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1  Economy / Speculation / Article: Two things needed in order to be a millionaire on: January 02, 2017, 12:09:08 AM

I found an interesting article on Cointelegraph.

It might sound very simple but there are two things needed in order to become a bitcoin millionaire:
1) Holding your coins (DO NOT SELL THEM FOR FIAT)
2) Store them secure away from thiefs and hackers.

Potentially bitcoin can rise 100 times in the coming 12 months and there are some selloffs - it is important that You are not a part of those selloffs, and hold yourself from not selling too early because bitcoin will be more expensive later.
In case you want diversification, consider Monero. You can spend Moneros pretty much anywhere bitcoin is accepted online via - this makes your purchases anonymous.
2  Economy / Speculation / Bitcoin might save Italian bank sector on: July 17, 2016, 10:13:52 AM
Today I read on local business news paper about Italian banking sector. It is about to crash thanks to overdue and non-currant loans that have not yet been written down from the balance sheets. It said that 20 % of the loans are defaulted but not written down from one certain bank.

Now bitcoin is very cheap, the  inflation is low. If one bank decides to start acquiring all the bitcoins it can get under 100 000 usd, it probably will get a nice chunk of coins for under 100 000 usd and then defending that rate. That can help their balance sheet enormously and save from the coming inevitable crisis.

Please share and make this message known to the bankers. Bitcoin is the financial Savior of the world.
3  Economy / Speculation / A Word of Warning to the Bears on: July 01, 2016, 08:33:00 AM

I hereby issue a word of warning to all the bears.
If you feel you need the cash right now, then by all means, sell some coin(s).
However, bear in mind the fact that you probably never can get those coins back at lower price. Therefore, shorting Bitcoin is basically financial suicide and very wrong position to be ATM. Shorters however, are the stupid money persons that will add fire to Bitcoin in this rush to the Moon once their positions will be liquidated at higher price.
Bitcoin is now at the stage that it is pretty much too big to fail (on the other hand, too small to be considered as currency thus giving very lucrative odds for making new millionaires and the current btc millionaires to billionaires).

Now it is time to collect all the Bitcoins that you can get under 1,000,000 usd/btc price range and after that range has achieved, hold it and enjoy stable 10-20 % annual increase in your purchasing power. Therefore, no diversification is needed when btc skyrockets (what else to diversify, fiat money mutual funds perhaps lol?).
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Monero needed songs are needed on Youtube on: July 18, 2015, 07:30:30 PM
Monero should make an invasion to Youtube.
There are plenty of bitcoin songs on Youtube but virtually no Monero songs.
Youtube needs a flood of Monero vawes.
Monero related vids could be associated with silver bullion vids.
So if there is any of you who like make unboxing silver coins vids, then make it and mention Monero there.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / For Monero Haters on: July 16, 2015, 06:45:23 PM

If you feel annoyed of all the Monero posts and think Monero should dump but you do not have any Moneros to dump, here is my advice for you: Go to Poloniex, deposit some bitcoins there, transfer those bitcoins to margin trading platform and create a short sell. The interest rates for Monero loans are as low as they can be so it is even cheap to do it.
When the price starts to decline, you are making money.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Beware of the latest Monero scam!! on: October 25, 2014, 04:19:06 PM
People in Poloniex troll box are trying to make you selling your most precious Moneros for pennies on thousands.  Grin
Do not sell Moneros low but buy.  Grin Roll Eyes
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Fish Species of Monero holders on: September 11, 2014, 07:47:30 PM
The categories of different Monero fish species

0.) Leviathan (100 000+ XMR)
1. Whale (50 000+ XMR)
2) Pocketwhale (25 000+ XMR)
3) Dolphin (10 000+ XMR)
4) Norwegian Delicious Salmon (1 000- 9 999.99 XMR)
5) Herring (1-999.99 XMR)

Which category you belong to?
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Why I find Monero the most appealing crypto? on: September 11, 2014, 07:56:04 AM
Here are some lines telling my take on Monero.

Monero has bitcoin-rich people with connections
Monero has trolls spreading FUD - it tells me how the trolls feel the threat
Monero has excellent name
Monero's emission curve is currently very appealing for investors
The devs do not control the currency but investors like you and me

Why do you like Monero, please share your thoughts why Monero is the number one crypto (potential even replace bitcoin)?
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