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1  Local / Off-Topic (India) / Whom are you gonna vote for? [Delhi] on: February 05, 2015, 08:17:21 PM
So question for all the delhites. Whom are you gonna vote for?

Ill go with BJP.
Tell your party along with your reasons.
2  Economy / Service Discussion / "CHAIN HEAD NOT FOUND" on: December 26, 2014, 09:18:55 PM
Every time i try to search for any address on site or open my wallet, it shows "chain head not found" and so it doesn't show up any balance in my wallet and it doesn't even open any address.
Also has not updates info on new block since 18 minutes. Weird. Do i need to worry?
3  Local / Marketplace (India) / closed on: December 21, 2014, 07:38:37 AM
Done thank you
4  Local / India / India vs Lanka on: November 16, 2014, 07:53:15 AM
I wanna bet 0.009btc on India winning 5th match . is someone interested? Tell me odds
5  Other / New forum software / Users Stats on: November 11, 2014, 10:37:11 AM
Just wanted to know that will the new software retain the current account holder stats?
6  Economy / Digital goods / BITCOIN VANITYGEN SERVICE.Get a BTC address starting with your name! on: September 18, 2014, 06:26:05 AM
Get a btc addy that starts with some string of characters that appeals to you.Just like a personalised number plate on your car.
The charges are as follows:


1-7  0.1 BTC 0.05 BTC
8   0.4 BTC 0.1 BTC
9   0.8 BTC 0.2 BTC

Pay after you get the private key.
Please PM me if you need the above mentioned service.
Hero members can negotiate on the price!
For those who are worried about the private key,we can give them our vps details so that they can create their addy on their own!

7  Economy / Digital goods / Start Your Own GAMBLING CASINO with coindice3.3 For Just 0.15 BTC + A Bounty on: September 04, 2014, 05:41:09 AM
I am selling Coindice 3.3 for just 0.15 BTC although the original one is worth 1.1 BTC.. I don't want you people to get ripped off as the script isn't worth as high as 1.1 BTC
The original script had many bugs. I fixed many of them. If you want I can even send original script along with my fixed one. I have even kept a bounty for those who find any bug in fixed script. See at the end.

CoinDice 3.3. Major bug fixes. Please PM me for details.

Demos: (new skin demo) (classic skin demo)

Use free bitcoin option to try it out for yourself!

- PHP (>= 5.3)
- Any bitcoin like wallet

- 2 Factor Authentication
- 2 Skins included
- New environment for skin developers
- Auto Installation Script
- Adjustable House Edge
- Automatic Betting (Bot)
- Chat
- Provably Fair
- Administration full of options
- Detailed Statistics
- Full Support (Installation + Follow-up Support)

Changelog for 3.0 version:
- Updated security:
  - 2 factor authentication for administration
  - Access Logs
  - Improved double deposits protection
  - Minor bug fixes
- Themes support
  - 2 skins from which you can choose
  - Improved environment for skin developers

Screenshots from administration and installation process:
Auto Installation:

Good luck with your gambling bussiness!

Leave me PM or write comment you are interested.
No scam or backdoor script. Its working 100% price 0.15 BTC.

I am even keeping a bounty. If you find a bug in the script I will pay you back double what you paid to me.

Escrow Accepted. Extra Charges For Setting Up the Site. Complete Future Support For Free.

8  Economy / Gambling / [WTS] Selling CoinDice 3.3 For Just 0.15 BTC on: September 03, 2014, 03:47:28 PM
I am selling Coindice 3.3 for just 0.15 BTC although the original one is worth 1.1 BTC.. I don't want you people to get ripped off as the script isn't worth as high as 1.1 BTC
The original script had many bugs. I fixed many of them. If you want I can even send original script along with my fixed one. I have even kept a bounty for those who find any bug in fixed script. See at the end.

CoinDice 3.3. Major bug fixes. Please PM me for details.

Demos: (new skin demo) (classic skin demo)

Use free bitcoin option to try it out for yourself!

