several days. They've had hold of the channel for days, and I've seen a series of odd posts that ask users to send ETH and receive double in 24 hours. It's PIN on the channel : AIRDROP6 WITH OVER 400,000 SUBSCRIBERS The legitimate owner of the channel made announcements by one of the Bots they used to perform airdrops, but the scammer didn't give up and kept repeating the same post over and over about how legit the scam scheme was and how good his withdrawal was. I'm not sure how many airdrop participants there are on this channel, but it has over 439,700 users in total. Nevertheless, it's better late than never. Due to nature of newbies with airdrops, I want you to stay vigilant with how you hunt for airdrops. Any legit platform can get compromised and illegal activities can take place, it's your sole responsibility to stay away from them, don't send any coins or token to anyone. Nothing is free. Name of Channel: @airdrop6channel website: ethereumgift.orgHere are some screenshots from the web give away page.  I check the wallet on etherscan and it seems no transaction has occur or perhaps they are making random wallet daily, I will update the page if there's change pf wallet or an y information regarding the scammers. 
Investors, traders and crypto enthusiasts have expanded the use of Metamask over the years as it has this special ability that helps them to quickly edit and change the sending of transactions to another user. Most of the time when you submit unrecognized Erc-20 tokens to an Ethereum Wallet, there is this general difficulty that we encountered. The only conventional approach is to request and manually connect the smart contract to the wallet. I recently discovered a faster and more secure way to connect a smart contract to any Metamask Wallet. I don't know how recent this feature has been integrated on Coingecko, but I know it's one of the best ways to connect a smart contract to a wallet. In this guide, i will be using Chainlink as example. Head over to Coingecko and search for any of your favourite ERC-20 token, you will find something similar to the image below  Hover your cursor to the logo of the marked metamask and the Add to Metamask pop-up will display. Simply click on the logo and proceed to the next image below where a permission will be required to add the Token to your wallet.  Kindly allow Add suggested Token and add the Token to the Wallet.  Then finally, the token has been successfully added into your wallet without going much stress of copying any smart contract from any one. In addition, this works the same way for Metamask for phones . Metamask should be carefully use on phones while they are currently in beta mode, and may be vulnerable to bug and errors.
DISCCLAIMER: This thread is for guidance and learning from mistakes, it's no way intended to promote or tarnish other exchange service and their products. For privacy, I hid the fiat currency to protect my identity since it's a centralised platform ( Exchange )
It's said that if you don't learn from others, you will learn from your self. Information and Knowledge is a powerful tool if one utilise it in the right direction and wish I can travel back to past just like Flash Movie or turn back the hands of time so I can amend/erase the mistakes I had done in the past. Been in crypto space comes with a price which comprises trend, zero ignorance and guidance. Once a mistake is done, it cannot be undone. same goes with a transaction in a blockchain that can't be reversed once you press SEND to a wrong wallet address and also buying and selling of coin/tokens. There are some heated arguments if one needed deep knowledge about cryptocurrency before venturing into trading or investing into a project as a holder but the truth is, to excel in this industry, one requires some basic understanding of trading and guide to exchange your coins for liquid especially when you hold long term. Holding a bitcoin worth $30k just to pay an enormous fee for fiat platform is a pure scam which must be highly discouraged, the tax they pay to the government isn't up to what they collect from users. It was a new year and I decided to go through my transaction history to see how I have exchanged some of my holdings for fiat and it was so embarrassing to see that I have to pay an exorbitant fee in a centralised exchange just to get my money into local banks. it's so frightening that most of these exchanges are clamouring for decentralised system and making transactions with a low fee but they are is absolutely nothing different from Banks. My ignorance for the maker and taker fee has cost me much and I want others to learn from my mistakes. I will be sharing some images I took from my wallet and how I paid a large fee for just to get a fiat. Two transaction i made in 2019, there are many more and it sadden me anytime i look into the transaction history. i blur the fiat amount i bought and sold these coins in other to hide my identity. From the screenshot below, one can easily see the amount paid to this exchange to get fiat 
Another screenshot of two transaction i made in 2020,there are other more. Poor me   Avoid luno exchange at all cost, you wouldn't know the importance of these maker and taker features until you are involve with a large amount. I lost almost 1.32 ETH to LUNO exchange for buying and selling in 2019 alone, that's insane and and stealing. It took me a while before I was able to transfer my fund to Binance exchange since they support my country and fiat withdrawal. It's not the best because they are centralised exchange and not your keys, not your fund they provide easy service when it comes to depositing and withdrawal into your local banks with just a token fee. Don't give your ROI to these platforms just to get your funds in an out of exchanges. Don't be like me because my early days were so rough and i regret it. Here are some interesting topic to get you started.[1] Bitcoin Support and Resistance for dummies[2] What is the biggest issue for beginners ? THe answers from experience users and high rank members are interesting [3] Beginner's Guide to Transaction Fees[4] [BIG LIST] Analytical Crypto Services & Tools[5] [Tutorial] Crypto taxes for beginners Happy new year to everyone.
