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1  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Zcash 挖矿宝典--2.0 版本 (12月7日) on: December 08, 2016, 06:43:27 AM
最及时的消息和最新的挖矿软件在Zcash QQ 群:378120624(一群已满),可以到 查看最新版本和下载最新挖矿软件。

Zcash支持CPU挖矿,也支持GPU(显卡)挖矿。下面介绍如何在星火ZCASH矿池( )进行CPU和显卡挖矿。


1、Zcash A卡挖矿软件的作者claymore使用星火flypool矿池收取开发者费用,也就是Claymore在星火flypool矿池挖矿






矿工如果不想自己运行钱包生成地址,可以到时候到云币( )或者其它交易所生成一个Zcash钱包地址,挖到的币将会转到改地址。

如果你想使用本地钱包,请参照官方文档( )在Linux系统上安装钱包,获取钱包地址。




假如你想用钱包地址(t1KmpFfV7iZyNefokBgbMUpSYyMZX2qm7cr)接收挖到的币,并且对矿机编号为A1,那么你的挖矿命令就可以写成:ZecMiner64.exe -zpool -zwal t1KmpFfV7iZyNefokBgbMUpSYyMZX2qm7cr.A1 -zpsw x 更简单的方式是,你直接下载星火版的Claymore挖矿软件,只需要编辑更改“双击挖矿”文件中的钱包地址和矿机编号即可,见下文。
















星火矿池不需要注册账户,匿名挖矿,你的钱包地址就是你的用户名。如果你按照上面的步骤,修改了自己的Zcash钱包地址,在 页面右上角输入你的Zcash钱包地址,点击查看,进入你的个人主页。

你还可以在群文件下载矿池监控APP(Zcash mining pool monitor,只有安卓版),导入到手机,安装。在Account栏输入你用的挖矿钱包地址,可以看到你的矿机实时数据。






云币( )、Polinex(、 )等。











2  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Zcash挖矿宝典--0.2版本(10月27日) on: October 27, 2016, 06:01:52 PM

最及时的消息在Zcash QQ 群:531164868,此PDF版本会持续更新,可以到 查看最新版本和下载最新挖矿软件。

星火ZCASH矿池( )支持CPU和显卡挖矿。现在矿工可以按照下面的介绍在正式发布前测试矿机和星火矿池。正式发布后,矿工即可在星火ZCASH矿池挖ZCASH。





### 获取Zcash钱包地址

云币将于28日开始Zcash币(ZEC)交易,矿工如果不想自己运行钱包生成地址,可以到时候到云币( )生成一个Zcash钱包地址,挖到的币将会转到改地址。



### CPU挖矿

开源CPU挖矿软件已经发布新版本,与上一版本相比,挖矿速度提高了一倍。你可以到Zcash群文件下载“星火Zcash一键CPU+GPU(N卡)挖矿”,或者到 下载。操作系统要求:64位windows系统。最新版的挖矿软件还没有Linux版本,需要等待。





注意:挖矿软件最近更新频繁,而且新版性能提升很大,为了及时获得软件更新信息,请加Zcash QQ群:531164868

### GPU(显卡)挖矿



首先介绍只用GPU进行挖矿,参数 -t 0 表示关闭CPU挖矿, -cd 0 表示有一张显卡进行挖矿。如果有2张显卡,则写成 -cd 0 1,如果有3张显卡,则写成-cd 0 1 2,如果有4张显卡,则写成-cd 0 1 2 3,如果有5张显卡,则写成-cd 0 1 2 3 4 ,如果有6张显卡,则写成-cd 0 1 2 3 4 5 。和CPU挖矿一样,将钱包地址换成你自己的,自定义矿机编号。保存修改,双击即可挖矿。


### 怎么查看矿池算力和收益

星火Zcash页面: 。星火同时运营以太币矿池,如果你想了解星火的矿池模式,欢迎在Zcash发布之前使用星火以太币矿池,页面:

星火矿池不需要注册账户,匿名挖矿,你的钱包地址就是你的用户名。如果你按照上面的步骤,修改了自己的Zcash钱包地址,在 页面右上角输入你的Zcash钱包地址,点击查看,进入你的个人主页,



星火矿池( )还运营以太币矿池,打算挖Zcash的矿工可以在28号之前,到星火试试以太币挖矿,提早了解矿池模式。在星火矿池,矿池可以用一张显卡双挖以太币和Zcash。星火矿池以后会出双挖指南,敬请关注。


3  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 以太坊轻客户端测试教程 on: September 08, 2016, 02:02:01 PM

4  Local / 挖矿 / 以太坊星火矿池 on: August 11, 2016, 08:01:59 AM
星火矿池 ( 上线了,通过首页导航栏可以进入矿池。欢迎社区矿工到星火矿池挖矿。
5  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 立即升级你的以太坊客户端来支持或者反对硬分叉 on: July 18, 2016, 11:53:39 AM
6  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 以太坊平台上物联网项目Slock开始众筹 on: April 30, 2016, 12:57:39 PM
7  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Btc-e交易所开始支持以太币交易 on: April 28, 2016, 03:55:04 AM


