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1  Economy / Gambling / the RaffleBit Winner's Circle, because you're awesome. on: July 20, 2011, 03:54:36 PM
Brag about your experiences winning jackpots on here. So far we've had a few happy folks play our beta rounds and they've been incredibly helpful in development. Come here and brag about your RaffleBit winnings, past and future.
2  Economy / Gambling / --> High-paced bitcoin raffles for fun! on: July 20, 2011, 01:38:32 AM The premier high-paced Bitcoin raffle venue, designed to accommodate as much as 1,800BTC raffled off: in one day! By limiting the amount of tickets available in any given raffle, is able to ensure that the small buy-in players always have fair odds, while there are still plenty of raffles every day for the big fish to make stable returns. This means that all players have a fair shot at winning raffles, and earning substantial Bitcoin, no matter the size of your BTC wallet!

By keeping the total pot size relatively small, you won't have to wait for weeks on end just to see if you've won something. You also have better odds of winning, and are able to play as many times a day as you want.

--> Buy-in is 0.1BTC, payout is anywhere from 5 up to 25 BTC per raffle.

--> All tickets & payouts verified on blockexplorer as links directly from the raffle page

--> AJAX user interface for watching the raffle progress live

--> Automatic winner selection and payout

--> Integrated random number generation

--> Jackpot progress display

--> Total tickets bought display

--> Live transaction feed

Our winners are selected by listening to the random electromagnetic signals generated by the earth's atmosphere, converting that radio noise into a string of numbers, and grabbing one. In a way, you could say that we don't pick the winners at all: it's aliens/God/the sun/a black hole/psychic willpower.

The first step is helping me beta test the system. Just point your browser to and play some tiny raffles. For load testing purposes, the raffles are set at a 0.1BTC buy-in and a payout of .5-2.5BTC right now, so it'll be even more fast paced than normal.

-Ticket crediting via total btc sent per raffle instead of total 0.1btc entries per raffle
-Scalable DB system to support the above
3  Economy / Gambling / Does anyone feel like playing some RaffleBit? on: July 19, 2011, 11:40:56 AM
That's my sneaky way of screaming, "BE A PART OF MY BETA PLEASE!"

 Roll Eyes

Instead of the standard 5-25BTC raffle, I'm testing at .5-2.5BTC raffles primarily to stress-test the autopayment system and see if it works correctly. Help me, please, and you will be....awesome! And possibly 2.5BTC richer!

How to play
--> Just send 0.1BTC to the playing address displayed on the main page, and you will be the proud owner of 1 Raffle฿it Ticket.

--> When all the tickets have been purchased, a winner will be randomly selected, and the Raffle฿it balance sent.

--> Remember, we can't send to any address besides the one used to purchase the winning ticket, so make sure you're playing from an address where your winnings can be received.

--> There is no limit to the amount of tickets you can purchase in each round of Raffle฿it, but we do ask that you send each ticket purchase as a single 0.1BTC payment to the playing address.

4  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / This is probably a stupid question, but is there a way to scrape a sender addy? on: July 16, 2011, 02:38:35 AM
As far as I can tell, there's no CLI call that enables the client to get the sender's address when the CLI is the receiving account/address. I might be wrong, since the wiki hasn't been updated since, but there's no call that I can find that allows you to do it. I wrote a simple workaround, but it would be nice if there was an easy command that I've glazed over somewhere.

Any clues?
5  Bitcoin / Project Development / High-paced Bitcoin Raffle on: July 11, 2011, 12:45:20 PM in development! Current status, early beta.

-Buy-in is 0.1BTC, payout is anywhere from 5 up to 25 BTC per raffle.
-All transactions verified on blockexplorer as links directly from the raffle page or by searching the playing address
-AJAX user interface for watching the raffle progress live
-automatic winner selection and payout
-integrated random number generation
-jackpot progress display
-total tickets bought display
-live transaction feed
-site design
-domain name(still propegating)
-new server to host

-ticket crediting via total btc sent per raffle instead of total 0.1btc entries per raffle
-Test autopayout system & scalability with tiny raffles of .5 - 2.5BTC
-DB system to support the above(bring me my equipment, UPS!)
-Install site + application + DB + bitcoind on new server
-point domain once propegated

I'm too tired to type any more now, but I'll be back with another status update tomorrow. If anyone wants to help me test, the current playing address is 1Ci9uFy43AdGp6UeCHohLLZ6PgaibSkyq2. Any BTC you send will roll into the first raffle, but will mainly let me finalize the ticket crediting system to accept denominations of greater than 0.1BTC so that you can buy as many entries as you want with one transaction. This is mainly for convenience of use, but also cuts the number of transaction fees charged by the bitcoin network per jackpot won so that your winnings are intact.

70692 blocks downloaded so far, hopefully I'll see a couple satoshi incumbent when my raffle daemon catches up to the network!
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