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1  Economy / Reputation / Lauda gave negative feedback for no valid reason on: October 14, 2017, 07:52:24 AM
I got negative feedback from Lauda without breaking any rules. This is just wrong as I helped many people here since 2011 and knew about Bitcoin before even she did. Who does she think she is to act like she can ban old members like me just for updating security info?

She claimed my account is "likely hacked" because I updated my email and password recently. Where is the scam accusation if this is not my account?

Edit: Lauda only joined this forum in 2013. I have been here since 2011 and helping people with mining. When a mod reads my post tell her she needs to delete this fake negative trust.
2  Other / Beginners & Help / Bitcoin Mining Quick Guide on: August 11, 2012, 02:41:21 PM
For those new users, i created a quick guide for you to start mining.

3  Other / Beginners & Help / Quick Setup Guide for New Bitcoin Users on: August 09, 2011, 02:39:09 PM
Hi All,

i have just created a quick setup guide for new bitcoin users. The quick guide includes all the necessary files that they need to start mining. At the moment the guide is meant for CPU miners and ATI Graphic Miners.

Will improve the quick guide in the near future. If you find the site is helpful and like to buy me a coffee, you can send me some bitcoins to my bitcoin address on my signature below.
4  Economy / Services / RDP Server - Singapore Connection @ 1.2BTC Per Month on: July 17, 2011, 03:25:21 AM
Hi All,

I releasing my first RDP service to be evaluated on production environment. For those who needs additional softwares, you can request here. This RDP server is limited to 5 users only.

30GB Per User
100Mbps Singapore
IPV6 connected
Utorrent, Filezilla, Xchat, Firefox and WinSCP installed for all users

1.2 BTC / Mth

cheers !
5  Economy / Marketplace / Free Unix Shell With Virtualmin - Receiving donations now on: June 30, 2011, 06:38:39 PM
Hi All,

For those seeking free unix shell access, check out our free shell and for those people who donate, your account will be activated immediately.

Data Space - 400Mb
SSH Shell - Bash
Web Address -
Web Hosting Apache2, PHP5 (with GD and Imagemagick), Curl
FTP Access
Webmail / POP / Imap - unlimited account creations.
Compilers - gcc, make, cc, flex, bison and others (please request if you need others)
IRC access - eggdrop, bnc, psybnc, irssi
Webpanel access - Virtualmin / Usermin
IPV6 Vhosts
6  Economy / Services / WTS OpenVPN Singapore & Web Hosting Service @ 0.25BTC on: June 29, 2011, 05:12:43 AM
Providing the following services with bitcoin

1. OpenVPN - Singapore 100Mbit ( 0.25 BTC / Mth)
- OpenVPN Base
- Dynamic IP
- 100Mbit Network

2. 1000MB Web Hosting ( 0.25 BTC / Mth)
- Virtualmin
- SSH Unix Shell Access With compilers (gcc, make, perl, etc)
- Php5
- Mysql 5.1
- Pop3 / Imap
- Singapore IP / Dynamic
- Unmetered Data transfer

7  Other / Beginners & Help / Hosting providers post your service here if you accept Bitcoins. Buyers Lookout! on: June 28, 2011, 12:40:02 AM
Hey all,

To those online providers such as web hosting, vps, vpn, shared hosting, domain registrations, servers, proxy, etc. All ISP fall in and please provide info of your products / promos, price and how to make payment to your bitcoins

Buyers bookmark this ? =P

Mine as below

Providing the following services with bitcoin

1. OpenVPN - Singapore 100Mbit ( 0.2 BTC / Mth)
- OpenVPN Base
- Dynamic IP
- 100Mbit Network

2. 1000MB Web Hosting ( 0.2 BTC / Mth)
- Virtualmin
- Unix Shell Access With compilers (gcc, make, perl, etc)
- Php5
- Mysql 5.1
- Pop3 / Imap
- Unmetered Data transfer

8  Other / Beginners & Help / New in bitcoin on: June 27, 2011, 12:43:39 PM
Hi All,

i am from Singapore, apparently just got to know about Bitcoin. There are alot of interesting stuff i read about Bitcoin. I am a freelancer, running web design and hosting freelance group.

I am looking to offer some of my already running services with Bitcoin payment options. Below are some of the service that will kick in immediately to accept Bitcoins

1. OpenVPN service - Singapore Based Dynamic IP Connection

2. Paid Unix Shell Service

I have still little understanding about Bitcoin currency therefore any form of price range suggestion and examples will be great while i surf around to look into more and clear my doubts and questions.

Thank you again, see you guys soon!  Roll Eyes
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