8  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Digix白皮书中文版 on: March 29, 2016, 03:03:28 AM
Digix 白皮书:密码学资产中的黄金标准  Digix通过它的资产证明(PoA)协议为实体资产代币化和文档化提供了使用实例。PoA协议利用以太坊和星际文件系统(IPFS) 通过监管链(chain of custody)追踪资产。它实现了开放和公开的资产存在性认证,无需一个中心化数据库。Digix也提供一个应用程序接口(API),允许其它应用建立在我们的资产代币化服务之上。
9  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 以太坊开发快速上手指南 + 开发相关文章 on: February 29, 2016, 05:45:36 AM
以太坊开发快速上手指南 + 开发相关文章
10  Local / 山寨币 / 从百度云下载以太坊前 88 万个区块文件 (6G) 和节点文件 on: January 23, 2016, 08:00:34 AM
从百度云下载以太坊前 88 万个区块文件 (6G) 和节点文件:
11  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 以太坊即将发布 on: July 27, 2015, 01:19:53 AM

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Yunbi exchange TWO 100% Bitshares developer delegates proposal: d1.yunbi ; d2.yu on: January 20, 2015, 06:36:41 AM
Yunbi exchange TWO 100% developer delegates proposal: d1.yunbi ; d2.yunbi

Long story short for those who don't have time to read:

As an exchange, we have made many contributions to BTS ecosystem. Here we apply for two 100% delegates. We will use the delegate income to improve existing service, such as upgrading BTS trading interface, adding BTS/BTC trading pair, offering free BTS faucet, and conducting new technology development including web wallet, offline BTS transaction, etc.

  vote for us:   wallet_account_set_approval d1.yunbi true
                      wallet_account_set_approval d2.yunbi true

Who are we?

We are Yunbi(, a cryptocurrency exchange with good reputation in Chinese community. We have always been in close contact with Chinese Bitshares community, and has been trying our utmosts to promote Bitshares in China.

All the team members of Yunbi exchange are core developers in Peatio project. Coming from Ruby China, they are energetic activists, passionate on programming and experts in creating software.

Yunbi exchange promise more support to BTS community in 2015. Here we apply for two 100% BTS delegates: d1.yunbi ; d2.yunbi . Please vote for us!

What we have done?

★★★ We are one of the earliest exchanges that enable BTS trading, and now the second largest BTS exchange in the world.

          100% solvency
          High-performance matching engine
          Zero fee
          Excellent user experience
          Secure operation

    These are the reasons why Yunbi exchange has become the best choice for BTS fans.

    We also support English version and have enabled SMS verification in most countries, offering global users a more secure trading platform.

★★ We added BitCNY/CNY market.

     BitCNY/CNY trading, which connects internal and external exchanges more closely, improves the accuracy of market anchoring and enriches BTS ecosystem.

In addition to running a BTS exchange, we participated in BTS ecosystem and made developments at multiple levels:

★★★★ We open sourced Yunbi and made it to be the best open source exchange project -- Peatio.

     With Peatio project, cryptocurrency enthusiasts can build their own exchange easily and quickly with low cost. As far as we know, there are already six cryptocurrency exchanges powered by Peatio. BTS fans can also make use of Peatio to build secure BTS exchanges.

     We believe that making it easy to build an exchange means a lot to people who are interested in BitAssets and willing to get and use BitAssets. Using Peatio’s open-sourced code, BTS acceptance dealers can build their own BTS exchanges. The more distributed the acceptance dealers are, the more accurate the BTS market anchoring will be.

     For more information, please visit Peatio’s Github page:

We issued YUN asset in Bitshares system, and we're the first company to build points system based on BitAsset.

     YUN asset has been applied to the points system of Yunbi exchange, YUN Tipping, and has become the default payment method on YUN Store( We are continuing to explore more application cases of BitAsset.

★★ We developed YUN Tipping.

     YUN Tipping has become hot app on Weibo(NASDAQ: WB, Chinese twitter, 530million users). So far our users have created more than 4000 tippings and delivered more than 6.5million YUN, which greatly increased the popularity of BTS in China.

★★ We opened a YUN Store(

     There are more than 20 products for users to choose(and the list is still growing).  At Yun Store, souvenirs, books, and even mobile phones are available to buy via YUN asset. In the first week of running, we had received more than 20 orders.

     YUN Store is the first e-shop that supports BitAsset payment, and it is still in rapid growing.

★★★ We developed 1-click-tipping system, which will be released very soon.

     Through this 1-click-tipping system, user can send others a tip using BitAssets on forum, blog, website and many other media or social communities. It has the potential to become a cross-platform points system and it could be a nice try to expand user cases of BitAssets.

What will we do for Bitshares?

★★★★★ BTS web wallet.

     Web wallet will support all BitAssets, and will have general functions including receipt, payment, scanning address, etc. With web wallet, BTS users can get rid of the frequent updates of wallet, which will vastly improve user experience.

★★★★ Developing offline BTS transaction function.

     It is a simplified exchange, making BTS trading more easy.

     It can be applied to ATM in the future. When user deposits fiat currency, they can get BitAssets.

     It is also beneficial to ATM providers, encouraging more people to provide ATM equipments. This can be a brand new world, and we may get incredible paybacks in the future.

★★ Improving BTS trading interface of Yunbi.

     Provide internal exchange price, make arbitrages easily and enhance market anchoring.

