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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [BOUNTY][ICO]MaskNetwork bounty campaign on: May 18, 2017, 06:16:51 PM
What is MaskNetwork

MaskNetwork ( is a peer to peer decentralized social trading network where traders and bloggers are rewarded for the content they create. MaskNetwork pays both the content creators when their work gets upvoted, as well as the people who curate the best content on the site by upvoting others work. The network can be accessed over the web so you don't have to download anything to start using it. We think the best way to learn more about MaskNetwork is to use one of the available web nodes like , ,


MaskNetwork was written from scratch in the last 2 years and it's not a fork of an existing chain. It's 100% new software. For source code check our GitHub repo

MaskCoin (MSK)

MaskCoin the cryptocurrency that powers up the network. Users need maskcoins for every message they send over the network. MaskCoin has been designed as a deflationary currency, so it has a strictly limited money supply. The number of MaskCoins that will ever be created is limited to 21 millions. Broadly speaking, a deflationary currency is one that increases in value over time. Goods and services priced in a deflationary currency will therefore tend to reduce in price - all other things being equal.

When will you receive the coins

Right now the testnet is up and running. You will receive your coins on June, 31, 2017 when the real net starts, based on stakes you win in this campaign.


ICO will start on May, 25, 2017 and will end on June, 25, 2017. During this period 500.000 MaskCoins will be distributed at prices starting from $0.1. 100.000 coins are reserved for developers, and 10.000 for Bounty campaign. The rest oof over 20.000.000 coins will be slowly distributed to miners / content creators / traders in the next many, many years.

Bounty Campaign

10.000 MSK are reserved for bounty campaign. We have 4 campaigns Twitter, Press, Translations and Signature.

Twitter Campaign

- Fill the following form :
- Participants :
- You need at least 100 REAL followers.
- We may refuse to reward the twitter bounty if we think the account is using bots or illegitimate followers.
- At least 2 retweets / week from
- You will win 1 stake / week / 1000 followers (For example 500 followers will bring you 1 stake / week, 1200 2 stakes / week, 4300 4 stakes / week and so on)

Press Campaign

- Fill the following form :
- Participants :
- You will win 1-100 stakes depending on blog / website size.


- Fill the following form :
- We'll contact the users who reserved translations and send them the plain text, they'll send it translated back to us. We'll be rewarding 10 stakes for each translation and users who helped with translations will be named in this announcement.


- You need to be at least a junior member
- You need to make at least 5 posts a week in order for bounties to count in that given week.
- Jr. Member. and Member: 5 stakes per week
- Full member and Sr. Member: 7 stakes per week
- Hero or Legendary. 10 stakes per week.
- If you put the avatar increase 1 stake per day.

Signup form :
Participants :

Junior Members

[center][url=][b]MaskNetwork[/b][/url][b] ◄ START TRADING WITH NO CENTRAL SERVER ► [/b][url=][b]JOIN ICO[/b][/url][/center]


Full / Senior Members / Hero / Legendary

[center][table][tr][td][size=23pt][font=Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial Bold][url=][color=#5b0185][b]MASKNETWORK[/b][/color][/url][/font][/size][/td]
[size=9pt][color=black][font=Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial]    [color=#850148][b]Decentralized social trading network that rewards users[/b][/color]  |   [size=9pt][font=Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial Bold][url=][color=#b64900][b]JOIN ICO[/b][/color][/url][/font][/size]
    [b][url=]Assets[/url] | [url=]Binary Options[/url] | [url=]Leveraged Markets[/url][/b] - [color=#5b0185]Trade and get paid !!![/color][/td][/center]

   Decentralized social trading network that rewards users  |   JOIN ICO
    Assets | Binary Options | Leveraged Markets - Trade and get paid !!!

2  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / MaskNetwork - primul proiect 100% romanesc on: May 15, 2017, 07:01:38 PM
In urma cu putin timp am lansat testnet-ul MaskNetwork ( ), un proiect foarte ambitios si absout prima crypto-moneda creata 100% de o echipa de romani. MaskNetwork nu se bazeaza pe nici un alt blockchain deja existent, si nu este un fork al altei monezi. Este un software nou, scris de la zero in ultimii doi ani. O sa explic pe scurt despre ce este vorba. Pentru detalii puteti citii whitepaper-ul sau documentatia oficiala.

