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21  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Kweek Coin - meet this project before July 09 on: June 07, 2022, 08:13:18 PM
ICO Kweek Coin July 09-20 (or while supplies last)

Meet the Kweek coin:

According to the National Confederation of Commerce, it is estimated that in 2021 digital purchases reached more than 161 billion reais in sales, with more than 90% of sales occurring through Markplaces. Kweek Place intends to become a reference and one of the main players in this gigantic market in the next 3 years!

Kweek will consolidate itself in the market as a technology company, focusing its investments in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Blockchain, developing innovative and essential solutions for customers and society!

Kweek intends to contribute to society with the creation of the Kweek Foundation, a philanthropic entity that will work on social and environmental issues, promoting greater social inclusion, supporting the neediest classes and essential initiatives related to the environment.

Kweek Coin will be a fundamental part of the great ecosystem of the Kweek group, functioning as a financial tool and currency of exchange in all the satellites that make up the Kweek group. Therefore, as projects progress, we understand that Kweek Coin will have great upside potential!

To learn more and stay on top of our ICO, visit:

Kweek Coin, simple as that!

Website and whitepaper:





22  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / ICO KWEEK COIN 09/07/2022 on: June 07, 2022, 06:39:31 PM

Você provavelmente conhece o que são as Microcoins - criptomoedas em fase inicial e que possuem baixíssimo valor no mercado e com alto potencial de valorização (altseason).

Mas já ouviu falar sobre as MSE's (Microcoins super estruturadas)?

Um dos diferenciais dessa categoria de moeda se deve a um grande projeto que a moeda está vinculada: um ecossistema de projetos inovadores conduzidos por startups que aplicam tecnologias avançadas em suas operações, fazendo a criptomoeda circular em todas as empresas do ecossistema gerando mais utilidade, usabilidade e aumentando naturalmente a demanda e o preço do ativo digital.

Ao estruturarmos o uso do criptoativo no ecossitema Kweek, ela será introduzida em todos os setores da economia como: postos de combustíveis, farmácias, padarias, supermercados.

Ficou interessado (a)? Saiba mais sobre o nosso projeto:

Kweek Coin, simples assim!

Website and whitepaper:




Nossa avaliação no FoundIco:
23  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / ICO KWEEK COIN 09/07/2022 on: June 07, 2022, 06:25:20 PM

You probably know what Microcoins are - early stage cryptocurrencies that have very low market value and high potential for appreciation (altseason).

But have you heard about SSM's (Super Structured Microcoins)?

One of the differentials of this category of currency is due to a large project that the currency is linked to: an ecosystem of innovative projects led by startups that apply advanced technologies in their operations, making the cryptocurrency circulate in all companies in the ecosystem generating more utility, usability. and naturally increasing the demand and price of the digital asset.

By structuring the use of crypto in the Kweek ecosystem, it will be introduced in all sectors of the economy such as: gas stations, pharmacies, bakeries, supermarkets.

Were you interested? Learn more about our project:

Kweek Coin, simple as that!
Website and whitepaper:





24  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / (MSE) Microcoins Super Estruturadas on: June 03, 2022, 04:26:03 PM
Você provavelmente conhece o que são as Microcoins - criptomoedas em fase inicial e que possuem baixíssimo valor no mercado e com alto potencial de valorização (altseason).

Mas você já ouviu falar sobre MSE (Microcoins Super Estruturadas)? Nós do grupo Kweek desenvolvemos uma criptomoeda assim!

O diferencial dessa categoria de moeda se deve a um grande projeto a qual estamos vinculados, um ecossistema capaz de vincular projetos inovadores conduzidos por startups que aplicam tecnologias avançadas nas suas operações.

Ficou interessado (a)? Saiba mais sobre o nosso projeto:

Kweek Coin, simples assim!

Nosso website e whitepaper:





25  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Superstructured Microcoins on: June 03, 2022, 04:09:51 PM
You probably know what Microcoins are - early stage cryptocurrencies that have very low market value and high potential for appreciation (altseason).

But have you heard about MSE (Super Structured Microcoins)? We from the Kweek group have developed such a cryptocurrency!

The difference in this currency category is due to a large project to which we are linked, an ecosystem capable of linking innovative projects led by startups that apply advanced technologies in their operations.

Were you interested? Learn more about our project:

Kweek Coin, simple as that!

Join our ICO:




26  Local / Nowe kryptowaluty i tokeny / [ANN] [ICO] Kweek Moneta – start 09 lipca 2022 r. on: June 02, 2022, 11:03:59 PM
[ICO] Kweek Moneta – start 09 lipca 2022 r.

Ekskluzywna Promocja!!! Weź udział w ICO i wygraj 1 000 000 USD (jeden milion dolarów). Za każde 200 USD otrzymasz 1 cyfrowy kupon do rywalizacji!!! Po osiągnięciu celu 45 000 000 USD, 1 Bitcoin zostanie wylosowany dla każdego inwestora, aż do osiągnięcia 1 000 000 USD!!!

Projekt Kweek Coin jest powiązany z grupą Kweek , która połączy kilka innowacyjnych projektów i inicjatyw technologicznych związanych z blockchain .

Następnym wydaniem będzie Kweek Place , nowoczesny i innowacyjny marketplace , na którym będziemy mieć inicjatywy Sztucznej Inteligencji, akceptację płatności walutami cyfrowymi ( kryptoaktywami ), ekskluzywny system nagród oraz nagrody dla sprzedających i kupujących. Stworzymy również środowisko Metaverse , w którym będzie można stworzyć wirtualne centrum handlowe 3D, w którym interakcja między kupującymi i sprzedającymi będzie odbywać się za pośrednictwem ich awatarów.

Nadchodzące projekty
Po konsolidacji Kweek Miejsce , stworzymy własny system płatności Kweek Pay , Kweek Log, duży projekt logistyczny, Kweek Fundusze , które będą zarządzać środkami, które zostaną przeznaczone na przyszłe akwizycje i finansowanie projektów technologicznych i wiele innych. Do 2025 r. będziemy mieli około 15 głównych premier, które zapewnią większą wartość i zwiększą potencjał aprecjacji waluty, przynosząc coraz więcej Kweek Moneta do realnej gospodarki.


Według Narodowej Konfederacji Handlu szacuje się, że w 2021 r. zakupy cyfrowe osiągnęły ponad 161 miliardów reali sprzedaży, przy czym ponad 90% tej sprzedaży odbywa się za pośrednictwem targowisk . Kweek _ Place zamierza stać się punktem odniesienia i jednym z głównych graczy na tym gigantycznym rynku w ciągu najbliższych 3 lat! Kweek _ Moneta będzie fundamentalnym elementem, który poruszy gospodarkę i umożliwi transakcje finansowe między różnymi segmentami, w których będzie działać Kweek !
Kweek skonsoliduje się na rynku jako firma technologiczna, koncentrując swoje inwestycje w obszarach sztucznej inteligencji, Metaverse i Blockchain , opracowując innowacyjne i niezbędne rozwiązania dla klientów i społeczeństwa!
Kweek zamierza przyczynić się do społeczeństwa poprzez stworzenie Kweek Fundacja , podmiot o charakterze filantropijnym, który będzie pracował nad kwestiami społecznymi i środowiskowymi, promując większą integrację społeczną, wsparcie dla najbardziej potrzebujących klas oraz niezbędne inicjatywy związane ze środowiskiem.
Kweek _ Moneta będzie fundamentalną częścią wielkiego ekosystemu grupy Kweek , funkcjonując jako narzędzie finansowe i waluta wymiany we wszystkich satelitach wchodzących w skład grupy Kweek . Dlatego w miarę postępu projektów rozumiemy, że Kweek Moneta będzie miała ogromny potencjał wzrostowy!


Nazwa: Kweek Moneta (KWK)
Kategoria : MSE — superstrukturyzowane mikromonety
System generowania monet: BEP20
Sieć Blockchain : Binance Inteligentny łańcuch
8 miejsc po przecinku tworzą ułamki Kweek moneta
Każdy ułamek monety to Łowca
100 milionów Łowców = 1 tydzień moneta
Numer umowy: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Wartości i cele

Całkowita podaż   1 000 000 000
Sprzedaż ICO   200 000 000
Akceptowane waluty   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
Wartość każdego tygodnia _ moneta   0,23 USD
Minimalna wartość do nabycia   20,00 USD
Maksymalna wartość do nabycia   20 000,00 USD
Bramka   45 000 000,00 USD

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, odwiedź naszą stronę internetową i pobierz nasz Whitepaper !

