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1  Other / Beginners & Help / PR FOR YOUR ICO on: February 16, 2018, 01:06:32 PM
Would you like to have your project picked up about $10 million? Tokenbox and Mold has appealed to us for help and collected 8.5 and 14 million $! You can also achieve this success by contacting us for services! We can help you with develop bounty program and with announcement of your (pre)-ICO and ICO , will increase the number of views your thread a few dozen times and increase loyalty to your project! Do you want  to dramatically increase your profits – contact us to the telegram @godofbnt or!
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Where can one spend small amounts of bitcoin? on: November 20, 2014, 11:33:30 AM
Hi, I'd like to make a list of things people can do with a small amount of Bitcoin (say $5 equiv. or less) - so I can forward the list to people I give tips to.

Things that came to my mind so far:
- charity (, xkcd, pirate bay)
- gamble away
- changetip et al
- fiverr
- speculate
- invest somehow (any bitcoin stock exchanges that are still operational after GLBSE)?

Any other ideas?
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Secure future contracts using smart contracts / Orisi oracles on: September 16, 2014, 12:02:49 PM
The problem with current futures/CFD/option trading services is that they all have to rely on a single company for contract fulfillment.
While this might be good for smaller speculators, for bigger ones, and for companies that want to launch services on top of such contracts, this is a no-go.

But what if the contracts were mediated by M of N oracles? If you wanted to buy/sell a put/call option, you'd lock your funds on a multisig address maintained by a set of ~10-15 trusted people and companies. Even if one or two, or five of those people/companies would disappear before contract expiration date, you'd be safe.

There are some obvious problems with this - like choosing the respectable oracles to run the system, and having a good data feed for arbitration... But those problems aside, what do you guys think?

I'm wondering if there's anyone interested in such a solution.
4  Economy / Marketplace / Services for CFDs/futures/options? on: September 10, 2014, 04:25:44 PM
I think of launching a service that offers put/call options mediated by a set of distributed oracles. ( ).

Right now I'm doing a market research to understand what's up in this field. Can you guys help me a bit?

- Any forums for people who are interested in this?
- Any services offering such a thing now (I know of, and I remember there was a site where people with high WOT ranking could post their offers)?
5  Economy / Services / Looking for someone to handle social media / PR in a bitcoin project (paid) on: July 31, 2014, 06:51:51 PM
We're looking for someone to handle our ( ) social media & PR efforts.

The workload is around 20-30h / week, there is a small monthly payment of around 400 USD/mo (paid in Bitcoin, with an option to go up to 1.5kUSD with time & experience), and there's an opportunity to learn a lot in terms of both how Bitcoin works, and internet marketing works from people who have experience in both.

- time
- intelligence
- sensible writing skills
- some knowledge of how bitcoin operates
- willingness to learn about the technology with little handholding

Would be nice:
- if you were close to the central-european timezone
- karma on bitcoin forum, reddit, hacker news, and followers on Twitter
6  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / A protocol for easy p2p message broadcasting - FastCast on: July 31, 2014, 10:40:56 AM
We just launched a new messaging protocol - FastCast:

"FastCast is a simple broadcast messaging protocol we had to develop for Orisi. Right now it supports a single-server hub, but it should be possible to extend it into a distributed architecture ( ), and to include a proof-of-work or proof-of-burn spam prevention.

FastCast is built as a simple web REST server based on Django Rest Framework. Here you can read how it compares to BitMessage: ."

The main repo is here:

I think it may get handy in a few Bitcoin projects, hence a post here Smiley
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin conversion now available in Google search, and spreadsheets on: July 15, 2014, 01:56:49 PM

or in spreadsheets:


Update: it seems that for some people .com doesn't work yet. If that's so, try
8  Bitcoin / Project Development / Example smart contract involving M of N oracles / bit-thereum / Orisi. on: July 10, 2014, 05:11:23 PM
I just published a tutorial explaining how to create a timelock transaction using Orisi:

In other words, you can lock your bitcoin funds for a given time using M of N oracles / multisig address.

If anyone wants to watch some M of N transactions perform, you can monitor this address:

And the whitepaper explaining what we're doing, + Gavin's bit-thereum article:
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / First distributed oracles all set up (Orisi / Bit-thereum) on: June 13, 2014, 09:23:47 AM
We just finished the first implementation of M of N oracles as explained in Orisi Whitepaper and in Gavin's bit-thereum post:

The nodes' addresses and information is listed at

The oracles right now support just one command - a "timelock". It allows you to lock BTC funds on a multisig address for a period of time selected by you. The funds get unlocked only with both your signature, and signatures of above 51% of oracles you selected. Oracles will sign deliver their signatures once the time is up, and they have no way of running away with funds.

Here's the Orisi documentation

You can set up your own oracle server node, or you can launch a client and perform a basic timelock transaction.

Other transaction kinds are coming soon - next week we'll probably have transactions depending on Bitstamp's BTCUSD price, and a generic mediation module depending on a word appearing on an url address (similar to, but distributed)
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Why isn't Gavin Andersen excited about our project? on: June 11, 2014, 10:27:30 AM
Guys. We posted the whitepaper ( ) about distributed oracles monday morning u.s. time - as far as I know we were the first ones ever to publish more than a few sentences about the subject. Three hours later Gaving Andersen posted an article that explains a concept eerily similar to ours - bit-thereum ( ).

I assumed that he didn't see our paper on /r/bitcoin, nor on bitcointalk before publishing his post. So I tweeted him info that this thing is already being implemented, and that there's a whole whitepaper on the subject. And e-mailed him. And sent a bitcointalk message. And someone posted a link to our paper in his blog comments. We got no reply from him, but perhaps he missed all of this.

So now when I explain Orisi project to people, some of them ask me "so, this is Gavin's idea, right?", and "is it like bit-thereum"? If I were a bigger person, I'd probably say: "who cares who's idea is it". But I'm not that great, so I'll just start forwarding people to this thread.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Connecting MTurk, distributed oracles and Bitcoin - idea on: June 10, 2014, 06:28:08 PM
I published a rather long article on the subject here:

The general idea is that you could take an Mechanical Turk crowd wisdom and use it to deliver rulings in smart contracts. Thoughts?
12  Bitcoin / Project Development / A practical distributed oracle system for cryptocurrency contracts. White Paper. on: June 09, 2014, 02:40:24 PM
Just published this whitepaper:

It's about an implementation of a distributed oracle system. The idea is that for contracts that require external input, we may set up a set of oracles that monitor the external world and sign transactions using m of n signatures. So, instead of trusting just one oracle/arbiter to deliver the verdict, you're trusting 20-40 ones, run by trustworthy individuals who are unlikely to cheat.

Using Orisi debs will soon be able to implement cool things like:
- contracts depending on btc price, weather and so on
- human contract arbitration
- additional protection of bitcoin wallets
- sidechains - even with all the current bitcoind version

We're also wrapping up an implementation of such a system, and will be launching first oracles within the network later on today, or tomorrow.

Any feedback?
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