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Anybody encountered problems with the multidoge wallet recently? I have recently downloaded the latest version of multidoge and imported my old wallet. The wallet is fully synced, I have made a transaction but it has only been seen by 1 peer and there are already a few hours since I've sent the transaction. If it is any useful I've paid 3 DOGE as fee. Would appreciate any kind of help from the community.
Bitcoin price behaviour has been somehow similar to stocks and gold during this COVID worldwide crisis.
My question for the crypto community in here: Do you think that the fact BTC has survived the initial dump and rebounded, consolidated, marched upwards, and now standing close to its ATH acted as some kind of reinforcement to the trust investors have in this asset?
In other words, are you now, as an investor more confident about investing in BTC than before the whole crisis started?
I am curious to see if and how the community here manages their Bitcoin holdings. This post concerns mainly the investors, not holders. I think the majority of you hold Bitcoin to benefit from asset appreciation. e.g. You buy at $10,000 and hope to double or triple in the shortest amount possible.
My question is if you found any ways to leverage your Bitcoin while you hold it? examples: - Taking a collateralized loan - Where would you invest this loan? A business, real estate, etc. - Putting it into a interest account. - Lending it.
Many people I know formed a bias that cryptocurrencies are inherently risky and you shouldn't invest in them more than you can afford to lose.
I agree with the above statement in a certain extent, but I'd like to ask the community. Is it riskier to place your money in Bitcoin or hold them in a fiat savings account? What's your opinion?
So curious to see the response especially today when we live in times of crisis.
Coinmarketcap has recently published a page where they track the interest rates from various cryptocurrencies on different platforms. The highest Bitcoin APR is now 6.20% at BlockFi. Looks like BNB and stable coins have even 10% APRs. I wonder what are these platforms doing with your crypto to offer such high interest rates..
My question to the community is how much you trust these platforms to hold your crypto safe and don't scam away? Is the 4-6% annual interest rate worth the risk for you?
I've recently meditated on this thought. We all want businesses to adopt bitcoin as a payment method and people to pay with it, but I think most people are rather avoiding to spend their BTC as they see it more as a store of value that will bring wealth to them over the next years. So they are more likely to keep their BTCs and spend the fiat currency, thus the use of BTC in day-to-day transactions won't probably go up until people actually get their wages in Bitcoin denomination. But in order for companies to enable that so it will be convenient for both the employee and the employer we need to have the infrastructure in place, including regulations and major stores in the cities accepting BTC.
What's your thoughts on this? Do people prefer to spend their BTC or do anything( maybe even taking a loan) to protect them?
I have just seen this tweet from glassnode on Twitter which shows that the number of addresses that hold over 1000 BTC has dramatically increased in the last year and a half. Pretty much since we have dropped from the $6000 level the BTC has started to be accumulated. Are they institutions? What's your take on that? Also why wouldn't they split their holdings in multiple addresses instead of keeping them all in one? Looking at the graph we are approaching 2100 addresses with > 1000 BTC, that translates to at least 2,100,000 BTC.
According to the CoinTelegraph article 5200 Keplerk tobacco shops will start accepting bitcoin payments in form of coupons. I think they not only accept bitcoin payments but also enable customers to buy bitcoin coupons that I think are redeemable but their partner Bitmedia or maybe they are only usable withing their shop network. If anyone here is from France and can share his experience with this I would appreciate.
5200 locations accepting BTC as a payment adoption is huge in my opinion, not only that but it is mentioned in the article that giants like Decathlon and Sephora will start accepting BTC by 2020. What do you think is the quickest way to adoption? Big retailers or small local tobacco or coffee shops which people go to on a daily basis?
PayPal has pulled their guns out of the Libra project according to CoinTelegraph. Do you guys think Libra is going to be a big fail of Facebook? Would you actually use a Facebook based coin to make payments at businesses and friends taking into account the previous press scandals like Cambridge Analytica?