27  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / [ANN] [ICO] Kweek Koin – Mulai 09 Juli 2022 on: June 02, 2022, 10:59:06 PM
[ICO] Kweek Koin – Mulai 09 Juli 2022

Promosi Eksklusif!!! Berpartisipasi dalam ICO dan menangkan USD 1.000.000 (Satu Juta Dolar). Setiap USD 200 Anda mendapatkan 1 kupon digital untuk bersaing!!! Setelah mencapai target USD 45.000.000, 1 Bitcoin akan ditarik untuk setiap investor hingga mencapai USD 1.000.000!!!

Proyek Kweek Coin ditautkan ke grup Kweek , yang akan menyatukan beberapa proyek inovatif dan inisiatif teknologi yang terkait dengan blockchain .

Rilisan berikutnya adalah Kweek Place , pasar modern dan inovatif , di mana kita akan memiliki inisiatif Kecerdasan Buatan, penerimaan pembayaran dengan mata uang digital ( cryptoactives ), sistem penghargaan eksklusif dan penghargaan untuk penjual dan pembeli. Kami juga akan menciptakan lingkungan Metaverse di mana dimungkinkan untuk membuat mal virtual 3D, di mana interaksi antara pembeli dan penjual akan terjadi melalui avatar mereka.

Proyek Mendatang
Setelah konsolidasi Kweek Tempat , kami akan membuat sistem pembayaran kami sendiri, Kweek Bayar , Kweek Log, proyek logistik besar, Kweek Dana yang akan mengelola sumber daya yang akan digunakan untuk akuisisi dan pembiayaan proyek teknologi di masa depan, dan banyak lainnya. Kami akan memiliki sekitar 15 peluncuran besar pada tahun 2025, memberikan nilai yang lebih besar dan meningkatkan potensi apresiasi mata uang, membawa Kweek lebih banyak lagi Koin untuk ekonomi riil.


Menurut National Confederation of Commerce, diperkirakan pada tahun 2021 pembelian digital mencapai lebih dari 161 miliar reais dalam penjualan, dengan lebih dari 90% dari penjualan ini terjadi melalui Marketplaces . Kweek _ Place berniat menjadi referensi dan salah satu pemain utama di pasar raksasa ini dalam 3 tahun ke depan! Kweek _ Koin akan menjadi bagian mendasar untuk menggerakkan ekonomi dan memungkinkan transaksi keuangan antara berbagai segmen di mana Kweek akan beroperasi!
Kweek akan mengkonsolidasikan dirinya di pasar sebagai perusahaan teknologi, memfokuskan investasinya di bidang Kecerdasan Buatan, Metaverse , dan Blockchain , mengembangkan solusi inovatif dan penting bagi pelanggan dan masyarakat!
Kweek bermaksud untuk berkontribusi kepada masyarakat dengan pembuatan Kweek Fundation , sebuah entitas filantropi yang akan bekerja pada isu-isu sosial dan lingkungan, mempromosikan inklusi sosial yang lebih besar, dukungan untuk kelas yang paling membutuhkan dan inisiatif penting yang terkait dengan lingkungan.
Kweek _ Koin akan menjadi bagian mendasar dari ekosistem hebat grup Kweek , berfungsi sebagai alat keuangan dan mata uang pertukaran di semua satelit yang membentuk grup Kweek . Oleh karena itu, seiring kemajuan proyek, kami memahami bahwa Kweek Koin akan memiliki potensi kenaikan yang besar!

Informasi teknis:

Nama: Kweek Koin (KWK)
Kategori : MSE - Microcoin Super Terstruktur
Sistem Penghasil Koin: BEP20
Jaringan Blockchain : Binance Rantai Pintar
8 tempat desimal membentuk pecahan Kweek koin
Setiap pecahan koin disebut Hunter
100 juta Pemburu = 1 Kweek koin
Nomor Kontrak: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Nilai dan Tujuan

Jumlah Pasokan
penjualan ICO   200.000.000
Mata Uang yang Diterima   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
Nilai setiap Kweek _ koin   USD 0,23
Nilai minimum untuk akuisisi   Rp 20.00
Nilai maksimum untuk akuisisi   Rp 20,000.00
Sasaran   Rp 45,000,000.00

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi situs web kami dan unduh Whitepaper kami !

28  Local / النقاشات / [ANN] [ICO] Kwik Coin - يبدأ في 9 يوليو 2022 on: June 02, 2022, 09:12:35 PM
[ANN] [ICO] Kwik Coin - يبدأ في 9 يوليو 2022

ترويج حصري !!! شارك في ICO واربح 1،000،000 دولار أمريكي (مليون دولار). كل 200 دولار أمريكي تحصل على قسيمة رقمية واحدة للمنافسة !!! بعد الوصول إلى هدف 45.000.000 دولار أمريكي ، سيتم سحب 1 بيتكوين لكل مستثمر حتى الوصول إلى 1.000.000 دولار أمريكي !!!

مشروع كويك Coin مرتبطة بمجموعة Kweek ، والتي ستجمع بين العديد من المشاريع المبتكرة والمبادرات التكنولوجية المرتبطة بـ blockchain .

الإصدار القادم سيكون Kweek مكان ، سوق حديث ومبتكر ، حيث سيكون لدينا مبادرات الذكاء الاصطناعي ، وقبول المدفوعات بالعملات الرقمية ( أنشطة التشفير ) ، ونظام المكافآت الحصري والجوائز للبائعين والمشترين. سننشئ أيضًا بيئة Metaverse حيث سيكون من الممكن إنشاء مركز تجاري افتراضي ثلاثي الأبعاد ، حيث سيتم التفاعل بين المشترين والبائعين من خلال الصور الرمزية الخاصة بهم.

المشاريع القادمة
بعد توحيد كويك مكان ، سنقوم بإنشاء نظام الدفع الخاص بنا ، Kweek باي ، كويك لوج ، مشروع لوجستي كبير ، كويك الأموال التي ستدير الموارد التي سيتم استخدامها لعمليات الاستحواذ المستقبلية وتمويل مشاريع التكنولوجيا ، وغيرها الكثير. سيكون لدينا حوالي 15 إطلاقًا رئيسيًا بحلول عام 2025 ، مما يوفر قيمة أكبر ويزيد من احتمالية ارتفاع العملة ، مما يجعل Kweek أكثر وأكثر عملة للاقتصاد الحقيقي.


وفقًا للاتحاد الوطني للتجارة ، تشير التقديرات إلى أنه في عام 2021 وصلت المشتريات الرقمية إلى أكثر من 161 مليار ريال عماني في المبيعات ، مع أكثر من 90 ٪ من هذه المبيعات من خلال Markeplaces . كويك _ يعتزم Place أن يصبح مرجعًا وأحد اللاعبين الرئيسيين في هذا السوق العملاق في السنوات الثلاث القادمة! كويك _ ستكون العملة المعدنية قطعة أساسية لتحريك الاقتصاد والسماح بالمعاملات المالية بين مختلف القطاعات التي سيعمل فيها Kweek !
Kweek على ترسيخ نفسها في السوق كشركة تكنولوجية ، مع التركيز على استثماراتها في مجالات الذكاء الاصطناعي ، و Metaverse و Blockchain ، وتطوير حلول مبتكرة وأساسية للعملاء والمجتمع!
تعتزم Kweek المساهمة في المجتمع من خلال إنشاء Kweek التمويل ، كيان خيري يعمل في القضايا الاجتماعية والبيئية ، وتعزيز الاندماج الاجتماعي الأكبر ، ودعم الفئات الأكثر احتياجًا والمبادرات الأساسية المتعلقة بالبيئة.
كويك _ ستكون العملة جزءًا أساسيًا من النظام البيئي العظيم لمجموعة Kweek ، حيث تعمل كأداة مالية وعملة صرف في جميع الأقمار الصناعية التي تشكل مجموعة Kweek . لذلك ، مع تقدم المشاريع ، نفهم ذلك Kweek سيكون للعملة المعدنية إمكانات كبيرة في الاتجاه الصعودي!

