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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin Pizza Day 2024 on: May 13, 2024, 04:31:14 PM
What's everyone doing for Bitcoin Pizza Day (BPD) 2024?

The best tagline I've heard so far is: "14 years ago, you could buy pizza for 10,000 bitcoins... now you can buy 10,000 pizzas for 1 bitcoin!"

I will be at Scratch Restaurant from 11am until 1pm. This is my flagship location that has been accepting bitcoin since 2018!

Then, in the afternoon, we will head to Higher Heights Fitness for a crypto 101 discussion from 2pm until 3pm.

Hope you can join if you're near me. Otherwise, share your plans here!
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin Pizza Day 2023 on: May 15, 2023, 04:07:30 PM
It's that time of year to talk about our plans for BPD 2023!

Unfortunately, I haven't made any yet... but kicking around a couple options for Cleveland, Ohio, USA:

Juice Lab, Brecksville, Ohio - 9am-11am... would love to teach someone how to pay using the lightning network... I say someone, cuz my guess is that I will be lucky if I get ONE person to attend, haha.

I've had to switch from BlueWallet to Muun, and fees were never low on BlueWallet lightning wallet, and now they seem higher for the couple transactions I've done so far... not sure how much energy I have to set up my own node to save a quarter on transaction fees, but this is increasing the pressure... will it happen in 2023??? ... the years's almost half over... don't hold your breath.

Hofbräuhaus in Cleveland, Ohio - 11am-1pm. There has been a monthly meetup here with successful turnout. I've only made it twice in the past 12 months, but I may piggy back off their event in meetup group to try a lunch crowd on a Monday.

My 3 restaurants accepting lightning network is down to 2 (one closed), but I've added a barber who accepts the lightning network! We'll see if I get back to this in the fall after summer break with the kiddos.

I hope to be back with my final Bitcoin Pizza Day 2023 plans, but in the meantime, others can share theirs!  Cheers!
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin Pizza Day 2022 on: May 19, 2022, 09:07:02 PM
What are your plans for bitcoin pizza day this year?

Bummer that it falls on a Sunday!

I've only got 3 restaurants that accept bitcoin lightning network in my area and all three are closed on Sundays... Sad

However, Tuesday, I am planning a get together in Brecksville, Ohio at Juice Lab.

8215 Chippewa Rd, Brecksville, OH 44141

If you're interested in ordering and paying using the bitcoin lightning network, the owner, Dom will accept payment.

It's been about a year since I first used the lightning network at Juice Lab, so perhaps we can call Tuesday "Bitcoin Juice Day," haha.

Happy early bitcoin pizza day!
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin Pizza Day 2021 on: May 17, 2021, 11:26:01 AM
What are your plans for bitcoin pizza day this year?

Exciting that it falls on a Saturday!

I'm now up to two restaurants that accept bitcoin lightning network in my area.

I plan to get take out from SWAT Food Truck for dinner in Northfield, Ohio!

They use the kitchen at the VFW Post 6768.

8584 Olde 8 Rd Northfield, Ohio

If you're interested in ordering and paying using the bitcoin lightning network, call in your order and they can text you your lightning invoice. (The website is only setup for credit card payments... for now Wink)

I tested this out for them a couple weeks ago and was able to pay before hanging up. Let me know if you have any questions on how this works.

Happy early bitcoin pizza day!
5  Economy / Exchanges / My 1st Gemini Pay at Lowe's on: April 24, 2021, 03:14:22 AM
I made a video of me using Gemini Pay at Lowe's for the first time.

It operates through the gift card option, so the cashier just thinks you're scanning a gift card code off your phone.

The PIN changes each time.

I think I'll need a rewards program to incentivize me to use this over my credit card... especially if Gemini's rewards are as good as my current 1.5% Quicksilver card...

But Flexa has built a slick system and it only charges 0.5% to Lowe's is my understanding, so seems like progress. Even if you add in 1.5% rewards/discount, that's still only 2% compared to 3%+ that Lowe's is paying credit card companies.

One other downside is that Flexa (SPEDN and Gemini) wallets have not implemented the lightning network, so to fund your wallet with bitcoin, you either have to buy it from Gemini or pay an on chain transaction to fund your wallet.
6  Economy / Scam Accusations / on: April 15, 2021, 06:58:03 PM
I regret to share that my buddy fell victim to the "send to this address and we'll send double back" scam.