Ce este MaskNetwork
MaskNetwork este o retea p2p descentralizata care permite tranzactionarea oricarui asset extern (forex, cryptomonezi, indici...), fara un server central sau broker. Nu numai ca poti tranzactiona fara restrictii dar bloggerii / traderii sunt recompensati de retea in fiecare zi. Spre deosebire de Bitcoin unde toate monezile nou generate merg catre mineri, in MaskNetwork monezile noi create merg doar 30% catre mineri, restul sunt distribuite catre cei care tranzactioneaza, lanseaza optinui binare, scriu articole, etc.  

Reteaua poate fi accesata prin intermediul nodurilor web. "Nodurile web" sunt website-uri care iti permit sa accesezi functiile retelei cum ar fi transferul de monezi, deschiderea de pozitii noi etc. Oricine poate rula un nod web. Iti trebuie doar acces la un server linux cu minim 1 GB ram (se gasesc pentru $5 / luna).

Ce este MaskCoin ?
MaskCoin (MSK) este moneda care sta la baza retelei. Maxim 21 milioane de monezi vor fi create. Ai nevoie de MSK cam pentru orice operatiune cum ar fi deschiderea de pozitii, trimiterea de mesaje etc. 30% din monezile nou generate sunt distribuite catre mineri (folosim un algoritm POW). Restul merge cum am spus catre cei care creeaza content sau tranzactioneaza sub forma de bonusuri care sunt platite zilnic.

Ce poti face cu MaskNetwork ?

- Poti sa iti lansezi propriul asset si sa-l tranzactionezi. Un asset este un token digital care poate reprezenta orice de la metale pretioase, actiuni, etc... Asset-urile sunt perfecte daca vrei sa pornesti o campanie de crowdfunding spre exemplu. Poti fi deasemenea folosit ca monezi in optiuni binare sau piete speculative.

Optiuni Binare
- Poti lansa propriile optiuni binare sau poti participa in optiunile binare lansate de altii. Reteaua recompenseaza utilizatorii care lanseaza optiuni binare la fiecare 24 de ore.

Poti privii optiunile binare ca un fel de pariuri pe pretul viitor al unui asset extern (forex, cryptocoins, etc...). De exemplu, daca consideri ca Bitcoin NU va atinge $2000 in urmatoarele 10 zile, poti lansa o optiune de genul "Daca Bitcoin va atinge pragul de $2000 in urmatoarele 10 zile, cei care cumpara optiunea primesc dublul sumei investite".

Va trebui sa asiguri o anumita suma din care se vor plati castigatorii iar de restul se ocupa reteaua. Un exemplu gasiti aici (

Daca spre exemplu daca ar exista un flux de date care sa prezinte pretul OMV Petrom Romania (, oricine ar putea lansa optiuni binare pe acest pret. Anonim, fara acte de identitate si fara posibilitatea de a fi inselat....Smiley

Piete in marja
- Poti tranzactiona in marja orice asset pentru care exista un flux de date sau le poti oferi altora posibilitatea sa tranzactioneze in marja deschizand propria piata. Cei care lanseaza piete speculative sunt deasemenea recompensati de retea.

O tranzactie in marja presupune faptul ca vei depune o suma mica pe post de garantie pentru a cumpara o cantitate mult mai mare dintr-un asset. De exemplu, cumperi 1 BTC care valoreaza $1700 cu o garantie de doar $17. Tot ce pierd traderii reprezinta castigurile celui care opereata piata si invers. La fel toate tranzactiile sunt gestionate de retea intr-un mod transparent.

Aici gasiti un exemplu de piata care permite un leverage de x100 ( sau un exemplu de tranzactie pe ETHUSD cu un leverage de x100 (

Ca sa dau acelasi exemplu, daca ar exista un flux de date care sa prezinte pretul OMV Petrom Romania (, si cineva ar deschide o piata speculativa bazata pe acest flux, atunci orice utilizator ar putea tranzactiona in marja (x100, x200) Actiuni Petrom, ceea ce este absolut imposibil in viata reala.


- Poti castiga bani daca continutul pe care il creezi este votat (continut inseamna articole, optiuni binare, asset-uri, piete speculative etc...)

- Reteaua poate fi accesata fara sa downloadezi nimic.

