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1  Local / Politics and society (Naija) / No be everytin dem dey talk for outside. on: January 10, 2025, 12:13:41 PM
Ma contri pipe e get post wey I see for a section of the community wey me i no gbadu at all. I dey try tu make dis post make e b only us wey b naija wey go fit understand wetin I dey talk.

Dis person wey I dey talk about talks something wey no dey good at all about our own country people. No contri dey good but other people wey from another country dey cover their own bad side.

Some of the tins wey wi dey talk about our own no even dey necessary for other pipo to know about it, instead e fit be somtin wey dem go still use against us and dem go see all of us as the same thing.

I no wan post d link of the post here, but d person make post say our country people na only online 419 dem dey do as work now.

I know say many of us here na person bring us come here and as we dey bring other new members make we try give dem better orientation make dem know wetin dem go dey post wey go make other people respect us for here.

Even if we wan talk things wey dey sup for our contri, we fit talk ahm with our pidgin wey others no go fit understand.
2  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / 2025 no jokes with your bitcoin investment on: January 04, 2025, 04:05:15 PM
Do you know bitcoin is becoming one of the desired investment everyone want to have. Many countries are buying bitcoin to hodl as an Investment, even some companies and institutions are so interested in having bitcoin. If these government who have been against bitcoin before, are so serious about investing bitcoin that is to tell you how valuable bitcoin is. The reason why these countries are now accepting bitcoin and investing it, they understand what the value of bitcoin will be in the future.  As individuals who have already know bitcoin long before now this should be a year to be serious with your investment.

Bitcoin will definitely be one of the most valuable asset in the future, this the time to start the journey and enjoy the fruitfulness of your journey in the future.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / The city of santa Monica is opening a bitcoin office on: July 11, 2024, 09:58:21 AM
Santa Monica is opening an official bitcoin office, the reason for this opening is to provide bitcoin education and search potential economic opportunities.  The office has four main goals.

1. Providing bitcoin education.
2. Facilitating partnerships and conferences to grow tourism.
3. Connect residents to jobs.
4. Exploring sustainable bitcoin mining power by the City's renewable energy.

Santa Monica is emulating the footsteps of El Salvador, because El Salvador has opened a bitcoin office and much engaged to significant investment and tourism related to bitcoin.

Some other recent bitcoin developments in santa Monica include firefighters adopting self-custody of bitcoin and City leader visiting El Salvador to study its bitcoin adoption.
4  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Collaboration of government and cryptocurrency on: July 05, 2024, 03:02:58 PM
We are in difficult time that the economy is really affecting both the rich and the poor. I think this is not the time for government to be hard with the regulation of cryptocurrency.  In this hard time the government are even helpless to support the common people from inflation.  This is the time goverment needs to allow people to help themselves in one way or the other on how to do things freely. Cryptocurrency trader and investors should be allowed to trade and invest cryptocurrency with ease, without any form of restriction.

The collaboration of the  government and cryptocurrency will help people more in adding value to their money, than only sticking to the local currency that is depreciating every day. If every nation are looking for foreign investors to come and invest in their country which will add value to the people,  then I think we also need cryptocurrency to invest and trade it without any restrictions. Inflation in like this, cryptocurrency can be used as store of value ,  it can also serve as alternative investment when other physical investments are struggling with inflation.
5  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Learn and observe the market on: June 26, 2024, 10:02:33 AM
Many of us that have been in the crypto market for sometime, we have come across different seasons in the market which can be increase in price and decrease in price. I just hope our interest in the market is not just only anticipating to make profit in the market, but we should be able to learn from the market and observe the market very well. Observing the market gives good knowledge about the crypto market, knowledge that can help one to stay calm even when the market is going down knowing that it will later come up. With the movement of the market investor needs to understand that crypto profit is not what one needs to rely on.
I urge every beginners to take note of every even that has been happening in the market, it will change the wrong mindset of about cryptocurrency and it will also help one to make good plans for every investment.  Getting profit shouldn't be all we are waiting for but to also learn from the market events .
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Failed crypto project will promote bitcoin more on: May 30, 2024, 09:46:51 AM
Their is no doubt that cryptocurrency has taking over the world, everyone is trying to develop a crypto project that will attract investors to invest in them. As the day counts by people are getting awareness of crypto project which they found it very nteresting to engage themselves with things that has to do with cryptocurrency. Their are lots of fake projects that people are investing in, and more fake projects are still coming and people will still found it interesting.  Bitcoin is the pioneer and footing behind other cryptocurrencies, tokens, NFTs, and airdrops that we have today. People will make mistake to invest in these project maybe because they lack understanding but with time they will correct their mistakes to turn back to bitcoin which is the best to invest.