★★ Supporting BTS/BTC pairs, thus users can buy BitAsset with BTC easily.

Offering free BTS faucet.

     Once you sign up on Yunbi exchange , your Yunbi account will receive 1 BTS for your BTS account registration.

So we apply for two 100% delegates: d1.yunbi ; d2.yunbi .

The income will be used to fund the development of functions mentioned above.

We highly appreciate all your support, please vote to help us make Bitshares better!


Tomlion (Core Developer)
Mobile : +86 18621362030

Laomao (Business Co-operation)
Mobile:+86 18021034000 (Chinese Only)
13  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Can you translate the introduction of open source project into Croatian? on: January 16, 2015, 09:20:37 AM
Hello, we need your help. Can you translate the introduction of open source bitcoin exchange project into Croatian ? We hope more people can build their own bitcoin exchange easily and rapidly for local community with open source project.


Peatio is an open source cyptocurrency exchange project. Its mission is to build the best open-source cryptocurrency exchange with a high performance trading engine and safety which can be trusted and enjoyed by users. Additionally Peatio team wants to promote the cryptocurrency exchange technology development by providing support and add new features. In addition, Peatio can also be applied to traditional transaction exchange, decreasing cost greatly.

Peatio team has been busy with developing this project since June 2013, and at first only programmers knew Peatio project on Github. It’s easier said than done, but Peatio almost said nothing and did almost everything. Now Peatio is available , so Peatio team has more time and confidence to promote this project , hoping more and more Bitcoin enthusiasts can build their own exchanges for local Bitcoin community with open source exchange project.


1. Open-Source
Undoubtedly , free and open source is biggest advantage of Peatio. All source code are fully released under the terms of the MIT License. Based on the principle of “open source and transparency”, Peatio releases its source code to everyone. Feel free to modify and use Peatio’s code in your preference. Fork Peatio on Github and make contribution to it.

2. Fully Functional
Ready to go and in your own way.Major functions have been embedded in the source code – neat registration and log-in interface, personalized deposit and withdraw procedure, best match of bid and ask, etc. These functions are comprehensive and are ready to use with no extra work needed. If you have further requirements beyond these functions, please don’t hesitate to contact Peatio development team.

3. Internationalization
All users are able to view Peatio in a language to their best convenience. Supporting many common languages, Peatio makes it easy for users to operate in their mother tongue. You are encouraged to contribute to our language variety. Users will benefit from your efforts.

4. Multi-Accounts
Create multi-accounts for trading in multi-currencies. Peatio supports transactions between accounts. It is easy to add a new account and trade with a different currency.

For more features and technical details, please visit Peatio’s Github


More and more people have realized the value and potential of Peatio project. Until now , Peatio have received 491 stars and 201 forks on Github. And there are several Bitcoin exchanges powered by Peatio, such as Yunbi exchange, Bitspark, One World Coin, Yes-BTC, Mulcoin, Coinplus Yunbi exchange have become one of the best and popular Bitcoin exchange in China. Peatio can handle 5000 transactions per second now.

The goal

In some sense , Peatio is similar to MetaQuotes. MetaQuotes Software Corp is a software company that produces online trading platform MetaTrader 4 more commonly known as MT4. It specializing in the development of software for financial markets . The company's main focus is on Forex market trading software with its trading platform MetaTrader being used in over 450 brokerage companies and banks all over the world. So the goal of Peatio is to become the MetaQuotes in Bitcoin exchange development field , offering the best product and service for all Bitcoin fans who want to build their own Bitcoin exchange in the world.

But the biggest difference between MetaQuotes and Peatio is that Peatio is an open source project, just like Bitcoin itself. In this regard, Peatio is more similar to Red Hat which is the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to provide reliable and high-performing product and service. Because Peatio offers not only open source code, but also customized service. In a word, Peatio will make building Bitcoin exchange more easily and rapidly with low cost.


We hope more and more Bitcoin fans build their own Bitcoin exchange for their local Bitcoin communities with Peatio. Open source Bitcoin exchanges are in accord with the idea of bitcon. Peatio is an open project, so many developers have made contributions to Peatio, and we hope more and more developers join Peatio project in the future, making some positive contribution for Bitcoin ecosystem.

Our Facebook: Like us Cheesy

If you have more questions or you want to build your own cryptocurrency exchange, please make a post on Peatio’s bitcointalk or email me:

                                                         Yunbi exchange trade interface powered by Peatio
14  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Can you translate the introduction of open source exchange project into Hebrew? on: January 16, 2015, 09:12:09 AM
Hello, we need your help. Can you translate the introduction of open source bitcoin exchange project into Hebrew ? We hope more people can build their own bitcoin exchange easily and rapidly for local community with open source project.

Peatio is an open source cyptocurrency exchange project. Its mission is to build the best open-source cryptocurrency exchange with a high performance trading engine and safety which can be trusted and enjoyed by users. Additionally Peatio team wants to promote the cryptocurrency exchange technology development by providing support and add new features. In addition, Peatio can also be applied to traditional transaction exchange, decreasing cost greatly.

