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1  Other / Bitcoin Wiki / Lets keep the Bitcoin wiki clean - remove Tonal junk on: March 01, 2015, 01:57:54 AM
Here are some talks on removing Tonal Bitcoins from the Bitconi wiki:


Lets keep our wiki clean of such clutter. The author of Tonal Bitcoins called them an altcoin (, and seeing as the Bitcoin wiki does not have a page for Litecoin ( or Dogecoin ( and he himself has removed any mention of altcoin-specific data from such pages as List of Address Prefixes (, we should uphold those standards and remove Tonal Bitcoin from the wiki. Nobody cares about it, nobody uses it, lets remove this junk once and for all.
2  Bitcoin / Project Development / ConfirmNext - a way to get your transactions out of limbo! on: February 20, 2014, 02:29:25 PM

ConfirmNext lets you set bounties on unconfirmed transactions that will be paid out to the miners that include the transaction in a block. We've all been there - creating a transaction with accidental 0 fees attached and then watching it not confirm for hours. With ConfirmNext, you can pay for a transaction even after you send it!

At the moment this is still a work in progress - no pool is supporting the project yet. I just wanted to let everyone know that something like this exists so we can determine how much interest there is in this project. If you want to use this service in the future, ask your pools to support this and spread the word Wink.

How it works:
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / My overview of Money2020 on: October 15, 2013, 09:48:37 PM
Last week I went to Money2020 conference. I have already uploaded some photos ( from the event, but I would also like to do some write-up of my overall impressions of the event.

First of all, what was  Money2020 ( It was a conference for all sort of things related to money - payment processors, prepaid cards, online payments, POS, payment hardware and software, as well as things like identity verification, compliance, investors, Bitcoin and Ripple. The conference consisted of a lot of keynote speakers and discussions, as well as about 2.5 days of exhibit hall running for various booth. There were over 4000 people registered for the event, among them some big players like PayPal, eBay, Amazon and so forth. If you want to know more, go to their website.

As for panels, there were 2 Bitcoin-focused panels, "Bitcoin 101" and "Bitcoin & Beyond: Math-Based & Virtual Currencies". First was a general talk about Bitcoin and its future, not much new there asides Roger from Blockchain being as usual a strong proponent of Bitcoin, and Tony from BitPay asking the audience how many of them know of or have bitcoins - the answer was a big majority of the participants (I think the panel had well over 200 guests there, I'm bad at estimating really). So overall, Bitcoin was really hip during the conference.

The second panel featured 2 people from the Bitcoin community, as well as a representant of Canadian Mint - the guys behind the MintChip challenge from 2012. Since I was very interested in MintChip, I was listening very closely to what the person had to say - one funny statement was "Canadian Mint is a for-profit organization, we make money literally and figuratively" Smiley (meaning that Canadian Mint not only prints the currency, but also mints precious metal collectible coins and sells them at a profit). However, a very important point that the speaker mentioned, that the Mint would be holding 1-to-1 the currency to back any dollar on MintChips. I knew that that was a big thing, so I did ask about it during the Q&A portion of the panel.

I had 3 question for the person from Canadian Mint. 1 - "when will we see some new development for MintChip?", he answered that the Mint will be testing it internally for its employees next month, and in 2014 will launch it to the public with partners. 2 - "What is the algorithm behind MintChip, is it like Bitcoin, Ripple, or Open Transactions?", the response was that that information is above his pay grade. Generally the algorithm in MintChip was developed by some professor as far as I remember and it is a secret. No new information there then. 3 - "If the Mint will be holding the currency to back the MintChip deposit in a 1-to-1 ratio, does that mean the banks will not be able to do fractional reserve banking with MintChip?" - surprising to me, the answer was yes - the banks would need to deposit the currency to back any MintChip balance, meaning they can't lend out money against that balance. Personally, I think this will be a really big deal once the MintChip launches - if the system will be widely adopted it will bleed the money from the banking system and credit cards into the MintChip. Can't wait to see how this will play out!

