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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Airdrop (TRX + XXP + Wynn) by Wynn Games & XX Platform on: September 09, 2021, 09:31:20 AM
🔥 Airdrop by Wynn Games & XX Platform 🔥

How to Participate?

1️⃣ - Register an account on the Wynn Games website:

2️⃣ - Copy the TRC-20 address from your profile;

3️⃣ - Copy the Invite Code from your profile;

4️⃣ - Fill in the registration form:

5️⃣ - Join Wynn Games Telegram group:

6️⃣ Join XX Platform Telegram group: (for RU users) or (for ENG users).

🌐 Registration form:

After verification of your data, you will receive an airdrop: 🎁
🌕 5 TRX tokens
🌕 3 XXP tokens
🌕 2 Wynn tokens

⏰ Hurry up! The number of participants is limited to 200 users! ⏳

Check your luck with Wynn-Loto! 👍

2  Local / Português (Portuguese) / XX Plataform de comércio de investimentos procura empregados e parceiros on: June 21, 2021, 03:33:47 PM
Interessado em moedas criptográficas?

Tens a certeza de que a tecnologia da cadeia de bloqueio é o futuro?

Quer fazer parte de uma grande e amigável equipa de pessoas com os mesmos interesses?

Então a oferta da Plataform XX é o que precisa!

A Plataforma XX Plataform de comércio de investimentos procura empregados e parceiros: pessoas activas e ambiciosas, que podem e querem desenvolver a comunidade de investidores criptográficos na sua região e popularizar o símbolo XXP.

As condições salariais e de cooperação serão discutidas individualmente.

Por favor envie o seu currículo para:

Pode saber mais sobre o projecto das XX Plataform seguindo os links:


Descarregar Livro Branco (em português)

Descarregar Livro Branco (Inglês)


Chat de telegrama global (em inglês)

ANN Topeka (em português)

ANN Topeka (Inglês)

Os melhores votos,
Equipa das XX Plataform

3  Economy / Services / Investment trading platform XX Platform is looking for employees and partners on: June 21, 2021, 01:29:34 PM
Interested in cryptocurrencies?

Sure that blockchain technology is the future?

Do you want to become a part of a large and friendly team of like-minded people?

Then XX Platform's offer is just what you need!

Investment trading platform XX Platform is looking for employees and partners: active and ambitious people who can and want to develop the community of cryptoinvestors in their region and popularize XXP token.

Salary and terms of cooperation will be discussed individually.

Please send your resume to:

More information about the XX Platforms project can be found at the links:


Download White Paper (English)


Global (English-language) chat in Telegram

ANN Topic

Best regard,
XX Platform team

4  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / 🔥 [ANN] 🚀 XX Platform - trading plataforma de investimento 📉📊📈 XXP Token 💰 on: June 21, 2021, 12:23:10 PM
XX Plataforma de negociação de investimento plataforma anuncia recrutamento:
gerenciador de comunidades para a sociedade portuguesa e as pessoas activas e
ambiciosas que podem e querem desenvolver a comunidade portuguesa
de investidores criptográficos e popularizar o token XXP.

O salário e as condições de trabalho são discutidos individualmente.

Envie o seu currículo por e-mail para:


XX Platform – é um sistema que combina um gabinete multifuncional com elementos
de investimento com um conjunto de ferramentas analíticas e acesso a dezenas de
comerciantes e robôs comerciais.

Desenvolvida em estreita cooperação e consulta com comerciantes e investidores
profissionais, a plataforma oferece a máxima funcionalidade, mantendo uma interface de
utilizador simples e directa.

XX Platform – não é apenas mais uma plataforma de investimento. É uma tentativa
de repensar o conceito de fundos hedge clássicos, implementando-o como uma plataforma
de negociação de investimentos automatizada.

A equipa da XX Plataform tem um objectivo: tornar os instrumentos de investimento
disponíveis a todos, em qualquer parte do mundo.

A criação de qualquer arranque da fintech requer recursos: tempo e dinheiro.
Compreendemos que se desenvolvermos a XX Plataform por nós próprios, teremos de
esperar pela libertação final durante muitos anos. Foi por isso que a equipa decidiu
angariar fundos de investidores privados. A fim de não ir contra o nosso conceito de
descentralização e libertário, rejeitámos propostas de grandes fundos de investimento
em favor da angariação de fundos de investidores privados.

A equipa decidiu emitir a sua própria criptomoeda – token da XX Platform
(cotação da bolsa XXP).

O sistema de preços simbólicos XXP baseia-se na sua utilização dentro da Plataform XX
como um token nativo. É a token XXP que permite criar a sua própria micro-economia
dentro da plataforma e assegurar uma interacção fácil e conveniente de todos os
utilizadores do sistema.

O objectivo principal do símbolo XXP é funcionar como uma unidade de contabilidade
virtual (semelhante aos registos contabilísticos) para assegurar a contabilidade dos fundos
colocados pelos investidores na gestão fiduciária dos comerciantes.
Além disso, o símbolo XXP oferece aos seus detentores a oportunidade de serem
recompensados por ajudarem a financiar o desenvolvimento da plataforma, implementado
sob a forma de uma percentagem dе staking.

Eventualmente, o símbolo do XXP será também utilizado para proporcionar oportunidades
de investimento em fundos de parceria e vários produtos de investimento do ecossistema
da XX Plataform.

Os detentores de tokens XXP terão prioridade para investimentos, bem como condições
especiais e descontos, tornando os investimentos com tokens XXP mais rentáveis,
proporcionando-lhe assim uma liquidez natural.

A equipa planeia desenvolver e lançar vários serviços TI proprietários que se tornarão a
base do ecossistema de produtos digitais da XX Plataform:

O desenvolvimento e lançamento faseado dos serviços acima referidos está previsto para o período 2021-2022.
Mais informações sobre o calendário e as fases de desenvolvimento no Roteiro.

A plataforma oferece uma oportunidade de receber uma remuneração sob a forma de
taxa de juro de staking.

Staking é o epítome da frase "dinheiro faz dinheiro", onde as suas tokens XXP
participam literalmente na geração de novas tokens, aumentando assim o seu número
na sua carteira.

Para activaro staking, devem ser satisfeitas algumas condições simples:

1. manter tokens XXP na carteira XX Wallet;
ATTENTION! Armazenar tokens em carteiras de terceiros que apoiam tokens TRC20 ou em trocas não lhe dá o
direito de participar no staking.

2. possuir saldo de 5 tokens XXP ou mais;

3. activar staking transferindo tokens do saldo Main Wallet para Staking Wallet;

Para aumentar a rentabilidade, o sistema oferece a possibilidade de reinvestimento.

Reinvestir é um análogo de juros compostos que permite transferir a remuneração
recebida para a Carteira de Staking, aumentando o saldo de tokens participantes na

Staking, e aumentando de forma correspondente a percentagem de remuneração.

Por favor note que qualquer, mesmo a menor transacção de saída da Staking Wallet irá
repor o factor tempo, que é um dos indicadores que formam a taxa de juro.

Atenção! Se planeia fixar periodicamente os lucros e retirar as tokens recebidas, r
ecomendamos que desactive o reinvestimento.

Para estruturar e organizar os fundos de investimento atraídos, bem como para
distribuir a remuneração da plataforma de uma forma justa e transparente, a
XX Plataform implementou um sistema de apostas delegadas - XX Delegate.

O sistema XX Delegate é composto por Delegados e Stakeholders.

O Delegado é um utilizador que preencheu as condições necessárias e registou uma conta
de Delegado no sistema.

Qualquer utilizador que sinta potencial de liderança e que tenha tempo, desejo e
experiência para desenvolver a XX Platform da comunidade pode tornar-se um Delegado.

Para criar uma conta de Delegado, deve adquirir e congelar* 10.000 tokens XXP e seguir
um procedimento de registo especial.

As tokens XXP são congeladas de uma forma especial localizada no armário pessoal do

O Stakeholder é um utilizador, registado no sistema, que tem tokens XXP no seu
saldo e votou em qualquer Delegado da sua escolha representado na plataforma.

Para votar num Delegado, seleccione o Delegado desejado da lista de registados na
plataforma e clique em "votar". Durante o processo de votação, 44 tokens XXP serão
congelados** no balanço dos Stakeholders.

As tokens que o Stakeholder "votou" no seu Delegado de escolha continuam a ser
propriedade do utilizador, mas são atribuídas ao Staking Pull apropriado para o cálculo do
"peso" do Delegado.