At the end of these exercises investors will turn to bitcoin as the best to invest because of it quality it has. When beginners are going the wrong way in investing cryptocurrency their is nothing that can be done to stop them but the experience they will go through their is a lot to learn from it to true back to the right thing which is bitcoin.
7  Other / Beginners & Help / Your favourite exchange can be nowhere to be found on: April 26, 2024, 12:56:41 PM
Before you feel so comfortable and relaxed with your favourite exchange wallet know their were some people's favorites exchange like that of yours that is nowhere to be found.

As for those that are new with no idea about exchanges that went bankrupt in the past. Don't be so comfortable with the exchange you are dealing with to keep your digital assets. Exchange being popular and big is not assurance that it is safe and last forever.  Crypto exchanges are unpredictable and anything can happen.

This is a friendly reminder to those that may have forgotten or not aware of crypto exchanges that went bankrupt or crashed down and nowhere to be found.

list of failed exchanges & companies well known due to bankruptcy

FTX's implosion was the biggest and most spectacular crypto downfall in 2022.

Crypto lender BlockFi was the first crypto company to follow FTX into bankruptcy. BlockFi had several ties to FTX, BlockFi has previously said it had 450,000 users and intends to ask a bankruptcy judge to allow some of them to withdraw funds.

The crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC) was a major crypto firm to go bankrupt in 2022, brought down by the collapse of cryptocurrencies Luna and TerraUSD in May 2022.


Another crypto lender brought down by the Terra and Luna collapse, Celsius Network began its U.S. bankruptcy case in July on rockier footing than Voyager.

mempool should not be a reason to choose exchange to keep bitcoin over good non custodialwallet

8  Other / Beginners & Help / What makes a post to be quality? on: April 04, 2024, 09:30:48 AM
Some forum members are known to be shit posters by the way they use English in sentences wrongly, and some readers would say they can't read or merit a post that is written in broken English, and some members of this forum the English language is a borrowed language to them which it is not very familiar with them. Non English speakers will definitely want to use English to discuss in the forum because this forum is all about discussion and for other members to also understand their point because the English language is a universal language for communication.  

What makes a post to be quality? Good English language or the content of the post?.
And if good English, well written in good sentences defines a post to be quality is it that Non English speakers are not qualify to be in this forum or to discuss in general boards because they are only good in speaking broken English which is a borrowed language.
9  Local / Off-topic (Naija) / Let's learn from Facebook on: March 05, 2024, 04:17:07 PM
Right now so many people cant get access to their Facebook account because of some technical issues, and even if it comes up many account will be loss. The reason am bringing this up for discussion is  because some of us we think the social media and email are the best place to store important details. Some people consider online as a good place of store for wallet seedphrase. Anything can happen to the server of this social media where information are store and account might get lose which it will be so difficult to get the important information stored on it.
10  Local / Politics and society (Naija) / Don't allow politicians to use you on: March 01, 2024, 09:21:52 AM
Since binance remove naira features from their exchange I just they think of the whole matter about this our government.  So this government think just few young people wey dey into cryptocurrency is now the problem of this country. So young people struggling to make living is now the problem of the economy? If I dey think this thing the thing dey pain me because with this it is clear that this old politicians don't have any good plan for the young people in this country.