I was navigating through beginners board and I came across two wonderful topics on Price increase = scam increase - BE CAREFUL, friends and [Tutorial]: How to search for Scam Giveaways in Youtube. They are an eye-opening with amazing scam exposure but they aren't really details, there are some hidden scams you will find in every YouTube crypto channels. Have you ever wonder why you keep seeing a specific Google ad on your phone Apps, browser and other useful software on your system? That's because Google tailored ads based on your search history and other activities you do on your gadgets, you can't do without ads on your phones, you just have followed and allowed the Skip button to pop up and continue with your work. There is this popular scam and annoying ads that always pop on YouTube videos, they come with different images of influencers. These scammers tweak thumbnail images of influencers such as Vitalik Buterin, Changpeng Zhao, Elon Musk, Justin Sun and other high profile investors and business personnel to asked people for funds, giveaway such as send 1 Bitcoin to receive 2 Bitcoin, 1 Eth to receive to 2 Eth. These are obvious scams, nothing is free on the internet and please, don't fall victim. We are bonded by one body which is a decentralized ecosystem, when you come across these ads on YouTube, please tap on the ADS as I have indicated on the image, it will take you not less than 30 seconds to save BEGINNERS and what cryptocurrency stands for. Please report these ads and save everyone.  SOME ONPOPULAR SCAM IN COMMENT SECTIONS When scanning through comments on this channels, I'm very certain that one will come across these set of scammers impersonating the owner of these channels since most of them are good at predicting this market, giving fundamental and technical insight and making good reviews to their members. They have a good reputation and trust from their community but scammers used this influence to lure others into some shady deal and cheap offers. I will be using two popular crypto channels as an example: (A) The Moon: This is one of the most followed and subscribed YouTube channel with lots of views daily, his contents are topnotch and well delivered, predictions aren't 100% accurate but always similar in movement to market. The videos always covered both fundamentals and technical analysis, his love for Btc made him gain lots of followers on YouTube and Twitter but sadly, Scammers always find a way to use their merit to create similar names for scams. From the image below, you can see comment under one of his videos asking users to pm him on WhatsApp for investment, they sometimes ask you to meet in Telegram. Owners of these channels cannot monitor over thousands of comments alone, the two images are clear and different, please report and save beginners.  (B) Cryptojack: This is another big YouTube influencer and fundamentalist who believe in crypto adoption, his videos are inspiring and motivating. The crypto space isn't regulated, one needs to be extra careful with advice especially when they aren't physical. The image below indicates the difference between the real crypto owner and another fake user making a useless comment. You can see that his profile was created just a month ago but his comments got likes that can easily convince Noobs to contact them. They are fake likes, please tap on the comment and report them so save beginners.  Don't fall for likes on YouTube comments. Please report them to Google because they violate Google terms. One should also Note that YouTube is not a place for financial advice
I was going through this thread on how trustworthy Trust wallet is since they are created and managed from binance lab. I have been using the App since 2018 and I haven't experienced any difficulty or bridge of security. So, I decided to check on others reviews and their satisfaction, behold I saw another clone trust wallet on Google play store. They have the same features but different name. It's name TRAST WALLETI ignored the app and checked on the main Trust wallet reviews and i confirmed everyone was satisfied with Trust wallet service. I went back to checked on other clone wallet, the reviews were warnings not to download the app. Apparently, 2days ago, a user reported to have lost $20k to scammer after using a fraudulent mobile application claiming to be the Uniswap exchange. Out of curiosity, I checked this Trast wallet on play store, the reviews were deleted.  When downloading an App, check out the number of downloads and reviews from Google play store, use the link recommended from official website before download to avoid security bridge and lost of funds. From the image below, one can see the difference and its clear Please stay safe. 