**os tokens dos Stakeholders não são descongelados, mas continuam participar de staking

Exemplo: User1 adquiriu 1.000 XXP. No staking solo ele ganha 7% por mês e, votando em
qualquer delegado nesta página, já receberá 9%. A comissão dos delegados de 1 a 10% será
deduzida diariamente dos seus rendimentos. Mesmo que seja 10%, o User1 receberá 8,1% de
tokens de 1000 moedas num mês, e 0,9% será dado a comissões. Se o User1 tiver a opção de
reinvestimento activada, o rendimento aumentará de forma dinâmica.



5  Local / Annonces / 🔥[ANN] 🚀 XX Platform - plateforme de trading d'investissement 📉📊📈 XXP Token on: June 21, 2021, 11:23:37 AM
La plateforme de trading d'investissement XX Platform annonce le recrutement d'employés :
une communauté de gestionnaires pour la communauté francophone, ainsi que des
personnes actives et ambitieuses qui peuvent et veulent développer la communauté
francophone des investisseurs crypto et populariser le token XXP.

Les salaires et les conditions de travail sont discutés individuellement.

Envoyez votre CV par e-mail:


XX Platform est un système combinant un cabinet multifonctionnel avec
des éléments d'investissement avec un ensemble d'outils analytiques et l'accès à
des dizaines de commerçants et de robots de trading.

Développée en étroite collaboration et en consultation avec des traders et des
investisseurs professionnels, la plateforme offre un maximum de fonctionnalités
tout en conservant une interface utilisateur simple et claire.

XX Platform n'est pas seulement une autre plateforme d'investissement. C'est une
tentative de repenser le concept des hedge funds classiques en le mettant en oeuvre sous la
forme d'une plateforme de négociation d'investissement automatisée.

L'objectif de l'équipe XX Platform est de rendre les outils d'investissement accessibles à tous,
n'importe où dans le monde.

La création de toute Start-up fintech nécessite des ressources: le temps et l’argent. Nous
sommes conscients que si nous développons XX Platform nous-mêmes, nous devrons
attendre la version finale pendant de nombreuses années. C'est pourquoi l'équipe a
décidé de lever des fonds auprès d'investisseurs privés. Afin de ne pas aller à l'encontre
de notre concept de décentralisation et de libertarianisme, nous avons abandonné les
propositions de grands fonds d'investissement en faveur de la levée de fonds auprès
d'investisseurs privés.

L'équipe a décidé d'émettre sa propre crypto, c’est le token XX Platform
(symbole boursier XXP).

Le système d'éducation de la politique de prix du token XXP est construit sur son utilisation
dans la plateforme XX en tant que jeton natif. C'est le token XXP qui vous permet de créer
votre propre microéconomie à l'intérieur de la plateforme et d'assurer la facilité et la
commodité de l'interaction de tous les utilisateurs du système.

La tâche principale du token XXP est le fonctionnement d'une unité comptable virtuelle
(similaire aux écritures dans les livres) pour assurer la comptabilité des fonds placés par les
investisseurs dans la gestion fiduciaire des commerçants.

En outre, le token XXP offre à ses détenteurs la possibilité de recevoir une récompense pour
l'aide au financement du développement de la plateforme, réalisée sous la forme d'un taux
d'intérêt de staking.

À l'avenir, le token XXP sera également utilisé pour offrir la possibilité d'investir dans des
fonds partenaires et divers produits d'investissement de l'écosystème XX Platform.

Les détenteurs du token XXP recevront une priorité pour l'investissement, ainsi que des
conditions spéciales et des rabais, ce qui rendra l'investissement avec le token XXP plus
rentable, lui fournissant ainsi une liquidité naturelle.

L'équipe a prévu de développer et de lancer plusieurs de ses propres services informatiques,
qui constitueront la base de l'écosystème des produits numériques XX Platform :

Le développement progressif et le lancement des services ci-dessus sont prévus pour la période 2021-2022.
Plus d'informations sur le calendrier et les étapes de développement dans la Feuille de route.

La plate-forme offre la possibilité de recevoir une récompense sous la forme d'un taux
d'intérêt du steaking.

Le steaking est l'usurpation d'identité de l'expression “ l'argent fait de l'argent ”
lorsque vos tokens XXP sont littéralement impliqués dans la génération de nouveaux
tokens, augmentant ainsi leur nombre dans votre portefeuille

Pour activer le staking, il faut remplir quelques conditions simples:

1. conserver les tokens XXP dans le portefeuille XXP Wallet;
ATTENTION! Le stockage de tokens dans des portefeuilles tiers prenant en charge les token TRC20 ou surdes
échanges ne donne pas le droit de participer au staking.

2. avoir un solde de 5 tokens XXP ou plus ;

3. activer le staking en déplaçant les tokens du solde Main Wallet vers Staking Wallet ;

Pour augmenter le rendement du système, il est possible d'utiliser un réinvestissement.

Le réinvestissement est un analogue des intérêts bancaires complexes, ce qui vous
permet de transférer la récompense reçue sur Staking Wallet, en augmentant le solde
des tokens impliqués dans le staking et en augmentant le pourcentage de récompense
en conséquence.

Il convient de garder à l'esprit que toute transaction sortante, même la plus insignifiante,
avec Staking Wallet réinitialise le facteur de temps, qui est l'un des indicateurs formant le
taux d'intérêt.

Attention! Si vous envisagez de capturer périodiquement les bénéfices et de retirer les tokens reçus, nous vous recommandons
de désactiver le réinvestissement.

Pour structurer et rationaliser les fonds d'investissement attirés, ainsi que la
distribution honnête et transparente des récompenses de la plateforme, XX Platform a
mis en place un système de répartition des paris délégués, XX Delegate.

Le système XX Delegate est composé de Délégués et de Steakholders.

Un délégué est un utilisateur qui a rempli les conditions requises et enregistré un Compte
de délégué dans le système.

L’utilisateur qui ressent le potentiel de leadership et a le temps, le désir et l'expérience de
développer la communauté XX Platform peut être le délégué.

Afin de créer un Compte délégué, vous devez acheter et geler* les tokens XXP d'un montant
de 10 000 unités et passer par une procédure d'enregistrement spéciale.

Le gel des tokens XXP est effectué sous une forme spéciale située dans le compte personnel
de l'utilisateur.

Un steakholder est un utilisateur enregistré dans le système qui a des tokens XXP
sur le solde et les a votés pour tout Délégué qu'il a choisi représenté sur la plateforme.

Pour voter pour un Délégué, il faut sélectionner le délégué souhaité dans la liste des délégués
enregistrés sur la plateforme et cliquer sur “ voter ”. Pendant le vote, 44 jetons XXP seran gelé
sur le solde du stakholder**.

Les tokens que le steakholder a "voté“ pour le Délégué qu'il a choisi restent la propriété de
l'utilisateur, mais sont affectés au staking pool correspondant pour calculer le ”poids" du

Les tokens congelés continuent de participer au Staking.

**les jtokens de stakholders ne sont pas décongelés, mais continuent de participer au Staking

Exemple: User1 a acheté 1000 XXP. En solo steaking, il gagne 7% par mois et en votant pour
n'importe quel délégué sur cette page, il obtient déjà 9%. Chaque jour, une commission de 1 à 10%
sera prélevée sur son revenu. Même si ce sera 10%, alors pour le mois User1 recevra 8,1% des
tokens de 1000 pièces, et 0,9% donnera des commissions au délégué. Dans ce cas, si l'option de
réinvestissement est activée pour User1, les revenus augmenteront dynamiquement.



6  Local / Annonces / XX Platform annonce le recrutement d'employés et partenaires on: June 21, 2021, 11:22:43 AM
Intéressé par les crypto-monnaies ?

Vous êtes sûr que la technologie blockchain est l'avenir ?

Voulez-vous faire partie d'une grande et sympathique équipe de personnes partageant les mêmes idées ?

Alors l'offre de XX Platform est ce qu'il vous faut !

La plateforme de trading d'investissement XX Platform recherche des employés et des partenaires : des personnes actives et ambitieuses, qui peuvent et veulent développer la communauté des crypto-investisseurs dans leur région et populariser le token XXP.

Le salaire et les conditions de coopération seront discutés individuellement.