The website was and he lost a significant amount.

Here's a link to the transaction:

Here's the address:

You can see the split of the total funds going to these two accounts:

And that second link (r9f...) has since moved all the funds to yet another address. You can follow the chaining through there.

Any thoughts or recommendations on next steps would be greatly appreciated.
7  Economy / Exchanges / Coinfirm? Coinbase hack on: July 09, 2020, 10:45:43 AM
My Uncle unfortunately was the victim of bitcoin theft... Seems like they compromised his email account and possibly SMS authentication.

This happened roughly a week ago, and he is filing info through Coinbase.

Everything was converted to bitcoin and send to the following address:


Seems like Coinfirm's Reclaim Crypto is a great place for him to start. Has anyone successfully used them to get bitcoin back?

Has Coinbase covered losses for anyone like this in the past? I haven't found any success stories, but thought I'd ask here as well.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / First Bitcoin Lightning Network Food Order by Phone on: June 11, 2020, 06:03:38 AM
I did a decent search to confirm that I haven't found any videos for over the phone orders with bitcoin, let alone lightning network.

Let me know if you have any comments on my video!

In this video, #MontyBitcoin makes the first food to go order over the phone using the #Bitcoin Lightning Network using BlueWallet. Bitcoin Pizza Day 2020 was the day (May 22, 2020). What better way to celebrate the 10  year anniversary of Laszlo's purchase than to use the lightning network for my lunch order! Naturally, I ordered take out from Scratch Restaurant, the only lunch restaurant that accepts bitcoin in Cleveland, Ohio!

I used BlueWallet for the lightning network which allowed this transaction to be confirmed instantly, and have a reasonable transaction fee!

Perhaps you want to check out an order at Scratch Restaurant:

Come join our community just getting started on Facebook:


Discord (good for 24 hours):

9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin Pizza day 2020 on: May 20, 2020, 06:44:43 PM
How is there not a Bitcoin Pizza Day discussion yet??? Please share a link if my searching abilities are simply subpar...

I'm also surprised by the lack of news on the subject... perhaps everyone is simply waiting for Friday???

Especially, given that this will be ten years! I would think a larger celebration might be in the works (to be fair, I failed to realize it was ten years until today... haha).

Here's all a Google News search yields on the subject:


Pretty cool that someone from the original month of bitcoin genesis has moved some. Might be Craig Wright, but we'll see.!/simplefx-celebrates-bitcoin-pizza-day-with-50-spread-cashbacks-20200514

Not sure what a 50% Spread Cashbacks is...

gotta love price predictions...

High fees are a bummer, which is why I'm excited the lightning network is up and running!

One in Spanish came up:

Anywho, in my local news, I'm excited to share that Scratch Restaurant continues to accept bitcoin and will be accepting lightning network payments as well! I plan to get take out from there, although I think they may even be opening for eat in (at 40% capacity) tomorrow!
10  Bitcoin / Wallet software / DropBit, CoinNinja’s New Mobile Wallet on: December 18, 2018, 08:15:53 PM
We at CoinNInja are proud to launch our new Bitcoin mobile wallet today, DropBit.
  • New Mobile Bitcoin Wallet (free)
  • Non Custodial (no account setup/ you own your coins)
  • Send and receive using Phone Number
  • Simple enough for Grandma to use.
  • Powerful enough for Andreas to use.
  • Download now and gives us your thoughts below.

We hope you all will try it out and consider making it your new go-to Bitcoin mobile wallet. A lot of the design and features were based on who we are as a company.

Who is CoinNinja?

We are a small group of developers based in Akron, Ohio with one goal… Accelerating the global adoption of Bitcoin. We believe Bitcoin, and Crypto in general, are the future of global currency. Adoption is key to this. Everyday people must start using Bitcoin to buy and sell goods. We understand this adoption will take time but if we can speed it up, just a little, we will have met our goal. The way to do this is to help everyday people (noCoiners) understand why Bitcoin is better than current fiat currencies and teach them just enough to be able to easily and securely store and transact with Bitcoin. We started meeting these goals about a year ago with a simplified block explorer and educational videos. Today we bring this all together with a secure and easy to use mobile app for IOS and Android: DropBit.

