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By default, a new wallet is configured to p2wpkh or p2wsh addresses. How in electrum am I able to see the p2sh-p2wsh or p2sh-p2wpkh addresses? (I don't mind doing it in the console) Just let me know how. Thank you.
I wanted to ask if Electrum allows to generating p2tr addresses. (i don't mind using the console). Let me know.
What Will Happen If the Mt. Gox Stolen Funds Start to Move? 1FeexV6bAHb8ybZjqQMjJrcCrHGW9sb6uF This is where the stolen funds got sent to. With the increasing centralization of mining these days (, as of today, the No.1 miner Foundry USA concentrates 30.08% of all the hashing power. What will happen if the stolen funds start to move? Will it never get confirmed? (no miners dare to include it in the block) Will it be rejected to be mined? (miners find it is a legal issue so they say no, this is not going into my block) What the hell will happen? Share your thoughts pls.
19iAvuzfb8uH2SZLYcbb5wtbBZdn1o3vRm And look at this tx: d572c579f8de3c38b1dfab12928312fbe88f3d74a637d21a75b3f6d0510afe3a
there is a unknown sender called 1 of 1 multisig, 0.00010000 BTC
what shit is that?
Hi guys,
Since day 1, I was told that 128 bits entropy is strong enough and brute-forcing it takes centuries. I get it. But i still feel insecure inside of me... (and i know adding a passphrase or using 256bits will even double down the security, totally get it)
I'm still not sure if someday i wake up, all my funds could have all gone..
We all agree we're living in a crazy world and what's far worse is that it is managed by a bunch of clowns.. So, let's think wildly, one day US were to further increase the censorship just like some of the other countries in the world, they ban bitcoin, they ban VPN, they pass legislation for those who mine/trade/spend btc will be sent to jail. (Let's not say it's not going to happen. It can! You never know just like you would never have known that there's a war in 2022.)
Other countries start to follow.
Where will you be and what kind of life will it be and how is it going to impact yours?
was it that easy? Your opinions here. Source: Found a nice pubkey collision with SECP256K1 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140 and 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 Give the same pubkey of 79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
| on this blog, we see as an electrum server implementation, Fulcrum is absolutely the winner in terms of performance. But my question is, should i support this project which is created by a BCH developer and it supports not BTC only, but ltc, bch... If that wasn't the case for Fulcrum, i'd be opting in right away. But because it came from a shitcoin supporter, i am just hesitating... Need your guys opinions
let's discuss on the security level of one having a 2/2 xor setup and a 2/3 multi-sig setup.
So, let's say I am to create two wallets using the xor scheme and 2/3 multisig respectively. Both setups use a 12-word seed and no passphrase at all.
Which one do you like better? 1. security (i know even a single sig wallet is already good enough, I am asking which one of these two is better) 2. usability (error-prone, convenience) 3. attack surface/vector (similar to point 1) 4. hww support 5. hidden facts that people don't know about?
so for some reason, i deleted the latest blk03xxx.dat and its related rev.dat file in .bitcoin/blocks/ folder. Now, when i run the bitcoind command, starts to build up the headers and blocks. After one entire day, the blocks are at 4xxxxx and headers are at 7xxxxx i mean, i just deleted one blk.dat and rev.dat file. Supposedly it should be taking so long, right? Why is it taking so long? Any workaround, please?
I wanted to get out of my bloated system and reinstall the system. So i want to back up my blockchain data so i don't get re-synced. The problem: i don't have a spare external drive that is large enough to store that. Mine is like 450gb or something. but the blockchain data at this point in time is larger than that. So here i am asking if possible to reduce the blockchain data (perhaps to delete couple recent blocks) to make it small so it can fit in my external drive.
Is it feasible? How can i make it?
Again, thank you all!
We don't know everything, right? There is always something, knowledge, or hacks in life that you don't know about. Let's say you wake up in the morning only to find out your wallet has been emptied. Your savings are all gone. But you were following all the security practices you can possibly can, like generate everything offline, good entropy, not using brain wallet and so on and so forth. But your funds are gone. What will you do with it?
hi there,
the community can only grow strong if one keeps learning more and spreads knowledge around. Are there any good resources to learn BTC, preferably some youtube tutorials? I am not referring to some basic things like how to send /receive money or connect to a node or stuff like that. I need some more advanced technics like OP_RETURN and so on.
Good wisdom, please?
How the fuck do you create an address like this? Seems someone can crack the code so he can do what he wants?
Hi, Honey badgers,
how are you doing. I wanna ask a stupid question: how having an arbitrary derivation path makes my wallet more secure? let's say under m84, i set a really deep path. So situations like someone steals my seed and eventually finds nothing is sitting there?
Hi there,
so every day when i am on my way to work, i mind things about btc.
for example: 1. is it possible that a 24-word seed + passphrase ends up generating the same xprv(root private key) as another 24-word seed or 12-word seed does(even without a passphrase)? 2. likewise, is it possible that a single-sig wallet has the same xprv(root private key) as a multi-sig wallet does?
Hope you veterans know what i mean.
Thanks guys.
Big players like Michael Saylor, the president of EI, or even some exchanges, i have been wondering how these guys store their BTC, their solutions, and their hardware storage.
Do any insiders know something? BTC