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1  Economy / Digital goods / Random Rough Cuts – Mega Sample Pack 01 (1,473 Samples!) on: February 28, 2019, 05:34:44 PM

This is the culmination of 18 recordings over the last few weeks using various Eurorack modules.

1,473 Samples

Size: 1.03 GB

$18 AUD equivalent in BTC

BTC and Lightning accepted, just use "add to cart".

There are cheaper ($1) sample packs available too:
2  Local / 山寨币 / 用山寨币来混合比特币 Monero vs Dash on: January 14, 2016, 07:58:33 PM
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Australia Bitcoin credit union survey on: October 21, 2015, 08:54:50 AM

Thanks!  Smiley
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Australian Senate hearing on Bitcoin on: March 06, 2015, 04:08:07 PM
This is the part 2 of the Economics Senate hearing after Andreas's excellent testimony.

Interesting to see how the regulators are optimistic about Bitcoin's future while the Tax, AML and Treasury departments try to argue against it and squash any chance of growth. The regulators put up a great fight in getting across the Bitcoin industries views.

Please sign and share my petition widely to help us raise awareness in Australia for this unfair double/triple tax situation we've got down under!
5  Bitcoin / Project Development / ATO double taxation video [Australia] on: August 25, 2014, 12:32:01 PM

Please share with your Australian friends!
6  Bitcoin / Meetups / Popup Bitcoin bar! Perth, Australia on: January 23, 2014, 09:01:36 AM

Come have drinks with us and other bitcoiners. The bar will be accepting bitcoin on the night and we also have a guest speaker coming over from Melbourne. This will be heaps of fun and everyone is invited. Feel free to invite other likeminded people.

Nibbles provided....

RSVP on meet up for catering purposes or join the Facebook event.

See you there! Smiley
7  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 台北台灣比特幣用戶見面會 20/10 & 11/04 星期日 on: October 15, 2013, 02:59:25 PM


地點還未確定 但會在台北交通方便的地方
也麻煩看到的人可以跟你們的朋友說這個台灣第一個比特幣的見面會 :)
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Mine Bitcoin with ASICs Promo Video on: July 10, 2013, 04:59:25 PM
Share this around please. The Bitcoin network needs more strengthening!

Mine Bitcoin with ASICs Promo Video
9  Bitcoin / Group buys / Australian Built Avalon Mining Rigs. (Looking for Investors) on: June 30, 2013, 04:51:41 PM

Who we are:
dadj, Bakhos & ub3rCoin

We are an Australian based group about to start production of Avalon based mining rigs.
We are placing an order for 10,000 chips + parts and are looking for financial investors.

The rigs will run at (320 chips per assembly @ 320 MH/s (overclocked)): 102.4 GH/s

Pricing: Roughly $7000 AUD fully assembled in Australia for a low QTY production run.
Approx: 13.38 MHs / AUD $
Approx: 1.316 Ghs / BTC
ETA: September

Option 1: Buy 102.4GH/s ASIC mining rig for 75 bitcoins

Option 2: Buy a portion of a unit in shares and receive income minus a 10% hosting fee
Example: Buy 1/100th of an Avalon for 0.75 BTC and receive 0.9% of the future bitcoins it mines.

These are an exact duplicate of the current Avalon ASIC rig.

The units present a great GH/$ ratio and are much more effective compared to smaller 16 x ASIC or USB based hashing rigs.

The ASIC rigs will be developed based on Avalon's existing design using the design and manufacture files released on GitHub. We know the design works and don't want any possible delays from prototyping our own design.

We are experienced miners with investments in the Bitcoin space and have been already running Avalon mining rigs since batch one.

ETA for chips is Late Aug / early Sept.. If Avalon ship their chips with at an earlier date, this will reduce the delivery time.

There is 10 week delay from order of ASICs.

To speed up production we will be ordering the PCBs and components before we receive the Avalon chips batch. This will ensure production will be ready to go as soon as the Avalon ASICs arrive.

We currently have the resources to populate, pick/place, inspect the units in-house. We are based in Chipping Norton (20 minutes from Sydney), with 2 x SMT lines.

You can feel free to visit and see how these are been manufactured.

Shipping costs will be based on investors location. No refunds after payment is made. Bitcoin accepted only.

If you are interested in buying a Rig, or hashing power please contact me via PM.
Escrow available.
10  Bitcoin / Group buys / [ASICMINER] [Block Erupter USB] [Price Update] [Australia] on: June 24, 2013, 05:10:08 PM
Price Update:

0.17 btc

Update on new revision blades.
Out of stock.

Australia. Flat regular shipping cost of 0.05 BTC and express shipping cost of 0.10 BTC on all orders across Australia.

New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and South Asia region. Shipping costs will depend on size of order and country.


Please contact me via PM or IRC (leotreasure).

In case of malfunctioning USB miners, replacements will be issued on receipt of faulty device up to 3 months from date of shipment.

Expected returns & Disclaimer:
I make no guarantee that a 100% return on investment will occur. This is a high risk investment. You might not make any bitcoins. After sale technical support is not included. Nothing in here is financial advice. If in doubt, consult a qualified financial planner.