- Nu exista server central / autoritate centrala. Poti paria pe orice sau poti tranzactiona orice pentru care exista un flux de date. Nu exista nici o limita.

- Nu este nevoie sa-ti dai date personale catre un broker sau sa dai explicatii priviind sursa fondurilor.

- Riscul de frauda este aproape zero. Atat optiunile binare cat si tranzactiile speculative sunt 100% gestionate de retea. La fel si castigurile din trading. Cel care a lansat o optiune binara nu poate "dispare" cu banii. Idem pentru pietele speculative.

Stadiul actual si cum va puteti implica / ajuta

Suntem intr-un stadiu destul de avansat cu dezvoltarea. Testnet-ul merge fara probleme majore de peste o luna. Avem nevoie de testeri / traderi pentru a gasi bug-uri au alte probleme de design. Incurajam pe toata lumea sa ruleze nodul propriu sau sa incerce sa mineze MaskCoin chiar daca vorbim de monezi de test. Vom lansa deasemenea o campanie de publicitate (signature campaign) unde vom distribui 10.000 monezi catre participanti.


Pentru cei care vor sa se implice financiar in proiect o pot face incepand cu 25 mai cand va fi lansat ICO-ul oficial. Doar 500.000 monezi vor fi distribuite iar preturile pornesc de la $0.1, pretul maxim fiin $5. Deoarece 90% din dezvoltare s-a incheiat si avem un produs functional, riscurile ICO sunt destul de mici. Vom folosi banii in special pentru promovarea proiectului dupa lansare. Pentru mai multe detalii vizitati

Sunt multe detalii la mijloc in special la capitolul "cum si cand se distribuie bonusurile" si este greu de explicat totul intr-un post dar whitepaper-ul explica mai bine structura retelei (

Oricum, pentru cei care au intrebari va stam la dispozitie si aici.

Website oficial

White paper

Codul sursa pentru un nod web (java kernel + interfata web)
3  Economy / Services / MaskNetwork twitter campaign [CLOSED] on: August 29, 2016, 04:46:17 PM
This campaign is closed. Thanks to all participants.

About MaskNetwork
MaskNetwork is a peer to peer decentralized social network where users are rewarded for the content they create. MaskNetwork pays both the content creators when their work gets upvoted, as well as the people who curate the best content on the site by upvoting others work. No only voters and bloggers are rewarded but also decentralized app developers, asset issuers and so on.

The network can be accessed over the web so you don't have to download anything to start using it.

Users can also use the integrated MaskNetwork Scripting Language (MSL) to develop decentralized applications, also known as smart contracts, but the best way to learn more about MaskNetwork is to use one of the available web wallets.

Online Wallets

Anyone may participate but Bitcoinalk account must be registered for 1 month
Must have 100 real followers
100 slots open for this campaign
Minimum of 3 tweets about MaskNetwork per week
Minimum of 3 retweets from @masknetwork per week
All tweets have to contain the tag #masknetwork and a link to

How to signup
Follow and post your twitter data here, including the number of followers and your BTC address. I will update the participants list in this post. When you are approved, you will be added to the list.

100-500 followers - 0.0005 BTC / week
500-1500 followers - 0.0010 BTC / week
Over 1500 followers - 0.0015 BTC / week.

Payments are made every sunday.

0.0005 BTC / week
CornyCoins (1EUmfVHM1pxEQ8gGXesFenVNPJLDzDHLo)
Bitcoin_KBH (1Q99VwyA3wyLyuUFpXpJcBdro4XyWZYsRo)
BTC_turbo (159FhkSmQiV2uAzYtkKEuqUq1tgt35BVud)
Sincerecrypto (15nJB8WXmTrzVUUR2YypLoHija51qE3RYK)
excelling93 (1KgGFXmbYYWu8SGuuA3mhShDSuJ88PLQWR)
MVovop (12exgde47pmCjxikd9x6SoV8jaaVvCDivJ)
mtssukamaju (16Mmfu24gYesyyhuKtLWidBzFsgDPZeT6Q)
albrots (19kZqg2KJ5LzAJDSiikJGYC1mGLxstq8BA)
twchannelx (1PizzaYSVynFNubFexqwrTXvDp8NJSJiap)

