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1  Bitcoin / Legal / Is it legal to sell bitcoin for cash ? on: September 08, 2017, 06:05:32 AM
I was thinking of selling my bitcoins for cash. Is it perfectly legal to do so ? Amount is close to 3-4K.

Thanks for reading.
2  Economy / Gambling discussion / Is it worth using bitcoins anymore for gambling ? on: July 21, 2017, 12:29:10 AM
I feel my bankroll management and savings all are highly unstable. Can go up or down by storing money in bitcoin to gamble. Some form of betting like poker requires good bankroll management and with value changing everyday, I don't see bitcoin as a good use for poker players and sportsbettors.

3  Economy / Gambling discussion / Can someone explain the trend of bitcoin casinos creating altcoins ? on: July 13, 2017, 08:22:46 PM
Till date all the casinos which have wanted to raise money or have an invest feature used to do it by launching a casino accepting investments in bitcoins and charging a commission on bets.

But now I see casinos like  creating an altcoin, accepting investments and issuing tokens to be traded on an exchange and keeping all the money raised upfront in the ICO.

Isn't that scammy ? Why can't they just accept bitcoins as regular investments ?

4  Economy / Gambling discussion / Incorporating a deposit system for a gambling website on wordpress on: June 17, 2017, 10:04:27 PM
I am making a gambling website on wordpress as I am not a professional web developer and have been trying to integrate a deposit platform to credit accounts and do withdrawals on the website.

Can any developer here suggest on the right resources to look at for achieving this ?

Would really appreciate it and would be happy to reward if I do get the site up and running.
5  Other / Beginners & Help / How can a transaction like this happen before confirming ? on: June 10, 2017, 08:08:10 PM
So I saw this transaction today

And the money left the address right after it arrived there without any confirmation .

How is this possible ? Doesn't it need to confirm before that address can send it ?
6  Economy / Trading Discussion / Best and most Trustworthy Platform to Short bitcoin ? on: May 22, 2017, 06:09:33 PM
As the title says. I am looking for the Best and most Trustworthy Platform to Short bitcoin. Country is not a big issue. States will be fine. Just don't want to hand over my money to an untrustworthy exchange because I expect to hold my short for a long time.

7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Sending a transaction to multiple people with the same fees on: May 20, 2017, 02:27:22 PM
I have never sent the same transaction to multiple people. When I send money to a single person, say I pay 0.0004 in fees. Can I send money to multiple people in the same transaction and pay just one fees for the entire transaction ? 

If so, then is there an online wallet which supports this feature ?
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Question about transaction fees on: May 04, 2017, 12:48:49 AM
Because of another post on here, I was wondering what would happen if bitcoin touches a price like $5000. What would the new transaction fees mean then ?

Because that would mean 0.001 btc is 5$, and we will not be able to send anything less than 5$ without paying half of that in fees. Sending 1$ would be impossible.

9  Economy / Services / Looking to hire someone for an animation on: May 01, 2017, 01:25:55 AM
I am working on a small project which requires animation, please contact me or post here with any previous work you might have done. And pm me the price you will be willing to pay for a similar line of work for me to understand.
10  Economy / Invites & Accounts / WTB .edu account for Amazon on: March 03, 2017, 08:41:48 AM
Looking to buy a .edu account for verifying or starting the prime trial for students on Amazon. Please message me with the price you are selling one for ? A lot of .edu don't work on amazon, so will only pay after testing.