About me:

I make bitcoin themed music like this -, am based in Sydney and have been on the 7:30 Report exposing the Crypto Exchange scam -

I'm very active in the local Bitcoin community here and am a long term believer in its success.

Personal disclosure: I hold ASICMINER shares.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Free taxi seat back advertising for small Bitcoin San Francisco based businesses on: May 28, 2013, 10:05:03 AM
The biggest taxi company in San Fransisco will be running the 'We use coins' video starting Wednesday in 375 taxis!

There are 75 taxis that have seat back monitors (pictured below on the right) for still images.

Looking for San Francisco based Bitcoin companies who are looking to advertise their bitcoin accepting businesses.

Very limited time offer so please get in touch!

Skype name: da_dj_leo

12  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-04-08 ABC (Australia) 7:30 Report - Dark side of billion dollar boom on: April 09, 2013, 12:16:48 AM
Dark side of billion dollar boom

About Bitcoin then focuses on the Crypto X Change heist.
13  Economy / Service Discussion / Mt Gox AUD withdrawal time on: March 04, 2013, 11:33:35 AM

Just wondering if anyone in Australia has had any recent withdrawal experience since Mt Gox announced on February 14 the 10 AUD per withdrawals?

If so how long did it take?

TIA! Smiley
14  Bitcoin / Legal / Capital Gains Tax on Bitcoin and definition of a Bitcoin in Australia (Equity) on: February 08, 2013, 01:47:22 PM
CGT Assets are defined in s 108-5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 as "any kind of property" or "a legal or equitable right that is not property."

As put forward in my other thread, I believe the definition of Bitcoin as an asset is wrong.

Bitcoin as a CGT asset also seems wrong to me.

CGT assets
             (1)  A CGT asset is:

                     (a)  any kind of property; or

                     (b)  a legal or equitable right that is not property.

             (2)  To avoid doubt, these are CGT assets :

                     (a)  part of, or an interest in, an asset referred to in subsection (1);

                     (b)  goodwill or an interest in it;

                     (c)  an interest in an asset of a partnership;

                     (d)  an interest in a partnership that is not covered by paragraph (c).

Note 1:       Examples of CGT assets are:

*          land and buildings;

*          shares in a company and units in a unit trust;

*          options;

*          debts owed to you;

*          a right to enforce a contractual obligation;

*          foreign currency.

Bitcoin is technically not a currency as defined by ISO though that may change in the future.
I think it's safe to say bitcoins are not any kind of property as they are more like a distributed digital file or a virtual key.

Bitcoin an equitable right? Well there's certainly no legal right given to someone with a bitcoin.

From Wikipedia on equitable right:
An equitable right is a legal right guaranteed by equity as opposed to a legal right which derives authority from a legal source.

From Wikipedia on equity law:
Equity was developed two or three hundred years after common law as a system to resolve disputes where damages are not a suitable remedy and to introduce fairness into the legal system.

I don't think Bitcoin will be defined as an equity given that the current legal system has shown no interest in defining what a bitcoin actually is, let alone affording protection to victims of fraud via bitcoin payments.

For further reading on equity search for "maxims of equity".

Do you think Bitcoin could be defined as an equity or that equity law could apply to Bitcoin?
15  Other / Meta / Report to moderator feature suggestion on: February 07, 2013, 07:57:10 AM
Hello, I just accidentally posted a new thread 3 times because of session timeouts. I then went to report the duplicate posts and got this note:

Use this function to inform the moderators and administrators of an abusive or wrongly posted message.

Ok, good so I put in the note text field "Duplicate post" and get:

You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!

I think it does make sense because I should be able to inform a moderator of a wrongly posted thread that I created but cannot delete it myself!
16  Bitcoin / Legal / Legal status, Bitcoin an asset or derivative under Australian law? AMLCTF Act on: February 06, 2013, 11:43:57 PM
Hi everyone,

I asked some questions of a lawyer today. She said she would read up on Bitcoin and this post and get back to me tomorrow or Monday. The questions are: Are people trading it required to register as money remitters when trading Bitcoins for Australian currency? Which category could Bitcoin be assigned if any?

My research shows that prima facie, if Bitcoin were defined as an asset, then it might be categorised as a derivative under the CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 - SECT 761D, though I'm not sure if it could apply at all - given Bitcoin's non-corporate entity status.

Meaning of derivative
             (1)  For the purposes of this Chapter, subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4), a derivative is an arrangement in relation to which the following conditions are satisfied:

                     (a)  under the arrangement, a party to the arrangement must, or may be required to, provide at some future time consideration of a particular kind or kinds to someone; and

                     (b)  that future time is not less than the number of days, prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph, after the day on which the arrangement is entered into; and

                     (c)  the amount of the consideration, or the value of the arrangement, is ultimately determined, derived from or varies by reference to (wholly or in part) the value or amount of something else (of any nature whatsoever and whether or not deliverable), including, for example, one or more of the following:

                              (i)  an asset;

                             (ii)  a rate (including an interest rate or exchange rate);

                            (iii)  an index;

                            (iv)  a commodity.