With this current hard economy government no find politicians wey store dollars in the houses and politicians wey dey deal with dollars in spending, them never talk anything concerning politicians spending dollars and they are looking into the youth matter. 

If e dey possible for them they will ban cryptocurrency for the country make e be as if they are making good effort to make things better , but them know say the youths go change ahm for them.

The young people should learn and see that this people no care about us, make we no allow them to use us when e reach time for elections .
11  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Don't relax using the exchange on: February 26, 2024, 10:05:49 AM
The fall of naira is a serious challenge to  the Nigeria government and we all know how every government in this country mismanaged the money owned by the country and right now the government is seeing the cryptocurrency exchange as the problem of naira. This is government is known for looking for what they can always bring as blame when they are incapable of solving their problems.  Now all blames falls on the cryptocurrency exchange don't be relaxed by leaving your money in exchange because they can do something by shouting it down to make Nigerians not to have access to it.

Exchange like binance and others are working on mobile, don't be so relaxed and comfortable while you money is in Exchange.  If the government is unable to do something about the fall of naira, their next target is to shutdown Exchange complete.  Government are always selfish, they won't even think if cryptocurrency is benefiting the youth, they will still go ahead to shut it down.
12  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / The government can't fight the present situation alone on: February 23, 2024, 09:08:10 AM
This generation are in the the worst economy era and i think with level we have gotten to the goverment is helpless which they need every citizen to help fight this difficult situation. Like if you go the market, you will see things that has nothing to do with dollar, commodities that are being made from our own country very expensive and this are the same people complaining about the bad government.  When dollar increases the price of goods and services increases too and if dollar price drops the price of commodities still remain the same instead of to also drop in price. It is just as if some people are just using this difficult time as an advantage to make money for themselves. The price of things are not being regulated according to the movement of dollar,  if price of things are being regulated with the movement of dollar I don't think things will be this difficult.  In our country when price of things goes up instead of it to falls when dollar price drops it remains like that, with such attitude from our marketers I don't think we will be able to fight this economy challenge.
13  Local / Politics and society (Naija) / The cause of inflation on: February 05, 2024, 05:21:20 PM
Many of us thinks the rise of inflation and the weakness of the naira currency is because of the new government we have in the country.  Before now a state governor was complaining about how the past government was printing of money, and many people thought it was just propaganda which they took it very lightly.  The hardships and the high inflation rate we are seeing today is as a result of printing money that has been taking place longtime ago.

The cause of the inflation is nothing but as a result of printing money that is naira is losing value constantly everyday. The economy has never been bad like this, we are facing the consequences of wrong economy doings.
14  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / The time to invest what you can afford to lose on: January 24, 2024, 10:58:24 AM
This a time everyone want to invest  because we are heading into the bull market which is just around the corner.  This is the time one needs to think very well and make good decisions while investing now. This is the time we really need to apply the formula of investing only what you can afford to lose, this is not a time to just consider profit and invest huge amount of Bitcoin. Before now much accumulating of bitcoin is supposed to have been done then when the price of bitcoin was very low, but many missed it because of waiting for bitcoin price to still go down low more and many other reason and they are so eager and desperate to invest bitcoin because of the bull market. I know the price of bitcoin will get increase more than what it is but people need not invest for selfish  interests and do what they can not afford to lose.

In the past bull some people observed the market and noticed the price was increasing and it triggered them to enter the market unknownly to them that was the end of the bull market which the price of bitcoin started dropping down.
15  Other / Beginners & Help / Don't trust social media on: January 14, 2024, 06:37:05 PM
Beginners who are desperate to make money will fall for an offer like this , and if you go through the comments sections their are so many people who are so interested in this. Like if you go through the write up of this dude who claims to be bitcoin expert he said those that are finding it difficult to create a wallet he will help in creating the wallet and funding it. This is how many people will make mistakes to accept offer like this just because they want to earn quick.