DropBit is teaching.

We created DropBit to quickly teach new users about Bitcoin, before using it. Upon the initial download, there are training and educational screens to help people understand first ‘Why Bitcoin?’, and then how to use recovery words to secure their Bitcoin. These screens can be skipped for people already familiar with Bitcoin.

DropBit is simple.

The DropBit app works the same as most non-custodial mobile wallets out there. Users can store, send, and receive Bitcoin right from their mobile device with no account sign up.
The biggest difference with our wallet is our proprietary DropBit feature which allows users to send Bitcoin using only the user’s contact list, or by entering a phone number.
People new to Bitcoin don’t necessarily need to know what Bitcoin addresses are or how to use them. Our app will allow you send Bitcoin by way of a phone number, while transferring Bitcoin to a receive address in the background. Unlike other services offering something similar, we never take control of your Bitcoin. DropBit makes sending Bitcoin as easy as using CashApp or Venmo while still keeping all the decentralized benefits of Bitcoin. In fact, when we’ve demonstrated DropBit to people, they often say oh ‘this is just like Venmo or Cash App for Bitcoin’. That’s a big compliment to us and exactly what we are trying to achieve - simplicity in sending money to one another.
Learn more about this feature at

DropBit is Sharing

Even if someone has never used, or even heard about Bitcoin, our app allows them to send and receive Bitcoin easily. Non-users will receive a text alerting them to an incoming Bitcoin transaction. Once they download the Dropbit app, they will have some Bitcoin waiting for them. This makes Dropbit the easiest way to get NoCoiners to start using Bitcoin.


We would really love to have everyone try it out. Download DropBit from the App Store or Play Store, explore the app, and tell us what you think, and how we can make this the best wallet available. We will be answering questions and taking suggestions on how to improve for the next few hours and days through this Reddit thread.

Keep HODLing,
The CoinNinja Team

11  Bitcoin / Press / [2018-05-25] Buy With Bitcoin [May 2018]: The Ultimate List: Amazon, 171+ Stores on: May 26, 2018, 12:59:15 PM

Buy With Bitcoin [May 2018]: The Ultimate List: Amazon, 171+ Stores, 2 Maps, Gift Cards, Charities, and More.
It’s hard to buy with Bitcoin. Things change.

New companies start taking Bitcoin. Existing companies stop.

Lists on the internet are not updated.

This article will solve all of your bitcoin spending problems.

We’ve got a Bitcoin ATM map, a map of stores that take Bitcoin, a spreadsheet of companies that take the cryptocurrency, a list of companies that used to take it but stopped, and a clever hack to find all the local businesses near you that take Bitcoin.

All updated as of May 2018.

Hold on to your hats… let’s find all the ways you can buy with Bitcoin!

This looks like a great article... still reading, but planning to retweet.

some inaccuracies, but claims to be the best available...
12  Bitcoin / Meetups / Akron on: May 23, 2018, 02:20:06 PM
I caught wind of a meetup in Akron, Ohio:

Hope you can join!
13  Bitcoin / Project Development / [Coin Ninja Block Explorer] Lightning Fast Block Explorer on: May 08, 2018, 04:57:11 PM
Web :
Email : hello(at)



Coin Ninja seeks to accelerate the global adoption of bitcoin through educational content, relevant news and simple/easy to use products.  The first of these products, our Block Explorer, has just been launched.  In its early stages and our primary focus was to develop an explorer that was first and foremost extremely fast and reliable. 

Our engineers designed a system to process information from the bitcoin network in real-time. Bitcoin is more than just a currency, at its heart is open source and free software. As such there are many different options to choose from for interacting with the network. Ultimately, our team settled on the reference implementation provided by the Bitcoin Core team. The reference implementation gave us several advantages over others:

  • Under active development
  • Thoroughly tested
  • Keeps up with Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs)

The downsides of using the reference implementation are few in number, but present interesting challenges that we have overcome:

  • Not designed to index arbitrary address information
  • Minimal interfaces to process raw bitcoin data
  • Functions as a full node _and_ a wallet

This means that it is a fantastic Bitcoin full-node and wallet. However, it is not good at exposing data about the blockchain.

To find the right balance of overcoming these shortcomings, our team set a few objectives for the block explorer’s use of Bitcoin Core.

