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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / What should i buy? Elixir or Dragonchain? on: January 15, 2018, 07:45:37 PM
Hello, i have been in here for a while, and i have decided to put some money on both altcoins.
But seriously, i can not decide in which one of both.

A friend of mine told me that i should put a 50% - 50% in both of them, to diversify it a little bit better.

But the real truth, is that i trust more on Elixir, since it has a bigger room to keep going up for a while, it can easily give me an easy x15 if it gets to the total marketcap of dragonchain (1 billion dollars)

What would you do? Please, give me your thoughs.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / WHAT ALTCOIN EXCHANGE IS BEST TO USE? on: December 16, 2014, 11:34:40 PM
Everyone has an exchange that they feel is best for them. There are a few big players like bittrex and cryptsy, but there are others that are very good exchanges also.

I am interested in knowing which exchange everyone thinks is the best one to use. Whether its a big player like Bittrex or maybe one that may be overlooked.

As long as it is a legitimate exchange that is not fly by night. Please don't use this to promote scam exchanges. I created this topic to try to help people find exchanges that are here for the long run.

Please include why you like the exchange you list here. Things like how old the exchange is, how active and professional. things like that.

I will keep updating and listing the results as we go.


Bittrex, Allcoin, Poloniex, Cryptsy and Bter seem to be peoples choice in that order.

A few negative comments for Cryptsy and Bter so I put them at the end.

Askcoin was metioned but was a warning
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / What makes a good coin? on: December 05, 2014, 03:06:19 AM
Im not sure if there is a topic out there like this but I haven't seen it if there is.

With so many coins out there now and many of them being scam coins, I am interested in what everyone thinks makes a good coin.

What I want is the attributes you look for, not specific coins.

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / QUARKBAR SUPPORTING LOCAL FOOD BANKS AND GIVES BOUNTY FOR CHARITY on: December 01, 2014, 02:15:05 PM

Quarkbar is doing its part during the holiday season to raise awareness to local food banks and charities and help the less fortunate all over the world.

We are asking everyone to donate to food banks and charities in your local communities and we will give you FREE QUARKBAR for doing it.

Donate to your local food bank. Take a senior citizen to dinner or support your church soup kitchen. Anything food related. Get creative and show us what you can do!

Its easy to do. You will help your local community and get some FREE QUARKBAR at the same time. Smiley

All you need to do is make a charitable food donation. Come back here  and give the details of your charitable act(what you did and what city and country you are from)  and provide us with your Quarkbar address and we will give you 100 QUARKBAR.

We are also giving prizes for people that do the most charitable acts until December 25 2014.

You can get some more information here:



If you share a photo of your donation we will give you a 50 QB BONUS! Smiley

One week left before Christmas! Donate to your food bank and get some free QUARKBAR!

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