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1  Local / Suche / [S] ripple xrp, oder bitcoin [B] bargeld oder sepa überweisung on: July 29, 2018, 09:28:59 PM

Leider meine Bank (reiffeisen-volksbank) erlaubt kein überweisung zu mein Bitstamp konto, darum brauche ich ;

Ripple's XRP , oder bitcoin, gegen bargeld / SEPA überweisung . xrp erwünscht mehr als btc.
Insgesamt brauche ich etwa 1000 eur wert, in stufen von 50-250 eur.

Bei interesse bitte PN (englisch wenn möglich  Cheesy )

2  Economy / Currency exchange / [wtb] btc/xrp for EUR SEPA on: July 29, 2018, 04:34:35 PM

Looking for trusted sellers only, and ofc lowest price wins.
Advantage if you can sell XRP directly, so that i dont have to lose time dealing with exchanges.

P2P trading also possible (Germany, Nürnberg -/+100km)

In total need 1000 EUR worth.
3  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Sretna Nova Godina ! on: December 31, 2017, 11:19:57 PM

Sretna Nova Godina bitcointalkeri Smiley

4  Economy / Currency exchange / Selling BTC for PayPal 1:1 preev on: December 31, 2017, 03:24:05 PM
Doing some shopping and need PP funds.

Looking to exchange my BTC  for PayPal at 1:1 Preev rate.
Range 100 - 1000 USD.

Not dealing with new and/or untrusted members.
5  Economy / Currency exchange / WTS BitcoinCash,Eth,Btc .. on: December 28, 2017, 07:21:07 PM
Looking well trusted exchangers only.

My crypto for your pp,skrill,neteller, or just regular cash-in-hand, if anyone is living near Weiden, Germany , we can meet in person, one on one.

Looking to sell in smaller batches , lets say 100-1000 EUR

6  Bitcoin / Electrum / Importing password protected key on: December 11, 2017, 04:13:44 AM

how can i import password protected key into electrum ?!

Thought it would recognize it, i enter password, and done ...

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / rx 480 8 gb ethereum mining on: June 16, 2017, 08:07:05 PM
The card is xfx rx 480 , 8 gig. @ 1260 core, and 1160 mem, with copied 1750 straps to 2000.
I'm trying to get best what i can with this card, while still making it usable for everyday tasks (it's my pc, and not a dedicated mining rig, hence 1 card only)

The best i can do is 30 mh without memory errors, at 77 W draw, but i'm pretty sure it should be able to go further , asic quality is at 90.6 %
Anyone got some better results they want to share ?
8  Economy / Currency exchange / Have Bitcoin - Need paypal (trusted members only) on: June 05, 2017, 08:31:22 PM
I have ~0.02 btc , need as much paypal i can get for that.

pm me your offer or post here.
trusted members with personal paypal accounts only.
9  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Popravak hard diska u hrvatskoj on: May 26, 2017, 05:02:11 PM
Jel imao tko kakva iskustva sa popravkom istih u hr ?

Znaci elektronika je otisla sigurno (straznji pcb) , glave su zamjenite (mini flat kabel na njima isto gotov bio). Sve u svemu jedino ploce sa podacima su žive Smiley

Gledao sam neke opcije, ali cijene su drakonske - doslovno.
10  Local / Trgovina / [Prodajem] Bitcoin za EUR, USD ili HRK - cash [bitpay cijena minus 5%] on: March 12, 2017, 12:22:50 PM
Lokacija Osijek, cugu dobijete gratis Smiley . Iskljucivo face-to-face trade za gotovinu.

Cijena  minus 5%  [Cijena okvirno u vrijeme dogovora]
U slucaju vecih iznosa, iz opreza zadrzavam pravo da odbijem ponudu ako mi se cini da nesto ne stima.

1. Ja dokazujem posjed dogovorenog iznosa u btc
2. Vi placate dogovoreni iznos
3. Ja saljem btc na vasu adresu

Iskljucivo gore navedeni raspored, vi placate prvi.
11  Economy / Web Wallets / was targeted today. on: October 12, 2016, 09:42:10 PM
As you may have noticed, was unavailable earlier on. They released several tweets with updates on the situation, but nothing detailed.
One of them : "Earlier today, we discovered our DNS registrar had been compromised. We took immediate action to resolve the issue. "

This is exactly the reason i don't use online wallets, and niether should anyone. I'm really interested in seing the aftermath of this DNS hijack, and
hope there were no empty wallets. We should find out soon enough.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / What to mine with 1gb older cards on: September 21, 2016, 08:57:16 PM
I stopped mining long time ago, but would like to put some of my left over cards to use ; any idea on what to mine ?

