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1  Bitcoin / Group buys / Antminer U3 Group Buy EU, Anyone Interested? on: November 06, 2014, 02:44:30 AM
This group buy isn't going to happen, please start a new thread if you intend to set a group buy up.

Reason: The U3's are sold out and might not return, and I am no longer interested in getting one. Thanks to everyone that showed interest.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / [ANN] First Vertcoin P2Pool nodes up and running on: January 25, 2014, 02:41:02 AM
The first p2pool nodes for Vertcoin are now available for mining.


Edit: All our current nodes can be found at

No fees for now.

Replace hostname in the below examples with the address from NodeX or NodeY.

Connect with:
url: stratum+tcp://hostname
user: your vertcoin wallet address
pass: anything

You can use the same address for several workers (but its probably a good idea to use a separate address if you have a worker that is much slower than your other workers).

Some configuration examples:
cpuminer using the build from
cpuminer -o stratum+tcp://hostname -u yourvertcoinaddress -p x

cudaminer using the build from (or compiling yourself from
cudaminer -o stratum+tcp://hostname -u yourvertcoinaddress -p x --algo=scrypt:2048

That will autotune.

vertminer using the build from
cgminer -o stratum+tcp://hostname -u yourvertcoinaddress -p x

Extremely basic cgminer configuration, you will need to add more options. Please see this thread for example configurations .

The "pool requested work restart" message in cgminer is normal, it says that every time the vertcoin network finds a new block.

Your stale rate will be higher due to the much shorter blocktime in the p2pool network, this will even out in the end
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