Peatio team has been busy with developing this project since June 2013, and at first only programmers knew Peatio project on Github. It’s easier said than done, but Peatio almost said nothing and did almost everything. Now Peatio is available , so Peatio team has more time and confidence to promote this project , hoping more and more Bitcoin enthusiasts can build their own exchanges for local Bitcoin community with open source exchange project.


1. Open-Source
Undoubtedly , free and open source is biggest advantage of Peatio. All source code are fully released under the terms of the MIT License. Based on the principle of “open source and transparency”, Peatio releases its source code to everyone. Feel free to modify and use Peatio’s code in your preference. Fork Peatio on Github and make contribution to it.

2. Fully Functional
Ready to go and in your own way.Major functions have been embedded in the source code – neat registration and log-in interface, personalized deposit and withdraw procedure, best match of bid and ask, etc. These functions are comprehensive and are ready to use with no extra work needed. If you have further requirements beyond these functions, please don’t hesitate to contact Peatio development team.

3. Internationalization
All users are able to view Peatio in a language to their best convenience. Supporting many common languages, Peatio makes it easy for users to operate in their mother tongue. You are encouraged to contribute to our language variety. Users will benefit from your efforts.

4. Multi-Accounts
Create multi-accounts for trading in multi-currencies. Peatio supports transactions between accounts. It is easy to add a new account and trade with a different currency.

For more features and technical details, please visit Peatio’s Github


More and more people have realized the value and potential of Peatio project. Until now , Peatio have received 491 stars and 201 forks on Github. And there are several Bitcoin exchanges powered by Peatio, such as Yunbi exchange, Bitspark, One World Coin, Yes-BTC, Mulcoin, Coinplus Yunbi exchange have become one of the best and popular Bitcoin exchange in China. Peatio can handle 5000 transactions per second now.

The goal

In some sense , Peatio is similar to MetaQuotes. MetaQuotes Software Corp is a software company that produces online trading platform MetaTrader 4 more commonly known as MT4. It specializing in the development of software for financial markets . The company's main focus is on Forex market trading software with its trading platform MetaTrader being used in over 450 brokerage companies and banks all over the world. So the goal of Peatio is to become the MetaQuotes in Bitcoin exchange development field , offering the best product and service for all Bitcoin fans who want to build their own Bitcoin exchange in the world.

But the biggest difference between MetaQuotes and Peatio is that Peatio is an open source project, just like Bitcoin itself. In this regard, Peatio is more similar to Red Hat which is the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to provide reliable and high-performing product and service. Because Peatio offers not only open source code, but also customized service. In a word, Peatio will make building Bitcoin exchange more easily and rapidly with low cost.


We hope more and more Bitcoin fans build their own Bitcoin exchange for their local Bitcoin communities with Peatio. Open source Bitcoin exchanges are in accord with the idea of bitcon. Peatio is an open project, so many developers have made contributions to Peatio, and we hope more and more developers join Peatio project in the future, making some positive contribution for Bitcoin ecosystem.

Our Facebook: Like us Cheesy

If you have more questions or you want to build your own cryptocurrency exchange, please make a post on Peatio’s bitcointalk or email me:

                                                         Yunbi exchange trade interface powered by Peatio
15  Local / Română (Romanian) / Can you translate the introduction of open source project into Romanian? on: January 16, 2015, 03:30:28 AM
Hello, we need your help. Can you translate the introduction of open source bitcoin exchange project into Romanian ? We hope more people can build their own bitcoin exchange easily and rapidly for local community with open source project.

Peatio is an open source cyptocurrency exchange project. Its mission is to build the best open-source cryptocurrency exchange with a high performance trading engine and safety which can be trusted and enjoyed by users. Additionally Peatio team wants to promote the cryptocurrency exchange technology development by providing support and add new features. In addition, Peatio can also be applied to traditional transaction exchange, decreasing cost greatly.

Peatio team has been busy with developing this project since June 2013, and at first only programmers knew Peatio project on Github. It’s easier said than done, but Peatio almost said nothing and did almost everything. Now Peatio is available , so Peatio team has more time and confidence to promote this project , hoping more and more Bitcoin enthusiasts can build their own exchanges for local Bitcoin community with open source exchange project.


1. Open-Source
Undoubtedly , free and open source is biggest advantage of Peatio. All source code are fully released under the terms of the MIT License. Based on the principle of “open source and transparency”, Peatio releases its source code to everyone. Feel free to modify and use Peatio’s code in your preference. Fork Peatio on Github and make contribution to it.

2. Fully Functional
Ready to go and in your own way.Major functions have been embedded in the source code – neat registration and log-in interface, personalized deposit and withdraw procedure, best match of bid and ask, etc. These functions are comprehensive and are ready to use with no extra work needed. If you have further requirements beyond these functions, please don’t hesitate to contact Peatio development team.

3. Internationalization
All users are able to view Peatio in a language to their best convenience. Supporting many common languages, Peatio makes it easy for users to operate in their mother tongue. You are encouraged to contribute to our language variety. Users will benefit from your efforts.

4. Multi-Accounts
Create multi-accounts for trading in multi-currencies. Peatio supports transactions between accounts. It is easy to add a new account and trade with a different currency.