Thank you.
11  Economy / Gambling discussion / SHA-1 got cracked by Google - Does it affect the PF gambling sites in any way ? on: February 24, 2017, 01:51:39 AM
Today's big news was that Google cracked SHA-1 which has been an industry standard encryption that has been used on a lot of sites. Didn't the provably fair sites also use the same encryption ? Can these sites be vulnerable to the attack ?
12  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Looking to buy a Course Hero account or documents on: January 31, 2017, 10:52:25 PM
Looking to buy a Course Hero account or documents. If anyone has an account or would be able to grab a document or a few please let me know.
13  Economy / Digital goods / Look to purchase a website release buying bot on: January 29, 2017, 01:21:00 AM
I have heard a few websites like Nike or adidas have bots which buy new releases faster than humans. Kind of a little unfair, but it happened to me this week. Looking to buy a bot for buying these kinds of releases, For now only looking for Nike and Adidas. Please pm me with a price if you have developed a bot for this or can.
14  Other / MultiBit / Creating a fresh wallet from a .key file ? on: January 07, 2017, 04:15:43 AM
I have been using the old Multibit classic on my PC and I found that whenever I import a .key file to my multibit client it basically links my wallet with the .key address and an address which was generated when the wallet was first created and opened.

On doing any transaction, the money gets sent to either of the addresses even when I don't have the key to the other address. Is there any way to create or open a brand new wallet from just a .key file ?
15  Economy / Exchanges / Is there an exchange which does not require my SSN number for trading ? on: December 26, 2016, 06:29:59 PM
Its simply that I don't trust exchanges. I am fine with giving them my ID scans or photos, but I just don't want to trust them with my ssn number.
Can someone suggest an exchange which would let me register and trade without an SSN ?
16  Economy / Gambling discussion / Why do Odd-Even games on Soccer have odds so less than 1.98x ? on: December 23, 2016, 07:25:32 PM
I was looking at the odds on some soccer games and the odds I see for odd and even are way too less than 1.98. Since one of the 2 possibilities will happen shouldn't the odds atleast for one of them be atleast 1.98 ?

Right now on one of the soccer bets I have opened, I see odds of 1.78 and 1.9. Isn't this a much bigger house edge than betting on dice instead ?
17  Economy / Digital goods / WTB Lumosity Premium account on: November 01, 2016, 05:52:53 PM
Looking to buy a Premium Lumosity account. if you have one available for selling please pm me. If you are aware of a gen which might have lumosity accounts please let me know about that too.
18  Economy / Gambling discussion / Wimbledon 2016 - Discussion 🎾 🎾 🎾 on: June 29, 2016, 02:05:31 PM
The most famous Tennis competition is back . Just created this thread for discussion regarding the same. We have a few games ongoing today and will have a lot more to follow this season.

I would chose Djokovic to win this season. Lets see if Murray or any other player can give him a good fight.

What are you guys betting on ?
19  Economy / Scam Accusations / kirch - Starbucks gift card default on: April 25, 2016, 01:46:58 AM
What happened::
I bought a starbucks gift card from his link, and the card was already registered.

Scammers Profile Link:;u=92027

Reference Link:

The accused has been selling starbucks gift cards here:

Amount Scammed: 5$
Payment Method: BTC (over at
Additional Notes: I have been buying a lot of his gift cards in the past few days, specially because of his positive trust. Most of the cards work fine, but today was the second instance of a card not working. Just about a week and a half back I bought another card which had 0 balance. And the card I bought today said "Card is already registered"  .

His thread here:  has already been locked by him.

Last time when I contacted him, he sent me a replacement card.

Today when the second card didn't register, i asked him to check it and this is the reply I got:

yes,you might have registered it !!

OK..let me call starbucks and report the card as stolen..
They might require a police report..let me make a online complaint and get the reference number and submit to starbucks .Starbucks will close the card and account and send me replacement

BTW..psl don't buy from me or in future as you have misused my trust

Further, I told him to either refund or send a replacement. He said he will wait for starbucks reply. I told him alright, feel free to email starbucks, get the card blocked and send me a replacement. But if I don't get a reply in 3-4 days I will have to post about the incident on his thread(which he has now locked).

Then now, this is the reply I got from him:

don't dare to intimidate me !

I will give a damn fuck  !
do what ever you want

20  Economy / Digital goods / Looking to buy a Seedbox account or share one on: January 19, 2016, 05:18:40 PM
I am looking to share or buy a less priced seedbox account. Is there anyone here who is selling one ?
thanks for looking.
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