Veuillez envoyer votre CV à :

Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur le projet des plates-formes XX en suivant les liens :

Site web

Télécharger le livre blanc (en français)

Télécharger le livre blanc (anglais)


Global (English-language) chat in Telegram

ANN Topic (en français)

ANN Topic (anglais)

Meilleurs vœux,
L'équipe de XX Platforms

7  Local / Annunci / 🔥 [ANN] 🚀 XX Platform - piattaforma di tradingdi investimento 📉📊📈 XXP Token on: June 21, 2021, 10:02:42 AM
Piattaforma di trading di investimenti XX Platform sta cercando il personale specializzato:
manager  community per la comunità di lingua italiana, nonché le persone attive
e ambiziose che possono e vogliono sviluppare una comunità italiana dei investitori
cripti valute e promulgare il token XXP.
I salari e le condizioni di lavoro da discussi individualmente.
Invia il tuo curriculum via email:


XX Platform è un sistema che unisce uno studio multifunzione con elementi di
investimento con un insieme di strumenti analitici e accesso a una decina di operatori e
robot di trading.

Sviluppata da stretta collaborazione e consultazioni con operatori e investitori professionali,
la piattaforma offre la massima funzionalità, pur mantenendo un'interfaccia utente semplice
e comprensibile.

XX Platform non è solo un’altra piattaforma di investimento. Questo è un tentativo di
ripensare al concetto di fonti di copertura di compravendita classici, realizzandola sotto
forma di una piattaforma di scambio di investimenti automatizzato.

Davanti il team di XX Platform sta un obiettivo: rendere disponibili strumenti di investimento
per ogni persona in qualsiasi parte del mondo.

Creazione di qualsiasi fintech startup richiede risorse: tempo e denaro. Ci rendiamo
conto che se sviluppi una XX Platform da soli, allora ci vorranno tanti anni per aspettare la
versione finale. Proprio per questo il team ha dia preso la decisione di attirare fondi di
investitori privati. Per non entrare in incisione con il nostro concetto di decentramento e
libertarismo, abbiamo lasciato le proposte di grandi investitori a favore di attirare
investitori privati.

Il team ha preso la decisione di emettere la criptò valuta propria, è il token
XX Platform (teleborsa XXP).

Il sistema di formazione della politica dei prezzi del token XXP è costruito sul suo utilizzo
all'interno della piattaforma XX Platform come un token nativo. Proprio il token XXP
permette di creare dentro la piattaforma la propria economia e garantire la facilità e la
comodità di interazione di tutti gli utenti del sistema.

Il compito principale del token XXP è il funzionamento di un'unità di conto virtuale (simile
alle registrazioni nei libri contabili) per garantire la contabilità dei fondi effettuati dagli
investitori nella gestione fiduciaria da parte di operatori.

Inoltre questo, token XXP fornisce ai suoi titolari l'opportunità di ricevere il compenso per
aiutare a finanziare lo sviluppo della piattaforma, realizzato come tasso d'interesse da parte
di Staking.

In prospettiva, token XXP sarà utilizzato anche per fornire la possibilità di investire nei fondi
di partner e vari prodotti di investimento dell'ecosistema della XX Platform.

I titolari di token XXP riceveranno la proprietà di investire ed anche le condizioni speciali e
sconti, tutto quello farà investimenti più vantaggiosi usando il token XXP, fornendo così la
liquidità naturale.

Il team ha preveduto lo sviluppo e il lancio di diversi servizi IT propri che saranno la base
dell'ecosistema dei prodotti digitali della XX Platform:

Lo sviluppo e il lancio graduale dei servizi di cui sopra sono previsti per il periodo di 2021-2022.
Nella Carta stradale sono disponibili le informazioni dei termini e fare di sviluppo.

La piattaforma fornisce la possibilità di ottenere il compenso sotto forma di tasso
d'interesse da staking.

Staking è la personificazione della frase "soldi fanno soldi" quando i tuoi token XXP
partecipano letteralmente alla generazione di nuovi token, aumentando così la loro
quantità nel tuo portafoglio.

Per attivare staking è necessario eseguire alcune condizioni facili:

1. Tenere i token XXP nel portfolio XX Wallet;
Attenzione! La conservazione del token in portafogli di terze parti che sopportano i token TRC20 o non da il
dirittdi partecipazione in staking sulle borse.

2. Avere bilancio 5 e di più token XXP;

3. Attivare staking, trasferendo i token dal conto di Main Wallet su Staking Wallet;

Per aumentare i rendimenti, il sistema prevede la possibilità di utilizzare reinvestimento.
Il reinvestimento è un analogo degli interessi bancari complessivi, che consente di
trasferire il compenso ricevuto su Staking Wallet, aumentando il saldo dei token che
partecipano al staking e aumenta di conseguenza la percentuale del compenso.

E' necessario di tener conto che ciascuna transazione, anche più insignificante con il
Staking Wallet ripristina il coefficiente temporale, che è uno degli indicatori che forma il
tasso di interesse.

Attenzione! Se si prevede di risolvere periodicamente i profitti e far uscire i token ricevuti,
si consiglia di spegnere il reinvestimento.

Per la strutturazione e l'ordinazione di fondi di investimento attratti, nonché la
distribuzione onesta e trasparente del compenso dalla piattaforma, nella XX Platform
viene introdotta un sistema di tariffe delegate - XX Delegate.

Il sistema di XX Delegate composta da Delegati e stakeholder.

Il delegato è un utente che esegue le condizioni necessarie e registrato nel sistema un
account del Delegato.

Un delegato può essere assolutamente qualsiasi utente che sente il potenziale di
leadership e ha tempo, desiderio e esperienza per sviluppare una comunità di XX Platform.

Per creare un account Delegato, è necessario acquistare e bloccare i token XXP in quantità*
di 10.000 unità e superare una procedura di registrazione speciale.

Congelamento di token XXP viene eseguito nella forma speciale che sito nell’area privata

Stakeholder è un utente registrato nel sistema che ha i token XXP al saldo e ha
votato con essi per ciascuno delegato scelto da lui presentato sulla piattaforma.

Per votare un delegato è necessario scegliere un delegato adatto del elenco dei registrati
sulla piattaforma e premere “votare”. Alla votazione sul saldo di stakeholder saranno
congelati** 44 token XXP.

I token che stakeholder "ha votato" per il delegato scelto rimangono nella proprietà
dell'utente, ma sono fissate dietro il corrispondente staking pool per il prodotto dei calcoli del

I token congelati continuano a partecipare al staking.

**i token di stakeholder non vengano scongelati ma continuano partecipare nel staking

Per esempio: User1 ha comprato 1000 XP. Nel staking solo guadagna il 7% al mese e dopo aver
votato per qualsiasi delegato in questa pagina, riceverà già il 9%. Ogni giorno, dal suo reddito sarà
addebitata la commissione del delegato dal 1 al 10%. Anche se saranno 10%, allora per un mese
User1 riceverà l'8,1% dei token da 1000 monete, ma 0,9% fornirà come le commissioni al delegato.
Allo stesso tempo, se User1 ha la funzione di reinvestimento accesa il reddito aumenterà



8  Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / ✅ [ANN] XX Platform - plataforma de trading de inversión 📉📊📈 XXP Token 💰 on: June 20, 2021, 07:01:01 AM
La plataforma de comercio de inversión XX anuncia el reclutamiento de empleados:
un administrador de la comunidad para la comunidad hispana, así como personas
activas y ambiciosas que pueden y desean desarrollar la comunidad hispana de
inversores criptográficos y popularizar el token XXP.

Los salarios y las condiciones de trabajo se discuten individualmente.

Envíe su currículum por correo electrónico:


XX Platform es un sistema que combina un gabinete multifuncional con elementos de
inversión con un conjunto de herramientas analíticas y acceso a docenas de comerciantes y
robots comerciales.

Diseñada en estrecha colaboración y consulta con comerciantes e inversores profesionales,
la plataforma ofrece la máxima funcionalidad al tiempo que mantiene una interfaz de
usuario sencilla e intuitiva.

XX Platform no es solo otra plataforma de inversión. Este es un intento de repensar
el concepto de fondos de cobertura clásicos, implementándolo en forma de una plataforma
de negociación de inversión automatizada.

El equipo de XX Platform tiene un objetivo: hacer que los instrumentos de inversión estén
disponibles para todas las personas en cualquier parte del mundo.

Creacion de cualquier Startup de fintech requiere recursos, tiempo y dinero. Somos
conscientes de que si desarrollamos XX Platform por nuestra cuenta, tendremos que
esperar muchos años para el lanzamiento final. Es por eso que el equipo decidió atraer
fondos de inversores privados. Para no ir en contra de nuestro concepto de
descentralización y libertarismo, rechazamos las propuestas de los grandes fondos de
inversión a favor de atraer fondos de inversores privados.

