chrome web store:
Autotip is a system I created that is an alternate way to monetize content on the web.
Basically its a chrome browser extension that you install, load with BTC, and it will tip out small amounts to each participating page.
I'm just a single developer, Autotip is not a silicon valley play with millions of dollars in VC.
The extension uses so you can recieve tips in BTC, LTC, DOGE, or any other supported currency.
Right now, Autotip is very young, so there are very few sites that support the protocol. I made a subreddit for posting links to sites that are supported:
The difference bwtween Autorip and other tipping services like Changetip is that Autotip is completely decentralized. There is no Autotip account you have to sign uo for. All money moving between tipper and tippee is done peer to peer. The only fee associated with an autotip is the fee to the bitcoin miners.