So, lets talk about the exhibit hall now. It was fairly large and there were a lot of booth for a number of different companies. When one would enter the hall from probably one of the most popular entrences, there would be the Kraken booth right there an then. On one of the far sides of the hall, right of Kraken, Blockchain and BitPay booth were one next to another. Back to back with BitPay, was Coinbase. Right still of that was a small elevated space with small stands - Ripple Labs had one in there. Around the centre of the hall, CoinX had one of the big booth, about the size of all other 4 Bitcoin booth put together.

Briefly about each booth. I visited them all and talked with the people there for a longer or shorter period of time. Kraken was giving away chocolates (although they ended up having too many - a box or two were still left for Ripple conference), promoting their business and debiuting their Ven integration as far as I remember. They were also signing up members for their Digital Asset Transfer Authority - a self-regulating body for digital currencies I believe. Blockchain was giving away stickers, buttons, t-shirts and Bitcoin Magazines. They were signing up people for their platform and explaining a lot about Bitcoin. BitPay was presenting a Lamassu ATM. Also at their booth was Tuxavant with his BitcoinBriefcase (although he was technically with Blockchain). Every time I came by this guy was explaining Bitcoin to a new group of people with a lot of passion Smiley. This was probably the most crowded Bitcoin-related spot right there. I did play around with the Lamassu a bit, but I think the WiFi there was not very friendly so the machine hanged a few times. Coinbase booth was rather minimalistic, they were generally promoting their platform and that was about it. Ripple stand was also about promoting the platform, as well as their new integration with ZipZap. Finally CoinX where I was manning the booth most of the time along with a big portion of the team. The booth was all about the platform debut - people could go on, see how the system was operating on a test network and learn more about future plans for the exchange. On Tuesday there were a number of interviews shot there with people both from the Bitcoin community and outside of it.

What were my impressions from being at the exhibit hall? A lot of people know about Bitcoin, and a lot of big players are interested in it. We had someone from Coinstar talk with us saying that he would like to integrate Bitcoin (and that a ton of people ask about it), but since they are dealing with the Federal Reserve, there is a lot of FUD. Someone from Mastercard came over talking about their plans for their system that starts to resemble Bitcoin more and more (push rather than pull transactions, initiated by customer and so forth). There were also a lot of smaller people interested in Bitcoin - people doing some small prepaid cards, people doing remittance, and a variety of others. Generally, the financial people are looking into Bitcoin and probably we will be able to see more and more adoption soon.

On Wednesday evening the Bitcoin enthusiasts organized a dinner together. Tuxavant was the brain of the operation - ordering a big Party Bus (they take Bitcoin Smiley ) for the 10-15 of us, and we went to Cafe Berlin. It was a family restaurant that not only accepts bitcoins, but also saves some of their money in that currency - true believers in our cause. There we met with local Bitcoin enthusiasts and ate some nice German food.

Last day was the Ripple Developer Conference - all booths were already closed, there was only one other set of talks taking place at the same time, so it was officially a tail-end of the Money2020 conference. However, there were a number of people that came to Vegas just for this conference. I met a few people from Canada that did that. The conference itself was very interesting, at least in my opinion. I was interested in the Ripple technology for awhile, but haven't really looked into it for a few months. The presentations covered both the high view of how Ripple works, as well as went into some interesting technical details (at least interesting for a programmer Wink ).

So that's about it for the conference. My reflections so far are that Bitcoin will be seeing a number of bigger players look into using Bitcoin in the near future. Also, some advice for people that wish to be representing their Bitcoin companies at conferences - it really helps if the Bitcoin booths are close together. A lot of the times during this conference when explaining Bitcoin to people and telling them what would be the best for their business we had to reference them to other companies present at the conference. If we were all closer to one another that would be a lot easier. We could capture the attention of a lot more people than being separate.