For more features and technical details, please visit Peatio’s Github


More and more people have realized the value and potential of Peatio project. Until now , Peatio have received 491 stars and 201 forks on Github. And there are several Bitcoin exchanges powered by Peatio, such as Yunbi exchange, Bitspark, One World Coin, Yes-BTC, Mulcoin, Coinplus Yunbi exchange have become one of the best and popular Bitcoin exchange in China. Peatio can handle 5000 transactions per second now.

The goal

In some sense , Peatio is similar to MetaQuotes. MetaQuotes Software Corp is a software company that produces online trading platform MetaTrader 4 more commonly known as MT4. It specializing in the development of software for financial markets . The company's main focus is on Forex market trading software with its trading platform MetaTrader being used in over 450 brokerage companies and banks all over the world. So the goal of Peatio is to become the MetaQuotes in Bitcoin exchange development field , offering the best product and service for all Bitcoin fans who want to build their own Bitcoin exchange in the world.

But the biggest difference between MetaQuotes and Peatio is that Peatio is an open source project, just like Bitcoin itself. In this regard, Peatio is more similar to Red Hat which is the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to provide reliable and high-performing product and service. Because Peatio offers not only open source code, but also customized service. In a word, Peatio will make building Bitcoin exchange more easily and rapidly with low cost.


We hope more and more Bitcoin fans build their own Bitcoin exchange for their local Bitcoin communities with Peatio. Open source Bitcoin exchanges are in accord with the idea of bitcon. Peatio is an open project, so many developers have made contributions to Peatio, and we hope more and more developers join Peatio project in the future, making some positive contribution for Bitcoin ecosystem.

Our Facebook: Like us Cheesy

If you have more questions or you want to build your own cryptocurrency exchange, please make a post on Peatio’s bitcointalk or email me:

                                                         Yunbi exchange trade interface powered by Peatio
16  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Can you translate the introduction of open source exchange project into Bahasa? on: January 15, 2015, 11:36:04 AM
Hello, we need your help. Can you translate the introduction of open source bitcoin exchange project into Bahasa ? We hope more people can build their own bitcoin exchange easily and rapidly for local community with open source project.

Peatio is an open source cyptocurrency exchange project. Its mission is to build the best open-source cryptocurrency exchange with a high performance trading engine and safety which can be trusted and enjoyed by users. Additionally Peatio team wants to promote the cryptocurrency exchange technology development by providing support and add new features. In addition, Peatio can also be applied to traditional transaction exchange, decreasing cost greatly.

Peatio team has been busy with developing this project since June 2013, and at first only programmers knew Peatio project on Github. It’s easier said than done, but Peatio almost said nothing and did almost everything. Now Peatio is available , so Peatio team has more time and confidence to promote this project , hoping more and more Bitcoin enthusiasts can build their own exchanges for local Bitcoin community with open source exchange project.


1. Open-Source
Undoubtedly , free and open source is biggest advantage of Peatio. All source code are fully released under the terms of the MIT License. Based on the principle of “open source and transparency”, Peatio releases its source code to everyone. Feel free to modify and use Peatio’s code in your preference. Fork Peatio on Github and make contribution to it.

2. Fully Functional
Ready to go and in your own way.Major functions have been embedded in the source code – neat registration and log-in interface, personalized deposit and withdraw procedure, best match of bid and ask, etc. These functions are comprehensive and are ready to use with no extra work needed. If you have further requirements beyond these functions, please don’t hesitate to contact Peatio development team.

3. Internationalization
All users are able to view Peatio in a language to their best convenience. Supporting many common languages, Peatio makes it easy for users to operate in their mother tongue. You are encouraged to contribute to our language variety. Users will benefit from your efforts.

4. Multi-Accounts
Create multi-accounts for trading in multi-currencies. Peatio supports transactions between accounts. It is easy to add a new account and trade with a different currency.

For more features and technical details, please visit Peatio’s Github


More and more people have realized the value and potential of Peatio project. Until now , Peatio have received 491 stars and 201 forks on Github. And there are several Bitcoin exchanges powered by Peatio, such as Yunbi exchange, Bitspark, One World Coin, Yes-BTC, Mulcoin, Coinplus Yunbi exchange have become one of the best and popular Bitcoin exchange in China. Peatio can handle 5000 transactions per second now.

The goal

In some sense , Peatio is similar to MetaQuotes. MetaQuotes Software Corp is a software company that produces online trading platform MetaTrader 4 more commonly known as MT4. It specializing in the development of software for financial markets . The company's main focus is on Forex market trading software with its trading platform MetaTrader being used in over 450 brokerage companies and banks all over the world. So the goal of Peatio is to become the MetaQuotes in Bitcoin exchange development field , offering the best product and service for all Bitcoin fans who want to build their own Bitcoin exchange in the world.

But the biggest difference between MetaQuotes and Peatio is that Peatio is an open source project, just like Bitcoin itself. In this regard, Peatio is more similar to Red Hat which is the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to provide reliable and high-performing product and service. Because Peatio offers not only open source code, but also customized service. In a word, Peatio will make building Bitcoin exchange more easily and rapidly with low cost.


We hope more and more Bitcoin fans build their own Bitcoin exchange for their local Bitcoin communities with Peatio. Open source Bitcoin exchanges are in accord with the idea of bitcon. Peatio is an open project, so many developers have made contributions to Peatio, and we hope more and more developers join Peatio project in the future, making some positive contribution for Bitcoin ecosystem.

