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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / What's the best GPU for me to buy? on: January 30, 2018, 04:46:28 PM
Hi guys, I'm sure this question gets asked a lot but I didn't find a thread that helped me. Please link one that you think will help if you are just going to complain about that.

Last year I bought a 1050ti and I've mined with it occasionally but the resulting profits have been enough for me to want to upgrade to a better GPU or even multiple.

I have:
Antec Earthworks Platinum EA-650 Power Supply
Intel i5-4590 CPU
MSI Z97M-G43 motherboard

I don't think other parts matter, and the case is huge. I'm confident it could hold 2 GPUs comfortably. It's a Milestone Kublai KL05 computer case. In case I'm wrong, it has 16 gigs of Gskill sniper ram and an SSD and 2 HDs.

So what do you think is my best move? Should I be switching to AMD and building a new system entirely? Should I be buying 2 1080ti? or is 2 1060 or 1070 more profitable? I've read varying opinions already, which is why I'm asking here again with, hopefully, all of the specifics you need.

Further, can my system even handle 2 1080ti or whatever else is recommended? And what about those new Nvidea GPUs? The Titan V or XP? Should I just wait for those to come out? Are there some other GPUs I don't know about on the horizon? So many more questions... Do I need to upgrade my power supply? My CPU feels a little outdated at this point.

I guess my budget is around $2500, flexible. One other factor that might matter is power is pretty expensive here. Consider it an average of 10 cents per kwh.

I'm not going to mine any particular algorithm or anything like that, but I'd prefer not to be restricted from mining a particular coin or algorithm because of restrictions like GPU RAM size or whatever people will come out with next. At least for a couple years or something.

The 1050ti was a great entry GPU for me, but I'm not ready to build a rig yet. I just want to upgrade the GPU in the family room PC, lol.

Or should I skip all of this and just buy the new Antminer A3? I don't like that they want to take BCH. I don't want to pay in BCH.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / ART Currency PoW/PoS - MALWARE WARNING on: August 15, 2016, 01:25:01 PM
OP =

New unmoderated thread because =


Please go to OP and report to moderator.

What is Artcurrency?

Money for Art’s sake. Interest free loans to buy art.
Instant approval, take your art home and pay for it later

Art currency makes owning art immediate and affordable. Payments are spread over 10 equal monthly payments. After paying a 10% deposit, you can take your artwork home and pay the remaining balance over 9 months, interest free.

Use the loan calculator to see how affordable Art Money makes buying art.

With an Art Money loan, an artwork that costs  $1,250 is only  $125 a month over 10 payments (your first payment is your deposit). Use the Art Money calculator to find out how little your desired work would cost per month.

Based on successful loan programs in the UK, the Netherlands and Tasmania, Art currency helps you enjoy art, support local artists and galleries and contributes to the long-term sustainability of World art and culture.

Art currency ARTC spec:

POW/POS based cryptocurrency
POW block = 12000
POW Reward = 1
Premine = Loan system
Total ARTC = 5.600.000
Pool :
Exchange =
Wallet : Windows
Wallet : Mac
Note: wallet links changed for your safety.
ARTC Road Map :
- Build Market system of art
- Build Gallery
- Join into Art Auction

Mining Pool
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] GoldenCoin [GOLD] POW/POS Hybrid - Unmoderated thread on: August 12, 2016, 12:20:39 AM

Note that this wallet is infected with malware. Do not download. This thread is to notify people of the malware as the OP is deleting comments.



After a succesfull launch and a healthy network is acomplished, we will focus on getting services ready. Explorer, faucets, exchanges, and so on. Community involvement will be crucial in this,  as we are currently only with 2 devs. The premine will be used to reward the community for their efforts. This will be done transperantly.

When the goals above are acomplished, we will focus on getting the GOLD Store online. This will be a webshop where users can order physical GOLD with Bitcoin and GoldenCoin. If there is interest, other cryptocurrency's maybe added aswell.

We are aware that there are allready projects running who offer this. But in our experience these shops are too expensive, and too slow.
When users have to pay up to 2.5x the regular market price for gold, and have to wait for weeks for the delivery, something is wrong.

We think it's a very good way to secure some part of your investment, by being able to exchange BTC or GoldenCoin to physical Gold quickly.

Coin specs:

Algorithm:   Scrypt
Type:   PoW/PoS
Coin name:   GoldenCoin
Coin ticker:   GOLD
RPC port   7964
P2P port   7963
Block reward   15 coins
Total coin supply   6.3M
Premine: 1%

PoS percentage:   3% per year
Last PoW block:   block 10000
Coinbase maturity:   20 blocks
Target spacing:   64 seconds
Target timespan:   1 block
Transaction confirmations: 6 blocks

(Hardcoded in wallet):

More addnodes:


Windows Wallet - Virustotal
Linux Wallet

Note: I have changed the download links to point you to their thread in case some poor fool downloads the wallet.





Translations: (Greek)

Other forums ANN: ANN
CryptoCoinTalk ANN

50 GOLD bounty for posting the ANN including pictures on other Altcoin/Bitcoin boards!
(PM link+address)

More info, SOON!

This is the original post. OP is deleting posts about their malware wallet.
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