Disclaimer: This information is subjective to the individual, the experience as a bounty hunter depends on how lucky you are and the project you are/were privilege to promote. This is no way to encourage others to participate in bounty, the forum is a place of discussion and learning not earning. It's just an added advantage for making the forum lively and creating meaningful post
INTRODUCTION You must have found yourself on Bitcointalk faceless forum either through a friend, Google search, freelancing idea, or Bounty hunting. One of the most exciting activities on this great forum is Bounty, where you get paid for your service, effort, commitment, and time, These forms of service and promotion are usually on the [service board] and [Bounty ( Altcoins ) board]. On the service board, most of the Bounties are very limited in payment and saturated with large participants as payments are usually offered /paid in Bitcoin and other valuable alternative coins, the Altcoins Bounties are the dominated ones on Bitcointalk. Altcoins Bounties are always full of promises, where projects can offer you a fixed amount of tokens in thousands of USD distributed in different campaigns such as Signature, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram, and content creation. The beginning is always the best part where everyone joined in excitement with proof of registration and booking positions on the spreadsheet but the stories always change towards the end of the campaign/promotion. Bounty is very tedious work as they require some of your time, one needs to study the project, download a whitepaper, personal research before a promotion but the time waste doesn't worth the effort. Your pay will disappoint you at the end of the day especially when you promote and depend on just a single project. CHALLENGES- Bitcointalk Bounty is different from other freelancing networks. It's not a get quick rich promotion. Don't rejoice when these projects promise for a share of $500,000 for videos and articles content, you will end up with disappointment or get paid a penny for hard work.
- The Altcoins may not be listed on exchanges, the project you are working for may not get listed on exchanges, this happens when they failed to meet crowdfunding targets or hard cap. ICOs are dead(literally), IEO fading away with time. Only sound projects scale through this when they are connected with large exchanges such as Binance, Okex, and other reputable exchanges.
- Successful projects may ignore your payment at the end of the campaign and there is absolutely nothing that will happen, especially when payments are not escrowed by the Bounty manager. The little you can do is to be patient pending when they have a change of mind.
- Some projects require transaction fees from individuals for distribution of token when the network becomes congested with loads of transactions leading to high fees. It's ridiculous to demand a transaction fee of $20 for a penny token of $30. It doesn't worth it.
- Compulsory verification of accounts that participated in the bounty to filter double accounts, this is always done using KYC( know your customer ) for identifying each member. The difficulty with this challenge is your verification may be rejected or inability to provide the requested document.
How to improve your earnings and increases the chances of not getting scam by Altcoins Bounty.- Never participate, there other ways you can earn on the forum service board for a fixed price or payout in BTC.
- Do your research, participate in all Bounties if you have the time, few may worth your effort and time in the end.
- Increase your ranking on the forum, this will increase your chance of participating in the signature campaign.
- Avoid Bounties that aren't escrowed by the campaign manager.
- Join the Videos and Articles campaign, there is a high chance of getting more earnings through content creation with fewer members.
- You can approach other projects as a bounty manager ( this comes with other challenges, be careful).
Miscellaneous - Avoid the use of Two accounts ( alternative accounts) on bounties otherwise stated by the BM( Bounty manager).
- When Ban, don't create another account. This thread is [there] for you, they will catch you and your account may receive a red flag and negative trust or permanent ban. Check the rules before you engage in Bounty.
- Don't use two addresses to cheat on any Bounty, it may result to ban of accounts.
- The rules are there for transparency, follow them. Good luck.