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February 08, 2025, 09:30:03 PM *
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1  Economy / Economics / GMO food scadal and harmful effects to the society. on: January 08, 2025, 02:08:50 PM
Yes the GMO is an acronym for Genetically Modified Organism. They are organisms where their generic materials has been altered using different generic chemicals or biological techniques to introduce new traits. These pathfinders came with the intention of recreating new traits that will stand as a resistance to pests or herbicides while deep down their intention is to increase maximum supply of crops to meet exportation demands. In general is to make profits which these new traits of crops on the other hand have several effects to the health of humans and his environment. Those who consumes this crops later in the future gets sorts of illness which they do not know the origin of it. Most of these crops are manufactured in the laboratory and transported to individual homes. Common crops like corn, soybean, cotton, canola, yam, potato and so many are GMO crops. Common animals like Pig, sheep and so many others are also altered in the labs.

This is very alarming because both vegans and non-vegans are at high health risk. The meat grown lacks the necessaries flavors and nutrients especially the crops. The milk produced from these animals lacks a lot of vitamins it also lacks fat to bring out the flavor. All of these have been altered in the lab.

Be careful of what you eat, Health is wealth. The debate still goes on if GMO crops/animals are good.

Here is a few links to study.

1. Is Biotech safe
2. The Debate About GMO Safety
3. Against Genetic Engineering

2  Local / Off-topic (Naija) / Reassess your finances on: December 08, 2024, 10:20:09 PM
Reassessing your finances doesn’t mean overhauling everything overnight. It’s about making small adjustments that add up over time. And most importantly, it’s about staying adaptable. The economy is unpredictable, but you can control how you respond to your needs and wants. In my opinion it is all about creating balance for our financial needs. In a tough economy like this, covering needs, building savings and starting a project can be very difficult. Unless we first focus on stability and after we have it under control, we can chip in our short and long term goals gradually till they comes to play.
3  Economy / Economics / Global growth forecast for 2025 on: November 05, 2024, 12:25:05 PM
In less than a month and 24 days to enter a new year. 2024 is near to completion, although a lot of us are not really impressed over GDP to global population.

Here is my forecast for the 2025 global growth. In 2025, the economy of the world will grow at a slow speed. Poorer countries, like those in some parts of Asia and Africa, will likely to grow faster, while richer countries, will see slower growth especial China and the U.S. The most promising sector would be the tech and green energy which will help boost the economy, but there will still be problems of inflation and political tensions. It wont be a smooth ride.
4  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Ever thought how did people hear about Bitcoin early? And why they stick around on: November 05, 2024, 11:29:20 AM
First i want to give accolades to the early adapter who contributed to both Bitcoin's initial awareness and its continued adoption.

The early adopters

Bitcoins early awareness spread gradually at the early stage but during the 2008 financial crisis, many who seek financial liberation online was desperately looking for way out of their present predication. Now the financial freedom they wanted was not just about having more money in their account but freedom to own their own money. After the introduction of Bitcoin and its whitepaper, words started spreading through some digital money clubs communities (tech enthusiast, cryptographers, influences to mention a few). That is when many person seeking this opportunity find themselves in the Bitcoin world. Most of these people heard about Bitcoin early through communities like  Reddit, Bitcointalk, and early Bitcoin IRC.

Every wondered why they stick around? Here is why!

There are several reasons why many of the early adopter stick to Bitcoin but i believe that most of them stick to Bitcoin because it represents something more than just a digital money. The freedom to have full authority over your money which consist of privacy in maximum level.

In general, the success stories like when the first Bitcoin transaction gave room for more curiosity. And as the value grew many were attracted to it and those early adopters start having profits. When people say this, others begin to believe in the potential of Bitcoin and its value as an investment entity as well as a store of value. No doubt that the Bitcoin communities, financial incentives and the trust in the blockchain has really sustained the peoples interest in Bitcoin over the years till date.

Lets discuss
5  Other / Archival / When i choose to change my username on: October 09, 2024, 05:45:29 AM
Briefly ill say this.

After reading the rules in the forum and  taking consideration of what to do and what not. I have been wondering to ask this question.

What will happen to anew user's account if he wishes to change his username after some months in the forum?

If the user has achieved a high rank in the forum, and choses to change his username, will the account be suspected of changing hand and be tagged for that? If yes how will other users know he is still the rightful owner?
6  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Signs that show you're losing interest in your Bitcoin investment on: July 17, 2024, 10:24:32 AM
The start of every journey comes with seriousness and total commitment to the set goal but when you continue doing it for a long time, interest may fizzle out gradually and with time, the chance of staying committed to reaching your goal may become almost impossible.

As Bitcoin investors, the start of our investment is always amazing and the joy that we're building our Bitcoin portfolio overwhelms us and serves as a core motivation that keeps us going in our accumulation but along the way, we might start losing interest gradually and if we don't pay attention to the process, we might not know until it becomes impossible for us to continue on our accumulation goals.

So what are the signs to look out for as what shows we've started losing interest in our Bitcoin investments?

1. We become inconsistent with our DCA: when we've decided that we're buying $30 worth of BTC every week and then start missing out on most weeks, it shows we're losing interest in our Bitcoin investments.

2. We start selling part of our holding: when we break our own rule we've set that we won't sell our holding until we've reached a certain amount and can easily sell out our holding when a slight thing comes up, it means we've started losing interest in our Bitcoin investments

3. When We get easily moved by media sentiment and slow down at buying Bitcoin because of what anti Bitcoinner are saying about Bitcoin HODLers, it shows our interest has started coming down.

When you start noticing one, some, or all of these things, it shows you're losing interest in your investment and the best thing to do is to look at what caused the decline in your belief in Bitcoin and fix it ASAP.

Let's add what we think are the signs that show one is losing interest in his Bitcoin investment.
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