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1  Bitcoin / Armory / Question about a checksum error message on: August 22, 2017, 05:11:07 AM
Downloading v0.96.1 to a new computer.  Taking the time to checksum.  Following the Verify Download video tutorial on, I have an issue.  The issue I have starts at 3:16 in the tutorial.  When I copy the whole PGP message to verify against the 0x98832223 certificate, I use the clipboard drop down and click Decrypt/Verify.  I get an "... unknown certificate..." and "The signature is invalid: No public certificate to verify the signature" message in the yellow box that opens up.

What would cause this?  I can verify that the win64 hashes match but I cannot figure out why I am getting the error message above.
2  Bitcoin / Armory / I have a stuck transaction and tx broadcast timed out errors on: March 22, 2017, 02:31:02 PM
Using version 0.95.1

Transactions have worked fine so far. Yesterday I sent some bitcoins and did not get a "fee too low" window so I wasn't thinking about the fee.  I never use this storage wallet.  My coins usually come from an exchange. As of this post, a little over 16 hours have passed and the transaction is still not confirmed.  I have tried to send a new transaction but now I keep getting a "tx broadcast timed out" window. I have tried different amounts of fees, as high as the most I've paid for sending a larger transaction but still the same error.

I have tried the "Clear Unconfirmed TX" option under the Help menu but it has done nothing for the transaction.  Is the unconfirmed transaction holding my other coins ransom?

dcc48bf25ef40e35e53592a6e2d07dac648697261b6324c58634b1d8c281de09 - The amount was for .418717
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