Cards are 5850's with only 1 gb of ram, so eth is a no-go. Being out of gpu mining scene for ages, i would appreciate some advices.
btw i dont plan to buy asics, i just want to use my old gpu's.

13  Local / Announcements (Hrvatski) / - na misiji da ukine online cenzuru pomocu blockchain tehnologije on: August 16, 2016, 04:58:41 PM
Nimirum Projekt -

O  Nimirum Projektu:
Nimirum Projekt planira ukinuti online cenzuru koristeci blockchain tehnologiju . Stvaramo forum platformu sa istim dozivljajem kao tradicionalni forum, no sa sigurnoscu koju pruza bitcoin.

Forum platforma nece imati moderatore, administratore, niti slicne pozicije. Nitko nece imati vise ovlasti od bilo koga drugoga.Ovo je idealno rjesenje za ukidanje cenzure na forumima, i mi cemo biti prvi koji ce to ostvariti.

Cak niti tvorci nimirum-a nece moci cenzurirati nikoga , i necemo imati vece ovlasti od drugih.

White Paper:
Nimirum Whitepaper V1:

Sada objavljujemo prvu verziju whitepaper-a da pokazemo sustinu onoga sto planiramo, i da dobijemo povratne informacije od zajednice. Poslije uspjesnog ICO-a, detaljna verzija Whitepaper-a V2 biti ce objavljena, sa opaskama tvorca projekta.

Treci kvartal 2016 ICO

Distribuirati cemo Nimirum Tokene u nasemu ICO-u da bi prikupili sredstva za izgradnju projekta. Nimirum Tokeni ce imati visestruke funkcionalnosti na forum platformi, ukljucujuci napojnice, nagrade za korisnike, ugradjeni escrow sustav, i jos mnogo toga.

Cetvrti kvartal 2016 Decentralizirana Forum Platforma

Nas cilj je stvoriti potpuno funkcionirajuci, decentralizirani forum sustav koji je lagan za koristenje,a pokretan blok lancem. Biti ce ponudjene visestruke forum mreze za razlicite forumske teme. Stvoriti cemo sustav gdje cak moderatori i administratori nemaju mogucnost da cenzuriraju korisnike. Forum ce se moci koristiti putem naseg laganoga klijenta otvorenog izvornoga koda.Klijent ce u pocetku biti pusten kao Chrome & Firefox dodatak, no kasnije ce zazivjeti i kao iOS i Android aplikacija.

Clanovi Tima:
Monte - Osnivac

Joshua - Suosnivac / Razvojni programer

Catrina - Razvojni programer

Nikos - Graficki dizajner

O ICO-u:
Lansiramo ICO da bi zapoceli prikupljanje sredstava za nimirum blok lanac i klijente.Nas cilj sa ICO-om je dati platformi dovoljno energije i usvajanja do samostalnog odrzavanja od strane zajednice.

Distribuirati cemo 1,000,000 nimirum tokena u ICO-u. Isplate ce biti otvorene na kraju ICO-a ; 08.09.2016.

Program upucivanjakorisnika:
Program upucivanja korisnika u BTC u visini od 7.5%

Nas ICO ima besplatni program upucivanja korisnika koji nudi 7.5% bonus za upucivanje korisnika. Na primjer,ako uputite nekoga tko kupi  Nimirum Tokena u  vrijednosti 1 BTC-a , biti cete nagradjeni sa 0.075 BTC. Kolacici upucivanja korisnika istjecu nakon jednoga mjeseca.

Rani investitori dobivaju bonus na kupovinu. Prva tri dana: 25%, Prvi tjedan: 20%, Drugi tjedan: 10%, Treci tjedan: 5%. Nakon trecega tjedna vise nema dostupnih bonusa.

ICO ce biti dostupan cetiri tjedna.
ICO zapocinje 9.8, 2016 i traje 30 dana , do 8.9, 2016.


Potrazite nas:
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / ajareselde's Legendary campaign manager services [Cheap & Reliable][Pro-Bono] ✔ on: August 05, 2016, 01:35:18 PM

As per thread title, i am offering my services as campaign manager,assistant manager, or similar position in field of promotion and marketing data analysis.
I am available daily for the needs of potential campaign(s), and can provide you with support in your quests with minimum delay.

I have been active member of bitcointalk for ~5 years, participated in many campaigns, and at times jumped in and out to help out on some of them, and now
i want to devote much more of my time in this field.

Pricing for my services is going to be minimal, to give everyone a possibility of hiring manager for their bussiness, and for smaller ones, a pro-bono work can be arranged.
I am reserving the right to accept or deny any campaign.

So if you need some help in managing your campaign, or analysing various related data, feel free to send me PM.
All rates and such can be discussed and modified per individual case, depending on size and complexity of work, bellow are base rates for "regular" campaigns.

