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1  Economy / Micro Earnings / VideoTrove - watch and share videos for bitcoins on: April 05, 2016, 12:49:40 PM

I've just launched VideoTrove, a new site that allows you to earn bitcoins in three ways:
  • Vote on a video of your choice every 24 hours for a reward, similar to how most faucets work
  • Found a cool video you want to share? Share it on on VideoTrove (YouTube, Vimeo, Vidme currently supported). Every week three of the most liked videos will win a reward.
  • Invite people using your referral link; after registering, you'll earn a 10% bonus every time the user you referred gets a reward for voting.

You can withdraw your earnings either directly (minimum withdrawal amount) or using FaucetBOX (no minimum withdrawal amount).

The site is fairly new, so feel free to voice any issues or suggestions you may have. Smiley
2  Economy / Service Announcements / BitBin - Earn bitcoins with your pastes! on: August 15, 2012, 05:54:45 PM
I have just launched my newest Bitcoin site, BitBin :

The site works just like an ordinary pastebin-type site. The site allows you to upload 'pastes', short pieces of text that can be anything from source code to chat logs. BitBin allows you to earn bitcoins in form of our ad revenue sharing program. Just enter your Bitcoin address when submitting the paste and you will automatically get your share from our ad revenue based on the amount of unique hits your paste gets in comparison to all other monetized pastes as whole.

In addition to bitcoin revenue share, BitBin also has syntax highlighting and optional client-side paste encryption.

Since the site has just been launched, there may be some small hiccups with the site. Please let me know if you face any issues. Smiley
3  Economy / Auctions / BitCrate (domain and source code) on: June 19, 2012, 11:31:22 AM
I'm selling the domain and the source code for the site.

The site is coded in PHP w/ MySQL. I'll include a database backup of the existing site if you wish so.

The bidding starts at 4 BTC.

The auction ends at June 26th 2012.
Post in this thread or PM me if you have any questions regarding the site or this auction.
4  Economy / Marketplace / BitCrate - break crates, get free Bitcoins on: April 04, 2012, 01:10:57 PM
So, after spending some of my time learning PHP and MySQL, I've come up with my first Bitcoin-related site : BitCrate

The premise is simple. You enter your Bitcoin address, solve the CAPTCHA, select a crate and get your free Bitcoins. (Payments processed every 24 hours or so) You can repeat this every 24 hours.

The site will be funded by advertising (Operation Fabulous and Anonymous Ads) and voluntary donations, which can be sent to 1GVm5g3Xrvmk7mGXe61UxipGY5DghP6kG

As of June 17, 2012, BitCrate has been closed and will no longer payout visitors.

EDIT 2 :
BitCrate's source code and domain up for auction here :

EDIT 3 :
BitCrate has relaunched under the ownership of mark_logan.
5  Economy / Services / Looking for good web hosting on: March 31, 2012, 03:45:51 PM
So, I'm looking for a good, affordable web hoster which takes Bitcoin to host my site. I've seen hosting sites pop up and then suddenly disappear every once in a while, so I'd like to know which sites are the most reputable, before I'll throw any money in. Smiley

I have already found a web host.

EDIT 2 :
Actually, no. The host I chose is going down in about a month.
6  Bitcoin / Project Development / Free Bitcoins site in development on: March 30, 2012, 02:43:15 PM
I started programming in PHP not a long time ago and as an exercise decided to create a Bitcoin-related site. It currently looks like this :

The idea is that the visitor can break a crate every 24 hours for free. The crates have different amounts of Bitcoins inside, alongside with ultra rare jackpots. The site would rely on people advertising through Operation Fabulous and Anonymous Ads or voluntarily donating Bitcoins. (I've been too lazy to code an advertising system like which Daily Bitcoins and CoinAd have Tongue)

The site is almost ready for launch at the moment, but I'd like to know if people are interested in this idea enough to make it feasible first. Smiley
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / ScryptMiner GUI - Simple GUI for Litecoin mining on: February 03, 2012, 01:32:39 PM
ScryptMiner GUI is a simple GUI I created for the scrypt-fork of cpuminer, which is used with Litecoin and other alternate cryptocurrencies based on the scrypt proof-of-work.
It has a bunch of neat features like mining pool status reporting (unpaid rewards and such), speed rate reporting and share rate counting.

It is coded in Qt and released under MIT license. At the moment it's available for Windows and Linux.

Download r10 (Windows) :

Download r10 (Linux - Ubuntu) :

Download r10 (OS X - build by Fanquake) :

Github repository :
8  Bitcoin / Project Development / cuteCoin - Instawallet front-end and more - for Symbian on: August 07, 2011, 06:19:08 PM

A Bitcoin eWallet smartphone application for Symbian (and possibly to MeeGo too if I get around it) written in Qt (C++ and QML).

After making BitWatch, I decided to recode the application using QML and adding, most notably, Instawallet support for receiving and sending Bitcoins and exchange data from Mt. Gox.

The process of sending Bitcoins is still pretty tedious. I plan on adding an address book and a way to send and receive Bitcoin addresses using QR codes, latter only if I find an API that makes it possible.

I'm not liable for lost Bitcoins when using this software. I still consider the application to be unfinished, but there haven't been issues with sending coins as far as I know.

If you have issues, feature requests or something else, don't hesitate to reply!

Features :

- Instawallet support for receiving and sending Bitcoins
- Mining pool stat updates, currently supports deepbit, slush's pool, BTC Guild and Mt. Red
- Exchange data (high, low, latest) from Mt. Gox
- Neat UI using Qt Quick Components

The application is licensed under MIT License.

Downloads :

cuteCoin requires Qt 4.7.3 libraries to be installed in order to run. The libraries will be automatically downloaded and installed if needed.

Download cuteCoin v0.5.1 for Symbian^3

Changelist :

v. 0.5.1
slush API fixed

v. 0.5
Initial release

Links :

Github page:

Donations :

If you find this application useful, feel free to donate Bitcoins to :
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / BitWatch - A mining pool watch app for Symbian made in Qt on: July 05, 2011, 08:23:26 AM
I've been developing this little application in Qt to get myself introduced to the C++ language and the Qt framework. While Qt allows the application to be compiled very easily for other platforms like Maemo and MeeGo, for now it's only for Symbian (I don't have a Maemo or a MeeGo phone)

Hopefully someone will find it useful. Smiley

BitWatch allows you to receive mining pool stats such as confirmed rewards, number of shares on the current round, unconfirmed rewards and (hopefully in future) more! It also allows you to save your Bitcoin address which you can copy to your clipboard with a single tap in case you would need it somewhere.

The application should be functional for now, but I'm still looking at refreshing the UI and probably recoding the application in Qt Quick, which is necessary to support MeeGo.

Features :

- Shows personal mining pool stats such as confirmed rewards, share count, unconfirmed rewards. Supported stats differ between mining pools, bug the mining pool administrator if something is missing ("Not provided")
- Refresh interval can be configured
- Bitcoin address can be saved and copied to the clipboard easily

Supported mining pools :

- slush's pool
- deepbit
- BTC Guild
- Mt. Red

Screenshots :

Downloads :

BitWatch requires Qt 4.7.3 libraries to be installed in order to run. The libraries will be automatically downloaded and installed if needed.

Download BitWatch v0.5 for Symbian^3

Download BitWatch v0.5 for Symbian^1/S60V5

Changelist :

v. 0.5
Initial release

Known issues :

- Phones such as Nokia E6 have different screen resolutions, meaning the application won't fill the whole screen.
- If you start the application in landscape, the application background may look a bit glitched on certain themes

Donations :

If you find this application useful, feel free to donate Bitcoins to :
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