Hello all. I've decided to give Bitcoin a try. As a test, I want to see if I can make $1 USD from selling a picture. According to
this, 500 Bitcoins should roughly be a dollar (after PayPal fees), right?
If I understand this correctly, I should be told the Bitcoin Address of anyone who Sends me Bitcoins, right? And you have the ability to attach messages to the Send? If so, then I guess I could Send 0 Bitcoins in return, with a message containing a download link for the full image. Is this how things are supposed to work, or am I mistaken? To get the picture, please send the coins to me and then send a Private Message stating the time you sent them. I will reply to your Private Message with a link to the picture.
The image I'm selling is my own creation, with a resolution of 1280x960 - great for a desktop background. Here's a low-quality preview:
Anyway, it's been a pleasure to meet you all. My Address is 1BHtsCnpmTvpgJEP7eMKEVhpJFunxSM8vq. If this generates any interest, I could offer some more of my pictures...