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Информационный ресурс ICOnomical открывает новые перспективы в продвижении ICO-проектов и привлечении инвесторов вместе с участниками баунти-кампаний.Уважаемые пользователи форума Bitcointalk! На сайте ICOnomical есть возможность разместить информацию об ICO и получить дополнительные ресурсы для долгосрочной рекламы стартапа.В ленте размещаются все ивенты с краткой информацией и динамическим счетчиком до начала токенсейла. Вся основная информация со ссылкой на White Paper, видеообзором и социальными кнопками находится на отдельной странице. Для фаундеров разработана специальная система продвижения ICO – путем размещения баунти-кампаний и привлечения участников непосредственно с форума.За небольшую плату учредители получают в свое распоряжение новое рекламное пространство, которое будет доступно в течение 12 месяцев. Следовательно, появляется долгосрочная перспектива:- создание и ведение ветки баунти-кампании с регулярными апами;
- бесплатная публикация новостей в неограниченном количестве на странице блога;
- минимальная модерация;
- интеграция баунти с ресурсами ICOnomical, что привлекает повышенное внимание со стороны посетителей.
*Последний пункт означает, что все пользователи Bitcointalk могу стать участниками баунти и зарабатывать дополнительные токены, выполняя различные задания непосредственно на сайте Путем взаимовыгодного сотрудничества администрации сайта с организаторами ICO будет устанавливаться специальная система вознаграждений согласно выполненным условиям. Например, за объективное обсуждение проекта в комментариях участники получают доли или фиксированное количество токенов.ВНИМАНИЕ! Первые 5 учредителей могут БЕСПЛАТНО разместить информацию о проекте на главной странице сайта и получить в свое распоряжение все вышеперечисленные возможности.
ICOnomical – это информационный ресурс, который одновременно выполняет аналитические и маркетинговые функции. Миссия проекта – предоставлять объективную и прозрачную информацию о стартапах, чтобы оградить честных инвесторов от мошеннических схем.Вот несколько условий, которые должен выполнить каждый партнер:- Наличие Белой Бумаги и Дорожной Карты.
- Наличие проекта на форуме Bitcointalk.
- Прозрачная история деятельности участников команды.
- Наличие гаранта.
- Понятная концепция перспективного продукта.
- Отсутствие технологий, нарушающих авторские права.
Эта лишь небольшая, но обязательная формальность способна популяризировать ICO во всем мире и обезопасить интересы инвесторов.
Many experts share the same belief: they think that 99% of all the ICOs in the world are frauds. The ICOnomical’s administration does not concur to this statistics and uses its information resource to prove that the situation has been changed a while ago.The number of scams is getting lower, while requirements for new ICOs become tougher on part of both governments and trackers promoting various events on their pages.
ICOnomical is one of such ranking trackers! And there is a couple of reasons why you can trust it.Moderation It is a little bit rough and mandatory. The moderation allows us to post the information about tried-and-true startups only, which ensures the safety of deals for both experienced and beginning investors.
Our moderators scrutinize a white paper and road map, positive activity on Bitcointalk forum, and concept of product under development (i.e. whether it is plagiarism-free); they also consider each member of a team, including its sponsor. If any ICO startup is proven to be a scam, the reaction is instant: you will see a red “SCAM” indicator near the corresponding event.Partnership ICOnomical offers the collaboration between the website and ICO founders on beneficial terms. After a token payment, a partner project will get a space to conduct a bounty campaign straight on the website. All the members will be able to earn tokens by carrying out various tasks.Objective information Whenever a new material is published on the website, it means that the information have been verified and is valid. It arouses trust on investors’ side; on top of that, they can monitor the activity of a startup they are interested in on the blog page. The involvement of bounty campaign participants is notable, too: the higher the activity, the more valuable and promising the project.
ICOnomical is a safe platform for investing in ICOs with appreciable time saving.
The information resource called ICOnomical opens new prospects in the promotion of ICO projects and attraction of investments together with participants of bounty campaigns.Dear Bitcointalk users! makes it possible to publish the information about an ICO and get additional resources for a long-term startup advertising campaign.