Our Facebook: Like us Cheesy

If you have more questions or you want to build your own cryptocurrency exchange, please make a post on Peatio’s bitcointalk or email me:

                                                         Yunbi exchange trade interface powered by Peatio
17  Local / Nederlands (Dutch) / Can you translate the introduction of open source exchange project into Dutch? on: January 15, 2015, 10:51:16 AM
Hello, we need your help. Can you translate the introduction of open source bitcoin exchange project into Dutch ? We hope more people can build their own bitcoin exchange easily and rapidly for local community with open source project.

Peatio is an open source cyptocurrency exchange project. Its mission is to build the best open-source cryptocurrency exchange with a high performance trading engine and safety which can be trusted and enjoyed by users. Additionally Peatio team wants to promote the cryptocurrency exchange technology development by providing support and add new features. In addition, Peatio can also be applied to traditional transaction exchange, decreasing cost greatly.

Peatio team has been busy with developing this project since June 2013, and at first only programmers knew Peatio project on Github. It’s easier said than done, but Peatio almost said nothing and did almost everything. Now Peatio is available , so Peatio team has more time and confidence to promote this project , hoping more and more Bitcoin enthusiasts can build their own exchanges for local Bitcoin community with open source exchange project.


1. Open-Source
Undoubtedly , free and open source is biggest advantage of Peatio. All source code are fully released under the terms of the MIT License. Based on the principle of “open source and transparency”, Peatio releases its source code to everyone. Feel free to modify and use Peatio’s code in your preference. Fork Peatio on Github and make contribution to it.

2. Fully Functional
Ready to go and in your own way.Major functions have been embedded in the source code – neat registration and log-in interface, personalized deposit and withdraw procedure, best match of bid and ask, etc. These functions are comprehensive and are ready to use with no extra work needed. If you have further requirements beyond these functions, please don’t hesitate to contact Peatio development team.

3. Internationalization
All users are able to view Peatio in a language to their best convenience. Supporting many common languages, Peatio makes it easy for users to operate in their mother tongue. You are encouraged to contribute to our language variety. Users will benefit from your efforts.

4. Multi-Accounts
Create multi-accounts for trading in multi-currencies. Peatio supports transactions between accounts. It is easy to add a new account and trade with a different currency.

For more features and technical details, please visit Peatio’s Github


More and more people have realized the value and potential of Peatio project. Until now , Peatio have received 491 stars and 201 forks on Github. And there are several Bitcoin exchanges powered by Peatio, such as Yunbi exchange, Bitspark, One World Coin, Yes-BTC, Mulcoin, Coinplus Yunbi exchange have become one of the best and popular Bitcoin exchange in China. Peatio can handle 5000 transactions per second now.

The goal

In some sense , Peatio is similar to MetaQuotes. MetaQuotes Software Corp is a software company that produces online trading platform MetaTrader 4 more commonly known as MT4. It specializing in the development of software for financial markets . The company's main focus is on Forex market trading software with its trading platform MetaTrader being used in over 450 brokerage companies and banks all over the world. So the goal of Peatio is to become the MetaQuotes in Bitcoin exchange development field , offering the best product and service for all Bitcoin fans who want to build their own Bitcoin exchange in the world.

But the biggest difference between MetaQuotes and Peatio is that Peatio is an open source project, just like Bitcoin itself. In this regard, Peatio is more similar to Red Hat which is the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to provide reliable and high-performing product and service. Because Peatio offers not only open source code, but also customized service. In a word, Peatio will make building Bitcoin exchange more easily and rapidly with low cost.


We hope more and more Bitcoin fans build their own Bitcoin exchange for their local Bitcoin communities with Peatio. Open source Bitcoin exchanges are in accord with the idea of bitcon. Peatio is an open project, so many developers have made contributions to Peatio, and we hope more and more developers join Peatio project in the future, making some positive contribution for Bitcoin ecosystem.

Our Facebook: Like us Cheesy

If you have more questions or you want to build your own cryptocurrency exchange, please make a post on Peatio’s bitcointalk or email me:

                                                         Yunbi exchange trade interface powered by Peatio
18  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Can you translate the introduction of open source exchange project into Italian? on: January 15, 2015, 10:42:13 AM
Hello, we need your help. Can you translate the introduction of open source bitcoin exchange project into Italian ? We hope more people can build their own bitcoin exchange easily and rapidly for local community with open source project.

Peatio is an open source cyptocurrency exchange project. Its mission is to build the best open-source cryptocurrency exchange with a high performance trading engine and safety which can be trusted and enjoyed by users. Additionally Peatio team wants to promote the cryptocurrency exchange technology development by providing support and add new features. In addition, Peatio can also be applied to traditional transaction exchange, decreasing cost greatly.

Peatio team has been busy with developing this project since June 2013, and at first only programmers knew Peatio project on Github. It’s easier said than done, but Peatio almost said nothing and did almost everything. Now Peatio is available , so Peatio team has more time and confidence to promote this project , hoping more and more Bitcoin enthusiasts can build their own exchanges for local Bitcoin community with open source exchange project.


