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1  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Is there any interest in Destiny accounts L20+? on: September 24, 2014, 12:43:27 PM
I have a few Destiny accounts and I'm interested to know if there is any interest... this is PSN by the way?
2  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTS] Member account on: May 24, 2014, 10:03:24 PM
I`m selling my member account.  I`ll be using escrow with a reputable person. I`m also open to trades as well with escrow.


Escrow preferred w.;u=76380

Price 0.06

Note: It`ll become a full member account within 2 weeks.

Quick FAQ - Is it allowed to sell? Yes, see here:

As it has been answered, yes Forum accounts are allowed to be bought or sold, and you may have more than one. The reason being, it would be impossible for the staff to weed out all account sales and multiple accounts. We just couldn't do it, so by allowing it, everyone is aware that it happens and knows to watch out for it if they need to. If we said no buying/selling accounts and no alt accounts allowed, the many people who could slip through the cracks would be able to do far more damage, as the community wouldn't be on guard the same way it is now.

That being said, buying/selling accounts isn't always bad, people can use the accounts for paid signature advertising, giveaways, and whatnaught, rather than using them to scam. There are scammers, and those that use alts responsibly. Some people have alt/purchased accounts so that they may speak their mind without fear of people associating certain ideals or policies to them. For example, and established business may not like to post their personal opinions which may be unpopular on the account that also is used to faciliate trade.

I hope this clears it up a bit better.
3  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTS] btctalk forum Member account on: May 24, 2014, 09:43:04 PM
I`m selling my member account.  I`ll be using escrow with a reputable person. I`m also open to trades as well with escrow.


Escrow preferred w.;u=76380

Price 0.06

Note: It`ll become a full member account within 2 weeks.

Quick FAQ - Is it allowed to sell? Yes, see here:
As it has been answered, yes Forum accounts are allowed to be bought or sold, and you may have more than one. The reason being, it would be impossible for the staff to weed out all account sales and multiple accounts. We just couldn't do it, so by allowing it, everyone is aware that it happens and knows to watch out for it if they need to. If we said no buying/selling accounts and no alt accounts allowed, the many people who could slip through the cracks would be able to do far more damage, as the community wouldn't be on guard the same way it is now.

That being said, buying/selling accounts isn't always bad, people can use the accounts for paid signature advertising, giveaways, and whatnaught, rather than using them to scam. There are scammers, and those that use alts responsibly. Some people have alt/purchased accounts so that they may speak their mind without fear of people associating certain ideals or policies to them. For example, and established business may not like to post their personal opinions which may be unpopular on the account that also is used to faciliate trade.

I hope this clears it up a bit better.
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