The news feed contains all the events with a brief info and dynamic countdown timer to the beginning of token sale. All the main data, including links to white papers, video reviews, and social media buttons, are located on a separate page. We developed a special system for founders to promote ICOs, which allows deploying a bounty campaign and attracting participants directly from the forum.For a low price, creators get a new advertising space at their fingertips, which will be available within 12 months. Consequently, there comes a long-term outlook:- Creation and conducting of bounty campaign with regular updates;
- Free and unlimited news publishing on the blog page;
- Minimum moderation;
- Integration of a bounty campaign with ICOnomical resources, which attracts increased attention on visitor side;
The last point means that each Bitcointalk user might become a bounty participant and earn additional tokens, carrying out various tasks directly on
Due to the collaboration of the website administration and ICO organizers on beneficial terms, a special incentive system will give rewards according to the conditions being fulfilled. For instance, when having an objective discussion about a project in the comment section, participants will get fractions or some fixed amount of tokens.Attention! The first five founders can put the information about their projects on the main website page FOR FREE, getting all the above-mentioned features at their disposal as well ICOnomical is an information resource that functions as both analyzing and marketing tool at the same time. The project’s mission lies in providing objective and transparent information about startups to prevent upright investors from the fraudulent schemes.Here are the conditions that must be fulfilled by each partner:- Presence of both white paper and road map;
- The project is published on the Bitcointalk forum;
- Each member of the team has a transparent history;
- Presence of a sponsor (guarantor);
- Clear concept of a promising product;
- Absence of copyright-infringing technologies;
These are some little yet mandatory formalities that may help in popularizing ICOs worldwide and protecting investors.
Ponsumer Bounty Program Follow our community Ponsumer – a technological infrastructure for sellers and buyers, for automation of ordering processes, assembly, delivery of orders, analytics. Ponsumer is powered by Augmented reality, Blockchain, Artificial intelligence and Big Data.We are announcing the launch of a Ponsumer bounty program for everyone who wants to join our community. PONS tokens value: Terms and Conditions To get your rewards you have to submit reports here in the thread with proof-links of your work. Rewards sheet is updated on sunday every week, so please submit your reports before weekend. Joining Ponsumer Telegram is obligatory for the participation in Ponsumer bounty campaign.
• Negative trust, Multiple signatures, Multiple accounts registrations, Spam, abuse and insults, Signature and/or avatar change during the campaign; • Posts in following Discussion Boards:Politics and Society, Off-topic, Archival,Auctions, Lending, Beginners and help; • Using Google Translate and other online translators is not allowed. Participants using Google Translate will be instantly disqualified; • Articles on private resources or behind paywalls.
*Using hashtags:#ponsumer, #ponscoin, #pons, #ico, #crowdsale, #preico, #bitcoin, #blockchain, #cryptocurrency, #ethereum, #btc, #erc20, #eth.Help us explain to other users how PONSUMER works. We'll judge by the activity on the forum and results, rewards may vary accordingly. Community management requires not only to moderate, but to interract with users, develop brand awareness and popularity and so on. Bounty:– Bitcointalk community management - 500 PONS; – Telegram channel community management - 250 PONS; – Reddit community management - 500 PONS; – Telegram official channel joining - 20 PONS.Terms and conditions:BCT: Only for BTT Junior Member and up; BCT: Make at least 50 publications on Bitcointalk within PONSUMER topic page during the campaign. Reddit: 100k+ karma required; Reddit: Post must be in a subreddit with over 100 readers
We are looking for the active Bitcointalk users. All members need to post at least 15 posts a week having the Ponsumer signature by the time the Ponsumer ICO ends to be eligible for a reward.