I hope you enjoyed my overview of Money2020 Smiley.
4  Bitcoin / Project Development / BrainPay - a new way to manage your Bitcoins with your brainwallet on: June 01, 2013, 11:10:01 AM

So, after creating a few Chrome Extensions ( I finally got to the meat of what I set out to do.
Combining my previous extensions focusing on balance checking, creating transactions and brainwallets, I created BrainPay - .
This cool extension lets you access your money stored in a brainwallet from a small popup and send payments to anyone without exposing your private keys outside of the extension.
That's right - no more keeping your wallet.dat secure, no more storing long gibberish URLs, and no more letting other people keep your money "safe" for you in eWallets.
Finally, your coins are both secure and easy to access for you.

I got the idea for this extension from a fellow Bitcoiner that I met at a local Bitcoin Meetup. He is working on an interesting idea that uses the same technology I presented here for a bigger purpose,
but I won't be going into that over here.

So, lets talk about the features the extension has:

* It automatically tracks the balance of your brainwallet address if you wish
* It can fetch all Bitcoin addresses present in your current tab with just one button - you no longer have to manually copy the addresses over
* You can send money to any number of addresses at once
* When you are ready to pay, you just input your brainwallet passphrase and decide whether it is compressed or not (yes, we support compressed addresses for those people that are concerned about the blockchain Wink )
* The app fetches your unspent transactinos from, creates an appropriate transaction and presents it to you for either later use (both as JSON and raw), or to be sent imidietly
* Your passphrase or private key never leave the extension

I hope you will enjoy this Chrome Extension. Source code is available here - - so you can review it and make sure we don't send your sensitive information anywhere.
If you are also worried about our future updates being used to steal your money, again just use the source code and after review import it into your browser that way.
Nobody can automatically update your apps if they are imported like that through a developer mode.
And as always - create a new and secure brainwallet password for this new extension. Keep your cold storage safe while your spiffy new hot brainwallet handles the change Wink.
5  Bitcoin / Project Development / A quick Bitcoin payment extension I put together for Chrome on: May 28, 2013, 09:36:17 AM

The store link is here -, the source code is here - .

So, what's this all about? I am learning to program Chrome Extensions, so I am making small useful programs for Bitcoin. This is my 4th one - a quick payment extension. It saves your identifier that you specify (we encourage creating a new wallet for "change" payments to be used with this extension), and whenever you want to make a payment, you just input the addresses and amounts desired, put your password and 2 factor authentication in and we create a transaction for you.

I can already feel the flame I will be getting for making anyone input their password to their blockchain wallet - again, you can review the code, see how we handle your identifier and password - I don't want to steal your money. Make a separate wallet for change, keep the balance minimal, protect your coins.

I have also incorporated functionalities from my previous extensions - the app keeps a track of your balance, as well as can search the current page for any Bitcoin addresses you can send the money to.

So finally, we have a way of sending Bitcoins that is faster and can be more convenient than PayPal. I aim to be expending the idea further with some other ideas I have, but at the moment - I hope you will enjoy this extension Smiley.
6  Other / Off-topic / Anyone wants to play SimCity together? on: March 15, 2013, 07:41:17 PM
So I just got the SimCity game. Since it relies heavily on multiplayer and none of my gaming friends play it, I figure I would ask around here if anyone is interested in playing it together? I set up a private "Satoshi Land" region on North America West 1. If you want in, add me to your friend list - my nick is ThePiachu as usual Wink.
7  Economy / Services / BitcoinWebsites - professional Bitcoin-friendly web design service on: February 18, 2013, 02:29:14 PM
I am currently involved with a professional web design service called BitcoinWebsites:

If you want your Bitcoin-related websites built, or would like to purchase such services with Bitcoin, look no further. High anonymity offers available on demand.
8  Bitcoin / Project Development / Looking for a crypto / Bitcoin programmer for a project on: February 13, 2013, 09:58:24 PM
It looks like my Open Source Casino project idea ( might be turning into something more concrete. No specifics yet, but we are starting to look for a decent crypto / Bitcoin programmer (game programming would be a boon). Would anyone be interested in working on the project?
9  Bitcoin / Project Development / Any game developers out there? Developing next step of online gambling on: February 01, 2013, 01:20:45 PM
Any game developers out there that would like to join me in creating some Bitcoin-powered open source software for online casinos?