El equipo decidió emitir su propia criptomoneda: el token XX Platform
(Ticker de intercambio XXP).

El sistema educativo de política de precios del token XXP se basa en su uso dentro de la
plataforma XX como token nativo. Es el token XXP lo que le permite crear su propia microeconomía
dentro de la plataforma y garantizar la facilidad y conveniencia de la interacción
de todos los usuarios del sistema.

La tarea principal del token XXP es el funcionamiento de una unidad de cuenta
virtual (similar a las entradas en los libros de contabilidad) para garantizar la contabilidad
de los fondos colocados por los inversores en la administración fiduciaria de los comerciantes.

Además, el token XXP proporciona a sus titulares la oportunidad de recibir una recompensa
por ayudar a financiar el desarrollo de la plataforma, implementado en forma de una tasa
de interés de steaking.

En el futuro, el token XXP también se utilizará para proporcionar la oportunidad de invertir
en fondos de asociación y varios productos de inversión del ecosistema
de la plataforma XX.

Los titulares del token XXP recibirán prioridad para la inversión, así como condiciones especiales
y descuentos, lo que hará que la inversión con el token XXP sea más rentable, lo que
le proporcionará liquidez natural.

El equipo planea desarrollar y lanzar varios servicios de TI propios que se convertirán en la
base del ecosistema de productos digitales de la plataforma XX:

El desarrollo paso a paso y el lanzamiento de los servicios anteriores están programados para el período 2021-2022.
Más información sobre los plazos y etapas de desarrollo en la Hoja de ruta.

La plataforma proporciona la posibilidad de recibir una recompensa en forma de una
tasa de interés de la carne.

Staking es la personificación de la frase "el dinero hace dinero" cuando sus tokens
XXP están literalmente involucrados en la generación de nuevos tokens, lo que aumenta
su número en su billetera.

Para activar el steaking, debe cumplir con algunas condiciones simples:

1. mantener tokens XXP en la billetera XX Wallet;
¡ATENCIÓN! El almacenamiento de tokens en billeteras de terceros que admiten tokens TRC20 o en intercambios
no da derecho a participar en el steaking.

2. tener un saldo de 5 o más tokens XXP;

3. activar staking moviendo tokens del saldo de Main Wallet a staking Wallet;

Para aumentar la rentabilidad, el sistema proporciona la posibilidad de utilizar la

Reinversión es un análogo de los intereses bancarios complejos, lo que le permite
transferir la recompensa recibida a Staking Wallet, aumentando el saldo de los tokens
involucrados en staking y, en consecuencia, aumentando el porcentaje de recompensa.

Debe tenerse en cuenta que cualquier transacción saliente, incluso la más pequeña, Con
Staking Wallet pone a cero el factor de tiempo, que es uno de los indicadores que forman
la tasa de interés.

¡Atención! Si planea registrar periódicamente ganancias y retirar los tokens recibidos, le recomendamos que desactive
la reinversión.

Para estructurar y racionalizar los fondos de inversión atraídos, así como la
distribución justa y transparente de la remuneración de la plataforma, XX Platform ha
implementado un sistema de asignación de tarifas delegadas: XX Delegate.

El sistema XX Delegate se compone de Delegados y Asadores.

Un Delegado es un usuario que ha cumplido con las condiciones necesarias y ha registrado
una cuenta de Delegado en el sistema.

El Delegado puede ser absolutamente cualquier usuario que sienta el potencial de liderazgo
en sí mismo y tenga el tiempo, el deseo y la experiencia para desarrollar la comunidad
de XX Platform.

Para crear una cuenta de Delegado, debe comprar y congelar* tokens XXP en la cantidad
de unidades 10 000 y pasar por un procedimiento especial de registro.

La congelación de los tokens XXP se realiza en una forma especial ubicada en la cuenta
personal del usuario.

Steakholder es un usuario registrado en el sistema que tiene tokens XXP en el saldo
y los ha votado por cualquier Delegado que elija representado en la plataforma.

Para votar por un Delegado, debe seleccionar el delegado deseado de la lista registrada en la
plataforma y hacer clic en "votar". Durante la votación, el saldo de steakholder se
congelará** 44 tokens XXP.

Los tokens con los que steakholder "votó" por su Delegado elegido permanecen en la
propiedad del usuario, pero se fijan al grupo de steaking correspondiente para hacer cálculos
del "peso" del Delegado.

Los tokens congelados continúan participando en el steaking.

**los tokens de steakholder no se descongelan, pero continúan participando en el steaking

Ejemplo: Usario1 adquirió 1000 XXP. En solitario, gana un 7% al mes, y al votar por cualquier
delegado en esta página, ya obtiene un 9%. Todos los días, la сomisión del Delegado del 1 al 10%
se deducirá de sus ingresos. Incluso si esto es 10%, entonces para el mes Usuario1 recibirá 8,1% de
tokens de 1000 monedas, y 0,9% dará comisiones al delegado. Al mismo tiempo, si Usuario1 tiene
habilitada la opción de reinversión, los ingresos aumentarán dinámicamente.



9  Local / Duyurular (Alternatif Kripto-Paralar) / [ANN] 🚀 XX Platform yatırım ticaret platformu 📉📊📈 XXP 💰 Staking 💰 TRC20 💰 on: June 20, 2021, 06:05:24 AM
Yatırım alım satım platformu XX Platform, Türkçe konuşan
topluluk için bir topluluk yöneticisinin yanı sıra Türkçe konuşan kripto yatırımcıları
topluluğunu geliştirebilecek ve geliştirmek ve XXP tokenini yaygınlaştırmak isteyen
aktif ve hırslı kişilerin işe alındığını duyurdu.
Ücretler ve çalışma koşulları ayrı ayrı görüşülür.
Özgeçmişinizi şu adrese e-posta ile gönderin:


XX Platform , yatırım unsurlarına sahip çok işlevli kullanıcı hesabını bir dizi
analitik araçla ve onlarca tüccar ve ticaret robotuna erişimle birleştiren bir sistemdir.

Profesyonel tüccarlar ve yatırımcılarla yakın işbirliği ve istişare içinde geliştirilen platform,
basit ve anlaşılır bir kullanıcı arayüzünü korurken maksimum işlevsellik sağlar.

XX Platform sadece başka bir yatırım platformu değildir. Bu, klasik hedge fonları
kavramını yeniden düşünme ve onu otomatik bir yatırım ticareti platformu biçiminde
uygulama girişimidir.

XX Platform ekibinin önünde bir hedef var: yatırım araçlarını dünyanın her yerindeki herkes
için erişilebilir kılmak.

Herhangi bir fintech girişiminin oluşturulması zaman ve para gibi kaynak gerektirir. XX
Platformun kendimiz geliştirirsek, son sürümü yıllarca beklemek gerekeceğinin farkındayız.
Bu nedenle ekip, özel yatırımcılardan para toplamaya karar verdi. Ademi merkeziyetçilik
ve özgürlükçülük kavramımıza ters düşmemek için, özel yatırımcılardan fon çekme
lehine büyük yatırım fonlarından gelen önerileri geri çevirdik.

Ekip, kendi kripto para birimini – XX Platform jetonu (borsa kısaltma adı - XXP
çıkarmaya karar verdi.

XXP jetonu fiyatlandırma politikasının oluşum sistemi, onun XX Platform içinde yerel bir
jeton olarak kullanımına dayanmaktadır. Platform içinde kendi mikro ekonominizi oluşturmanıza
ve sistemin tüm kullanıcıları için etkileşim kolaylığını ve rahatlığını sağlamanıza
olanak tanıyan XXP jetonudur.

XXP jetonunun ana görevi, yatırımcılar tarafından tüccarlara güvenerek yerleştirilen fonların
muhasebesini sağlamak için sanal bir muhasebe birimi çalışmasıdır (muhasebe defterlerindeki
girişlere benzer).

Ek olarak, XXP jetonu sahiplerine, platformun gelişimini finanse etmeye yardımcı oldukları
için steaking'ten faiz oranı olarak uygulanan bir ödül alma fırsatı sunar.

Gelecekte, XXP jetonu, ortak fonlarına ve XX Platform ekosisteminin çeşitli yatırım ürünlerine
yatırım yapma fırsatı sağlamak için de kullanılacaktır.

