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trading itu ternyata macam macam ya misalnya seperti trading di spot atau trading di future namun ane ingin tahu aja apakah sobat sfi suka trading di future atau di spot ? tapi seperti yang telah kita ketahui Trading di future tentunya ada positifnya ada negatifnya karena tentunya menurut yang saya ketahui Trading di future sangat berbahaya karena resikonya yang besar apalagi kalau misalnya kelipatannya yang besar maka pasti bisa bisa terkena likuid kalau prediksi kita salah dan uang kita habis.di samping itu keuntungannya pun akan besar kalau kita benar dalam memprediksi. tapi kalau Trading di spot tentunya lebih nyaman tapi menurut saya kalau uang kita sedikit rasanya keuntungan pun akan sedikit yang pastinya berbeda dengan Trading di future yang pastinya walaupun modal kecil tapi berpotensi akan bisa mendapatkan untung besar. ane ingin tahu pendapat kawan kawan sfi kira kira apakah lebih bagus Trading di spot atau future? dan ane juga pengen tahu caranya future supaya konsisten profit dan ingin tahu juga supaya Trading di spot bisa konsisten profit. dan ane juga ingin bertanya apakah teman sfi sering future atau di spot.?
selamat malam dan selamat beristirahat sobat sfi dimanapun kalian berada, kali ini ane ingin bertanya kepada ibu bapak semuanya, begini kan saya itu saat ini sedang mengerjakan airdrop not pixel ane mendengar kabar kalau orang yang bermain not pixel dan pada saat hadiah akan dibagikan katanya not pixel yang kita miliki akan dibakar kalau koin yang kita kumpulkan kurang dari 100rb dan akhirnya saya mulai berpikir apakah lanjutkan main airdrop not pixel atau tidak ya karena saat ini pendapat not pixel saya hanya sedikit yaitu kurang dari 20rb not pixel maka untuk bisa menyentuh 100rb not pixel tentunya harus memakan waktu yang sangat lama dan kalaupun kita mengeluarkan uang untuk membiayai not pixel agar koin yang kita dapatkan semakin besar tentunya pasti harus menggunakan uang yang besar pastinya mahal sekali biayanya kalau ingin meraih banyak koin. bagaimana nih Menurut agan tentang not pixel ini dan apakah agan juga sedang mengerjakan airdrop not pixel, dan tentunya saya ingin bertanya apakah layak di teruskan mengerjakan airdrop not pixel walaupun saya tidak punya banyak biaya untuk membeli bintang dan yang lainnya.
Beberapa bulan yang lalu saya membeli koin solana namun tidak banyak dan sampai saat ini saya masih kuat memegangnya, walaupun sudah ada kenaikan yang lumayan tinggi, karena menurut saya sekarang bukan waktu yang tepat untuk menjual solana karena saya mempunyai prediksi di 2024 akan lebih tinggi harganya karena akan ada halving btc. Namun kadang saya juga jadi dilema kalau tidak dijual karena takut harga solana jatuh lagi kedalam akhirnya saya kurang maksimal dalam mendapatkan keuntungan atau bisa saja rugi kalau misalnya harga solana jatuh lebih dalam, dalam hal ini saya ingin bertanya bagaimana menurut Anda dan apa yang terjadi dengan harga solana apakah akan jatuh lagi atau tidak? Saya juga punya link yang mungkin bisa anda baca. Sumber berita dan gambar ini harga solana sedang ada penurunan dan saya mengambil gambar dari indodax
halo semuanya,,
seperti yang kita ketahui sekarang nama bitcoin atau crypto semakin terkenal bahkan sampai ke pelosok desa pun mulai banyak orang yang tahu tentang bitcoin dan crypto. tentunya dengan adanya crypto dikalangan masyarakat menimbulkan pro dan kontra karena ada yang menganggap kalau crypto itu adalah perjudian atau penipuan dan sebagainya, namun adanya pro dan kontra itu adalah hal yang biasa.
kalau saya pribadi jujur dengan adanya crypto membuat ekonomi saya terbantu karena menurut saya dengan adanya crypto itu bisa dianggap ada lapangan pekerjaan yang luas, dan tentunya dengan adanya crypto kita bisa mencari keuntungan, namun tentunya dengan syarat kita harus mempelajari dulu ilmunya dan tentunya siap mengambil resiko, dan yang paling penting harus menggunakan uang yang siap hilang atau bisa juga dengan menggunakan uang yang menganggur karena berinvestasi di crypto sangat beresiko, dan tentunya kalau menggunakan uang menganggur akan membuat pikiran menjadi tenang.
dan saya ingin mendengar cerita dari anda semua, apakah ekonomi kalian juga terbantu dengan adanya crypto saya ingin mendengarnya,, dan saya juga ingin tahu apa kunci sukses anda di crypto?
semoga kita semua mendapatkan keuntungan dari investasi kita di crypto.
