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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Mining Dogecoin on: July 04, 2016, 04:20:44 PM
Hi guys i have a question.
Does anyone really mines Dogecoin? i cant imagine it,it is worth almost nothing,i would say it is a waste of time
Anyone can explain me this?
2  Other / Beginners & Help / How can a person/organization control bitcoin, when it is decentralized? on: June 27, 2016, 04:05:24 AM
I actually do not understand how changes can be made inside the bitcoin network. I thought that the system was decentralized, so therefore no individual entity/organization can control the specs of BTC.

But I heard that the use of sidechains in BTC is a "sneaky way" to increase the bitcoin in circulation, so my question is how would that work? wouldn't that be an example of a person/organization controlling bitcoin's future?

Another example would be the block size increase... How is it possible for one single organization to have control this issue? Or, is there a decentralized protocol for voting on the issue? I've also read on here( that a solution to the DAO hack would be to reverse the blockchain... How is this possible, and is it the same with bitcoin?

Thank you and sorry for a potentially stupid question Tongue

EDIT: Heard somewhere as well that miners decide whether a fork will be rolled out or not, how is this possible? Please explain in detail, thanks Smiley
3  Economy / Digital goods / WTB Cheap senior member account on: June 10, 2016, 05:32:06 AM
I would like to buy 1-2 senior member accounts right now since I have some spare cash and I have nothing else to spend it on. If you have an account that you would like to sell, post here or PM me.

I am open to offer but I would only buy relatively cheap ones. I cannot afford your green trust hero members, so don't even bother if you know that I will decline the offer. I don't particularly care about the post quality, but I do need the signed message/private key.
4  Other / New forum software / Can't seem to get into the new forum on: May 16, 2016, 08:45:22 AM
I tried resetting my password to get into the new beta forum, but it didn't seem to work. I never received a confirmation email.

Is anyone else experiencing similar problems, or is it just me?
5  Economy / Exchanges / Any reason why Localbitcoin is down? on: May 15, 2016, 12:46:05 AM
Seems to be down for me, and I checked it's actually supposed to be down for everyone.

No updates on their twitter account. Does anyone know the reason?
6  Economy / Economics / Is silver a good store of value? on: May 14, 2016, 06:01:18 AM
As the title suggests, please share your views on silver and its store of value.

Silver has been used for money for thousands of years before us. But will it continue to have this function?
7  Other / Beginners & Help / What will happen if someone did control more than 51% of the hashrate? on: May 12, 2016, 08:55:34 AM
As the title says, what will happen if someone did control more than 51% of the hashrate?

I've read about the possibility for double spending, but would it even be practical since it would be entirely based on chance, not hashrates?
8  Economy / Digital goods / [WTB] Senior/Full member account/accounts on: May 09, 2016, 07:17:49 AM
I want to buy 1 senior/full member account, with no negative feedbacks and a clean history.

Please PM me if you have one for sale, as well as the price.

Also, I'm only looking for accounts that have not yet joined the Yobit campaign.

Thanks Smiley

EDIT: Full members are also welcome.
9  Economy / Economics / AUD going to rise or fall even further? on: May 08, 2016, 09:39:09 AM
AFAIK the USD is currently extremely overvalued. There is literally no reason that the USD should be going strong, as their trade deficit suggests. The only reason that it is going strong, again AFAIK, is that all the current account deficits it receives is invested back into the country as financial account surpluses.

So, is AUD gunna fall further against USD, or is it going to rise?
10  Economy / Economics / Is the government manipulating gold and silver prices? on: April 17, 2016, 11:41:29 PM
Mike Maloney on Youtube has made the point that the price of physical gold and silver is kept low intentionally by the government and traders using leverage on their investments. Is this the case with the current gold and silver market, or is this just bull?
11  Economy / Digital goods / Senior member account on: February 24, 2016, 08:31:51 AM
i have a senior member account for sale.

Activity: 240+
Posts: 260-300
Potential activity: 252
Registered in Jan-April 2015
No bans, no loans, no neg feedbacks, nada.

Offer me a good price and i'll let it go, i'm not in a rush to sell it Smiley
Signed message available, original staked address from 4+ months ago.
12  Economy / Digital goods / [H]0.063g Bitgold [W]BTC on: February 24, 2016, 06:06:49 AM
Contact me, I'll go first if you're trusted, or we use escrow.

PM me your rates Smiley

EDIT: the grams are all bonuses, I did not purchase them using a credit card.
13  Economy / Currency exchange / WTB some Perfectmoney on: February 19, 2016, 11:03:22 PM
Want to buy a small amount(BTC0.018~) of PerfectMoney funds. Please PM me or post here with your offer. I'll send first if you're trusted. Escrow can be done but due to the nature of the small trade the hassle isnt really worth it  Cheesy


I can also accept OKPay.
14  Other / Meta / Keep having "Connection problems" on: February 17, 2016, 05:26:07 AM
Does anyone have the same problem? Like every 2 minutes I get a message saying connection problems... Is it just me?

Connection Problems

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