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1  Bitcoin / Press / 2013 - 11 - 05 Wired: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Largest Bitcoin Exchange on: November 06, 2013, 02:08:27 PM

2  Economy / Service Discussion / Bought CDs with Bitcoin from one of my favorite bands on: November 05, 2013, 05:39:34 AM
I'm not sure if General Discussion is the best place for this, but not doesn't quiet seem to fit anywhere else. 

Got my first "bitcoin conversion" this week and wanted to share it with everyone.

The Megas do really awesome high quality covers of classic Mega Man songs. Their albums are in pretty heavy listening rotation on my morning drives to work. I was able to contact the band and they were interested in selling their stuff for BTC and I traded a few mBTC for some of the EPs I didn't already have.

BTC isn't integrated into the online store (yet), but if you message them through their contact page they are really responsive. If it's your sort of jam, check it out!
3  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-09-12 SFGate - Two Guys Just Started A Site That's Like A Bitcoin-Only Amaz on: September 12, 2013, 07:55:48 PM

One of the most common complaints about Bitcoin, the encrypted, digital currency that isn't controlled by any bank or country, is that you can't use it to buy anything practical. Alpaca wool socks? Come on, now.

Entrepreneurs Michal Handerhan and Tim Sidie have started in order to solve this problem. Their site is probably best described as "Amazon, but with Bitcoin."

There's 55,000 items for sale across all categories – books, electronics, sporting goods, even toys. It's all available here for purchase, via Bitcoin.

^Literally the whole article.
4  Economy / Goods / [WTS] Xbox 360 Premium 60GB on: May 20, 2013, 06:59:00 PM
This is a relist as the person who won the auction previously failed to respond after winning:

I got the unit used myself, but everything has worked fine.  

Also, don't forget to check out my other auction for a bundle of 5 physical copies of PC games:
5  Economy / Goods / [WTS] Xbox 360 Premium 60GB *12 Hours Left!* on: May 07, 2013, 02:55:35 AM
Cross posting from bitmit again:

I got the unit used myself, but everything has worked fine.  

Also, don't forget to check out my other auction for a bundle of 5 physical copies of PC games:
6  Economy / Goods / [WTS] Spore/Civ4/Fallout 3/Orange Box/Sims 3 on: May 06, 2013, 04:26:23 AM
Crossing posting from bitmit (I hope that's an ok thing to do)

Collection of physical copies of 5 games and a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium.

Civilization 4
The Orange Box
Fallout 3
Sims 3
7  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-04-9 Slate "Will Bitcoins Make Me Rich?" on: April 10, 2013, 04:52:05 AM

Does it hurt my cred that I've never heard of Localtill?Huh

Anyways, the author just shouts BUBBLE BUBBLE BUBBLE without saying why except for BUBBLE.  Though, as a long time reader of Slate, I can confirm the author is nothing but a douche that can't believe in anything that isn't a new smartphone.
8  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-04-02 Business Insider "Bitcoin ATM Founder: We Already Have Orders From... on: April 02, 2013, 01:44:58 PM

9  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-04-01 New York Magazine "Is Bitcoin Too Popular for it's Own Good?" on: April 01, 2013, 09:27:02 PM

trololol we're TOO popular!  I find this to a novel, if not stupid, idea.
10  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-04-01 TechCrunch "Bitcoin Bubble Pops" on: April 01, 2013, 06:11:51 PM

I saw this pop-up on google but it was already 404'd by the time I looked at it.  Google said it was less than 30mins old when I found it.  Did anyone by chance to see what it said?
11  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-29 Fox News "Digital 'bitcoin' currency surpasses 20 national curren..." on: March 29, 2013, 06:07:28 PM

More than $1 billion dollars worth of a digital currency known as "bitcoins" now circulate on the web – an amount that exceeds the value of the entire currency stock of small countries like Liberia (which uses “Liberian dollars”), Bhutan (which uses the “Ngultrum”), and 18 other countries.