XXP jetonunun sahipleri, yatırım için öncelik, özel koşullar ve indirimler alacak, bu da XXP
jetonuyla yatırımları daha karlı hale getirecek ve böylece ona doğal likidite sağlayacak.

Ekibimizin XX Platform'un dijital ürünlerinin ekosisteminin temeli olacak şu BT hizmetlerini
geliştirip başlatmayı amaçlıyor:

Yükarıdaki hizmetlerin kademeli geliştirilmesi ve başlatılması 2021-2022 yıllarında bekleniyor.
Geliştirme dönemi ve aşamalarından daha fazla bilgi almak için Yol Haritasına bakın.

Platform ödül olarak staking faizi alma imkanını öngörüyor.
Para parayı çeker prensipini yansıtan staking, XXP token'larınızın tam anlamıyla yeni
token'larının yapılmasına katılmasıyla cüzdanınızdaki miktarını artırması.

Staking etkinleştirmek için şu basit koşulları yerine getirmeniz gerek:

1. XXP token'ları XX Wallet'te saklayın;
DİKKAT! Token'larının, TRC20 token'larını destekleyen yan cüzdanlarında veya borsalarda saklanması staking'e
katılmasını engelliyor.

2. cüzdanınızdaki XXP token'ların miktarının 5 veya fazla olması;

3. Main Wallet'ten Staking Wallet'e token'ları aktarılmasıyla staking'in etkinleştirilmesi

Sistemimiz gelirin artması için yeniden yatırım imkanını öngörüyor.

Bileşik faizlere benzeyen yeniden yatırım alınan ödülün Staking Wallet'e transfer edilmesini
sağlayıp hem staking'deki token'ların miktarını hem de ödül faizini artırıyor.

Staking Wallet'ten giden herhangi bir işlemin, faizi oluşturan unsurlardan biri olan işleme
vakti katsayınızı sıfırlamasını hesaba alınmalısınız.

Dikkat! Arasıra gelirin alıp aldığınız token'larınızı çekmeyi planlıyorsanız yeniden yatırım işlevini kapatmayı
tavsiye ediyoruz.

Çekilen yatırım fonlarını yapılandırmak ve düzene koymak ve ayrıca platformdan adil ve
şeffaf ücret dağıtımını sağlamak için, XX Platform, bir temsilci bahis dağıtım
sistemi – XX Delegate'i tanıttı.

XX Delegate sistemi Delegelerden ve Steakholder'lardan oluşur.

Delege, gerekli şartları yerine getiren ve sistemde bir temsilci hesabı kaydeden bir

Liderlik potansiyeli hisseden ve XX Platform topluluğunu geliştirmek için zamanı, isteği ve
deneyimi olan herhangi bir kullanıcı delege olabilir.

Bir Temsilci hesabı oluşturmak için, 10.000 birim tutarında XXP jetonu satın almanız ve
dondurmanız* ve özel bir kayıt prosedüründen geçmeniz gerekir.

XXP jetonlarının dondurulması, kullanıcının kişisel hesabında bulunan özel bir formda

Steakholder , bakiyede XXP jetonları olan ve platformda temsil ettiği herhangi bir
Delege için oy kullanan sisteme kayıtlı bir kullanıcıdır.

Bir Delegeye oy vermek için, platformda kayıtlı olanlar listesinden istediğiniz delegeyi
seçmeniz ve “oy vere” tıklamanız gerekir. Oylama sırasında, steakholder bakiyesinde 44 XXP
jetonu dondurulacak**.

Steakholder'ın seçtiği temsilci için “oy kullandığı” jetonlar, kullanıcının mülkiyetinde kalır,
ancak delegenin “ağırlık” hesaplamalarını üretmek için ilgili steaking havuzuna atanır.

Dondurulmuş jetonlar steaking yapmaya devam ediyor.

**stakeholderlerin token'ları dondurulan halde kalır ama staking'e katılmaya devam eder

Örnek: User1 1000 XXP satın aldı. Solo steaking’te ayda %7 kazanır ve bu sayfadaki herhangi bir
delegeye oy verip zaten %9 kazanır. Her gün gelirinden %1'den %10'a kadar bir delege komisyonu
tahsil edilecektir. %10 olsa bile, bir ay boyunca User1 8,1 % jetonlarını 1000 jetonlarından alacak
ve %0,9 delegeye komisyon verecektir. Bununla birlikte, User1'in yeniden yatırım seçeneği açıksa,
gelir çabuk artacaktır.



10  Local / Pazar Alanı / Yatırım ticaret platformu XX Platform, çalışanları ve ortakları arıyor on: June 20, 2021, 06:01:24 AM
Kripto paralarla ilgileniyor musunuz?

geleceğin blockchain teknolojilerine ait olduğundan emin misiniz?

Benzer düşünen insanlardan oluşan büyük ve arkadaş canlısı bir ekibin parçası olmak ister misiniz?

O zaman ihtiyacınız olan şey XX Platforms'un teklifi!

Yatırım ticaret platformu XX Platform, bölgelerinde bir kripto yatırımcı topluluğu geliştirebilecek ve XXP tokenini yaygınlaştırabilecek aktif ve hırslı insanlar ve ortaklar arıyor.

Maaş ve işbirliği koşulları ayrı ayrı görüşülecektir.

Lütfen özgeçmişinizi e-posta ile gönderin:

Bağlantıları takip ederek XX Platform projesi hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz:

İnternet sitesi

Teknik Dokümanı (White Paper) İndirin (Türkçe)

Teknik Dokümanı (White Paper) İndirin (Englisch)

Web Cüzdanı

Telegram'da küresel (İngilizce) sohbet

ANN Konusu (Türkçe)

ANN Konusu (Englisch)

XX Platform ekibi

11  Local / Suche / Anlagehandelsplattform XX Platform sucht Mitarbeiter on: June 19, 2021, 07:03:52 PM
Interessieren Sie sich für Kryptowährungen?

Sind Sie sicher, dass die Blockchain-Technologie die Zukunft ist?

Sie wollen Teil eines großen und freundlichen Teams von Gleichgesinnten werden?

Dann ist das Angebot von XX Platform genau das Richtige für Sie!

Die Investment-Handelsplattform XX Platform sucht Mitarbeiter und Partner: aktive und ehrgeizige Menschen, die die Gemeinschaft der Krypto-Investoren in ihrer Region entwickeln können und wollen und den XXP-Token popularisieren.

Das Gehalt und die Bedingungen der Zusammenarbeit werden individuell besprochen.

Bitte senden Sie Ihren Lebenslauf an:

Sie können mehr über das XX Platform Projekt erfahren, indem Sie den Links folgen:


White Paper herunterladen (in Deutsch)

White Paper herunterladen (Englisch)


Globaler (englischsprachiger) Telegram-Chat

ANN Topik (in Deutsch)

ANN Topic (Englisch)

Beste Wünsche,

12  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / [Diskussion] 🚀Anlagehandelsplattform XX Platform 📉📊📈 XXP Token 💰 Staking 💰 on: June 19, 2021, 07:01:04 PM
Anlagehandelsplattform XX Platform sucht Mitarbeiter: einen Manager für die
deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft, und auch aktive und ehrgeizige Menschen, die
Crypto-Investoren-Gemeinschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum entwickeln und
den XXP-Token popularisieren können und wollen.
Gehalt und Arbeitsbedingungen werden individuell besprochen.
Senden Sie bitte Ihren Lebenslauf per:


XX Platform – ein System, das ein multifunktionales Kabinett mit Investitionselementen mit einer
Reihe von analytischen Tools und Zugang zu Dutzenden von Händlern und Handelsrobotern kombiniert.

Entwickelte in enger Zusammenarbeit und Beratung mit professionellen Händlern und Investoren, bietet die Plattform
maximale Funktionalität und gleichzeitig eine einfache und verständliche Benutzeroberfläche.

XX Platform – nicht nur eine weitere Investitionsplattform. Das ist ein Versuch, das Konzept der klassischen
Hedgefonds zu überdenken, indem es in Form einer automatisierten Investment-Trading-Plattform implementiert wird.

Vor dem Team von XX Platform steht das Ziel: Investitionsinstrumente für jede Person überall auf der Welt verfügbar
zu machen.