0.0010 BTC / week
Tran_Bit_Coin (19noUej2dW36qbTXpzHmhSmJmRqFaqCTDD)
prashantbhoj97 (19iJ43cjgBdRMcH7aaRtXMbgXypN7zHetK)
MrDev006 (1GFLEkegHRdB16hRYqRspvHiKEuAUjQs5s)
ashraful099 (1GB9cmoLVi34Bveasc4sFaqPaWfYzeJbag)
ador009 (1AX9RJrC8P6jLXnZo6pxWLHmnqsbiJXVzL)
BTC_Farmer (1LiRA2P96LPAnrsgPzc2djeDfth92riLj6)
BitcoinAtas (1EugJQE5LL3tmfuLFLmWZYZCjZhNhsAp6B)
kot_BITCOIN (145Xh2fyULN2XDxyszRtWyysGU5vUyiLhm)
R_untukRelina (14tqqTUAhQixuLzwD8uQh9h71JvmrcC7YT)
Krista_VPX (1BqPtCjsTX6DwXzDf9HQXzSnEzAKfNHHe5)
neuro_fish (1KBKTnYoyQ3hc4mBmF4iytwn7AotiMEDRJ)
crypto_hex (12R33HW86BzF7aeMRGg5GqTT3dnc2BURb8)
azhimoet (1JYfiEtY9zN9vUwy9DioEqhnp1bgw4NHk5)
btc_noob (1JnBBZBvWeZndm2mZMWsjECf1YyMjqxkwk)
BTCminner (1EFsKXnFbXsqhABu6xUEJ3dKiuECDFyrJ1)
bittoshi (3QGhQsZ4EGaXtaP1nQGMk3f6vi27nwZrWu)
noobbitcoin (3QGhQsZ4EGaXtaP1nQGMk3f6vi27nwZrWu)

0.0015 BTC / week.
znickelbackz (19noUej2dW36qbTXpzHmhSmJmRqFaqCTDD)
PickCoin (1JANNHL5nSwNSuL6UqVXN8NPYfCbD6b5tc)
emmacrypto1 (15QLwhoYgaVt7nMUm5NCV1Z13VCqD12x9f)
MagicBitcoinNow (13fgFoXdneeUnhuVwqMJC1QW4KYdfR4ucU)
daddybios (1GmT7r8hG33ReKpzN6DXmQt6oXxBz5ypRD)
MyLuckBitcoin (1FtsfNvzBA795B3kz17HAyepePFwpcgR99)
devilofdeath69 (156nU5S4Enp8U3ZW3EP2FFMUGdoPNN8Lge)
coinbitcash (3HSPTrzS9zrCkAnsMAXBfVwHeSWidwNuPR)
kipschas (1AxyPdVoRVkita9fnqCYaYZgssKvbzEpbL)
BTC_xeno (3Bxaj9ph24ofKMAQUejASAyTFFJh6T9PFr)

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / MaskNetwork twitter campaign on: August 29, 2016, 02:00:30 PM
About MaskNetwork
MaskNetwork is a peer to peer decentralized social network where users are rewarded for the content they create. MaskNetwork pays both the content creators when their work gets upvoted, as well as the people who curate the best content on the site by upvoting others work. No only voters and bloggers are rewarded but also decentralized app developers, asset issuers and so on.

The network can be accessed over the web so you don't have to download anything to start using it.

Users can also use the integrated MaskNetwork Scripting Language (MSL) to develop decentralized applications, also known as smart contracts, but the best way to learn more about MaskNetwork is to use one of the available web wallets.

Online Wallets

Rules ?
Anyone may participate but Bitcoinalk account must be registered for 1 month
Must have 100 real followers
100 slots open for this campaign
Minimum of 3 tweets about MaskNetwork per week
Minimum of 3 retweets from @masknetwork per week
All tweets have to contain the tag #masknetwork and a link to

How to signup
Follow and post your twitter data here, including the number of followers and your BTC address. I will update the participants list in this post. When you are approved, you will be added to the list.

How do you sell your coins ?
Until more exchanges include MaskCoin, you can use to sell your coins for Bitcoin.
You can read here how maskexchange works

Why no exchange trade MaskCoin
Easy question. Because we have launched the project, 4 days ago.

100-500 followers - 3 MSK / week
500-1000 followers - 4 MSK / week
Over 1000 followers - 5 MSK / week.