Conditions for receiving rewards: Create a better signature and get 1000 PONS;
Set up Ponsumer signature and avatar to your Bitcointalk profile: Junior Member: 1 stakes per week Member: 2 stakes per week Senior/Full Member:4 stakes per week Legendary/Hero:6 stakes per week
Terms and conditions: Fill out this form Only for BTT Jr.Members and up. Make at least 15 posts each week during the campaign. Posts in any bounty thread will not count. Participants are rewarded according their rank. Check your rewardsJunior Member: [center][]Ponsumber ● ● Digitizing Consumption & Automating Purchases [ PreICO Ponsumer ■ October 1st, 2017 ][/center]
Member: Member [center][b][size=8pt]Member[/size][/b][/center] [center][url=]Ponsumber ● ● Digitizing Consumption & Automating Purchases ● ● Ponsumber[/url] [url=]PreICO Ponsumer ■ October 1st, 2017[/url] [ [url=]Whitepaper[/url] | [url=]Facebook[/url] | [url=]Medium[/url] | [url=]Slack[/url] | [url=]Twitter[/url] | [url=]Telegram[/url] ][/center]
Senior Member: [center][table][tr][td][url=][b][font=arial][size=22pt][color=#333]Ponsumer[/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/td][td][/td] [td][url=][size=2pt][tt][color=#31AFD8] ▄████▄ [color=#CE1312] ▄▄▄[/color] ▄███████▄ [color=#CE1312] █████[/color] ▄████████████▄ [color=#CE1312] ▀███▀[/color] ▄▄███████▀ ▀██████▄ ▄███████▀ ▀█████▀ ▄▄▄ ▄▄███████▀ ▀██▀ ▄██████ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▄██▄ ▄████████▀ ▄███████▀ ██████▄ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▀█████▄ ▄███████▀[color=#1655D9] ▄███▄[/color] ██████▀ ████████████▀[color=#1655D9] █████[/color] ▀▀▀ ▀███████▀[color=#1655D9] ▀▀▀[/color] ▀███▀[/color][/size][/url][/td][td][/td] [td][center][url=][font=Arial][size=14pt][b][color=#31AFD8]Digitizing Consumption & Automating Purchases[/color][/b][/size][/font][/url] [b][font=arial][size=8pt][color=#31AFD8][ [url=][color=#333]Whitepaper[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Facebook[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Medium[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Slack[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Twitter[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Telegram[/color][/url] ][/color][/size][/font][/b][/center][/td][td][/td] [td][url=][size=2pt][tt][color=#31AFD8] ▄████▄ [color=#CE1312] ▄▄▄[/color] ▄███████▄ [color=#CE1312] █████[/color] ▄████████████▄ [color=#CE1312] ▀███▀[/color] ▄▄███████▀ ▀██████▄ ▄███████▀ ▀█████▀ ▄▄▄ ▄▄███████▀ ▀██▀ ▄██████ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▄██▄ ▄████████▀ ▄███████▀ ██████▄ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▀█████▄ ▄███████▀[color=#1655D9] ▄███▄[/color] ██████▀ ████████████▀[color=#1655D9] █████[/color] ▀▀▀ ▀███████▀[color=#1655D9] ▀▀▀[/color] ▀███▀[/color][/size][/url][/td][td][/td] [td][center][url=][b][size=12pt][font=arial][font=arial black][color=#31AFD8]PreICO[/color][/font] [color=#333]Ponsumer[/color][/font][/size] [font=arial][size=11pt][color=#333]OCTOBER [color=#31AFD8]1st[/color], 2017[/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/center][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Full Member: [center][font=arial][b][url=][color=#333][font=arial black]Ponsumber[/font] [color=#CE1312]● [color=#1655D9]● [color=#31AFD8]Digitizing Consumption & Automating Purchases[/color] ●[/color] ●[/color] [font=arial black]Ponsumber[/font][/color][/url] [url=][color=#333][font=arial black][color=#31AFD8]PreICO[/color][/font] Ponsumer [color=#31AFD8]■[/color] October [color=#31AFD8]1st[/color], 2017[/color][/url] [color=#31AFD8][ [url=][color=#333]Whitepaper[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Facebook[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Medium[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Slack[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Twitter[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Telegram[/color][/url] ][/color][/b][/font][/center]
Legendary/Hero: [center][table][tr][td][url=][b][font=arial][size=22pt][glow=#31AFD8,2,300][color=transparent][size=10pt].[/size][/color][color=#000]Ponsumer[/color][color=transparent][size=10pt].[/size][/color][/glow][/size][/font][/b][/url][/td][td][/td] [td][url=][size=2pt][tt][color=#31AFD8] ▄████▄ [color=#CE1312] ▄▄▄[/color] ▄███████▄ [color=#CE1312] █████[/color] ▄████████████▄ [color=#CE1312] ▀███▀[/color] ▄▄███████▀ ▀██████▄ ▄███████▀ ▀█████▀ ▄▄▄ ▄▄███████▀ ▀██▀ ▄██████ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▄██▄ ▄████████▀ ▄███████▀ ██████▄ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▀█████▄ ▄███████▀[color=#1655D9] ▄███▄[/color] ██████▀ ████████████▀[color=#1655D9] █████[/color] ▀▀▀ ▀███████▀[color=#1655D9] ▀▀▀[/color] ▀███▀[/color][/size][/url][/td][td][/td] [td][center][url=][font=Arial][size=14pt][b][glow=#31AFD8,2,300][color=transparent][size=10pt].[/size][/color][color=#fff]Digitizing Consumption & Automating Purchases[/color][color=transparent][size=10pt].