Der Aufbau eines Fintech-Startups erfordert Ressourcen: Zeit und Geld. Wir sind uns bewusst,
dass, wenn wir XX Platform selbst zu entwickeln, dann müssen wir lange Jahre auf die endgültige Veröffentlichung
warten. Aus diesem Grund hat das Team beschlossen, Mittel von privaten Investoren zu gewinnen. Wir haben
Angebote von großen Investmentfonds zugunsten der Gewinnung von Geldern privater Investoren abgelehnt,
um unsere Vision von Dezentralisierung und Liberalität zu vermeiden.

Das Team entschied sich für die Ausgabe seiner eigenen Cryptowährung - Token XX Platform (Börsenticker XXP).

Das Erstellungssystem der Preispolitik des Tokens XXP basiert auf seiner Verwendung innerhalb
von XX Platform als natives Token. Innerhalb der Plattform ermöglicht das Token XXP die Schaffung einer eigenen
Mikroökonomie und eine einfache und bequeme Interaktion aller Benutzer des Systems.

Die Hauptaufgabe eines Tokens XXP ist die Funktion einer virtuellen Einheit (ähnlich wie bei Buchungen in Hauptbüchern),
um sicherzustellen, dass die Mittel, die Investoren in die Treuhandanlage der Händler legen, berücksichtigt werden.

Darüber hinaus bietet das Token XXP seinen Inhabern die Möglichkeit, eine Belohnung für die Unterstützung bei der
Finanzierung für die Entwicklung der Plattform zu erhalten, die in Form eines Zinssatzes von Staking implementiert wird.

In Zukunft wird das Token XXP auch verwendet, um die Möglichkeit zu bieten, in Partnerfonds und verschiedene
Anlageprodukte des Ökosystems von XX Platform zu investieren.

Die Besitzer von Token XXP erhalten Priorität für Investitionen sowie spezielle Bedingungen und Rabatte, die die
Investition mit dem Token XXP profitabler machen und ihm somit natürliche Liquidität bieten.

Das Team plant, mehrere eigene IT-Dienste zu entwickeln und zu starten, die die Grundlage für das Ökosystem digitaler
Produkte von XX Platform bilden:

Die schrittweise Entwicklung und Einführung der oben genannten Dienste ist für den Zeitraum 2021-2022 geplant.
Weitere Informationen über den Zeitpunkt und die Phasen der Entwicklung sind im Strategieplan.

Die Plattform bietet die Möglichkeit, eine Belohnung in Form eines Zinssatzes von Staking zu erhalten.
Das Staking – die Personifizierung der Phrase "Geld macht Geld", wenn Ihre Token XXP “buchstäblich” daran beteiligt sind,
neue Token zu generieren, wodurch ihre Anzahl in Ihrer Geldbörse erhöht wird.

Um das Staking zu aktivieren, müssen mehrere einfache Bedingungen erfüllt sein:
1 Token XXP in der Geldbörse XX Wallet halten;
ACHTUNG! Die Aufbewahrung von Token in Geldbörsen der Drittanbietern, die Token TRC20 unterstützen, oder an Börsen,
gibt nicht das Recht, am Staking teilzunehmen.
2. einen Saldo von 5 oder mehr von Token XXP haben;
3. Staking-Aktivieren durch Verschieben der Token aus dem Saldo von Main Wallet nach Staking Wallet;

Um die Rentabilität zu erhöhen, bietet das System die Möglichkeit, Reinvestition zu verwenden.

Die Reinvestition ist eine Analogie zu komplexen Bankzinsen, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, ihre gewonnenen Prämien auf
StableWallet zu übertragen, den Saldo der Staking-Token zu erhöhen und den Prozentsatz der Vergütung entsprechend
zu erhöhen.

Es muss berücksichtigt werden, dass jede, selbst die kleinste ausgehende Transaktion von Staking Wallet den Zeitfaktor
auf Null setzt, der einer der Indikatoren ist, die den Zinssatz bilden.

Achtung! Wenn Sie planen, regelmäßig Gewinne zu erfassen und die erhaltenen Token auszugeben, empfehlen wir, die
Reinvestition zu deaktivieren.

Für die Strukturierung und Regelung der fremden Investitionsmittel, für eine faire und transparente Verteilung der Vergütung
von der Plattform, in XX Platform ist das System der delegierten Zinsverteilung – XX Delegate eingeführt.

Das System XX Delegate besteht aus Delegierter und Beteiligter.

Ein Delegierter ist ein Benutzer, der unbedingte Voraussetzungen erfüllt hat und ein Delegiertenkonto im System
registriert hat.

Jeder Benutzer, der ein Führungspotential spürt und die Zeit, den Wunsch und die Erfahrung hat, die Gemeinschaft
von XX Platform zu entwickeln, kann ein Delegierter werden.

Um ein Delegiertenkonto zu erstellen, muss der Benutzer Token XXP in Höhe von 10 000 Einheiten kaufen und
einfrieren*, eine spezielle Registrierung vornehmen.

Das Einfrieren von Token XXP erfolgt in einer speziellen Form, die sich im persönlichen
Konto des Benutzers befindet.

Der Beteiligter – ein Benutzer, der im System registriert ist, der Token XXP in der Bilanz hat
und damit für jeden von ihm ausgewählten Delegierten zugestimmt hat, der auf der Plattform vertreten ist.

Um für einen Delegierten zu stimmen, muss man den gewünschten Delegierten aus der Liste der Registrierten
auf der Plattform auswählen und auf "zustimmen" klicken. Während der Abstimmung in der Bilanz von Beteiligten
werden 44 Token XXP eingefroren**.

Die Token, mit denen der Beteiligter für den von ihm gewählten Delegierten "zugestimmt" hat, bleiben im Eigentum
des Benutzers. Aber diese Token sind dem entsprechenden Staking-Pool zugeordnet, um Berechnungen des "Gewichts"
des Delegierten zu erstellen.

Eingefrorene Token nehmen weiterhin am Staking teil.

**Token der Delegierten werden nicht entsperrt, aber nehmen weiterhin am Staking teil

Beispiel: User1 hat 1000 XXP erworben. Beim Solo-Staking verdient er 7% pro Monat und wenn er für beliebigen
Delegierten auf dieser Seite zustimmt, erhält er bereits 9%. Täglich wird die Delegiertengebühr von 1 bis 10%
von seinem Einkommen abgebucht. Selbst wenn es 10% ist, erhält User1 8,1% Token von 1000 Münzen für einen
Monat, und 0,9% von Gebühren wird an den Delegierten geben. Wenn User1 die Reinvestitionsoption aktiviert hat,
erhöht sich der Umsatz dynamisch.



13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / 🔥[BOUNTY]🔥 XX Platform (~50000$) 📊 5 WEEK 📉 Traded on the Hotbit 📈 on: March 16, 2021, 08:45:59 PM

Those bounty participants who registered during week #1 and registered wallets in the ERC-20 format without fail before the end of the bounty must provide the details of the XXP wallet registered on XX platforms in a special form

Use only XXP addresses registered on XX platform.

Payments to other addresses will not be made.

               ANN Thread XX Platform - investment trading platform


1. Total campaign pool accounts for XXP 50,000 (about $50,000).
2. Currency of payments: XXP token (TRC-20).
3. XXP token is traded on the Hotbit exchange.
4. Campaign timeline: 5 weeks:
1st week: 22/03 - 28/03/2021;
2nd week: 29/03 - 04/04/2021;
3rd week: 05/04 - 11/04/2021;
4th week: 12/04 - 18/04/2021;
5th week: 19/04 - 25/04/2021;
5. Terms and procedure of payments:
5.1. Payments are based on the results of stakes earned during the reporting period.
5.2. Payments for participation in the bounty campaign will be made in 2 stages:
50% within 30 days after the end of the bounty;
50% until the end of the 3rd quarter of 2021;
5.3. The total payment pool includes the organizers’ costs for paying commissions for the transfer of payments, as well as other
technical costs.
6. One participant can receive no more than 5% of the pool of the campaign he participates in.
7. Bounty campaign prize pool:
Twitter - 10% = 5000 XXP (~$5000)
Facebook - 10% = 5000 XXP (~$5000)
Reddit - 15% = 7500 XXP (~$7500)
Discord - 10% = 5000 XXP (~$5000)
Telegram - 5% = 2500 XXP (~$2500)
Articles/Campaign in mass media - 15% = 7500 XXP (~$7500)
YouTube - 15% = 7500 XXP (~$7500)
YouTube “High quality” - 20% = 10000 XXP (~$10000)