Payments are made every sunday.
5  Economy / Web Wallets / XAPO blocked my account with no reason on: July 06, 2016, 07:08:01 AM
I have used their service for over 6 months with no issues. I have also submitted all the verification documents over 6 months ago. Everything was fine until today. I get this message when i try to login.

"The information you provided requires manual review before we can fully enable your Xapo account. Manual review can be triggered by multiple factors used in our screening process. Until further notice, no action is required from you. We will be sending directions on what to do next to your Xapo registered email address shortly."

What information Huh? I had a fully verified acount.

I am not alone. A lot of other users are also complaining on reddit. (

What is going on Huh
6  Economy / Gambling / - the first bitcoin virtual economy on: April 28, 2016, 10:24:27 AM
We have just launched our new game, called

CasinoTycoon is a real money economic and financial simulator build around the ideea of social gambling. It's the first virtual economy where the internal currency is Bitcoin. That means the prices of goods and wages are all expressed in Bitcoins.
The game is a global massively multiplayer online game where players can participate in a variety of daily activities where they can earn bitcoins. You can be an employee, start your own business like a casino or participate in political live by proposing and voting laws.

It's also a real cash simulator. That means the virtual bitcoins can be exchanged to real bitcoins anytime a user wants (minimum withdraw is 0.05 BTC).
7  Economy / Gambling / - the first bitcoin virtual economy on: April 28, 2016, 10:23:49 AM
We have just launched our new game, called

CasinoTycoon is a real money economic and financial simulator build around the ideea of social gambling. It's the first virtual economy where the internal currency is Bitcoin. That means the prices of goods and wages are all expressed in Bitcoins.
The game is a global massively multiplayer online game where players can participate in a variety of daily activities where they can earn bitcoins. You can be an employee, start your own business like a casino or participate in political live by proposing and voting laws.

It's also a real cash simulator. That means the virtual bitcoins can be exchanged to real bitcoins anytime a user wants (minimum withdraw is 0.05 BTC).

8  Economy / Service Announcements / - get 0.0001 BTC per post on: April 25, 2016, 04:46:00 PM
We have just ended our sig campaign ( and launched, the first crypto forum that pays you to post. Users will receive 0.0001 BTC / post.

- Only posts containing minimum 50 words are payed
- Only constructive posts where you talk about cryptocurrencies are counted
- Only posts written in english are allowed.
- You can request one payment per week.
- We count maximum 3 posts / thread. If, for example, you post 5 posts in a single thread, only 3 will be counted.
- Maximum 100 posts / week are counted

Check for more info.
9  Economy / Services / - get 0.0001 BTC per post on: April 24, 2016, 10:12:29 AM
We have just ended our sig campaign ( and launched, the first crypto forum that pays you to post. Users will receive 0.0001 BTC / post.

- Only posts containing minimum 50 words are payed
- Only constructive posts where you talk about cryptocurrencies are counted
- Only posts written in english are allowed.
- You can request one payment per week.
- We count maximum 3 posts / thread. If, for example, you post 5 posts in a single thread, only 3 will be counted.
- Maximum 100 posts / week are counted

Check for more info.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Ethereum shuts down forums because $300 / month is too much on: April 18, 2016, 08:30:04 AM
Step 1 : You rise $18 mil in BTC

Step 2 : You loose $9 mil because BTC price collapses and you don't understand that programmers and rent are paid in real USD or BTC equivalent. So you just keep all the funds in BTC. -

Step 3 : You run out of cash because you hire an army of programmers, rent offices in 3 countries and spend $12.000 / day. (

Step 4 :  You shut down the only place where tons of ETH lovers meet because you reach the conclusion that $300 hosting costs to run the forums are too high. (

No comments...
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Lisk is not a decentralized app platform !!! on: April 09, 2016, 08:40:24 AM
Right now there are three networks that implement a turing complete language : Ethereum (, Lisk  ( and Masknetwork (

For Ethereum and MaskNetwork, things are easy :

1. The contract code is runned by all nodes and all nodes should reach the same conclusion after execution.
2. After a contract is run, a small fee is paid depending on the number of steps executed.
3. A copy of the contract code and storage is maintained by all nodes.