معلومات تقنية:

الاسم: كويك عملة (KWK)
الفئة : MSE - العملات الصغيرة فائقة التنظيم
نظام توليد العملات: BEP20
شبكة Blockchain : Binance سلسلة ذكية
8 منازل عشرية تشكل كسور كويك عملة
كل جزء من العملة يسمى الصياد
100 مليون صياد = 1 كويك عملة
رقم العقد: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

القيم والأهداف

إجمالي العرض   1،000،000،000
مبيعات ICO   200.000.000
العملات المقبولة   BTC ، ETH ، BNB ، USDT
قيمة كل كويك _ عملة   0.23 دولار أمريكي
الحد الأدنى لقيمة الاستحواذ   20.00 دولارًا أمريكيًا
القيمة القصوى للاكتساب   20،000.00 دولار أمريكي
هدف دولار أمريكي

لمزيد من المعلومات ، قم بزيارة موقعنا على الإنترنت وقم بتنزيل المستند التقني الخاص بنا !

29  Local / Duyurular (Alternatif Kripto-Paralar) / [ANN] [ICO] Kwik Coin - 9 Temmuz 2022'de Başlıyor on: June 02, 2022, 09:08:58 PM
[ICO] [ICO] Kwik Coin - 9 Temmuz 2022'de Başlıyor

Özel Promosyon!!! ICO'ya katılın ve 1.000.000 USD (Bir Milyon Dolar) kazanın. Her 200 USD'de yarışmak için 1 dijital kupon kazanırsınız!!! 45.000.000 USD hedefine ulaştıktan sonra, 1.000.000 USD'ye ulaşana kadar her yatırımcı için 1 Bitcoin çekilecektir!!!

Kweek Projesi Coin , blockchain ile bağlantılı birkaç yenilikçi proje ve teknolojik girişimi bir araya getirecek olan Kweek grubuyla bağlantılı .

Bir sonraki sürüm Kweek olacak Yapay Zeka girişimlerinin olacağı, dijital para birimleriyle ( kriptoaktifler ) ödemelerin kabul edileceği , satıcılar ve alıcılar için özel ödül sistemi ve ödüllerin olacağı modern ve yenilikçi bir pazar yeri olan Place . Ayrıca , alıcılar ve satıcılar arasındaki etkileşimin avatarları aracılığıyla gerçekleşeceği bir 3D sanal alışveriş merkezi oluşturmanın mümkün olacağı bir Metaverse ortamı oluşturacağız.

Gelecek projeler
Kweek'in konsolidasyonundan sonra Yer , kendi ödeme sistemimizi oluşturacağız, Kweek Pay , Kweek Log, büyük bir lojistik projesi olan Kweek Gelecekteki satın almalar ve teknoloji projelerinin finansmanı için kullanılacak kaynakları yönetecek fonlar ve diğerleri. 2025 yılına kadar, daha fazla değer sağlayan ve para birimi değer kazanma potansiyelini artıran, Kweek'i giderek daha fazla getiren yaklaşık 15 büyük lansmanımız olacak. Gerçek ekonomiye para .


Ulusal Ticaret Konfederasyonu'na göre, 2021'de dijital satın almaların 161 milyar reali aştığı ve bu satışların %90'ından fazlasının Pazaryerleri üzerinden gerçekleştiği tahmin ediliyor . Kweek _ Place , önümüzdeki 3 yıl içinde bu devasa pazarda bir referans ve ana oyunculardan biri olmayı hedefliyor! Kweek _ Madeni para , ekonomiyi hareket ettirmek ve Kweek'in faaliyet göstereceği çeşitli segmentler arasında finansal işlemlere izin vermek için temel bir parça olacak!
Kweek , yatırımlarını Yapay Zeka, Metaverse ve Blockchain alanlarına odaklayarak , müşteriler ve toplum için yenilikçi ve temel çözümler geliştiren bir teknoloji şirketi olarak pazarda kendini pekiştirecek!
Kweek , Kweek'in yaratılmasıyla topluma katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır . Fundation , sosyal ve çevresel konularda çalışacak, daha fazla sosyal içermeyi, en muhtaç sınıflara destek ve çevre ile ilgili temel girişimleri teşvik eden hayırsever bir kuruluş.
Kweek _ Madeni para , Kweek grubunu oluşturan tüm uydularda bir finansal araç ve para birimi olarak işlev görerek, Kweek grubunun büyük ekosisteminin temel bir parçası olacaktır . Bu nedenle, projeler ilerledikçe , Kweek'in Madeni paranın büyük bir yukarı potansiyeli olacak!

Teknik Bilgiler:

İsim: Kweek Madeni para (KWK)
Kategori : MSE - Süper Yapılandırılmış Mikro Paralar
Madeni Para Üretim Sistemi: BEP20
Blockchain Ağı : Binance Akıllı Zincir
8 ondalık basamak Kweek kesirlerini oluşturur madeni para
Madeni paranın her fraksiyonuna Avcı denir
100 milyon Avcı = 1 Hafta madeni para
Sözleşme Numarası: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Değerler ve Hedefler

Toplam Arz
ICO satışları   200.000.000
Kabul Edilen Para Birimleri   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
Her Kweek'in değeri _ madeni para   0,23 ABD doları
Edinme için minimum değer   20,00 ABD doları
Edinme için maksimum değer   20.000,00 ABD Doları
Hedef   45.000.000,00 ABD Doları

Daha fazla bilgi için web sitemizi ziyaret edin ve Tanıtım Belgemizi indirin !

30  Local / Altcoin Announcements (Ελληνικά) / [ANN] [ICO] Kwik Coin - Έναρξη 9 Ιουλίου 2022 on: June 02, 2022, 09:02:29 PM
[ICO] Kwik Coin - Έναρξη 9 Ιουλίου 2022

Αποκλειστική Προσφορά!!! Λάβετε μέρος στο ICO και κερδίστε 1.000.000 USD (Ένα εκατομμύριο δολάρια). Κάθε 200 USD λαμβάνετε 1 ψηφιακό κουπόνι για να διαγωνιστείτε!!! Μετά την επίτευξη του στόχου των 45.000.000 USD, θα κληρωθεί 1 Bitcoin για κάθε επενδυτή μέχρι να φτάσει το 1.000.000 USD!!![/b]

Το έργο Kweek Το Coin συνδέεται με τον όμιλο Kweek , ο οποίος θα συγκεντρώσει πολλά καινοτόμα έργα και τεχνολογικές πρωτοβουλίες που συνδέονται με το blockchain .

Η επόμενη κυκλοφορία θα είναι το Kweek Place , μια σύγχρονη και πρωτοποριακή αγορά , όπου θα έχουμε πρωτοβουλίες Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης, αποδοχή πληρωμών με ψηφιακά νομίσματα ( cryptoactives ), αποκλειστικό σύστημα επιβράβευσης και βραβεία για πωλητές και αγοραστές. Θα δημιουργήσουμε επίσης ένα περιβάλλον Metaverse όπου θα είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία ενός τρισδιάστατου εικονικού εμπορικού κέντρου, όπου η αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ αγοραστών και πωλητών θα πραγματοποιείται μέσω των avatar τους.

Προσεχή Έργα
Μετά την ενοποίηση του Kweek Place , θα δημιουργήσουμε το δικό μας σύστημα πληρωμών, το Kweek Pay , το Kweek Log, ένα μεγάλο έργο logistics, το Kweek Ταμεία που θα διαχειρίζονται πόρους που θα χρησιμοποιηθούν για μελλοντικές εξαγορές και χρηματοδότηση τεχνολογικών έργων και πολλά άλλα. Θα έχουμε περίπου 15 σημαντικές εκτοξεύσεις μέχρι το 2025, παρέχοντας μεγαλύτερη αξία και αυξάνοντας τις δυνατότητες ανατίμησης του νομίσματος, φέρνοντας το Kweek όλο και περισσότερο Κέρμα στην πραγματική οικονομία.