1. Each Bounty participant MUST join 2 Telegram channels:
The absence of registration in the above Telegram channels can cause participants’ disqualification from the bounty campaign
and cancellation of stakes for these participants.
To get a reward, you shall remain in these channels until you receive the payment.
1.1. is intended ONLY for communication about the XXP cryptocurrency.
1.2. For all questions considering Bounty, please, contact ONLY
2. No KYC.
3. Use only the XXP-address registered on the XX Platform to get a reward. The use of other ERC-20 and TRC-20 addresses is forbidden.
4. Use of multiple accounts is prohibited. Use of bots, spam or other types of fraud is prohibited. Anyone caught in the above
violations will be excluded from the bounty and his stakes will be canceled.
4.1. Plagiarism is prohibited! If a bounty participant is spotted in plagiarism, he receives a warning (“plagiarism” will be indicated
in the spreadsheets). If plagiarism is re-identified in the participant’s works, the participant will be excluded from the bounty
and his stakes will be canceled.
4.2. Low quality posts and comments are forbidden! If a participant writes posts or comments of apparently low quality, he
receives a warning (“low quality” will be indicated in the spreadsheets). If low quality content is re-identified in the participant’s
work, the participant will be excluded from the bounty and his stakes will be canceled.
5. Bounty manager reserves the right to amend the bounty conditions.
6. Bounty manager is allowed to exclude any participant from the campaign due to unethical behavior or insult towards the
bounty or other participants of the bounty. In this case, the stakes of the excluded user will be cancelled.
7. To confirm registration, you shall leave in this topic_ a “Confirmation” message in the form of

#Proof Authentication
Number in the spreadsheets:
Username at forum:
ETH wallet address:
Telegram nickname:
Campaign in which you participate:
The lack of the #Proof Authentication message confirming registration in the bounty topic is the basis for the
participant’s disqualification and cancellation of earned stakes.
8. Please submit your weekly reports using the recommended template.
No need to quote your report for the previous week.
The report shall include:
week number;
link to your social network account;
your number in the spreadsheet;
links to your messages/comments etc.

Week #
Number in the spreadsheets:
Username at forum:
ETH wallet address:
Telegram nickname:
Link to completed task:

9. The report shall be submitted in this topic weekly on Sunday until 23:59 (UTC+0).
10. Results for the past week will be checked and published by the manager within 4 days (until Thursday inclusive).
Another 3 days (until Sunday inclusive) are provided to participants to challenge the number of earned stakes, bans,
plagiarism or low quality content. After these deadlines, claims are not considered.

Official page on Twitter:

Reward for the 1st week:
1 stake/like + retweet of 3 posts from the XX Platform official page
2 stakes/like + retweet of 3 posts from the XX Platform official page + 2 personal tweets about the XX Platform

1. You shall remain subscribed to the official Twitter page until the payments are made;
2. One Twitter account is allowed per member;
3. Your Twitter account shall have at least 300 real followers (Twitter audit shall be above 80%);
4. The tweet shall meet the following criteria:
● contain information about the XX Platform project or the XXP cryptocurrency;
● be accompanied by an image with the XX Platform logo or other symbols;
● contain hashtags: #XXPlatform #XXP $XXP
● contain a link to the official site
● your retweets should also contain hashtags #XXPlatform #XXP $XXP
4.1. The absence of any of the above items may serve as grounds for non-accrual of stakes.


Official page on Facebook:

Reward for the 1st week:
1 stake/like + repost of 3 posts from the XX Platform official page
2 stakes/like + repost of 3 posts from the XX Platform official page + 2 personal posts about the XX Platform

1. You shall remain subscribed to the official Facebook page until the payments are made;
2. One Facebook account is allowed per member;
3. Your Facebook account shall have at least 500 real friends;
4. Posts and profile shall be public (open profile is required);
5. The post shall meet the following criteria:
● contain information about the XX Platform project or the XXP cryptocurrency;
● be accompanied by an image with the XX Platform logo or other symbols;
● contain hashtags: #XXPlatform #XXP $XXP
● contain a link to the official site
● your reposts should also contain hashtags #XXPlatform #XXP $XXP
5.1. The absence of any of the above items may serve as grounds for non-accrual of stakes.


Official page on Reddit:

Reward for the 1st week:
1 stake/like of 3 posts from the XX Platform official page
2 stakes/like of 3 posts from the XX Platform official page + 2 personal posts about the XX Platform posted on popular cryptocurrency subreddits.

1. You shall remain subscribed to the official Reddit page until the payments are made;
2. One Reddit account is allowed per member;
3. Your Reddit account shall have karma of at least 20 and the account shall be older than 1 month;
4. The post shall meet the following criteria:
● contain information about the XX Platform project or the XXP cryptocurrency;
● be accompanied by an image with the XX Platform logo or other symbols;
● contain hashtags: #XXPlatform #XXP $XXP
● contain a link to the official site
● your reposts should also contain hashtags #XXPlatform #XXP $XXP
4.1. The absence of any of the above items may serve as grounds for non-accrual of stakes.


Link for registration on the official Discord server:

Reward for the 1st week:
1 stake/invitation of 50 users to the Discord server;
2 stakes/invitation of 100 users to the Discord server;

1. You shall remain registered in the official XX Platform Discord until the payments are made;
2. One Discord account is allowed per member;
3. Participants need at least 50 invitations per week to participate and receive stakes. If this minimum is not met, stakes will not be accrued.
4. Make sure your invitation link is permanent.
5. Do not invite people from game servers, this will lead to disqualification.
6. People inviting fake or inactive accounts, new accounts, will be banned and disqualified!
7. The results of the participants' actions will be checked by a bot. The statistics will be available on the Discord server.


Official Telegram channel:

Reward for the 1st week:
1 stake/profile picture + name;
2 stakes/ profile picture + name + 3 posts about the XX Platform.

1. You shall remain subscribed to the official Telegram channel: until the payments are made;
2. One Telegram account is allowed per member;
3. Install the XX Platform profile image, add the text “XX Platform” to the name and do not change it until the end of the campaign.
3.1. The absence of the profile image or the text “XX Platform” in the name until the end of the campaign is the ground for the stake reduction to zero.
4. Write at least 3 evidence-based posts a week about the XX Platform in other telegram channels related to cryptocurrencies.
4.1. The post shall meet the following criteria:
contain information about the XX Platform project or the XXP cryptocurrency;
contain a link to the official site
4.2. The absence of any of the above items may serve as grounds for non-accrual of stakes.
4.3. Posts/messages shall be evidence-based, helpful and not considered as spam.
4.4. Deleted messages are not counted.


The XX Platform team is looking for talented authors who can write original and informative articles about the XX Platform and the XXP cryptocurrency.

1. Only high-quality unique content is accepted for participation.
2. The text of the article shall contain at least 50% of his/her personal impressions and conclusions.
3. Articles, the content of which duplicates the information from our official website, White Paper, Roadmap or other documents will not be considered and will not be subject to reward.
4. Your content shall be unique. Any suspicion of plagiarism will be suppressed, and authors will be excluded from the list of participants.
5. Articles shall be written in English or Russian only.
6. Articles shall be posted on reputable information websites, such as Bitcoinist or other cryptocurrency-related media.
7. Articles posted on blogging platforms, such as Blogspot, LinkedIn and similar free sites are not eligible to participate in the bounty.
8. It is allowed to post an article in the personal blog on the Medium website if your number of subscribers is at least 1000 and at the time of report submission the article has gained at least 250 views.
9. During the bounty campaign 1 (one) participant can submit only 1 (one) work.
10. The reward will be agreed depending on the volume of the article + the quality of the content:
1 stake - satisfactory
2 stakes - good
3 stakes - excellent
11. It is forbidden to speak unconstructively, negatively or ambiguously about the XX Platform project, about users or bounty participants.
12. Incitement to hatred, racism, religious or personal attacks is prohibited. Content shall be respectful and polite in all senses.
13. The article shall remain available until the payments are made.
14. Suggested (recommended) topics for articles:
1. My impression (my review) of the experience of using the XX Platform.
2. My impression (my review) of the experience of investing in the XXP token.
3. My impression (my review) of the possibility of earning money using the XXP token.
4. My vision of the XX Platform development prospects.
15. Article requirements:
Not less than 1000 words;
Not less than 2 images with XX Platform logo or other symbols;
Not less than 2 links to the website:;
16. The article shall be unique and interesting for the reader, written in the first person and contain a story about the user’s experience.
17. At the end of the text, as a proof of your authorship, a nickname and a link to your account on the forum, where you registered for the bounty campaign, shall be indicated.
18. Articles from accounts with negative credibility are not accepted for participation in the bounty.