[/size][/color][/glow][/b][/size][/font][/url] [b][font=arial][size=8pt][color=#31AFD8][ [url=][color=#333]Whitepaper[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Facebook[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Medium[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Slack[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Twitter[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#333]Telegram[/color][/url] ][/color][/size][/font][/b][/center][/td][td][/td] [td][url=][size=2pt][tt][color=#31AFD8] ▄████▄ [color=#CE1312] ▄▄▄[/color] ▄███████▄ [color=#CE1312] █████[/color] ▄████████████▄ [color=#CE1312] ▀███▀[/color] ▄▄███████▀ ▀██████▄ ▄███████▀ ▀█████▀ ▄▄▄ ▄▄███████▀ ▀██▀ ▄██████ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▄██▄ ▄████████▀ ▄███████▀ ██████▄ ▄███████▀ ▄███████▀ ▀█████▄ ▄███████▀[color=#1655D9] ▄███▄[/color] ██████▀ ████████████▀[color=#1655D9] █████[/color] ▀▀▀ ▀███████▀[color=#1655D9] ▀▀▀[/color] ▀███▀[/color][/size][/url][/td][td][/td] [td][center][url=][b][size=12pt][font=arial][glow=#333,2,300][color=transparent][size=10pt].[/size][/color][font=arial black][color=#31AFD8]PreICO[/color][/font] [color=#fff]Ponsumer[/color][color=transparent][size=10pt].[/size][/color][/glow][/font][/size] [font=arial][size=11pt][color=#333]OCTOBER [color=#31AFD8]1st[/color], 2017[/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/center][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Use avatar Bounty: Localization of the interface to your language - 3 000 PONS; Translation to your language: big, 20k of characters or more - 1 500 PONS; Translation to your language: medium, 10k - 20k characters - 1 000 PONS; Translation to your language: small, below 10k characters - 500 PONS;Terms and conditions: – Fill out this form – Participants must reserve translation language and get confirmation beforestarting localization; – Translations for Whitepaper, Ponsumer ICO ANN and the Ponsumer Bounty campaign; – Publication of translations; – Check your rewards: Translation Campaign tableAvailable languages for translation: English, Chinese, Dutch, Filipino,French, Hindi, Indonesian,Italian,Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Scandinavian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish.Original Article bounty will be distributed between the creators of the posts, reviews and press releases about Ponsumer project.Anyone can participate - just create a 300+ words long text about Ponsumer and publish it. The better and longer is your text - the more Ponscoins you will receive.Bounty:Original article big, 20k characters or more - 2 000 PONS; Original article medium, 10k - 20k characters - 1 000 PONS; Original article small, below 10k characters - 500 PONS;Terms and conditions:– Article must be freely accessible; – Article must be original and contain at least 300 words; – Article must reflect our information as stated on our website; – Article must at least contain 1-2 active links to our website;Blogs bounty will be distributed between the creators of small posts at Medium, reposts press releases and other posts and articles about Ponsumer project.Bounty:Posting to your own blog (adds to articles/translations) - 300 PONS* Repost non-original article about PONSUMER in your blog - 100 PONS* Medium blog post + share in FB + tweet - 300 PONS* *Adds on top of article/translation bounty Terms and conditions:– Article must be freely accessible; – Article must at least contain 1-2 active links to our website– Article must be original and contain at least 300 words.
🌍🌎🌏[ANN][Pre-ICO]PONSUMER оцифровывает потребление и автоматизирует покупки🌍🌎🌏
I look for writers in subject of cryptocurrencies. Sorry, if wrote not in that section, couldnt find a topics. Please, answer to PM
Hi, guys! Tell me pls, where i can find the escrow services (for my ico project)? Maybe u know advisers?
Hi all! Project looking Japanese community manager. Send the applications to private messages.
Всем привет! Срочно ищу комьюнити менеджера со знанием японского языка в проект на стадии pre ICO. По всем вопросам, пишите пожалуйста в ЛС.
Всем привет!Нужно разработать фирменную подпись и аватарку. Присылайте примеры работ и стоимость в ЛС. Спасибо
I will sell two domains connected with the cryptoindustry: (the project gambling thought for cryptocurrency) (there were plans on a crypto news site).
I sell for the reason that has gone to a related topic and domains just become dusty. At the price both stand around 10BTC. But, I think, we will be able to agree if there is an interest at more moderate price.
Продам два домена связанных с криптоиндустрией: (задумывался для криптовалютного гемблинг проекта) (были планы на криптоновостник).
Продаю по причине того, что ушел в смежную тему и домены просто пылятся. По цене оба стоят в районе 10BTC. Но, думаю, сможем договориться, если возникнет интерес за более умеренную цену.