Σύμφωνα με την Εθνική Συνομοσπονδία Εμπορίου, εκτιμάται ότι το 2021 οι ψηφιακές αγορές έφτασαν σε πωλήσεις πάνω από 161 δισεκατομμύρια ρεάλ, με περισσότερο από το 90% αυτών των πωλήσεων να πραγματοποιούνται μέσω των Marketplaces . Το Kweek Το Place σκοπεύει να γίνει αναφορά και ένας από τους κύριους παίκτες σε αυτή τη γιγάντια αγορά τα επόμενα 3 χρόνια! Το Kweek Το κέρμα θα είναι ένα θεμελιώδες κομμάτι για να κινήσει την οικονομία και να επιτρέψει οικονομικές συναλλαγές μεταξύ των διαφόρων τμημάτων στα οποία θα λειτουργεί η Kweek !
Η Kweek θα εδραιωθεί στην αγορά ως εταιρεία τεχνολογίας, εστιάζοντας τις επενδύσεις της στους τομείς της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης, του Metaverse και του Blockchain , αναπτύσσοντας καινοτόμες και ουσιαστικές λύσεις για τους πελάτες και την κοινωνία!
Η Kweek σκοπεύει να συνεισφέρει στην κοινωνία με τη δημιουργία της Kweek Fundation , μια φιλανθρωπική οντότητα που θα εργάζεται σε κοινωνικά και περιβαλλοντικά ζητήματα, προωθώντας μεγαλύτερη κοινωνική ένταξη, υποστήριξη για τις άπορες τάξεις και βασικές πρωτοβουλίες που σχετίζονται με το περιβάλλον.
Το Kweek Το κέρμα θα είναι θεμελιώδες μέρος του μεγάλου οικοσυστήματος του ομίλου Kweek , λειτουργώντας ως χρηματοοικονομικό εργαλείο και νόμισμα ανταλλαγής σε όλους τους δορυφόρους που απαρτίζουν τον όμιλο Kweek . Επομένως, καθώς τα έργα προχωρούν, καταλαβαίνουμε ότι το Kweek Το κέρμα θα έχει μεγάλες δυνατότητες ανόδου!

Τεχνικές πληροφορίες:

Όνομα: Kweek Κέρμα (KWK)
Κατηγορία : MSE - Super Structured Microcoins
Σύστημα δημιουργίας νομισμάτων: BEP20
Δίκτυο Blockchain : Binance Έξυπνη Αλυσίδα
8 δεκαδικά ψηφία αποτελούν τα κλάσματα Kweek κέρμα
Κάθε κλάσμα του νομίσματος ονομάζεται Κυνηγός
100 εκατομμύρια Κυνηγοί = 1 Kweek κέρμα
Αριθμός σύμβασης: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Αξίες και Στόχοι

Συνολική Προμήθεια
Πωλήσεις ICO   200.000.000
Αποδεκτά νομίσματα   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
Αξία κάθε Kweek _ κέρμα   0,23 USD
Ελάχιστη αξία για απόκτηση   20,00 USD
Μέγιστη αξία για απόκτηση   20.000,00 USD
Στόχος   45.000.000,00 USD

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, επισκεφτείτε τον ιστότοπό μας και κατεβάστε τη Λευκή Βίβλο μας !

31  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / [ANN] [ICO] Kweek Coin – Start July 09 , 2022 on: June 02, 2022, 08:54:58 PM
Title: [ICO] Kweek Coin – Start July 09 , 2022

Exclusive Promotion!!! Participate in the ICO and win USD 1,000,000 (One Million Dollars). Every USD 200 you get 1 digital coupon to compete!!! After reaching the goal of USD 45,000,000, 1 Bitcoin will be drawn for each investor until reaching USD 1,000,000!!!

The Kweek Project Coin is linked to the Kweek group , which will bring together several innovative projects and technological initiatives linked to blockchain .

The next release will be Kweek Place , a modern and innovative marketplace , where we will have Artificial Intelligence initiatives, acceptance of payments with digital currencies ( cryptoactives ), exclusive reward system and awards for sellers and buyers. We will also create a Metaverse environment where it will be possible to create a 3D virtual mall, where the interaction between buyers and sellers will take place through their avatars.

Upcoming Projects
After the consolidation of Kweek Place , we will create our own payment system, Kweek Pay , the Kweek Log, a large logistics project, the Kweek Funds that will manage resources that will be used for future acquisitions and financing of technology projects, and many others. We will have around 15 major launches by 2025, providing greater value and increasing currency appreciation potential, bringing Kweek more and more Coin to the real economy.


According to the National Confederation of Commerce, it is estimated that in 2021 digital purchases reached more than 161 billion reais in sales, with more than 90% of these sales occurring through Markeplaces . The Kweek Place intends to become a reference and one of the main players in this gigantic market in the next 3 years! The Kweek Coin will be a fundamental piece to move the economy and allow financial transactions between the various segments in which Kweek will operate!
Kweek will consolidate itself in the market as a technology company, focusing its investments in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Blockchain , developing innovative and essential solutions for customers and society!
Kweek intends to contribute to society with the creation of Kweek Fundation , a philanthropic entity that will work on social and environmental issues, promoting greater social inclusion, support for the neediest classes and essential initiatives related to the environment.
The Kweek Coin will be a fundamental part of the great ecosystem of the Kweek group , functioning as a financial tool and currency of exchange in all the satellites that make up the Kweek group . Therefore, as projects progress, we understand that Kweek Coin will have great upside potential!

Technical information:

Name: Kweek Coin (KWK)
Category : MSE - Super Structured Microcoins
Coin Generating System: BEP20
Blockchain Network : Binance Smart Chain
8 decimal places make up Kweek fractions coin
Each fraction of the coin is called a Hunter
100 million Hunters = 1 Kweek coin
Contract Number: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Values and Goals

Total Supply   1,000,000,000
ICO sales   200,000,000
Accepted Currencies   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
Value of each Kweek Coin   USD 0.23
Minimum value for acquisition   USD 20.00
Maximum value for acquisition   USD 20,000.00
Goal   USD 45,000,000.00

For more information, visit our website and download our Whitepaper !

32  Local / 대체코인 Alt Coins (한국어) / [ANN] [ICO] Kwik Coin - 2022년 7월 9일 시작 on: June 01, 2022, 08:23:08 PM
제목: [ICO] Kwik Coin - 2022년 7월 9일 시작

독점 프로모션!!! ICO에 참여하고 USD 1,000,000(백만 달러)를 획득하세요. 모든 USD 200에는 경쟁할 수 있는 1개의 디지털 쿠폰이 제공됩니다!!! 목표 USD 45,000,000에 도달한 후 USD 1,000,000에 도달할 때까지 각 투자자당 1비트코인이 추첨됩니다!!!

더 케이 프로젝트 코인 은 블록체인 과 연결된 몇 가지 혁신적인 프로젝트와 기술 이니셔티브를 결합할 Kweek 그룹과 연결되어 있습니다.

전문 직업 의식
다음 릴리스는 Kweek 입니다. Place , 우리는 인공 지능 이니셔티브, 디지털 통화( cryptoactives )를 통한 지불 수락, 독점 보상 시스템 및 판매자와 구매자를 위한 보상을 제공 할 현대적이고 혁신적인 시장 입니다. 또한 아바타를 통해 구매자와 판매자 간의 상호 작용이 이루어지는 3D 가상 몰을 만들 수 있는 메타버스 환경 도 만들 것입니다.

다가오는 프로젝트
Kweek 통합 후 장소 , 우리만의 결제 시스템 Kweek 를 만들겠습니다. 페이 , 케이위크 로그, 대형 물류 프로젝트, 케이위크 기술 프로젝트 및 기타 여러 분야의 향후 인수 및 자금 조달에 사용될 자원을 관리할 기금 . 우리는 2025년까지 약 15개의 주요 출시를 통해 더 큰 가치를 제공하고 환율 상승 잠재력을 높여 Kweek 를 더 많이 가져올 것입니다. 실물 경제에 동전 .