I have some idea on how to make take Bitcoin online casinos and provably fair games to the next level, but I don't think I could fully realise my vision alone. I would like to partner up with someone else to help me develop some Bitcoin-powered open source software for online casinos. I think about using Unity3D for the front-end, with everything else being up for debate. Ideally I would like to partner with at least one person in the US so we would be able to launch some Kickstarter for the project.

So, is anyone interested in something like this?
10  Bitcoin / Project Development / [$10 contest]Create a Bitcoin-themed commercial spoof script and win some money on: January 28, 2013, 09:20:37 AM
For details and submitting your ideas, go here:
11  Other / Beginners & Help / [$10 contest]Create a Bitcoin-themed commercial spoof script and win some money on: January 28, 2013, 09:18:07 AM
For details and submitting your ideas, go here:
12  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / TP's TestNet Faucet - a faucet and eWallet for TestNet on: December 26, 2012, 08:28:33 PM
Since the good old Faucet is down, I decided to implement my own for the TestNet. It is available at:

I created the website because I saw a few people not knowing where to get their TestNet Bitcoins from. When I was learning how to use Bitcoins the old Faucet was a very useful tool to get some Bitcoins to toy around with. We need to keep such tools available for new developers.

Moreover, I also added a simple eWallet to the website. I haven't seen many TestNet eWallets around, so I thought it would be useful to some people.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin goals for 2013 on: December 10, 2012, 07:37:40 AM
I have written some post on the Bitcoin Foundation forum about two weeks ago about what I think Bitcoin should try to accomplish in 2013. Giving enough time for any comments and remarks in case I would be wrong about something, I present the piece to you now.

Bitcoin goals for 2013

Peter Vessenes outlined the goals of the Bitcoin Foundation for 2013 ( While I fully support those goals for the Foundation(especially establishing a set of best practices for businesses), I think that from a point of view of a Bitcoin businessman the community could benefit from a few other goals for 2013.

A crash course into buying things with Bitcoin

Buying things with Bitcoin is very efficient and convenient in a lot of circumstances. However, if you wish to buy things with Bitcoin you first need to get your bitcoins, a client or an eWallet and so forth. This process can be very daunting for a lot of people and it can turn them off from using Bitcoin altogether if it turns out to be too much for them.

We need an effective way to convert people from not knowing anything about Bitcoin to their first purchase. This process needs to be streamlined, all the fat needs to be trimmed off of it, and it needs to be easy enough for an average Internet shopper to wrap their head around (average Internet USER might be too much to ask for at this stage). If we get people into using Bitcoin at least once, chances are they will try using it again. If we lose them with complicated instructions, we might not get them back.

I have set up a basic guide for the time being (, but I know it’s not enough. We need to turn this into a good, well managed website, add an instructional video and so forth. Then we need to look into where our guide fails, improve it and iterate a few times.

If we can create this guide, any new and established Bitcoin business getting new customers would benefit. With this guide we would be able to start converting people into using Bitcoin semi-automatically, rather than on a case-by-case basis.

Clear information and support for businesses

As it is with buyers, so do some businesses have problem with starting on their road of using Bitcoin. Same goes for charities and other organizations. In general, we need to create a set of guidelines for people wanting to start receiving Bitcoin funds. Those should cover topics like how to use automated systems like BitPay, setting up and handling the official client on their own, as well as how to use various Bitcoin APIs and other concepts. Combining this guide with the previous one would give everyone a go-to guide for all business things related to Bitcoin.

Making Bitcoin introduction as smooth as possible

At the moment, telling someone to use the standard client and making them download and verify the entire blockchain is almost a sure way to lose them, or at least make them unhappy. We should change our way of thinking when it comes to introducing new people to Bitcoin from telling them how to “do it the old fashioned way” into showing them how to “do it easily”. If we show someone an eWallet they can use in a minute, the introduction will be a lot more bearable. Of course, we should always tell them that this approach is good for start and that using a desktop client is something they should look into in the future. By the time they start considering it, they will know enough to understand why they are doing it.