1. Open-Source
Undoubtedly , free and open source is biggest advantage of Peatio. All source code are fully released under the terms of the MIT License. Based on the principle of “open source and transparency”, Peatio releases its source code to everyone. Feel free to modify and use Peatio’s code in your preference. Fork Peatio on Github and make contribution to it.

2. Fully Functional
Ready to go and in your own way.Major functions have been embedded in the source code – neat registration and log-in interface, personalized deposit and withdraw procedure, best match of bid and ask, etc. These functions are comprehensive and are ready to use with no extra work needed. If you have further requirements beyond these functions, please don’t hesitate to contact Peatio development team.

3. Internationalization
All users are able to view Peatio in a language to their best convenience. Supporting many common languages, Peatio makes it easy for users to operate in their mother tongue. You are encouraged to contribute to our language variety. Users will benefit from your efforts.

4. Multi-Accounts
Create multi-accounts for trading in multi-currencies. Peatio supports transactions between accounts. It is easy to add a new account and trade with a different currency.

For more features and technical details, please visit Peatio’s Github


More and more people have realized the value and potential of Peatio project. Until now , Peatio have received 491 stars and 201 forks on Github. And there are several Bitcoin exchanges powered by Peatio, such as Yunbi exchange, Bitspark, One World Coin, Yes-BTC, Mulcoin, Coinplus Yunbi exchange have become one of the best and popular Bitcoin exchange in China. Peatio can handle 5000 transactions per second now.

The goal

In some sense , Peatio is similar to MetaQuotes. MetaQuotes Software Corp is a software company that produces online trading platform MetaTrader 4 more commonly known as MT4. It specializing in the development of software for financial markets . The company's main focus is on Forex market trading software with its trading platform MetaTrader being used in over 450 brokerage companies and banks all over the world. So the goal of Peatio is to become the MetaQuotes in Bitcoin exchange development field , offering the best product and service for all Bitcoin fans who want to build their own Bitcoin exchange in the world.

But the biggest difference between MetaQuotes and Peatio is that Peatio is an open source project, just like Bitcoin itself. In this regard, Peatio is more similar to Red Hat which is the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to provide reliable and high-performing product and service. Because Peatio offers not only open source code, but also customized service. In a word, Peatio will make building Bitcoin exchange more easily and rapidly with low cost.


We hope more and more Bitcoin fans build their own Bitcoin exchange for their local Bitcoin communities with Peatio. Open source Bitcoin exchanges are in accord with the idea of bitcon. Peatio is an open project, so many developers have made contributions to Peatio, and we hope more and more developers join Peatio project in the future, making some positive contribution for Bitcoin ecosystem.

Our Facebook: Like us Cheesy

If you have more questions or you want to build your own cryptocurrency exchange, please make a post on Peatio’s bitcointalk or email me:

                                                         Yunbi exchange trade interface powered by Peatio
19  Local / Vos sites et projets / Can you translate the introduction of open source exchange project into French? on: January 15, 2015, 10:33:27 AM
Hello, we need your help. Can you translate the introduction of open source bitcoin exchange project into French ? We hope more people can build their own bitcoin exchange easily and rapidly for local community with open source project.


Peatio is an open source cyptocurrency exchange project. Its mission is to build the best open-source cryptocurrency exchange with a high performance trading engine and safety which can be trusted and enjoyed by users. Additionally Peatio team wants to promote the cryptocurrency exchange technology development by providing support and add new features. In addition, Peatio can also be applied to traditional transaction exchange, decreasing cost greatly.

Peatio team has been busy with developing this project since June 2013, and at first only programmers knew Peatio project on Github. It’s easier said than done, but Peatio almost said nothing and did almost everything. Now Peatio is available , so Peatio team has more time and confidence to promote this project , hoping more and more Bitcoin enthusiasts can build their own exchanges for local Bitcoin community with open source exchange project.


1. Open-Source
Undoubtedly , free and open source is biggest advantage of Peatio. All source code are fully released under the terms of the MIT License. Based on the principle of “open source and transparency”, Peatio releases its source code to everyone. Feel free to modify and use Peatio’s code in your preference. Fork Peatio on Github and make contribution to it.

2. Fully Functional
Ready to go and in your own way.Major functions have been embedded in the source code – neat registration and log-in interface, personalized deposit and withdraw procedure, best match of bid and ask, etc. These functions are comprehensive and are ready to use with no extra work needed. If you have further requirements beyond these functions, please don’t hesitate to contact Peatio development team.

3. Internationalization
All users are able to view Peatio in a language to their best convenience. Supporting many common languages, Peatio makes it easy for users to operate in their mother tongue. You are encouraged to contribute to our language variety. Users will benefit from your efforts.

4. Multi-Accounts
Create multi-accounts for trading in multi-currencies. Peatio supports transactions between accounts. It is easy to add a new account and trade with a different currency.

For more features and technical details, please visit Peatio’s Github


More and more people have realized the value and potential of Peatio project. Until now , Peatio have received 491 stars and 201 forks on Github. And there are several Bitcoin exchanges powered by Peatio, such as Yunbi exchange, Bitspark, One World Coin, Yes-BTC, Mulcoin, Coinplus Yunbi exchange have become one of the best and popular Bitcoin exchange in China. Peatio can handle 5000 transactions per second now.