National Confederation of Commerce에 따르면 2021년에 디지털 구매는 1,610억 헤알 이상의 매출에 도달했으며 이 중 90% 이상이 Markeplaces 를 통해 발생합니다 . 더 크위크 Place 는 향후 3년 동안 이 거대한 시장에서 참조 및 주요 플레이어 중 하나가 될 예정입니다! 더 크위크 코인 은 경제를 움직이고 Kweek 가 운영될 다양한 부문 간의 금융 거래를 가능하게 하는 기본 요소가 될 것입니다!
Kweek 는 인공 지능, 메타버스 및 블록체인 분야에 투자를 집중하고 고객과 사회를 위한 혁신적이고 필수적인 솔루션을 개발 하는 기술 회사로서 시장에서 스스로 를 공고히 할 것입니다!
Kweek 는 Kweek 의 창설로 사회에 공헌 하고자 합니다. Fundation , 사회 및 환경 문제에 대해 일하고 더 큰 사회적 통합을 촉진하고 가장 필요한 계층에 대한 지원 및 환경과 관련된 필수 이니셔티브를 촉진하는 자선 단체.
더 크위크 코인 은 Kweek 그룹 을 구성하는 모든 위성에서 금융 도구 및 교환 통화로 기능 하는 Kweek 그룹 의 위대한 생태계의 근본적인 부분이 될 것입니다 . 따라서 프로젝트가 진행됨에 따라 Kweek 가 코인 은 큰 상승 잠재력을 가질 것입니다!

기술적 인 정보:

이름: 크윅 코인 (KWK)
카테고리 : MSE - 초구조화 마이크로코인
코인 생성 시스템: BEP20
블록체인 네트워크 : 바이낸스 스마트 체인
소수 8자리는 Kweek 분수를 구성합니다. 동전
동전의 각 부분을 헌터 라고 합니다.
1억 헌터 = 1Kweek 동전
계약 번호: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

가치와 목표

총 공급   1,000,000,000
ICO 판매   200,000,000
허용 통화   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
각 Kweek 의 가치 동전   USD 0.23
취득을 위한 최소 가치   USD 20.00
취득을 위한 최대 가치   USD 20,000.00
목표   USD 45,000,000.00

자세한 내용은 당사 웹사이트를 방문하여 백서 를 다운로드하십시오 !

33  Local / Alt Coins (Nederlands) / [ANN] [ICO] Kweek Coin – Start July 09 , 2022 on: June 01, 2022, 08:17:51 PM
Title: [ICO] Kweek Coin – Start July 09 , 2022

Exclusive Promotion!!! Participate in the ICO and win USD 1,000,000 (One Million Dollars). Every USD 200 you get 1 digital coupon to compete!!! After reaching the goal of USD 45,000,000, 1 Bitcoin will be drawn for each investor until reaching USD 1,000,000!!!


The Kweek Project Coin is linked to the Kweek group , which will bring together several innovative projects and technological initiatives linked to blockchain .

The next release will be Kweek Place , a modern and innovative marketplace , where we will have Artificial Intelligence initiatives, acceptance of payments with digital currencies ( cryptoactives ), exclusive reward system and awards for sellers and buyers. We will also create a Metaverse environment where it will be possible to create a 3D virtual mall, where the interaction between buyers and sellers will take place through their avatars.

Upcoming Projects
After the consolidation of Kweek Place , we will create our own payment system, Kweek Pay , the Kweek Log, a large logistics project, the Kweek Funds that will manage resources that will be used for future acquisitions and financing of technology projects, and many others. We will have around 15 major launches by 2025, providing greater value and increasing currency appreciation potential, bringing Kweek more and more Coin to the real economy.


According to the National Confederation of Commerce, it is estimated that in 2021 digital purchases reached more than 161 billion reais in sales, with more than 90% of these sales occurring through Markeplaces . The Kweek Place intends to become a reference and one of the main players in this gigantic market in the next 3 years! The Kweek Coin will be a fundamental piece to move the economy and allow financial transactions between the various segments in which Kweek will operate!
Kweek will consolidate itself in the market as a technology company, focusing its investments in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Blockchain , developing innovative and essential solutions for customers and society!
Kweek intends to contribute to society with the creation of Kweek Fundation , a philanthropic entity that will work on social and environmental issues, promoting greater social inclusion, support for the neediest classes and essential initiatives related to the environment.
The Kweek Coin will be a fundamental part of the great ecosystem of the Kweek group , functioning as a financial tool and currency of exchange in all the satellites that make up the Kweek group . Therefore, as projects progress, we understand that Kweek Coin will have great upside potential!

Technical information:

Name: Kweek Coin (KWK)
Category : MSE - Super Structured Microcoins
Coin Generating System: BEP20
Blockchain Network : Binance Smart Chain
8 decimal places make up Kweek fractions coin
Each fraction of the coin is called a Hunter
100 million Hunters = 1 Kweek coin
Contract Number: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Values and Goals

Total Supply   1,000,000,000
ICO sales   200,000,000
Accepted Currencies   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
Value of each Kweek Coin   USD 0.23
Minimum value for acquisition   USD 20.00
Maximum value for acquisition   USD 20,000.00
Goal   USD 45,000,000.00

For more information, visit our website and download our Whitepaper !

34  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / [ANN] [ICO] Kwik Coin - Inizia il 9 luglio 2022 on: June 01, 2022, 03:11:27 AM
Titolo: [ANN] [ICO] Kwik Coin - Inizia il 9 luglio 2022

Promozione Esclusiva!!! Partecipa all'ICO e vinci 1.000.000 USD (un milione di dollari). Ogni 200 USD ricevi 1 coupon digitale per competere!!! Dopo aver raggiunto l'obiettivo di USD 45.000.000, verrà estratto 1 Bitcoin per ogni investitore fino a raggiungere USD 1.000.000!!!


Il progetto Kweek Coin è legato al gruppo Kweek , che riunirà diversi progetti innovativi e iniziative tecnologiche legate alla blockchain .

La prossima versione sarà Kweek Place , un marketplace moderno e innovativo , dove avremo iniziative di Intelligenza Artificiale, accettazione di pagamenti con valute digitali ( criptoattive ), sistema di ricompensa esclusivo e premi per venditori e acquirenti. Creeremo anche un ambiente Metaverse dove sarà possibile creare un centro commerciale virtuale 3D, dove l'interazione tra acquirenti e venditori avverrà attraverso i loro avatar.

Prossimi progetti
Dopo il consolidamento di Kweek Luogo , creeremo il nostro sistema di pagamento, Kweek Pay , il Kweek Log, un grande progetto logistico, il Kweek Fondi che gestiranno risorse che verranno utilizzate per future acquisizioni e finanziamenti di progetti tecnologici e molti altri. Avremo circa 15 importanti lanci entro il 2025, fornendo un valore maggiore e aumentando il potenziale di apprezzamento della valuta, portando Kweek sempre di più Moneta per l'economia reale.


Secondo la Confederazione Nazionale del Commercio, si stima che nel 2021 gli acquisti digitali abbiano raggiunto più di 161 miliardi di reais di vendite, con oltre il 90% di queste vendite effettuate tramite Markeplaces . La Kweek Place intende diventare un riferimento e uno dei principali attori di questo mercato gigantesco nei prossimi 3 anni! La Kweek Coin sarà un tassello fondamentale per muovere l'economia e consentire transazioni finanziarie tra i vari segmenti in cui Kweek opererà!
Kweek si consoliderà nel mercato come azienda tecnologica, concentrando i propri investimenti nelle aree di Intelligenza Artificiale, Metaverse e Blockchain , sviluppando soluzioni innovative ed essenziali per i clienti e la società!
Kweek intende contribuire alla società con la creazione di Kweek Fundation , ente filantropico che lavorerà su temi sociali e ambientali, promuovendo una maggiore inclusione sociale, sostegno alle classi più bisognose e iniziative essenziali legate all'ambiente.
La Kweek Coin sarà una parte fondamentale del grande ecosistema del gruppo Kweek , fungendo da strumento finanziario e valuta di scambio in tutti i satelliti che compongono il gruppo Kweek . Pertanto, man mano che i progetti avanzano, capiamo che Kweek La moneta avrà un grande potenziale di rialzo!