This point also goes to the developers of various clients - the easier you can make the setup phase for new people, the more people everyone will be able to successfully introduce to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin promotional campaigns

Various Bitcoin business have been in development for awhile now and we have a big list of companies that offer a myriad of goods and services. Bitcoin is starting to get ready to go viral. We should create some set of tools anyone can use to put the word out for Bitcoin anywhere. Fliers, posters, stickers and so forth, ready to be printed and spread around. We should promote the WeUseCoins website, the crash course mentioned above, the Bitcoin Foundation, you name it. Some people can be converted with simple exposure, so why not expose a lot of people to Bitcoin?

Similarly, the Bitcoin community should start working on some positive PR. Donating to charities, getting involved in helping people and so forth. While this shold generally be achieved bottom-up, there is nothing wrong with some big Bitcoin names getting involved.

Incentivising businesses to accept Bitcoin

We should start targeting various companies and businesses and incentivise them to start accepting Bitcoin. One person asking sites like Wikipedia to accept Bitcoin donations might not do much, but a few hundred inquiries being sent out on the same day might do the trick. We could further incentivise them by letting people pledge their support if the company starts accepting Bitcoin. If we let our voices be heard and let our wallets do the talking, we could start converting more and more companies to our side.

In short

In short - we should develop tools on how to quickly teach anyone how to use Bitcoin in an approachable ways, spread the word about Bitcoin anywhere we can and work on making people’s view of Bitcoin the best there is.
14  Bitcoin / Project Development / Does anyone need professional outsourcing? on: November 28, 2012, 08:01:31 AM
For awhile I have been working for Ericpol (, and from what I heard they are looking to expand the number of clients they are working for. With so many Bitcoin projects growing and expanding, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in their professional offer (, which includes software development, testing, maintenance, hosting and many more. If anyone is interested, please contact me.
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Proposal - Bitcoin peer review board on: November 05, 2012, 09:34:14 AM
Recently I've seen a few articles and videos that contained blatant misrepresentation of Bitcoin (like this one - I'm afraid that if we let such sloppy journalism to continue, it might harm the Bitcoin community in the long run.

I propose establishing a Bitcoin peer review board. It could be working as a part of the Bitcoin Foundation. Generally, it would be a forum of knowledgeable people that understand Bitcoin who would be providing peer review of various papers, news articles, videos and the like. Those that would be representing the project fairly would be endorsed, while the ones containing misrepresentations and biases would be condemned. Initially the review board could take form of a subforum with restricted posting rights, possibly growing into something else should the need arise (a peer reviewed journal of sorts?).

Why would this be beneficial to the community?
The board would allow anyone to clearly see if the piece of information they read or watched is well researched, or should be ignored as junk. It would let people creating new content to know which sources are credible, so they can build upon them.

So, what do you guys think about this idea? Should we pursue it and establish some standards when describing Bitcoin?
16  Bitcoin / Project Development / Idea - Casascius Physical Bitcoins and split-key vanity address? on: October 12, 2012, 05:01:59 PM
I was recently thinking - combining Casascius Physical Bitcoins and some Vanity Pool split-key vanity addresses would be kinda interesting. What do you guys think?
17  Bitcoin / Project Development / [Bounty - Cancelled - 6BTC] Split-key vanity address management software on: October 07, 2012, 08:21:47 PM

This bounty is cancelled


I would like to start a bounty for a split-key vanity address management software. This is related to the Vanity Pool. For more info on the subject, please visit:

The software will be used to create random ECDSA keypair to be used for split-key vanity address generation, as well as merging the results of solved work from the pool in order to create the desired vanity address. The software needs to:

- Have a user-friendly GUI
- Allow one to generate Bitcoin-compatible ECDSA keypairs, as well as input their own keys
- Be able to store the generated keypairs over multiple sessions in a secure manner
- Give the user an option of encrypting the stored keypairs with their custom password
- Be able to merge any stored keys with generated private keys using additive and multiplicative methods of split-key vanity address generation
- Be able to perform the above operation for any number of keys (2 or more), as well as perform it using only keys inputted on the fly (as in, work whether or not the user stores their keys prior to wanting to merge them)
- Be able to work completely offline
- Be able to automatically check the Vanity Pool (or other user specified split-key vanity mining pool) for possible vanity address requests the user requested ( ). The check should be performed explicitly when the user requests it (for example when user presses a button, rather than polling the website in the background). This option obviously would not work in offline mode.
- Be free from any malicious code
- Be open-source and provided in full free of charge
- Come pre-compiled for Windows 32 and 64 bit and include Makefiles for MacOS and Linux (or be pre-compiled for those systems).

(note - requirements might change in the near future if I missed something, just a heads up)

The bounty is 5 BTC, plus whatever gets donated to:

The current bounty is:
18  Bitcoin / Project Development / "FurStore" - Bitcoin-powered digital store on Google App Engine on: September 17, 2012, 11:31:19 PM
So for awhile I've been wondering what niche I could find that would benefit from using Bitcoin, and I figured out that the furry community is a right candidate. So I got to work and created an online store for sale of digital goods. If anyone wants to have a look, the early beta is available here:

I'm generally aiming to be selling artwork, comics and the like, but the code could be modified to suit basically anything (if you'd like to see some specific store, let me know).

The page and server is coded in Google Go and running on Google App Engine, with a bitcoind instance running on an external server.
19  Bitcoin / Project Development / [Bounty - Claimed] Vanity address split-key generator software on: June 29, 2012, 03:20:00 AM

I have been working on developing a "vanity pool" for split-key address generating. You can read more about it here:

As the Vanity Pool is starting to take shape and working okay, it's time to look into getting some split-key generation software going (a "vanity miner" if you will). So I'm setting a bounty of 10 Bitcoins (plus whatever gets donated) for member of the Bitcoin community that will create software with the following features:

- Allow one to generate Bitcoin addresses using the split-key methods (either the one requiring the private keys to be added or multiplied) in search for a vanity addresses
- Be free from any malicious code
- Be open-source and provided in full free of charge
- Come pre-compiled for Windows 32 and 64 bit and include Makefiles for MacOS and Linux
- Generate keys using OpenCL
- Be able to generate at at least 10 Mkeys/s on AMD Radeom 5830 HD
- Give an option to the user to automatically fetch and submit work from a "vanity mining pool" through the use of the protocol outlined in
- Does not overburden the vanity mining pool unnecessarily by making more than at most one call per minute for getting a new set of work (submitting valid work is not to be restricted)

Or in more human language - allow one to generate split-key vanity addresses on a GPU at a decent rate and automate work fetching from the provided website. The website for testing the solutions is available at

and running on Testnet. More bounties for vanity-mining-related software will be coming in the near future, so keep a lookout.

If anyone wishes to increase the bounty, the donation address is:
The current total is:
10 12 BTC

The bounty has been claimed by samr7 and his oclvanityminer:
20  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / My Bitcoin master thesis on: June 17, 2012, 09:45:37 AM
Hello everyone,

I've been working on my master thesis for almost a year now and today I passed my exam. So, if anyone is interested in reading my dissertation, it's available here:

Its topic is “Design and security analysis of Bitcoin infrastructure using application deployed on Google Apps Engine.”. It mostly considers various security strengths and weaknesses of the Bitcoin protocol, standard client, third party apps and even Bitcoin users.

I'll upload the code I developed for it some other time (it's not really that amazing).

Hope you'll enjoy the reading. I'd like to apologize for the use of polish at the start (it was a requirement), and for some boring introduction of basic things (also a requirement).

Donations welcome:

EDIT 2017-03-20:

If the above link is not working, try:
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