Spending time to learn pays a lot and it prevent people from making painful mistakes. For those that have knowledge about wallet won't fall victim of allowing anyone to assist to create wallet. Spending time to learn is not a waste, it saves money from entering the wrong hands.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Reasoning before investing can save you from lose on: January 14, 2024, 07:37:25 AM
Some investors are ready to invest on any project they come across just because they really want to make profit and some of this projects are considered to be a scam project which people invest reasonable amount of money. It is very painful when money is invested in this project and they end up becoming a failed one. I think good reasoning before investing will really help investors from losing much money about projects they do not know about much.  Investors needs to ask themselves before investing  "what if I lose my money investing it in this project? I think this question can help  people to invest with the amount they can afford to lose or not to invest at all on project very not sure about.  

Investing without any reasoning can just make one to invest without considering the risk and the probability of making lose or making gain from the investment.
17  Other / Beginners & Help / Understand your wallet on: December 27, 2023, 04:25:42 PM
Some of us that are investing  and trading bitcoin we just only have idea about the wallet which has a seedphrase for security, and which contains addresses that can be copied. We are so comfortable using wallets, and not going further to make research if the wallet is good for keeping your valuable coins.

In the early time of the crypto journey the wallets  introduced to some of us were recommended by experienced people who started the journey before us,  and we never made attempt of trying to know what could be the reason why the wallet was recommended to be a good one.

I have used several wallets since I started having bitcoin, some of these wallet were introduced to me by people who first me know bitcoin and I was told these wallets are good and I believe it because it is being used by majorities of traders and investors ,but I never tried on my own to do more findings about these wallets, I just go with what people have to say about these wallet.

Non custodial wallet is a good wallet for storing bitcoin,  but it can look technical for some people. it is important to get to understand the features of the wallet.

Also, exchange wallet some people don't even know about it, they only trade with it because peopple say something good about it, and no personal finding to know more about it.
18  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Patience is not enough for hodling Bitcoin on: December 18, 2023, 08:56:28 PM
I have come to realise that what is stopping some people from hodling Bitcoin is not because they do not have patience to stick to their investment. Having a source of income is the only way people can exercise patience to invest bitcoin.  It is not possible for one who is hungry and has bitcoin in the wallet and would not want to sell the bitcoin to quench the hunger.

While planning to invest in bitcoin people needs consider to have a steady flow of income , if this is not available no amount of patience can be able to make hodling to take place. When their is a flow of money one can always look on to for survival and to solve financial problems this is when we can now talk about having patience to hodl bitcoin to gain profit. It something that result to the lack of patience,  it can hunger or meeting up the daily needs,  if this can be solved it is easy in hodling Bitcoin.
19  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Why most beginners so much believe bitcoin can make rich on: December 10, 2023, 07:11:17 AM
What make people so much believe that immediately they just buy bitcoin they will become rich, like I was  just thinking about this, if people think the bitcoin you buy will bring more bitcoin just like that.if bitcoin should be something that only brings profits I doubt if it will be still existing today. It would have ended just like other ponzi schemes that placed over the years.  

The way some people think about bitcoin they feel too comfortable and so relax as if life is so easy like money can be achieved with no form of work. Investors gain profits from Bitcoin because they worked for it, they had patience with the up and down of the market,  This is not an easy work that anybody with no understanding can achieve from bitcoin.
20  Economy / Gambling discussion / First winning can be a trap on: December 09, 2023, 02:25:05 PM
The first attempt of gambling by anyone that the result comes out to be a win can be a trap if one is not careful and conscious. Have noticed people who plays gambling on their first attempt and win thinks gambling is very easy because they were lucky to have a win in the first attempt,  whenever it happens like this with beginners they still want to play  more and as they continue it is just a simple strategy to lose all they won in their first attempt,  it is important new gamblers shouldn't tricked to play more expecting to continue to have more wins.
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