The goal

In some sense , Peatio is similar to MetaQuotes. MetaQuotes Software Corp is a software company that produces online trading platform MetaTrader 4 more commonly known as MT4. It specializing in the development of software for financial markets . The company's main focus is on Forex market trading software with its trading platform MetaTrader being used in over 450 brokerage companies and banks all over the world. So the goal of Peatio is to become the MetaQuotes in Bitcoin exchange development field , offering the best product and service for all Bitcoin fans who want to build their own Bitcoin exchange in the world.

But the biggest difference between MetaQuotes and Peatio is that Peatio is an open source project, just like Bitcoin itself. In this regard, Peatio is more similar to Red Hat which is the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to provide reliable and high-performing product and service. Because Peatio offers not only open source code, but also customized service. In a word, Peatio will make building Bitcoin exchange more easily and rapidly with low cost.


We hope more and more Bitcoin fans build their own Bitcoin exchange for their local Bitcoin communities with Peatio. Open source Bitcoin exchanges are in accord with the idea of bitcon. Peatio is an open project, so many developers have made contributions to Peatio, and we hope more and more developers join Peatio project in the future, making some positive contribution for Bitcoin ecosystem.

Our Facebook: Like us Cheesy

If you have more questions or you want to build your own cryptocurrency exchange, please make a post on Peatio’s bitcointalk or email me:

                                                         Yunbi exchange trade interface powered by Peatio
20  Local / Suche / Can you translate the introduction of open source exchange project into German? on: January 15, 2015, 10:21:40 AM
Hello, we need your help. Can you translate the introduction of open source bitcoin exchange project into German ? We hope more people can build their own bitcoin exchange easily and rapidly for local community with open source project.

Peatio is an open source cyptocurrency exchange project. Its mission is to build the best open-source cryptocurrency exchange with a high performance trading engine and safety which can be trusted and enjoyed by users. Additionally Peatio team wants to promote the cryptocurrency exchange technology development by providing support and add new features. In addition, Peatio can also be applied to traditional transaction exchange, decreasing cost greatly.

Peatio team has been busy with developing this project since June 2013, and at first only programmers knew Peatio project on Github. It’s easier said than done, but Peatio almost said nothing and did almost everything. Now Peatio is available , so Peatio team has more time and confidence to promote this project , hoping more and more Bitcoin enthusiasts can build their own exchanges for local Bitcoin community with open source exchange project.


1. Open-Source
Undoubtedly , free and open source is biggest advantage of Peatio. All source code are fully released under the terms of the MIT License. Based on the principle of “open source and transparency”, Peatio releases its source code to everyone. Feel free to modify and use Peatio’s code in your preference. Fork Peatio on Github and make contribution to it.

2. Fully Functional
Ready to go and in your own way.Major functions have been embedded in the source code – neat registration and log-in interface, personalized deposit and withdraw procedure, best match of bid and ask, etc. These functions are comprehensive and are ready to use with no extra work needed. If you have further requirements beyond these functions, please don’t hesitate to contact Peatio development team.

3. Internationalization
All users are able to view Peatio in a language to their best convenience. Supporting many common languages, Peatio makes it easy for users to operate in their mother tongue. You are encouraged to contribute to our language variety. Users will benefit from your efforts.

4. Multi-Accounts
Create multi-accounts for trading in multi-currencies. Peatio supports transactions between accounts. It is easy to add a new account and trade with a different currency.

For more features and technical details, please visit Peatio’s Github


More and more people have realized the value and potential of Peatio project. Until now , Peatio have received 491 stars and 201 forks on Github. And there are several Bitcoin exchanges powered by Peatio, such as Yunbi exchange, Bitspark, One World Coin, Yes-BTC, Mulcoin, Coinplus Yunbi exchange have become one of the best and popular Bitcoin exchange in China. Peatio can handle 5000 transactions per second now.

The goal

In some sense , Peatio is similar to MetaQuotes. MetaQuotes Software Corp is a software company that produces online trading platform MetaTrader 4 more commonly known as MT4. It specializing in the development of software for financial markets . The company's main focus is on Forex market trading software with its trading platform MetaTrader being used in over 450 brokerage companies and banks all over the world. So the goal of Peatio is to become the MetaQuotes in Bitcoin exchange development field , offering the best product and service for all Bitcoin fans who want to build their own Bitcoin exchange in the world.

But the biggest difference between MetaQuotes and Peatio is that Peatio is an open source project, just like Bitcoin itself. In this regard, Peatio is more similar to Red Hat which is the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to provide reliable and high-performing product and service. Because Peatio offers not only open source code, but also customized service. In a word, Peatio will make building Bitcoin exchange more easily and rapidly with low cost.


We hope more and more Bitcoin fans build their own Bitcoin exchange for their local Bitcoin communities with Peatio. Open source Bitcoin exchanges are in accord with the idea of bitcon. Peatio is an open project, so many developers have made contributions to Peatio, and we hope more and more developers join Peatio project in the future, making some positive contribution for Bitcoin ecosystem.

Our Facebook: Like us Cheesy

If you have more questions or you want to build your own cryptocurrency exchange, please make a post on Peatio’s bitcointalk or email me:

                                                         Yunbi exchange trade interface powered by Peatio
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