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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin gift to wife. on: October 17, 2023, 08:18:29 AM
I promised in a post on this forum a few months ago. I had a plan to give half of my bitcoin investment to my wife after marriage. I got married a few days ago. First I gave my wife all the ideas about Bitcoin. I was surprised to hear my wife, as soon as I told my wife about Bitcoin, she said that she had heard the name of Bitcoin before. I thought it would be very difficult to convince girls. But my wife was able to understand about Bitcoin very easily. I gave him half of the investment as per my word. He is very happy to get Bitcoin. My wife plans to hold bitcoin for a long time. Now you can say it is better to give girls gold jewelery than bitcoins. I have given gold ornaments to my wife as per her wish. Have any of you managed to teach your wife Bitcoin? Have any of you gifted bitcoin to a wife like me?
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Advice to friend for financial improvement. on: October 08, 2023, 06:16:46 AM
I've noticed a topic in the Bitcoin discussion. I was encouraged by reading the Topic, I thought if anyone would benefit financially from me. Instead of buying an iPhone, if one invests in Bitcoin, his future will be bright.  Now if someone invests in Bitcoin with the same amount of money to buy an iPhone, it is expected that in 2-4 years he will be able to buy 1 iPhone with the investment profit. Also, Bitcoin halving in 2024, investment during this time can be very profitable. With that in mind, I suggested buying bitcoins instead of buying iPhones in my local thread. I searched among my friends to see if anyone would buy an iPhone, finally one of my close friends lives in my country's capital. Working in a good company and getting salary of $500 per month. Buying that friend's iPhone is easy. He came to visit my house a few days ago. My friend had a $200 normal phone, one time I talked to him he said he was going to buy an iPhone 15. I can't knowingly recommend my friend to buy an iPhone. I got good knowledge about Bitcoin, I suggested my friend to invest in Bitcoin thinking about his future development. Given all the ideas about Bitcoin, my friend at one point decided to invest in Bitcoin instead of buying an iPhone. Suggested my friend to invest in Bitcoin by following DCA. My friend bought $200 worth of bitcoins for the first time. It will try to gradually increase its investment growth.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin gift to wife on wedding. on: June 13, 2023, 01:54:02 PM
Although I still studied, I invested a small amount in Bitcoin. I will get married if I get a good job. Many people give many things to their wives as wedding gifts, I have a different plan. I am planning to gift bitcoin to my wife on her wedding day. Bitcoin is still illegal in my country so I invested with caution. On my wedding day I want to gift half of my investment to my wife.
Should I gift bitcoin to my wife? I want your advice
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / My friend's investment in Bitcoin on: May 11, 2023, 04:06:56 PM
One of my close friends his name is Naher. He came to visit my house. Once while discussing with him, I mentioned the name of bitcoin. He wanted to know what bitcoin is? I was telling him that bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency coin launched in 2009 by a man named satoshi. I tell him Bitcoin has been around for 14 years. I give him more idea about Bitcoin. At one point he expressed his interest in investing in bitcoin, I told him that there is a possibility of not only profit but also loss from investment.To invest you have to take risk. My friend invests in bitcoin knowing profit loss. He works for a salary of about $400 per month. He invested about $500 in Bitcoins. I didn't show my friend interest in investing in bitcoin. He himself knowingly invested in bitcoin. 
Did I give my friend the right advice?
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Which wallet should be used to keep bitcoin safe? on: May 09, 2023, 10:16:58 AM
I am a newbie in bitcoin form. I invested in Bitcoin a few days ago. I don't understand one thing. I will invest in Bitcoin for the long term. I use a mobile device. Now what wallet do I use to keep my bitcoins safe. I have total three wallets installed on my mobile device.

Trust wallet, mycelium and electrum which of these three wallets is the most secure?
Which wallet would be better than these three wallets?
I bought Bitcoin from kucoin, so far it's in kucoin
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Investing in Bitcoin in Student Life on: May 07, 2023, 01:53:59 AM
A friend suggested Bitcoin to me about 1 year ago. I have been trying to learn the history of Bitcoin ever since. How to earn from Bitcoin, I learned that investing will make profit or loss. Success can never be achieved without risk. Then I became interested in investing in Bitcoin. My family is a very poor family. I am studying now and earning BDT 7000 per month from tuition, BDT 3000 I spend on running my household. BDT 3000 is my monthly expenses and I save BDT 1000, I save around BDT 10000 in a year and invest in Bitcoin. I will hold the investment for a long time. According to many researchers, we will soon see a bull market. Bitcoin will be over $100K in 2025

But the main thing is that bitcoin is still illegal in our country, I invested bitcoin very carefully.

Lately I think it is better to invest in bitcoins than depositing money in the bank. Day by day people have lost trust in banks. It is heard that many banks are going bankrupt and closing down.
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