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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Saving Private keys/Seed/Back-up on email? Safe or not? on: May 25, 2016, 07:42:32 PM
How safe do you think is storing anything related to your bitcoins, like private keys, wallet seed, back up on email? I think it is pretty bad, if your email gets hacked, which can happen, you're basically screwed. But I was just watching some tutorials on youtube (to send to a friend) and kept clicking the side to view one after the another, and happened to find this on Electrum:

It is a pretty good tutorial, until the author suggests taking screenshot of the Electrum seed and saving it on your email? I can understand if you encrypt it and then put it as back up on email, though even then it is not considered secure but putting your seed's screenshot there? That sounds like suicide to me.
2  Other / Archival / Delete on: May 25, 2016, 05:57:59 PM
3  Other / Archival / del on: May 25, 2016, 01:43:23 PM
4  Economy / Reputation / I have changed my password. on: May 09, 2016, 01:43:17 PM
I just made the mistake of clicking on a google link which lead me to, didn't check the link(until afterwards) and entered my ID and password there and was forwarded to a cloudflare page. Realized it straight away and for security reasons have changed my password.

Just to confirm.

Hi, this is twister and today's date is 9th May 2016 and I have just changed my password.

Hash: SHA512

Hi, this is twister, today's date is 9th May 2016 and I have just changed my password.
Version: GnuPG v1


Address staked here: and probably at lot of places
PGP key staked here:

I have now edited my hosts file, you guys should too because it looks exactly the same.
5  Other / Off-topic / If you're going 80 Miles/Hour, how long will it take to go 80 Miles? on: April 26, 2016, 03:19:38 AM
Answers right here, incase you need help Cheesy
6  Economy / Web Wallets / Is Haobtc legit? on: April 02, 2016, 04:53:57 PM
I stumbled upon their thread here: [ANN] HaoBTC, mining dividend paid out hourly whilst searching for something else and it got me curious and I understand that they seem to be paying some interest on keeping your bitcoins there. And so my question is, is this really legit??

Other threads of them:
HaoBTC launches fixed term deposit account

Anyone invested in it and getting any returns? (Please no newbie vouches.)
7  Other / Meta / Is it me or the Favicon isn't working? on: March 25, 2016, 05:54:55 PM
Noticed it today and thought something was different, checked to see if I was maybe at a phishing site but thankfully I was not.

Earlier it had a bitcoin icon. Not sure if it is only at my end.. apologies if that's the case.

Edit: Yeah, it was on my end only, fixed now. Thx
8  Other / Meta / Restrict some boards/posts showing up at "Show unread posts since last visit" on: March 06, 2016, 02:08:24 PM
I would prefer to block some section/boards of the forum to not show there as I either have no interest in them whatsoever, for ex. Investor based games etc. and/or the local boards for I don't speak the language.

Is it possible to somehow, select some boards/section and only show the "unread posts since last visit" of only those sections. These are the boards I would like to not view the posts of:

1. Local section
2. Altcoin section
3. Investor-based games
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Strip Club Visitors Told to Pay Bitcoin Ransom or Risk Character Assassination on: February 24, 2016, 07:25:41 PM
Yesterday, Fritz Mueller, the Strip Club director told media, that somewhere around 50 and 60 benefactors of the Globe near the Swiss city of Zurich, in Schwerzenbach, were being threatened by a group of “moral” hackers. It seems that the hackers somehow got hold of the clients’ personal information and are now threatening to send their pictures to their family and companions.

The nightclub manager Fritz Mueller said the sender may have gotten the personal information of the Club clients through their car license plates since it is perfectly possible for someone to request the names of Swiss vehicles owners.

The hackers were also able to get pictures of the people attending the club, but Mueller said that the photographs might only be from outside the club because the strict rules of the club don’t allow customers to use cameras and mobile phones within the building.


This I think is worse than the Ransomware, hacking systems is much difficult than just taking photos of people going into strip clubs and more copy cats will soon follow this trend, is my concern.  Angry
10  Other / New forum software / Suggestion: Embedding tweets on: February 14, 2016, 03:34:02 PM
This actually came to my mind some days back when I wanted to share a tweet in one of my posts but I couldn't find a way to do that other than just posting a screenshot of it.

I think it would be a great addon, ability to embed tweets directly to posts.  Undecided

Let me know what you guys think about it.
11  Other / Meta / What's above Legendary? on: February 03, 2016, 02:26:18 PM
Legendary is like a dead end, no more ranks above that. Should there be another Rank above Legendary?

Can we add another ring or two maybe? What should it be called? God.. Supreme.. Ironman.. ??  Undecided

12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Is this what's called a sidechain? on: January 19, 2016, 03:42:14 PM
BitGo Launches 'Instant' Bitcoin Transaction Tool

Bitcoin security firm BitGo has launched a new service that aims to allow clients to accept bitcoin transactions prior to their official confirmation on the blockchain.

Called BitGo Instant, the offering aims to allow users to accept transactions more quickly, while guarding against the possibility that funds could be 'double spent' or otherwise altered before they settle against the bitcoin ledger.

13  Other / Meta / Things not against forum rules but frowned upon by community! (Beta!) on: January 19, 2016, 03:15:51 PM
An effort to clear out some of the grey area regarding things which are not specifically against the forum rules, but are considered immoral/wrong by community members. The community is getting bigger and we see a lot of threads where users are having trouble deciding whether the negative trust someone received was right or wrong. So maybe this can be served as a guide on what is considered wrong by the community and should therefore be avoided.