even though I can't cook, especially in terms of making pizza, of course I can't, but with the bitcoin pizza making contest I became interested in participating and enlivening it, and this is my first experience in making bitcoin pizza. and I have a unique story, namely when I was making bitcoin pizza, a guest came, namely he was my friend and he asked, what are you doing? and I replied that I was making bitcoin pizza, and at that time he immediately asked me about bitcoin and its uses, and I answered as knowledgeable as I could. and I also explain about the risk of investing in btc. until finally he was interested in investing in btc, but I reminded him to learn about btc investing first because so he would understand the risks and benefits of investing in btc, and so he wouldn't blame me if later he failed to invest in btc. but in the end he still wants to invest in btc and is ready for the risks. and finally he decided to invest and buy btc but at that time he bought btc only using a small capital of around $ 30. and he said he wanted to try with small money first so that the risk was not too big if he suffered a loss. and I said yes, it was a good decision. this is my unique story which of course has something to do with the bitcoin pizza contest that I participated in. i want to hear your opinion, and for those who are interested in joining the bitcoin pizza contest of course there is still time... this is my first pizza making, and I want to celebrate bitcoin pizza day here's a picture of the pizza...
As we all know lately, lots of people are transacting BTC and causing traffic jams because of the many queues for BTC transactions, and BTC transaction fees are expensive if you want to be fast.
And I, as a btc investor who is still a beginner, in my opinion, with expensive btc transaction fees, I see this as a positive thing because I have the following reasons.
1: having expensive btc transaction fees makes me stronger to hold on to btc because I don't want to waste my money on expensive transaction fees.
2: my goal of investing in btc is for a long term investment so with expensive transaction fees makes me stronger holding btc, because my goal is to invest in btc for the long term.
i want to hear your opinion,,, and are you freaking out about the high btc transaction fees...?
but in my opinion if transacting btc it would be better to use a cheap transaction method.
Of course, we certainly know that not all countries in the world are progressing, especially in the economic field.
I want to ask everyone, can adopting bitcoin help a country's economy? especially countries that are experiencing bankruptcy, for example, as experienced by our brothers in the country of Sri Lanka.
but if my think can! a country by adopting bitcoin will help its economy, as long as it is adopted on a large scale. for example as follows:
: all people who can afford it are obliged to invest in bitcoin, but of course investing in bitcoin is only made as a side job. but of course investing in bitcoin must be in accordance with the capabilities of the community, because society of course consists of rich people and poor people, but in my opinion investment in bitcoin can be achieved by all people, because investing in bitcoin can start with small capital or large capital .
So in that way I think the people's economy will be helped, so in this way a country's economy can also be helped because the community invests in bitcoin. and finally the government must provide lessons about bitcoin to its people, or add it as a new subject for students, and also provide special lessons for those who are not in school, namely so that people know the risks of investing in bitcoin, etc.
what is my understanding like that, I ask for your opinion from all of you?
I don't have experience in altcoins, but I have quite an interest in investing in altcoins, but when I hear the news that investing in altcoins is very dangerous because the potential for losses is so big, but I found out on the internet, it turns out that we can invest in altcoins as long as the in quality altcoins, and finally I saw on cmc that the number 1 altcoin is ethereum, and finally I'm quite interested if I have the capital to want to invest in ethereum. and I saw the news that it turned out that a lot of people were investing in ethereum because the ethereum project is very good and has a lot of fans. and I want to ask everyone?
: does ethereum have a good future?
: is it not wrong if I choose to invest in ethereum?
: what is the drawback of ethereum?
: why is ethereum the no. 1 ALTCOIN?
I have 2 motorbikes at home, but what I always use is only 1 motorbike, and 1 motorbike is rarely used, and indeed the motorbike is also old, and if it is sold it won't be too expensive, and I decided to sell the motorbike, because in my opinion the price of the motorbike will definitely fall over time, (affected by inflation). and the money from the sale of the motorbike I will use to buy bitcoin. because in my opinion the price of bitcoin in the future will definitely rise. and also currently the market is bear, so this is a good opportunity to buy bitcoins. and I want to ask everyone, the decision I made, namely selling the motorbike and the money to buy bitcoin, is it wrong or not?
I'm ready to be corrected because I have no experience in bitcoin and crypto.
My friends don't have much experience in crypto, and I often hear the word blockchain, so I want to ask all of my friends? namely, what is blockchain, its function and how does it work? please help to explain?
I bought bitcoin and bitcoin was 50% I made a long term investment. and the other 50% I use for daily trading or maybe it can also be called a short-term investment. Indeed, if you look at short-term investments, to be honest, I have always been tempted by altcoins because if you trade daily in altcoins, if you can earn up to 20%, it can even be up to 50%. I just see that in altcoins the risk is very large. because if we fail our money can be drained out. but I now prefer bitcoin for short term trading. because in bitcoin even though the ups and downs are not too high, the risk is not too high. and also the best thing about bitcoin is that the volume of ups and downs is very good. so for short term trading is very good. and little by little the money is increasing, but even though it's a little but it keeps going. why did I name short-term trading the name trading ant? because of course we must have seen walking ants, even though they walked slowly but finally arrived at their destination, even though they arrived tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
but I am a beginner and have no experience in the crypto world, so I am ready to be corrected if my opinion is wrong.
hi friends everyone? This is my first post, and I'm not experienced in the world of crypto. I want to ask, what's the difference between bitcoin and crypto? I hope all my friends can explain to me,,?