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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / 🔥 MilkCoin 🔥 MUUU 🔥 MEGA MILK 🔥 on: May 10, 2017, 09:42:08 PM


Milkcoin is a digital currency that uses cryptography on a decentralised peer-to-peer network. Milkcoin is exclusively designed towards communication to all bitcoin and alt-coin enthusiasts. This is the latest incarnation of a community forum to enable discussions in a powerful and secure way.

Sha256 PoW/PoS
Name: MilkCoin
Coin Abbreviation : MUU
Time blocks: 120 sec
Premine: 19 %
Total coins: 4,500,000,000
PoS: Yearly Interest 33 %
Min.Coin age: 8 hours
Max age: unlimited
rpc 35233
p2p 35235

1: premine
2-4525002: 400 MUUU
4525003-6787502: 800 MUUU




2  Local / Português (Portuguese) / M3A770DE com duas HD5850 on: July 13, 2011, 11:07:17 PM
Olá pessoal,

Estive a ver na net e comprei esta board M3A770DE e duas HD5850, no entanto a gráfica que  está na slot laranja de x4 nao é reconhecida.
O que fiz foi ligar as duas gráficas a dois monitores e o que está na slot verde de x16 funciona bem, parece que não detecta nenhuma grafica que está na slot laranja X4

Alguém pode me ajudar? É que os componentes são novos e estou com duvida que a board esta com problemas. ou então sou eu que não sei configurar.

As versoes que comprei são da saphhire Xtreme logo não traz o cabo crossfire.

Peço ajuda urgentemente

3  Other / Beginners & Help / M3A770DE with dual graphics.HELP! on: July 13, 2011, 10:15:42 AM
hey all,

I have a question.

I have a board M3A770DE and i want to install two graphics 5850 Xtreme so the problem is that i installed with two monitors
the second one orange slot x4 dont display anything in the monitor.
I am mining with gui miner/ Windows XP.

So my question is how can i install two graphics on that board, i have search in the internet but still dont have solution.

Can anyone help me please?
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