Informazioni tecniche:

Nome: Kweek Moneta (KWK)
Categoria : MSE - Micromonete Super Strutturate
Sistema di generazione di monete: BEP20
Rete Blockchain : Binance Catena intelligente
8 cifre decimali costituiscono le frazioni di Kweek moneta
Ogni frazione della moneta è chiamata Cacciatore
100 milioni di cacciatori = 1 Kweek moneta
Numero di contratto: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Valori e obiettivi

Fornitura totale
Vendite ICO   200.000.000
Valute accettate   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
Valore di ogni Kweek moneta   0,23 USD
Valore minimo per l'acquisizione   USD 20,00
Valore massimo per l'acquisizione   USD 20.000,00
Obiettivo   USD 45.000.000,00

Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il nostro sito Web e scaricare il nostro Whitepaper !

35  Local / Alt Coins (India) / [घोषणा] [ICO] क्विक कॉइन - 9 जुलाई, 2022 से शुरू on: June 01, 2022, 03:04:55 AM
[घोषणा] [ICO] क्विक कॉइन - 9 जुलाई, 2022 से शुरू

विशेष प्रचार !!! ICO में भाग लें और USD 1,000,000 (एक मिलियन डॉलर) जीतें। प्रत्येक USD 200 में आपको प्रतिस्पर्धा करने के लिए 1 डिजिटल कूपन मिलता है !!! 45,000,000 अमरीकी डॉलर के लक्ष्य तक पहुँचने के बाद, 1 बिटकॉइन तक प्रत्येक निवेशक के लिए 1,000,000 अमरीकी डॉलर तक पहुंच जाएगा !!!


द क्विक प्रोजेक्ट सिक्का Kweek समूह से जुड़ा हुआ है , जो ब्लॉकचेन से जुड़ी कई नवीन परियोजनाओं और तकनीकी पहलों को एक साथ लाएगा ।

अगली रिलीज़ होगी Kweek प्लेस , एक आधुनिक और अभिनव बाजार , जहां हमारे पास आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस पहल, डिजिटल मुद्राओं ( क्रिप्टोएक्टिव्स ) के साथ भुगतान की स्वीकृति, विक्रेताओं और खरीदारों के लिए विशेष इनाम प्रणाली और पुरस्कार होंगे। हम एक मेटावर्स वातावरण भी बनाएंगे जहां एक 3 डी वर्चुअल मॉल बनाना संभव होगा, जहां खरीदारों और विक्रेताओं के बीच बातचीत उनके अवतार के माध्यम से होगी।

आगामी परियोजनाएं
Kweek . के समेकन के बाद जगह , हम अपनी खुद की भुगतान प्रणाली, Kweek . बनाएंगे Pay , Kweek Log, एक बड़ी रसद परियोजना, Kweek फंड जो संसाधनों का प्रबंधन करेगा जिनका उपयोग भविष्य में अधिग्रहण और प्रौद्योगिकी परियोजनाओं के वित्तपोषण, और कई अन्य के लिए किया जाएगा। हमारे पास 2025 तक लगभग 15 प्रमुख लॉन्च होंगे, जो अधिक मूल्य प्रदान करेंगे और मुद्रा प्रशंसा क्षमता को बढ़ाएंगे, Kweek को अधिक से अधिक लाएंगे वास्तविक अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए सिक्का ।


नेशनल कन्फेडरेशन ऑफ कॉमर्स के अनुसार, यह अनुमान है कि 2021 में डिजिटल खरीदारी 161 बिलियन से अधिक की बिक्री तक पहुंच गई, जिसमें 90% से अधिक बिक्री मार्केटप्लेस के माध्यम से हुई । द क्विक प्लेस अगले 3 वर्षों में इस विशाल बाजार में एक संदर्भ और मुख्य खिलाड़ियों में से एक बनने का इरादा रखता है! द क्विक सिक्का अर्थव्यवस्था को आगे बढ़ाने और विभिन्न खंडों के बीच वित्तीय लेनदेन की अनुमति देने के लिए एक मौलिक टुकड़ा होगा जिसमें Kweek संचालित होगा!
Kweek एक प्रौद्योगिकी कंपनी के रूप में बाजार में खुद को मजबूत करेगी , आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस, मेटावर्स और ब्लॉकचैन के क्षेत्रों में अपने निवेश पर ध्यान केंद्रित करेगी , ग्राहकों और समाज के लिए अभिनव और आवश्यक समाधान विकसित करेगी!
Kweek Kweek . के निर्माण के साथ समाज में योगदान करने का इरादा रखता है Fundation , एक परोपकारी संस्था जो सामाजिक और पर्यावरणीय मुद्दों पर काम करेगी, अधिक से अधिक सामाजिक समावेश को बढ़ावा देगी, जरूरतमंद वर्गों के लिए समर्थन और पर्यावरण से संबंधित आवश्यक पहल करेगी।
द क्विक सिक्का Kweek समूह के महान पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र का एक मूलभूत हिस्सा होगा, जो कि Kweek समूह को बनाने वाले सभी उपग्रहों में एक वित्तीय उपकरण और विनिमय की मुद्रा के रूप में कार्य करेगा । इसलिए, जैसे -जैसे प्रोजेक्ट आगे बढ़ते हैं, हम समझते हैं कि Kweek सिक्के में बड़ी उलटफेर की संभावना होगी!

तकनीकी जानकारी:

नाम: क्वेक सिक्का (केडब्ल्यूके)
श्रेणी : एमएसई - सुपर स्ट्रक्चर्ड माइक्रोकॉइन्स
सिक्का जनरेटिंग सिस्टम: BEP20
ब्लॉकचेन नेटवर्क : बिनेंस स्मार्ट चेन
8 दशमलव स्थान Kweek भिन्न बनाते हैं सिक्का
सिक्के के प्रत्येक अंश को हंटर कहा जाता है
100 मिलियन शिकारी = 1 क्विक सिक्का
अनुबंध संख्या: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

मूल्य और लक्ष्य

कुल आपूर्ति   1,000,000,000
आईसीओ बिक्री   200,000,000
स्वीकृत मुद्राएं   बीटीसी, ईटीएच, बीएनबी, यूएसडीटी
प्रत्येक केवीक का मूल्य सिक्का   अमरीकी डालर 0.23
अधिग्रहण के लिए न्यूनतम मूल्य   अमरीकी डालर 20.00
अधिग्रहण के लिए अधिकतम मूल्य   अमरीकी डालर 20,000.00
लक्ष्य   अमरीकी डालर 45,000,000.00

अधिक जानकारी के लिए, हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाएँ और हमारा श्वेतपत्र डाउनलोड करें !

36  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / [ANN] [ICO] מטבע Kwik - מתחיל ב-9 ביולי 2022 on: June 01, 2022, 02:58:16 AM
כותרת: [ANN] [ICO] מטבע Kwik - מתחיל ב-9 ביולי 2022

מבצע בלעדי!!! השתתף ב-ICO וזכה ב-1,000,000 דולר ארה"ב (מיליון דולר). כל 200 דולר תקבלו קופון דיגיטלי אחד להתחרות!!! לאחר השגת היעד של 45,000,000 דולר, יימשך ביטקוין 1 לכל משקיע עד הגעה ל-1,000,000 דולר!!!


פרויקט Kweek Coin מקושר לקבוצת Kweek , שתאגיד כמה פרויקטים ויוזמות טכנולוגיות חדשניות הקשורות לבלוקצ'יין .

המהדורה הבאה תהיה Kweek פלייס , שוק מודרני וחדשני , בו יהיו לנו יוזמות של בינה מלאכותית, קבלת תשלומים במטבעות דיגיטליים ( קריפטואקטיביים ), מערכת תגמול בלעדית ופרסים למוכרים ולקונים. כמו כן, ניצור סביבת Metaverse בה ניתן יהיה ליצור קניון וירטואלי בתלת מימד, שבו האינטראקציה בין קונים למוכרים תתקיים באמצעות האווטרים שלהם.

פרויקטים קרובים
לאחר האיחוד של Kweek במקום , ניצור מערכת תשלום משלנו, Kweek Pay , ה- Kweek Log, פרויקט לוגיסטי גדול, ה- Kweek קרנות שינהלו משאבים שישמשו לרכישות ומימון עתידיים של פרויקטים טכנולוגיים ועוד רבים אחרים. יהיו לנו כ-15 השקות גדולות עד 2025, שיספקו ערך רב יותר והגדלת פוטנציאל ייסוף המטבע, ויביאו ל-Kweek יותר ויותר מטבע לכלכלה הריאלית.