- PHP (>= 5.3)
- Any bitcoin like wallet

- 2 Factor Authentication
- 2 Skins included
- New environment for skin developers
- Auto Installation Script
- Adjustable House Edge
- Automatic Betting (Bot)
- Chat
- Provably Fair
- Administration full of options
- Detailed Statistics
- Full Support (Installation + Follow-up Support)

Changelog for 3.0 version:
- Updated security:
  - 2 factor authentication for administration
  - Access Logs
  - Improved double deposits protection
  - Minor bug fixes
- Themes support
  - 2 skins from which you can choose
  - Improved environment for skin developers

Screenshots from administration and installation process:
Auto Installation:

Good luck with your gambling bussiness!

Leave me PM or write comment you are interested.
No scam or backdoor script. Its working 100% price 0.15 BTC.

I am even keeping a bounty. If you find a bug in the script I will pay you back double what you paid to me.

Escrow Accepted. Extra Charges For Setting Up the Site. Complete Future Support For Free.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Lets Make Our Own Gambling Site on: August 29, 2014, 06:50:34 AM
I am interested in opening a dogecoin and litecoin gambling casino. I have the site rolling, I need investors to invest in my site. Doge and lite are the two coins that have a great potential. If you want we can be great business partners.
For more info PM me.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Inviting DogeCoin/Bitcoin loan/investment on: August 28, 2014, 12:49:27 PM
I am opening a dogecoin gambling website. After the downfall of doge and doge-dice, I want to rebuild the doge and its gambling community.
I am inviting investment ranging from 1M doge to 10M doge. You will be getting 40% of the sites total revenue for the first month. People investing 8M doge and above will get assured 8% interest on their investments.
PM me for details.
11  Economy / Games and rounds / THE QUIZ IS ON!! WWW.PUZZEL.ME on: August 06, 2014, 11:27:18 AM
The quiz is now live!!

1st Prize : 1BTC
2nd Prize : 0.5BTC
3rd Prize : 0.3BTC
4th to 10th prize : 0.1BTC each

The quiz will start on 5th August at 1300GMT and will end on 11th August at 1300GMT. The prizes will be sent to the winners on 13th of August.

The questions in the quiz won't be MCQ based. The questions will be cryptic and you can use google to find out the answers. There will be hundreds of levels in the quiz and each level will have one question. The participant will have to finish the preceding level before moving on to the next level. Till the participant gets the answer correct, the participant can answer a particular level as many times as he wants. The winners will get decided on 11th August at 1300GMT.

Some important rules are as follows :
- You can Use Google To crack the level.
- The quiz will start on 5th August at 1300GMT and will end on 11th August, 1300GMT.
- Only one account per person is allowed. People having more than one account will be banned and they wont get any prize.
- All the winners will receive their prizes on13th August.
- People who wish to participate in the quiz will have to login from Facebook.

There is no participation fee, however if you get stuck on any level and want to know the answer then you can PM me and pay a meager amount of 0.004BTC and get the answer for a particular level.
12  Economy / Games and rounds / The Bitcoin Quiz! Win Upto 1BTC! From 5th August to 11th August on: August 02, 2014, 07:28:29 AM
Hey fellas!
I am organizing a grand bitcoin quiz event at The quiz will feature tough questions, mostly related to bitcoin and the Prizes of the quiz are as follows:-

1st Prize : 1BTC
2nd Prize : 0.5BTC
3rd Prize : 0.3BTC
4th to 10th prize : 0.1BTC each

The quiz will start on 5th August at 1300GMT and will end on 11th August at 1300GMT. The prizes will be sent to the winners on 13th of August.

The questions in the quiz won't be MCQ based. The questions will be cryptic and you can use google to find out the answers. There will be hundreds of levels in the quiz and each level will have one question. The participant will have to finish the preceding level before moving on to the next level. Till the participant gets the answer correct, the participant can answer a particular level as many times as he wants. The winners will get decided on 11th August at 1300GMT.

Some important rules are as follows :
- You can Use Google To crack the level.
- The quiz will start on 5th August at 1300GMT and will end on 11th August, 1300GMT.
- Only one account per person is allowed. People having more than one account will be banned and they wont get any prize.
- All the winners will receive their prizes on13th August.
- People who wish to participate in the quiz will have to login from Facebook.

There is no participation fee, however if you get stuck on any level and want to know the answer then you can PM me and pay a meager amount of 0.004BTC and get the answer for a particular level.

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