On the categorisation of Bitcoin as an asset:

             (1)  In this Part:

"asset" means property, or a right, of any kind, and includes:

                     (a)  any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether present or future, vested or contingent, tangible or intangible, in real or personal property) of any kind; and

                     (b)  any chose in action;(EDIT: Can someone please explain what this means? I couldn't work out the meaning of chose here.) and

                     (c)  any right, interest or claim of any kind including rights, interests or claims in or in relation to property (whether arising under an instrument or otherwise, and whether liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, accrued or accruing); and

(d) any CGT asset within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Bitcoin would probably not be considered as property because it is digital, just a set of mathematically related numbers - not anything to do with intellectual property either.

Is Bitcoin an asset? I would argue that holding a private key confers no right at all as there is a chance (albeit incredibly small) of a hash collision that would enable someone to also generate the same public / private key pair and thus spend your bitcoins - completely legitimately transferring your right (with no legal recourse) to spend your bitcoins.

Regarding regulation of financial transactions from the AMLCTF Act:
A reporting entity is a financial institution, or other person, who provides designated services. (Designated services are listed in section 6.)

Designated services from section 6 are listed in Table 1 here:
Item 35 sections (b) and (ba) seem relevant but I'm getting confused reading them.

(b) in the case of an issue of a security or derivative--the issue does not consist of the issue by a company of either of the following:
(i) a security of the company (other than an interest in a managed investment scheme); or

(ii) an option to acquire a security of the company (other than an option to acquire an interest in a managed investment scheme); and

(ba) in the case of an issue of a security or derivative--the issue does not consist of the issue by a government body of a security of the government body or of an option to acquire a security of the government body; (EDIT: my head hurts reading this aloud - is this even a correct sentence?!)and

(c) in the case of an issue of a security or derivative--the issue is not an exempt financial market operator issue; and

(d) such other conditions (if any) as are set out in the AML/CTF Rules are satisfied

It is still unclear to me whether Bitcoin can be categorised as a designated service under these definitions.

Any thoughts / points to discuss are welcome! Cheesy
17  Bitcoin / Project Development / DJ Leo - crowd-sourcing permission from ppl talking Bitcoin: audio samples on: January 06, 2013, 02:28:50 PM
Hi! I recently started this thread to showcase the Bitcoin related music I've been working on (see Soundcloud link in sig). I have received enthusiastic responses, over 2000 plays and donations. Many thanks - these keep me motivated!  Smiley

I would like to take this project more seriously now and so I'm reaching out to the community with this request.

I plan on producing some new Bitcoin songs (before my course (Media and Communications) starts in early Feb) that have samples which I have full permission to use. I may end up making an album and film later. Please note I am copyleft so I wont charge for these. If I ever released a physical CD I would charge something minimal like $5 just to cover costs and get the word out.

If you have a podcast or video on Youtube or anywhere else and are talking about Bitcoin, please post the link here and I will ask for your permission in a message on Youtube to confirm your consent. If you post a link - please don't forget to check your account inbox in a day or two and respond!  Grin

If you have any ideas for a phrase to be included in a song please simply post it here and I may try to get it professionally recorded. I saw the thread on the one line sentences about what Bitcoin is - which is a great resource! I will definitely be using some of these lines in future songs.

Also I'm happy to receive ideas on different sub-genres and constructive criticism on individual tracks. Please only suggest electronic style genres as I don't really have an acoustic or rock background. I'd definitely be up for collaborative efforts too. My Skype is da_dj_leo and I am always on IRC freenode server as leotreasure.

Looking forward to hopefully getting some great samples and streamlining the music making process!
18  Economy / Trading Discussion / Be very careful accepting bank transfers as method of payment (Australia) on: December 15, 2012, 04:40:21 PM
The hackers are trying to launder peoples money by buying bitcoins at a premium. I was targeted via I encourage everyone to stop accepting EFT and stick to cash. See this article:
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / The lottery analogy doesn't sit right with me on: December 15, 2012, 07:48:36 AM
I was listening to a podcast the other day and they were talking about how mining bitcoins was similar to purchasing lottery tickets. I think this is a bad way to explain bitcoin mining to someone because the design of the analogy is to demonstrate difficulty in the mining process.

Now in a lotto draw that most people are familiar with there are a fixed amount of numbers that you need to guess. There is a mathematical calculation to do with combinations or permutations to work out the probability. As more people enter the lottery, there is no variation on the probability of winning for any one individual.

Where this analogy does work is if it is explained as one individual buying multiple lotto tickets, but unfortunately it never seems to be explained in this way.

I propose that instead of relying on the lottery analogy that we concentrate on a raffle ticket analogy, where it is crystal clear that the more tickets someone gets the higher chance they have of winning compared to someone who just buys one.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin music on: December 14, 2012, 08:31:30 AM
Hey Bitcoiners! I made around 10 tracks on Bitcoin hosted at Soundcloud:

Please give some of them a listen, download, distribute and share link around!!

Tips appreciated 1GVSfpqXVDps6pypPuo7SWn6PagUnQYz5a

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