Eww. I visted Fox News' website. I feel dirty in a way that now amount of showering can make better.
12  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-27 Business Insider "Gold and Silver Bugs Now Tout Bitcoin" on: March 27, 2013, 09:38:44 PM

Gold and silver bugs have now transferred these arguments — the ones they used to insist  that their metals were the only safe investment — to something seemingly gold and silver's antithesis: Bitcoin.
13  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-27 TechCrunch "Expensify Now Offers Support For Bitcoin" on: March 27, 2013, 04:59:02 PM

CEO David Barrett said in an interview that customers can use exchanges to transfer Bitcoins. These exchanges, like Mt. Gox, serve as ways to convert Bitcoins into hard currencies. Bitcoin is traded, so the value may vary relative to the currency where the contractor does business. The Expensify site states that reimbursements with Bitcoin are made directly from the payer to the submitter. Expensify is not a party to the transaction, and a Bitcoin reimbursement cannot be canceled or reversed once initiated.
14  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-27 International Business Times "Bitcoin Digital Currency Booming..." on: March 27, 2013, 12:37:31 PM

Buzz surrounding the growing Bitcoin outlines the currency's appealing qualities.
15  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-27 Ecommerce Bytes "How Paypal Almost Liberated Cyprus" on: March 27, 2013, 12:29:05 PM

But believe it or not, the brains behind the PayPal Hold could have been the same ones to liberate the people of Cyprus. PayPal's original vision was to avert this type of crisis from shocking depositors of local currencies around the globe.

16  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-26 Washington Post "Why reports of Bitcoin’s death may have been..." on: March 26, 2013, 09:53:13 PM

Bitcoin has become a new safe haven for investors similar to the way gold has historically been the favorite refuge of panicked investors during a financial crisis. Bitcoin has become so mainstream that worried Spaniards (many of whom see themselves as potentially the next victims in a financial contagion scenario) are downloading Bitcoin apps to their mobile devices at a rapid pace. There’s even a plan to install the first-ever Bitcoin ATM in Cyprus so individual investors can exchange their “real” currency for Bitcoins without the need for suddenly unreliable bank intermediaries.
17  Economy / Speculation / 8(ish) Hours on: March 26, 2013, 05:41:55 PM
I won't give you a reason.

I won't give you a chart.

All I will tell you is that the price will probably be around 79ish. Maybe break 80.

18  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-25 San Francisco Chronicle "Jeff Berwick Announces Opening Of First..." on: March 25, 2013, 06:41:51 PM

Jeff Berwick, founder of and CEO of TDV Media, announced Monday his plans to open the world’s first Bitcoin ATM in Cyprus, citing the ongoing bank bailout, bank closures and capital controls now being pushed in that country. According to Berwick, who sold Stockhouse last decade which at the peak of the tech bubble was worth $240 million, Bitcoin ATM has the world’s first software enabling a two-way, automated Bitcoin market.
19  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-23 Trinidad Guardian "New virtual currency threatens the euro" on: March 24, 2013, 03:42:12 PM

With all its other problems, the euro is also getting unexpected—and “underground”—competition from a new virtual currency. It’s called the bitcoin, and in case you haven’t heard, it is the most ambitious (and to-date, successful) attempt to create a new online currency, generated by the calculations of thousands of computers. Some say it amounts to a kind of anarchic money.
20  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-23 Milwaukee Story "Bitcoin as epitaph for the Dollar con game" on: March 24, 2013, 06:47:43 AM

I have lived my entire life in a world run by fiat currency. Value and prices structured by the minds and manipulations of the world's central banks. Can the printing outrun the lack of production becomes the question. Many forget that "con" in the use of "con game" is not short for convict but instead confidence. So the modern day structure of global currency, dollar based as it is, is nothing more than a bully pulpit, hardsell driven confidence game. The global power structure is US based but no longer monopolized by the US and so as China and Russia position themselves to make strong moves to destabilize the "con game" of the US reserve currency internet cash in the current manifestation of Bitcoin takes the stage.
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