So kindly suggest the things which you consider to be wrong/immoral on the forum.

To start,

0. Don't Scam and/or try to scam in any way.
1. Don't ask for loans without proper collateral if you are not a trusted member, specially if you are a newbie. [Thx to elite3000 for suggestion] [Read this for more detailed explanation of this.] [and this]
2. Don't refuse to use escrow. [If a party is willing to cover the fee, then there should be no problems with using one.]
3. Don't sell stolen/cracked/carded stuff.
4. Don't promote Scam/Potentially scam sites.
5. Don't escrow your own trades.
6. Don't bid on items in an auction if you don't wish to buy.
7. Avoid buying/selling forum accounts.
8. Don't post personal information of members, unless it is necessary, for ex. in case of a scam.
9. Don't attempt to farm or buy trust. [Thx to knightdk for suggestion]
10. Avoid giving positive trust for smaller-trades/loans/escrow, if you are from default trust list, a neutral should suffice to document the trade. [Thx to Omikifuse for suggestion]
11. Don't Lie. Especially when doing trades, lying is considered shady and it might make you look suspicious and untrustworthy.
12. Don't ask for donations unless you're part of a registered charity and the address for funds is directly of the organization and not personal.
13. Avoid talking/discussing to yourself/your own alt. [Got this suggestion from here:]
14. Don't "Shill Bid" on your own auctions, this practice is considered shady and scam as you're duping the other members into thinking that someone else is bidding on your auction. [Got this suggestion from here:;all]
15. ?

Let me know if something should be added or removed. Smiley

In addition to above, these forum etiquette are expected from good community members but aren't considered enough for negative feedback. Although, not following some of these suggestions repeatedly, may get you banned, especially "0".

0. Read Forum Rules and follow them.
1. Be civil. Insulting other members because of personal differences, race, gender or for any other reason is considered ill-mannered.
2. Search the other posts to see if your topic is already covered.
3. Don't give bad/wrong advice to other members (especially to newbies, who are new to Bitcoin and this forum)
4. Don't write the whole post in CAPS as it is considered shouting.
5. Don't hijack thread for the sake of whatever you would like to promote in someone's else thread. [Thx to SFR10 for suggestion]
6. Be helpful to other forum members.
7. Report to moderators if you feel someone is breaking the rules of the forum.
8. Report in "Scam accusation" section with proofs if you feel someone is trying to scam.
9. ?
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / what's a Lock time: Block xxxx ? on: January 17, 2016, 01:28:38 PM
I see it on and I am wondering what it is.

Is it the recent block which was found when the transaction was made ? Or something else..?

PS: If you don't know what I am talking about, you can see it on all confirmed tx on just above "Included in Blocks".
15  Other / Meta / Is this a bug or what? on: January 15, 2016, 12:16:15 PM

It seems to be a character/symbol of some sort and is overlapping the previous thread title in the list.

This is the thread btw:;topicseen

16  Economy / Reputation / Am I a scammer? on: January 06, 2016, 03:18:59 PM
I have done nothing wrong from the day I joined this forum and just now I got refused to join a sig campaign because my trust is negative?  Embarrassed

17  Other / Off-topic / Anybody uses gpg4usb? on: December 02, 2015, 12:53:40 PM
Do you guys get a blank green confirmation message when you try to verify a message from a key which is imported from or is it just me?

Meaning it shows that the message was signed by someone on the list but doesn't show the name and/or other details etc.

18  Other / Off-topic / Avatar for our Administrator on: October 09, 2015, 03:50:11 PM
I just noticed that Theymos, our beloved, noble, kind Administrator, who enabled avatars for all of us some time back doesn't himself wears one and I think he should have one and given his position here, I would suggest this one:

With minor cropping adjustments. I think like Thor he's powerful and responsible. What you guys think..

You may post your suggestions here, if you like.

Self moderated because I don't want the rude stuff.
19  Bitcoin / Electrum / Transaction was previously accepted but has been pruned from our database. on: October 04, 2015, 12:53:41 PM
I think someone broke the Bitcoin last night, I made 2 bets and they were confirmed and one match got over and I lost that one and the other match was later.. early morning, so I went to bed and woke up and started watching the Match and I won the bet and I turned on my Electrum waiting for the payment to arrive but it shows the balance I had last night, I emptied it all last night on those 2 bets and the weird part is the second match transaction has disappeared, there are no traces of it and the previous bet transaction shows this on Transaction rejected by our node. Reason: Transaction was previously accepted but has been pruned from our database. which is something I have never seen before and the transaction did went through later but with different transaction ID and by that time the first match was over so they were rejected but the second match which I have won, that bet was never made, although it was confirmed and now I don't even remember the Bet ID of it but it must have gotten pruned as well and it didn't went through.

Can someone please explain to me what the f**k is going on?

How can transactions which are confirmed disappear like that? They were very small bets so it doesn't affects me that much but what if they were bigger bets and this thing happens, what if someone buys bitcoins and pays the other person after seeing the confirmations and the transactions vanish later??
20  Other / New forum software / Would it be possible to track PMs in the new forum? on: September 27, 2015, 01:56:27 PM
I sent some PMs to someone and they haven't responded and I don't know if they even read them or not which makes me wonder, can this feature be added in the new forum, a sort of notification or a tick in the sender's sent PM box when the other person reads the PM?

I think it might also help people who open up threads in Meta saying they sent the account recovery signed message but haven't receive any response and this way they'll know that the reason for that is their PM hasn't been handled yet?
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