  • Make as few of modifications as possible to the bitcoin daemon (a piece of software that runs in the background).
  • Do not modify the processing of information — consensus rules and network interaction code are left untouched.

Our team has developed a system to index information about the bitcoin blockchain, in real-time. The possibilities for this system include faster exposure of important statistics to power-users, traders, exchanges and merchants. The engineers are hard at work on feature improvements, application of recent data science technology and predictive behavior.

We would love to know what you all think of the explorer (and would certainly take any feedback on other areas of our site).   This is the preeminent community of Bitcoin enthusiasts and will take all feedback into close consideration as we iterate on this and our future products. 
14  Bitcoin / Press / [2018-05-02] Lightning User Experience: A Day in the Life of Carol on: May 04, 2018, 04:32:30 AM
This is a GREAT read and keeps me excited for the day that bitcoin lightning network is ready for prime time!!!

How much longer until this future state is ready? 6 months? 12?

Lightning User Experience: A Day in the Life of Carol
02 MAY 2018 on Posts
by Bryan Vu

The goal of this post is to give the Bitcoin community and prospective Lightning users insight into what the end user experience of the Lightning Network will be like once the initial infrastructure components are complete. Here, we’re focusing on the story of Carol, a new Lightning user, and we’ll also be touching on some of the projects that we at Lightning Labs are working on that will make this experience a reality. Over the next few weeks and months, we’ll be following up with additional posts that will provide more details about these projects and topics including routing, watchtowers, neutrino, mobile, backups and more.
15  Bitcoin / Press / [2018-05-03]Master Card Feeling Effects of Banks Banning Credit Card Crypto Purc on: May 04, 2018, 04:08:28 AM
According to Mastercard’s CFO, Martina Hund-Mejean, the downward trend is an indication of the “recent drop-off in crypto wallet funding”. She elaborates:

“What the issue is that a number of the banks have decided, in particular in the United States, that they would not allow the usage of cards for this particular funding vehicle. And that’s why we have already seen a relatively significant decrease of the volume related to that event.”

Very cool to see credit card CFO's discussing crypto.
16  Bitcoin / Press / [2018-04-23] Says Goodbye Coinbase, Hello BitPay? on: May 01, 2018, 02:09:05 PM

Quote seeks a new solution to process Bitcoin and crypto payments, after they’re cutting their nearly 5 year arrangement with Coinbase. While BitPay looks like it may be the answer, the CEO is asking his Bitcoin customer-base for suggestions.

Is anyone else confused by what will be happening with Coinbase in May?

Which BIP-70 compliant wallet do others recommend for mobile usage?
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Password Please:hacker request bitcoin ransom 14Hx3AJjwUGzgUxsZWig2LMz31StJQGfAR on: February 28, 2018, 07:01:59 PM
Looks like many folks are sending bitcoins to this address... if you know anyone who has or is contemplating doing this, please respond.

How have you confirmed the bitcoins you sent were yours and did you get the password an promised "report?"

Any help in past experience or ability to track these hackers down would be greatly appreciated...



this is our address

let us know when donation is come


Can we ask donate:

0.5 BTC ?

We provide:

password and report after donation

Best Regards


Your servers encrypted with full disk encryption software.

We offer you obtain passwords via donation in bitcoins and also a security report with full details how you were compromised so you can protect your network.

If you are interested let us know we will provide you further details.

Best Regards


18  Economy / Service Discussion / on: January 21, 2018, 07:32:02 PM
Is this site legit?

I see Reddit may not think so... curious if anyone has had a successful transaction here.

also, after my order, they didn't reduce the number of currently available, but I haven't paid yet either...

Seems too good to be true, so seems like I shouldn't use bitcoin to pay for this at this time...
19  Bitcoin / Press / [2017-01-24] WTW - Blockchain – How far can business process automation go? on: January 26, 2017, 09:18:09 AM

Very exciting to see a variety of businesses following developments.

Any thoughts on where 2016 VC will come in relative to 2015 half billion?

Speculation on 2017?
20  Bitcoin / Press / [2014-06-16] Wired - The Only Bitcoin Wallet Approved for the iPhone on: June 18, 2014, 04:22:16 PM

Awesome that Cleveland can help out!
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