In Lisk case :

- The contract code is NOT executed by all nodes.
- There is no fee paid depending on the code complexity.
- A copy of contract plus additional data (storage) is not maintained on the mainchain.

What i know :

All Lisk applications run over sidechains  where  "The decentralized application developer has complete control over the sidechain." (

You need a "third party" to execute your code - "By utilizing our extensive user base, you can quickly find 3rd party nodes to execute your decentralized application through servers " (

What i don't know :

Is Lisk a decentralized smart contract platform  ?? And why do you need a 3rd party to execute your code ??

I was 100% sure that "3rd party" and "decentralized" are antonymes. My personal opinion is that Lisk is far from a dapp platform. What do you think ?

12  Economy / Services / (CLOSED) Sig campaign. Win Bitcoins for posting !!! on: April 06, 2016, 09:10:25 AM
MaskNetwork, the decentralized social trading network is running it's signature campaign. MaskNetwork is under primary tests and its running over testnet right now. Check for more details. Payments are made every Sunday.

Official BTT thread -

Payments (maximum 25 posts / week)
Memebers - 0.0002 BTC / post
Full Members -  0.0006BTC / post
Senior Members  - 0.0008BTC / post
Legendary & Hero Members  - 0.001BTC / post
Staff  - 0.0012BTC / post

1. Reply to this thread with your BTC address
2. You are enrolled once we list your username below.

Signature has to placed at designated space and worn all time of the round.
You should not use other site's avatar.
All posts have to be constructive and at least 100 characters long.

Enrolled  -  13 / 13  

samkush (Full Member) - 1CtJrmmZ6Hxp8dN9G4QC6FgvtKLP2M9LP7,  618601, 204
geopolisch (Full Member) - 3PTHdVhKan2SqaBHng9SzDMrZxJkj1AmV7, 106419, 172
ardenyham (Sr. Member) - 1CsCJDe8hr8G5KQbEFoESrTaB5Dpt6tViy, 121917, 438
srgkrgkj (Hero Member) - 1HzwCYo9Lc5RadqFZUHaUb99TRJpQU42SH, 346520, 1991
FriendlyChemist (Full Member) - 19o5vEebsK5xQRYGHn2Dw8bTNU3KVQNFrm, 651947, 181
amacar2 (Sr. Member) - 1N1rBatA5oMPvGTHf8Mv8FiDLXaagyucXP, 526294, 640
rozee (Sr. Member) - 1GF6sUQFaB8Ri2FubbxixeG7T4vbWSs9Eh, 405032, 1155
buddu (Sr. Member) - 1L6xQXNWM7v3zpR95fifcNRCMTxY5ZHwhL, 409738, 1014
fantoos (Sr. Member) - 1L87m3cJsaWiayBo8HwsNuJkeJGpkkBUm3, 416434, 641
havelivi (Hero Member) - 1FXcpjjLPrsMFkr8YLEpAUyF65SD6W73Ab, 330605, 2520
amr008 (Full Member) - 1EMry1VY5HwmGxJcwWP3BR7HciJX85fXK8, 516779, 218
whatthegox (Hero Member) - 32suw7ZEN1kcefbDCrXyUCGjKKoUGdNucu, 271958, 2261
richmrich (Full Member) - 125S4sjPvNCd57yFi4BE6GZrU67is3zHqC, 558365, 252

Escrow Policy
We will not use an escrower. This is the first stage of the advertising campaign. We are trying to build a community around a very cool and complex project and this can't be done through an escrower.  

Schedulled Payments

Sunday April, 10, 2016 - Paid
Sunday April, 17, 2016 - Paid
Sunday April, 24, 2016 - Paid

As of April, 24, 2016 the signature campaign was closed and replaced by our new project, the first cryptocoins forum that pays you to post. You will receive 0.0001 / post.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Smart Contracts are live over MaskNetwork testnet on: April 05, 2016, 05:39:59 PM
Smart contracts (decentralized applications) are now available over masknetwork (Official website, official thread

This was a feature that was scheduled to be launched somewhere in June. We think that smart contracts are a handy tool especially if they run inside an "operating system" like MaskNetwork, but many others think they are a big deal and will change everything so we have speed up the smart contracts development and now they are online over MaskNetwork testnet.

