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1  Local / Markt / Need Ajax vs. PSV soccer tickets - 0.2 BTC reward on: August 22, 2014, 01:29:16 PM
For anyone who can find me 7 tickets for this match on 24th August, total cost of around 500 Euro, I will give 0.2 BTC reward. Or nearest offer.
Half of the reward will be issued upon receipt of the tickets (e-ticket most likely) and the other half once tickets let us enter the stadium.
There's probably a much better way of me doing this but its short notice and I'm just throwing it out there!

Voor iedereen die mij kan vinden 7 tickets voor deze wedstrijd op 24 augustus, de totale kostprijs van ongeveer 500 euro, ik zal 0,2 BTC beloning geven. Of het dichtstbijzijnde aanbod.
De helft van de beloning zal worden uitgegeven bij ontvangst van de tickets (e-ticket waarschijnlijk) en de andere helft een keer tickets laten we het stadion betreden.
Er is waarschijnlijk een veel betere manier om me dit, maar haar korte termijn te doen en ik ben gewoon gooien het daar!
2  Economy / Services / Need Ajax vs. PSV soccer tickets - 0.2 BTC reward on: August 22, 2014, 11:43:47 AM
For anyone who can find me 7 tickets for this match on 24th August, total cost of around 500 Euro, I will give 0.2 BTC reward. Or nearest offer.

Half of the reward will be issued upon receipt of the tickets (e-ticket most likely) and the other half once tickets let us enter the stadium.

There's probably a much better way of me doing this but its short notice and I'm just throwing it out there!
3  Economy / Goods / [WTB] - Ajax Amsterdam vs. PSV Eindhoven football soccer tickets on: August 22, 2014, 07:28:02 AM
For the match Sunday 24 August 2014 16:45

PM or
4  Bitcoin / Project Development / BTCRadio - Bitcoin Shoutcast Radio Station on: August 18, 2011, 09:46:50 AM
Greetings to everybody,

On behalf of Snapman I am announcing the launch of a new shoutcast radio station dedicated to music and the discussion of updates in the world of bitcoin.

Open DJ positions are now available. BTCRadio is seeking DJs to help diversify the playlist and keep the project moving. If you are interested, please reply to this topic or complete the form on the site.

Current playlist: The Crystal Method - Vegas

If you would like to make a donation to our station: 18Me9zdm1KEfo5QLYSMpE8nakMbwsR3393

Thanks for your support and suggestions!
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