I consider myself a veteran of this forum so I thought I offer a lending service to engage and aid the community we have here and of course make a little profit. I'll start with offering some small loans and then if I gain some traction I'll upgrade this service. The OP is pretty poor right now, but I'll invest more time in it in the future. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Budget: 0.50BTC----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ONLY Collateralized Loans
-Minimum 110% of loaned sum ( major altcoins accepted ) -No Bitcointalk accounts accepted -Liquidation: Collateral is less than 105% of the loaned sum -In the event of a liquidation the collateral will be sold at market price and the excess BTC will be returned to the borrower. -All transaction fees are covered by the borrower -If you are late with your repayment you will be charged double the interest----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interest 1-10 days - 0.075%/day 10-20 days - 0.095%/day 20-30 days - 0.10%/day----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Post format
Requested BTC Amount: Loan Period: Collateral: BTC Address: Bitcoin Repayment Address: 36Vc9Mn2dxpgJGLTTo2Nom4gL4nkFvxxQJ
Some information about the GRET tokens:
GRET dividends are 8% per annum based on the Net Asset Valuation of our first Asset Under Management (which is valued at USD 75M). This works out to about USD 0.08 per GRET token. GRET dividends are paid out monthly on the first of every month.
I am selling them at 0.80 USD/token. ICO price was $1.00 USD/token so you get a 20% discount. I want to sell around 1000 GRET. Please PM me if you are interested.
GREM is a dividend based coin that will receive around 2.5% of the revenue from AUM( Assets Under Management) of the Global REIT project.
ICO Price: $0.07 I'm selling them at $0.05/token. That is around 25% below ICO price. The other token of Global REIT ( GRET ) is already trading on LATOKEN for 0.82 USD. GREM will list soon on an internal exchange as the Global REIT team stated.
Waiting for offers..
Hello! I am trying to spread the word about a forex company that offers excellent educational packages and technical analysis (signals) for the forex market. They have a proven track record of consistent trading and steady pip gain. You won't get rich over night, but if you are a perseverent person you will be able to create a nice extra income. The company is offering a free trial for members who show that are serious (by making a deposit of a few hundreds dollars on a trusted and regulated broker. You will be able to withdraw your money anytime from the broker. So you have literally nothing to lose and a big opportunity to make a steady income by trading on the FOREX market. Now.. if any of you are wondering this is NOT A SCAM. I am a veteran in the crypto space and I possess this Legendary account. I wouldn't risk my reputation for anything. Only interested parties who do have some funds to invest, please PM me here on Bitcointalk.
Există un nou forum în spatele căruia am auzit că există persoane cu greutate din lumea crypto. Nu voi da nume, dar am vorbit cu administratorul și când avem vreo 10 membri activi care participă la discuție în topicul Român, ne va deschide propria noastră secțiune - similar cu cea de aici de pe Bitcointalk. Deja sunt campanii de semnătură și alte recompense. Avem avantajul de a fi printre primii utilizatori ai MoonForum. Astea fiind spuse vă aștept la discuții constructive pe
Urmăreşte ClinTex pe Reţelele de Socializare...
WEBSITE || WHITEPAPER || TWITTER || FACEBOOK || MEDIUM || TELEGRAM || REDDIT || YOUTUBE || REWARDS CAMPAIGNANUNȚ IMPORTANT (25.11.2018): Vânzarea Publică MOBU va începe pe 1 Februarie 2019 și s-a decis că va fi o Ofertă de Token-uri tip Securități (STO).
Vă rugăm vedeți ultimul nostru articol despre obținerea unei Burse Valutare Operaționale licențiată MOBU is a decentralised organised ICO platform for launching security tokens.
MOBU este o platformă descentralizată ICO organizată pentru lansarea de tokenuri securizate.
MOBU este un ecosistem ce implementează un protocol standard MOB20 pentru a asigura atât protecţia investitorilor, cât şi a creatorilor ICO pentru a crea un mediu de servicii ICO mai competitiv care este conform SEC şi tuturor reglementărilor incluzând KYC/AML, un nou tip unic de escrow, etc.
Va fi introdusă o utilitate de tip “lockup” tokenurilor MOBU pentru furnizorii de servicii pentru a deveni furnizor compatibili pe platformă. Fiecare furnizor de servicii va trimite un anumit număr de tokenuri MOBU ce nu pot fi accesate atât timp cât compania respectivă rămâne un furnizor de servicii pe MOBU.
MOBU joacă un rol esenţial pe Piaţa Securităţilor de astăzi
MOBU este un ecosistem/piaţă competitivă ce implementează un protocol standard MOB20