Smart contracts are written using MaskNetwork Script Language (MSL) which is a turing complete low level language. They run on the mainchain inside MVM (MaskNetwork Virtual Machine) and because they run on top of an "operating system", they have some really nice features compared to Ethereum. A MaskNetwork smart contract can send messages, post tweets, post adertising messages, launch trades or binary options, transfer assets of market pegged assets  and many other cool things, impossible over Ethereum or Lisk

They can be used to build 100% autonomus decentralized corporations that self promote, trade and interact.

This is a sample test app (15 lines of code) that sends a message and post a tweet when it receives a transaction (

It seams that smart contracts market is heating up...Smiley)
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Simple questions about Ethereum nobody can answer !!! on: March 15, 2016, 11:02:29 AM
On website the team states "build unstoppable applications". But right now :

1. Any ethereum contract can be shut down by owner by sending a kill signal.

2. Any ethereum contract can be updated by owner that can change rules over night.

Simple unanswered question :

How can an ethereum application be called decentralized and unstoppable if the owner has full control over it ?

It's not a technical difficult question but nobody can answer me. For DAPPs holding customer funds points 1 and 2 spells disaster.

15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Ethereum's flaws on: March 11, 2016, 12:47:26 PM
I have reviewed and written some ethereum contracts for test purposes and i have two questions.

After you write your first contract, you will see that (in most cases) it's basically useless without an interface. You need an interface to interact with the contract. And right now if you want the large public to be able to interact with your code, there is only one option. Write a web interface, upload it and invite users to use it (

Basically you have a centralized website that allows users to test your decentralized application. While the app is unstoppable, the web site is as centralized as it can be.

Question number 1 : What is the difference from a centralized php / mysql app running on domain and a decentralized app that can be used only by accessing domain ? Because i don't get it.

Second. After you upload a contract, the contract will stay on blockchain forever. If i upload 10 big contracts, and i quit or loose my private keys, those contracts will be there forever. For scalability it's a disaster.

 Question number 2 : What stops me from writing 1000 huge contracts every day, abandon them and inflate the blockchain ? Those contracts will never be executed, so there is no costs for me excepting the initial "upload" cost. This could be a real attack vector right now, because tons of contracts were used last time 30-60 days ago
16  Economy / Trading Discussion / Decentralized BTC margin trading on: March 10, 2016, 04:32:33 PM
We have just launched the decentralized margin trading over MaskNetwork testnet. That means you can trade on margin any asset for which a data feed exist with no broker to hold your money or central server.

- Example of a data feed that injects into the network live prices for cryptocoins (

- Example of a market where you can trade BTC on margin. The market is based on the CRYPTO data feed.

- Example of a margin position (x100 leverage) on BTC

How things work :

- Somebody is providing a data feed on anything (cryptocoins, stocks, commodities...)

- Somebody is creating a speculative market around a data feed and bring up some collateral. The collateral is used to pay traders winnings.

- Traders place leveraged bets  on market (the market owner sets up the max leverage). What they loose is the market winning. What they win us the market looses.

- On the long term 75% of traders looss money so there is no way a margin market can loose on longer periods.

It's the decentralized version of old bucket shops (  which by the way are illegal all over the world.

MaskNetwork is the fisrt decentralized social trading network that will go live in June. For more info
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Decentralized margin trading on: March 10, 2016, 01:00:44 PM
We have just launched the decentralized margin trading over MaskNetwork testnet. That means you can trade on margin any asset for which a data feed exist with no broker to hold your money or central server.

- Example of a data feed that injects into the network live prices for cryptocoins (

- Example of a market where you can trade NXT on margin. The market is based on the CRYPTO data feed.

- Example of a margin position (x100 leverage) on NXT

How things work :

- Somebody is providing a data feed on anything (cryptocoins, stocks, commodities...)

- Somebody is creating a speculative market around a data feed and bring up some collateral. The collateral is used to pay traders winnings.

- Traders place leveraged bets  on market (the market owner sets up the max leverage). What they loose is the market winning. What they win us the market looses.

- On the long term 75% of traders looss money so there is no way a margin market can loose on longer periods.

It's the decentralized version of old bucket shops (  which by the way are illegal all over the world.