Price for signature campaign is rated at only 0.10 BTC per month
Price for social/media campaign is rated at only 0.05 per month

All campaigns can contact me for a pro-bono work if they feel like their finances are impacted by manager rates, but it is up to me alone
if i'm going to accept that pro-bono work,or not.

- I created this thread for above reasons only, please refrain yourself from unwanted/useless comments.
- All prices and conditions are subject to a change, however changes can not be made by me to ongoing campaigns.
- I reserve the right to accept or deny any campaign, based on my judgement alone.

15  Economy / Services / ajareselde's Legendary campaign manager services [Cheap & Reliable][Pro-Bono] ✔ on: August 05, 2016, 01:01:12 PM

As per thread title, i am offering my services as campaign manager,assistant manager, or similar position in field of promotion and marketing data analysis.
I am available daily for the needs of potential campaign(s), and can provide you with support in your quests with minimum delay.

I have been active member of bitcointalk for ~5 years, participated in many campaigns, and at times jumped in and out to help out on some of them, and now
i want to devote much more of my time in this field.

Pricing for my services is going to be minimal, to give everyone a possibility of hiring manager for their bussiness, and for smaller ones, a pro-bono work can be arranged.
I am reserving the right to accept or deny any campaign.

So if you need some help in managing your campaign, or analysing various related data, feel free to send me PM.
All rates and such can be discussed and modified per individual case, depending on size and complexity of work, bellow are base rates for "regular" campaigns.

Price for signature campaign is rated at only 0.10 BTC per month
Price for social/media campaign is rated at only 0.05 per month

All campaigns can contact me for a pro-bono work if they feel like their finances are impacted by manager rates, but it is up to me alone
if i'm going to accept that pro-bono work,or not.

- I created this thread for above reasons only, please refrain yourself from unwanted/useless comments.
- All prices and conditions are subject to a change, however changes can not be made by me to ongoing campaigns.
- I reserve the right to accept or deny any campaign, based on my judgement alone.

16  Economy / Gambling discussion / Euro 2016 - What do u think of this ticket on: June 06, 2016, 07:29:32 PM
Poland - Northern Ireland [Neutral venue]           1

Germany - Ukraine [Neutral venue]                    1   

Wales - Slovakia [Neutral venue]                        2

Spain - Czech Republic [Neutral venue]                1

France - Romania live                                        1

Albania - Switzerland [Neutral venue]                  2

Portugal - Iceland [Neutral venue]                      1

Odds 40.34
Bet 0.01 btc, possible win 0.4034 btc   
17  Economy / Auctions / [WTS] traffic exchange account,~2000 referrals,25 000 credits on: December 21, 2015, 09:55:48 PM
1998 referrals as my downlines :

236 referrals on the 1st level       10% of traffic generated
74 referrals on the 2nd level         5% of traffic generated
1108 referrals on the 3rd level      3% of traffic generated
528 referrals on the 4th level        2% of traffic generated
52 referrals on the 5th level          1% of traffic generated
1998 in total

Account has these balances worth ~120 USD when you're buying it from site itself, not including the referrals - which are even more valuable.

Unassigned credits                   25 700
Unassigned banner impressions   653
Unassigned text ad impressions   ~ 11 000
Money                                      $2.14 US

Account is my own, reason for sale is that i dont need it anymore.
Direct refferals i have generate more credits daily, amount varies on their activity.

min bid 0.10 BTC, increments for bidding 0.005 BTC

BIN 0.25 BTC

18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Signing a message with a time stamp ? on: December 20, 2015, 11:58:51 PM
I want to sign a message, but to also include a time stamp that could be verified, as in ; i want to use blockchain tech to protect author rights.
This may seam like silly, but i never had to timestamp anything.

It should look something like this, but have a timestamp as well


wrote a word
filled with grief
with my own
cant be brief

wrote another
feels the same
letters changed
still your name

thrill is over
truth be told
as your love
life is sold

sweet the tear
drawn from eye
numb the hope
love won't die

splash of ink
to remember
drained thoughts
on a paper

19  Economy / Service Discussion / and bitcoin on: October 05, 2015, 10:24:42 PM
I recently ordered a bunch of things from fasttech, paid with bitcoin ofc  Roll Eyes , but i have a strange issue; the payment went through (via bitpay) but they
still keep the "clearing payment" sign over all of the orders, even tho it says under FAQ how that sign should go away about a hour after the payment has been made..

Anyone buying from there ? Did you have similar experiences? [While i'm awaiting for reply from their tech support]
20  Other / Meta / Database Error on: September 17, 2015, 08:20:40 PM
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.

I'm getting this alot today, anyone else with the same problem ?
I have a script that accesses forum every 30 seconds, could this be the thing causing the issue? (It just refreshes some info, nothing more)

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