לפי הקונפדרציה הלאומית למסחר, ההערכה היא שבשנת 2021 הרכישות הדיגיטליות הגיעו ליותר מ-161 מיליארד ריאל במכירות, כאשר יותר מ-90% מהמכירות הללו מתרחשות דרך Markeplaces . ה- Kweek פלייס מתכוונת להפוך לרפרנס ולאחד השחקנים העיקריים בשוק הענק הזה ב-3 השנים הקרובות! ה- Kweek המטבע יהווה חלק מהותי להנעת הכלכלה ולאפשר עסקאות פיננסיות בין הסגמנטים השונים בהם תפעל Kweek !
Kweek תגבש את עצמה בשוק כחברת טכנולוגיה, תתמקד בהשקעותיה בתחומי בינה מלאכותית, Metaverse ובלוקצ'יין , תפתח פתרונות חדשניים וחיוניים ללקוחות ולחברה!
Kweek מתכוון לתרום לחברה עם יצירת Kweek Fundation , ישות פילנתרופית שתפעל בנושאים חברתיים וסביבתיים, תקדם הכלה חברתית גדולה יותר, תמיכה בכיתות הנזקקות ביותר ויוזמות חיוניות הקשורות לאיכות הסביבה.
ה- Kweek מטבע יהיה חלק מהותי מהמערכת האקולוגית הגדולה של קבוצת Kweek , שיתפקד ככלי פיננסי וכמטבע חליפין בכל הלוויינים המרכיבים את קבוצת Kweek . לכן, ככל שהפרויקטים מתקדמים, אנו מבינים ש- Kweek למטבע יהיה פוטנציאל הפוך גדול!

מידע טכני:

שם: Kweek מטבע (KWK)
קטגוריה : MSE - Super Structured Microcoins
מערכת לייצור מטבעות: BEP20
רשת בלוקצ'יין : Binance שרשרת חכמה
8 מקומות עשרוניים מרכיבים שברי Kweek מַטְבֵּעַ
כל שבריר של המטבע נקרא צייד
100 מיליון ציידים = שבוע אחד מַטְבֵּעַ
מספר חוזה: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

ערכים ויעדים

אספקה כוללת   1,000,000,000
מכירות ICO   200,000,000
מטבעות מקובלים   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
הערך של כל שבוע מַטְבֵּעַ   0.23 דולר ארה"ב
ערך מינימלי לרכישה   20.00 דולר ארה"ב
ערך מקסימלי לרכישה   20,000.00 דולר ארה"ב
מטרה   45,000,000.00 דולר ארה"ב

למידע נוסף, בקר באתר האינטרנט שלנו והורד את הספר הלבן שלנו !

37  Local / Annonces / [ANN] [ICO] Kweek Pièce – Début 9 juillet 2022 on: June 01, 2022, 02:41:36 AM
Titre : [ICO] Kweek Pièce – Début 9 juillet 2022

Promo exclusive !!! Participez à l'ICO et gagnez 1 000 000 USD (un million de dollars). Chaque 200 USD, vous obtenez 1 coupon numérique pour concourir !!! Après avoir atteint l'objectif de 45 000 000 USD, 1 Bitcoin sera tiré pour chaque investisseur jusqu'à atteindre 1 000 000 USD !!!


Le projet Kweek Coin est lié au groupe Kweek , qui regroupera plusieurs projets innovants et initiatives technologiques liées à la blockchain .

La prochaine version sera Kweek Place , un marché moderne et innovant , où nous aurons des initiatives d'intelligence artificielle, l'acceptation des paiements avec des devises numériques ( cryptoactifs ), un système de récompense exclusif et des récompenses pour les vendeurs et les acheteurs. Nous créerons également un environnement Metaverse où il sera possible de créer un centre commercial virtuel 3D, où l'interaction entre acheteurs et vendeurs se fera à travers leurs avatars.

Projets à venir
Après la consolidation de Kweek Place , nous allons créer notre propre système de paiement, Kweek Payer , le Kweek Log, un gros projet logistique, le Kweek Des fonds qui géreront des ressources qui seront utilisées pour de futures acquisitions et le financement de projets technologiques, et bien d'autres. Nous aurons environ 15 lancements majeurs d'ici 2025, offrant une plus grande valeur et augmentant le potentiel d'appréciation des devises, apportant de plus en plus à Kweek Coin à l'économie réelle.


Selon la Confédération nationale du commerce, on estime qu'en 2021 les achats numériques ont atteint plus de 161 milliards de reais de ventes, avec plus de 90 % de ces ventes réalisées via les Marketplaces . Le Kweek Place entend devenir une référence et l'un des principaux acteurs de ce gigantesque marché dans les 3 prochaines années ! Le Kweek Le coin sera une pièce fondamentale pour faire bouger l'économie et permettre les transactions financières entre les différents segments dans lesquels Kweek opérera !
Kweek se consolidera sur le marché en tant qu'entreprise technologique, concentrant ses investissements dans les domaines de l'intelligence artificielle, du métaverse et de la blockchain , développant des solutions innovantes et essentielles pour les clients et la société !
Kweek entend contribuer à la société avec la création de Kweek Fondation , une entité philanthropique qui travaillera sur les questions sociales et environnementales, favorisant une plus grande inclusion sociale, le soutien aux classes les plus nécessiteuses et les initiatives essentielles liées à l'environnement.
Le Kweek La pièce de monnaie sera un élément fondamental du grand écosystème du groupe Kweek , fonctionnant comme un outil financier et une monnaie d'échange dans tous les satellites qui composent le groupe Kweek . Par conséquent, au fur et à mesure que les projets progressent, nous comprenons que Kweek Coin aura un grand potentiel de hausse!

Informations techniques:

Nom : Kweek Monnaie (KWK)
Catégorie : MSE - Micromonnaies Super Structurées
Système de génération de pièces : BEP20
Réseau Blockchain : Binance Chaîne intelligente
8 décimales composent les fractions de Kweek pièce de monnaie
Chaque fraction de la pièce s'appelle un chasseur
100 millions de Chasseurs = 1 Kweek pièce de monnaie
Numéro de contrat : 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Valeurs et objectifs

Approvisionnement total   1 000 000 000
Ventes ICO   200 000 000
Devises acceptées   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
Valeur de chaque Kweek pièce de monnaie   0,23 USD
Valeur minimale d'acquisition   20,00 USD
Valeur maximale d'acquisition   20 000,00 USD
Objectif   45 000 000,00 USD

Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre site internet et téléchargez notre livre blanc !

38  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / [ANN] [ICO] Kweek Coin – Start July 09 , 2022 on: June 01, 2022, 02:25:10 AM
Title: [ICO] Kweek Coin – Start July 09 , 2022

Exclusive Promotion!!! Participate in the ICO and win USD 1,000,000 (One Million Dollars). Every USD 200 you get 1 digital coupon to compete!!! After reaching the goal of 289,000 holders, 1 Bitcoin will be drawn for each investor until reaching USD 1,000,000!!!


The Kweek Project Coin is linked to the Kweek group, which will bring together several innovative projects and technological initiatives linked to blockchain .

The next release will be Kweek Place, a modern and innovative marketplace, where we will have Artificial Intelligence initiatives, acceptance of payments with digital currencies ( cryptoactives ), an exclusive reward system and awards for sellers and buyers. We will also create a Metaverse environment where it will be possible to create a 3D virtual mall, where the interaction between buyers and sellers will take place through their avatars.

Upcoming Projects
After the consolidation of Kweek Place , we will create our own payment system, Kweek Pay, the Kweek Log, a large logistics project, the Kweek Funds that will manage resources that will be used for future acquisitions and financing of technology projects, and many others. We will have around 15 major launches by 2025, providing greater value and increasing currency appreciation potential, bringing Kweek more and more Coin to the real economy.