MaskNetwork is the fisrt decentralized social trading network that will go live in June. For more info
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The decentralized "twitter" is live on: January 06, 2016, 02:55:41 PM
We have just launched the first decentralized microblogging platform as part of MaskNetwork ( It's the twitter with no central server / authority, 140 characters limit, cenzorship and so on...

To test it choose a web node and go to tweets.

How it works :
1. An user post a tweet. He / she can attach up to 5 pics.

2. The "tweet" packet is broadcasted to all nodes.

3. Once included in a block the "tweet" will become visible on all web nodes.

Same rules apply for follow, unfollow, comments or like data packets.

Advantages :
- No central server

- No central authority holding the personal data of hundreds of millions of users.

- No censorship (Web node operators can only "hide" content, but when 200-300 web nodes will be active completely censoring a post will become almost impossible, no matter the content.)

- As easy to use as the real twitter. There are no usability differences. Nothing to download. You can follow, unfollow, post comments or setup a profile for each address (Sample :

- No content restrictions but i'm sure node operators will "filter" really illegal posts.

Participating web nodes


19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][MSK]MaskNetwork - the decentralized social network that pay users to post on: December 01, 2015, 01:18:04 PM

MaskNetwork is a peer to peer decentralized social trading network where traders and bloggers are rewarded for the content they create. MaskNetwork pays both the content creators when their work gets upvoted, as well as the people who curate the best content on the site by upvoting others work. The network can be accessed over the web so you don't have to download anything to start using it.

User Issued Assets
User issued assets are a type of custom token which users can hold and trade with no. Unlike MaskCoins, those tokens can be issued by regular users like you. They could represent a virtual share, a proof of membership, a real world currency or anything else. The network rewards assets issuers every single day.

Binary Options
In finance, a binary option is a type of option in which the payoff can take only two possible outcomes, either some fixed monetary amount or nothing at all. Over MaskNetwork you can issue your own binary options or invest in existing options launched by other users. Because there is no central server, you can bet on anything for which a data feed exist. The network rewards both options issuers and buyers every 24 hours.

Margin Markets
In the real world trading on margin means borrowing money from your broker to buy a stock and using your investment as collateral. Usually investors will pay interest for borrowed money. Over MaskNetwork, a margin market alows you to place leveraged bets against the market owner. Margin markets prices are provided by data feeds. All your losses are market owner's gains and vice versa. Not only that traders don't pay any interest but margin market operators are rewarded by network every 24 hours. Start your own decentralized market today. No central server means no limits on what or how you trade.

Build as store of value
MaskCoin the cryptocurrency that powers up the network. Users need maskcoins for every message they send over the network. MaskCoin has been designed as a deflationary currency, so it has a strictly limited money supply. The number of MaskCoins that will ever be created is limited to 21 millions. Broadly speaking, a deflationary currency is one that increases in value over time. Goods and services priced in a deflationary currency will therefore tend to reduce in price - all other things being equal.

Built-in secure messaging
One of the most important features of the network is the messaging system. You can send messages to any address and any address can send you messages. Even if it crosses the entire network no one can see the message content. All messages are encrypted and only the recipient can decrypt the content. You can use any web node to send / receive messages.

Integrated Escrow System
Over an anonymous soacial network as MaskNetwork, there will always be cases of fraud in which paid products never reach the destination, especially since any payment is irreversible. For this reason we have integrated an escrow system across the network. When sending funds to an address, you can specify a different address as escrower.

Official Website

Active web nodes


ICO Information

ICO will start on June, 1, 2017 and will end on June 30, 2017. The real network will be launched on July, 1, 2017. Only 500.000 coins are available for sale during ICO. For more info check the official page.

20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / I don't understand something... on: August 26, 2014, 09:47:29 AM
1. Why is Ripple going up. It's a 100% pre-mined controversial currency. Many of you are convinced the network is a distributed MySql database instead of a p2p network. It had zero support after launch but 2 years later is still number 3. Why ?

2. Why is BitsharesX going up 50% / day. What are the key features ? What is so innovative at BitsharesX ?

3. Why is going NXT down. They have just launched the much anticipated Digital Goods Store. The NXT price decline is not something new. The currency's market cap started to fall 2 months ago, short time after Asset Exchange went live. It's like everytime they launch a new module, price is going lower and lower instead of rising. Why Huh

Don't tell me Market Cap is not a good indicator because it's the most important indicator.
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