The XX Platform team is looking for talented people who can shoot and upload original and educational YouTube videos about the XX Platform and the XXP cryptocurrency.

1. Only high-quality unique content is accepted for participation.
2. Videos, the content of which duplicates the information from our official website, White Paper, Roadmap or other documents will not be considered and will not be subject to reward.
3. Your content shall be unique. Any suspicion of plagiarism will be suppressed, and authors will be excluded from the list of participants.
4. Videos shall be in English or Russian only.
5. The video shall be posted on YouTube and have at least 200 views at the time of submission.
The video shall be shot in high-quality resolution (at least FulHD) and be accompanied by high-quality voice-over without interference and extraneous sounds.
6. 6. Video requirements:
Not less than 5 minutes;
Not less than 2 images with XX Platform logo or other symbols;
The video description shall contain the links:
The title and description shall contain XX Platform;
7. Negative or ambiguous statements about the XX Platform are forbidden.
8. The video shall be unique and interesting, shot (narrated) in the first person and contain a story about the user’s experience.
9. It is forbidden to speak unconstructively, negatively or ambiguously about the XX Platform project, about users or bounty participants.
10. Incitement to hatred, racism, religious or personal attacks is prohibited. Content shall be respectful and polite in all senses.
11. The video shall remain available until the payments are made.
12. Suggested (recommended) topics for videos:
1. My impression (my review) of the experience of using the XX Platform.
2. My impression (my review) of the experience of investing in the XXP token.
3. My impression (my review) of the possibility of earning money using the XXP token.
4. My vision of the XX Platform development prospects.
13. The reward will be agreed depending on the quality of the content:
1 stake - satisfactory
2 stakes - good
3 stakes - excellent
14. Videos from accounts with negative credibility are not accepted for participation in the bounty.
15. During the bounty campaign 1 (one) participant can submit only 1 (one) work.


The XX Platform team is looking for talented people who can shoot and upload original and educational YouTube videos about the XX Platform and the XXP cryptocurrency.

1. Only high-quality unique content is accepted for participation.
2. Videos, the content of which duplicates the information from our official website, White Paper, Roadmap or other documents will not be considered and will not be subject to reward.
3. Your content shall be unique. Any suspicion of plagiarism will be suppressed, and authors will be excluded from the list of participants.
4. Videos shall be in English or Russian only.
5. The video must be posted on a YouTube channel with at least 5,000 subscribers and have at least 2,000 views at the time of submission to the competition. The video should be filmed in high-quality resolution (at least FullHD) and be accompanied by high-quality voice acting without interference and extraneous sounds.
6. Video requirements:
Not less than 5 minutes;
You shall be present in the video;
Not less than 2 images with XX Platform logo or other symbols;
The video description shall contain the links:
The title and description shall contain XX Platform;
7. Negative or ambiguous statements about the XX Platform are forbidden.
8. The video shall be unique and interesting, shot (narrated) in the first person and contain a story about the user’s experience.
9. It is forbidden to speak unconstructively, negatively or ambiguously about the XX Platform project, about users or bounty participants.
10. Incitement to hatred, racism, religious or personal attacks is prohibited. Content shall be respectful and polite in all senses.
11. The video shall remain available until the payments are made.
12. Suggested (recommended) topics for videos:
1. My impression (my review) of the experience of using the XX Platform.
2. My impression (my review) of the experience of investing in the XXP token.
3. My impression (my review) of the possibility of earning money using the XXP token.
4. My vision of the XX Platform development prospects.
13. The reward will be agreed depending on the quality of the content:
1 stake - satisfactory
2 stakes - good
3 stakes - excellent
14. Videos from accounts with negative credibility are not accepted for participation in the bounty.
15. During the bounty campaign 1 (one) participant can submit only 1 (one) work.


14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / [ANN] [XXP] XX Platform - investment trading platform 📉📊📈 on: December 31, 2020, 12:21:35 PM


XX Platform is a system that combines a multifunctional cabinet with investment elements with a set of analytical
tools and access to dozens of traders and trading robots.

Being developed in close cooperation and consultation with professional traders and investors, the platform provides maximum
functionality while maintaining a simple and user-friendly interface.

XX Platform is not just another investment platform. This is an attempt to reimagine the concept of classic hedge funds,
implementing it in the form of an automated investment trading platform.

The goal of the XX Platform team is: to make investment instruments available to everyone anywhere in the world.

Launching any fintech startup requires resources: time and money. We understand that the independent
 development of the XX Platform will take many years till its release. That is why our team decided to raise funds from
private investors. In order not to contradict with our concept of decentralization and libertarianism, we turned down
proposals from large investment funds in favor of attracting funds from private investors.

The team has decided to issue their own cryptocurrency – the XX Platform token (stock ticker: XXP).

The formation system of the XXP token pricing policy is based on its use within the XX Platform
as a native token. It is the XXP token that allows to create proper microeconomics inside the platform and ensure the
ease and convenience of interaction for all system users.

The main objective of the XXP token is the functioning of a virtual accounting unit (equivalent to records in accounting
books) to ensure the accounting of funds placed by investors in trust with traders.

Moreover, the XXP token provides its holders with the opportunity to receive a reward for helping to finance the platform
development in the form of a staking interest rate.

In the future, the XXP token will also be used for investments in partnership funds and various investment products of
the XX Platform ecosystem.

Holders of the XXP token will receive priority for investment, as well as special conditions and discounts, which will make
investments with the XXP token more profitable, thereby providing it with natural liquidity.

The team plans to develop and launch several in-house IT services, which will form the basis
of the XX Platform digital product ecosystem:

The phased development and launch of the above services are planned for the period of 2021-2022.
More information about the terms and stages of development can be found in the Roadmap.

The platform provides for the possibility of receiving rewards in the form of an interest rate from staking.
Staking is a synonym for the phrase “money makes money,” when your XXP tokens literally participate in the generation
of new tokens, thereby increasing their number in your wallet.

In order to activate staking, you need to fulfill a few simple conditions:
1. keep XXP tokens in the XX Wallet;
ATTENTION! Storing tokens in third-party wallets that support TRC20 tokens or on exchanges makes participation in
staking impossible.
2. have a balance of 5 or more XXP tokens;
3. activate staking by transferring tokens from the Main Wallet balance to the Staking Wallet;

To increase profitability, the system provides for the possibility of using reinvest.

Reinvest is an analogue of compound bank interest, which allows transferring the received reward to the Staking Wallet,
increasing the balance of tokens participating in staking, and accordingly increasing the percentage of reward.

It should be considered, that even the smallest outgoing transaction from Staking Wallet resets the time coefficient,
which is one of the interest rate forming parameters.

Attention! If you plan to occasionally fix profits and withdraw the received tokens, we recommend disabling reinvest.

To structure and regulate the attracted investment funds, as well as for the sake of fair
and transparent distribution of remuneration from the platform, the XX Delegate system of delegated stake
distribution has been implemented in XX Platform.

The XX Delegate system consists of Delegates and Stakeholders.

Delegate is a user who has fulfilled the necessary conditions and registered a Delegate's account in the system.

Any user who feels a leadership potential and has the time, desire and experience to develop the XX Platform
community can become a delegate.

In order to create a Delegate account, it is necessary to buy and freeze* XXP tokens in the amount of 10,000 units
and go through a special registration procedure.

Freezing of XXP tokens is carried out through the special form in the user personal

A stakeholder is a user registered in the system, who has XXP tokens on the balance and who has voted with them for any
Delegate of his choice, represented on the platform.

In order to vote for a Delegate, you shall select the desired delegate from the list of those registered on the platform and
click “vote”. During the voting, 44 XXP tokens will be frozen** on the stakeholder's balance.

The tokens used by the stakeholder for “voting” remain in the ownership of the user, but are assigned to the corresponding
staking pool for calculating the “weight” of the Delegate.

Frozen tokens continue to participate in staking.

**stakeholder tokens are not unfrozen, but continue to participate in staking

Example: User1 purchases 1000 XXP. In solo staking, he earns 7% per month, and by voting for any delegate on this page,
he will receive 9%. Delegate commission from 1 to 10% will be deducted from his income on a daily basis. Even if it is 10%,
then in a month User1 will receive 8.1% of tokens from 1000 coins, and 0.9% will be given in commissions to the delegate.
At the same time, if User1 has the reinvestment option enabled, then the income will dynamically increase.



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