According to the National Confederation of Commerce, it is estimated that in 2021 digital purchases reached more than 161 billion reais in sales, with more than 90% of these sales occurring through Markeplaces . The Kweek Place intends to become a reference and one of the main players in this gigantic market in the next 3 years! The Kweek Coin will be a fundamental piece to move the economy and allow financial transactions between the various segments in which Kweek will operate!
Kweek will consolidate itself in the market as a technology company, focusing its investments in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Blockchain , developing innovative and essential solutions for customers and society!
Kweek intends to contribute to society with the creation of Kweek Fundation , a philanthropic entity that will work on social and environmental issues, promoting greater social inclusion, support for the neediest classes and essential initiatives related to the environment.
The Kweek Coin will be a fundamental part of the great ecosystem of the Kweek group , functioning as a financial tool and currency of exchange in all the satellites that make up the Kweek group . Therefore, as projects progress, we understand that Kweek Coin will have great upside potential!

Technical information:

Name: Kweek Coin (KWK)
Category : MSE - Super Structured Microcoins
Coin Generating System: BEP20
Blockchain Network : Binance Smart Chain
8 decimal places make up Kweek fractions coin
Each fraction of the coin is called a Hunter
100 million Hunters = 1 Kweek coin
Contract Number: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Values and Goals

Total Supply   1,000,000,000
ICO sales   200,000,000
Accepted Currencies   BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT
Value of each Kweek Coin   USD 0.23
Minimum value for acquisition   USD 20.00
Maximum value for acquisition   USD 20,000.00
Goal   USD 45,000,000.00

For more information, visit our website and download our Whitepaper !

We have already opened sales. Get your assets now!

One of Kweek Coin's differentials is in its category: SSM's (super structured microcoins). Cryptocurrency will be a key piece to moving the economy and allow financial transactions between the various segments in which Kweek will operate!

Every USD 200.00 you receive 1 digital coupon to compete!!! After reaching the goal of 289,000 holders, prizes will be drawn totaling USD 1,000,000.00 in Bitcoins!!!

Buy now:
39  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / [ANN] [ICO] Kweek Coin - Início dia 09 de Julho de 2022 on: May 31, 2022, 12:53:48 PM
Promoção Exclusiva, Participe do ICO e concorra a USD 1.000.000 (Um Milhão de Dólares). A cada USD 200 você ganha 1 cupom digital para concorrer!!! Após atingirmos a meta de 289.000 holders, serão sorteados prêmios que somam USD 1.000.000!!

O Projeto Kweek Coin está vinculado ao grupo Kweek, que irá agregar diversos projetos e iniciativas tecnológicas inovadoras vinculadas ao blockchain.

O próximo lançamento será o Kweek Place, um marketplace moderno e inovador, onde teremos iniciativas de Inteligência Artificial, aceitação de pagamentos com moedas digitais (criptoativos), sistema exclusivo de recompensa e premiações para os vendedores e compradores. Criaremos também um ambiente Metaverso onde será possível a criação de um shopping 3D virtual, onde ocorrerá a interação entre os compradores e vendedores por meio de seus avatares.

Próximos Projetos
Após a consolidação do Kweek Place, iremos criar nosso próprio sistema de pagamentos, o Kweek Pay, o Kweek Log, um grande projeto de logística, o Kweek Funds que irá administrar recursos que serão utilizados para futuras aquisições e financiamentos de projetos de tecnologia, e muitos outros. Teremos cerca de 15 grandes lançamentos até 2025, proporcionando maior valor e aumentando o potencial de valorização da moeda, trazendo cada vez mais a Kweek Coin para a economia real.


De acordo com a Confederação Nacional do Comércio, estima-se que em 2021 as compras digitais atingiram mais de 161 bilhões de reais em vendas, sendo que mais de 90% dessas vendas ocorrem por meio dos Markeplaces. A Kweek Place pretende se tornar referência e um dos principais players desse gigantesco mercado nos próximos 3 anos! A Kweek Coin será uma peça fundamental para movimentar a economia e permitir transações financeiras entre os diversos segmentos em que a Kweek irá atuar!
A Kweek irá se consolidar no mercado como uma empresa de tecnologia, concentrando os seus investimentos nas áreas de Inteligência Artificial, Metaverso e Blockchain, desenvolvendo soluções inovadoras e essenciais para os clientes e para a sociedade!
A Kweek pretende contribuir para a sociedade com a criação da Kweek Fundation, entidade filantrópica que irá atuar em questões sociais e ambientais, promovendo maior inclusão social, apoio as classes mais necessitadas e iniciativas essenciais relacionadas ao meio ambiente.
A Kweek Coin será uma peça fundamental dentro do grande ecossistema do grupo Kweek, funcionando como uma ferramenta financeira e moeda de troca em todos os satélites que compõem o grupo Kweek. Sendo assim, a medida que os projetos avancem, entendemos que a Kweek Coin terá um grande potencial de valorização!

Informações Técnicas:

Nome: Kweek Coin (KWK)

Catergoria: MSE - Microcoins Super Estruturadas

Sistema Gerador de Moeda: BEP20

Rede Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain

8 Casas decimais compõe as frações da Kweek Coin

Cada fração da moeda é chamada de Hunter

100 milhões de Hunters = 1 Kweek Coin

Número do Contrato: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Valores e Metas

Total Supply

Vendas no ICO

Moedas Aceitas

Valor da cada Kweek Coin
USD 0,23

Valor mínimo para aquisição
USD 50,00

Valor máximo para aquisição
USD 20.000,00

USD 45.000.000,00

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40  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] [ICO] Kweek Coin - Home July 09, 2022 on: May 31, 2022, 04:46:34 AM
Exclusive Promotion!!! Participate in the ICO and win USD 1,000,000 (One Million Dollars). Every USD 200 you get 1 digital coupon to compete!!! After reaching the goal of 289,000 holders, 1 Bitcoin will be drawn for each investor until reaching USD 1,000,000!!!

The Kweek Project Coin is linked to the Kweek group, which will bring together several innovative projects and technological initiatives linked to blockchain.

The next release will be Kweek Place, a modern and innovative marketplace, where we will have Artificial Intelligence initiatives, acceptance of payments with digital currencies ( cryptoactives ), an exclusive reward system, and awards for sellers and buyers. We will also create a Metaverse environment where it will be possible to create a 3D virtual mall, where the interaction between buyers and sellers will take place through their avatars.

Upcoming Projects
After the consolidation of Kweek Place, we will create our own payment system, Kweek Pay, the Kweek Log, a large logistics project, and the Kweek Funds that will manage resources that will be used for future acquisitions and financing of technology projects, and many others. We will have around 15 major launches by 2025, providing greater value and increasing currency appreciation potential, bringing Kweek more and more Coins to the real economy.


According to the National Confederation of Commerce, it is estimated that in 2021 digital purchases reached more than 161 billion reais in sales, with more than 90% of these sales occurring through Markeplaces. The Kweek Place intends to become a reference and one of the main players in this gigantic market in the next 3 years! The Kweek Coin will be a fundamental piece to move the economy and allow financial transactions between the various segments in which Kweek will operate!
Kweek will consolidate itself in the market as a technology company, focusing its investments in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Blockchain, developing innovative and essential solutions for customers and society!
Kweek intends to contribute to society with the creation of the Kweek Foundation, a philanthropic entity that will work on social and environmental issues, promoting greater social inclusion, support for the neediest classes and essential initiatives related to the environment.
The Kweek Coin will be a fundamental part of the great ecosystem of the Kweek group, functioning as a financial tool and currency of exchange in all the satellites that make up the Kweek group. Therefore, as projects progress, we understand that Kweek Coin will have great upside potential!

Technical information:

Name: Kweek Coin (KWK)

Category : SSM - Super Structured Microcoins

Coin Generating System: BEP20

Blockchain Network : Binance Smart Chain

8 decimal places make up Kweek fractions coin

Each fraction of the coin is called a Hunter

100 million Hunters = 1 Kweek coin

Contract Number: 0x4c4D9Cd061c9FbBD60E6546A2004fe9767dd8754

Values and Goals

Total Supply

ICO sales

Accepted Currencies

Value of each Kweek Coin
USD 0.23

Minimum value for acquisition
USD 50.00

Maximum value for acquisition
USD 20,000.00

USD 45,000,000.00

For more information, visit our website and download our Whitepaper !
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