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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / List of all the BANK card token projects on: September 20, 2017, 02:18:32 PM
Hi all ! I'm looking for a list of all the d-apps that plan to develop a banking solution with a crypto payment card compatible with mastercard/visa

Services like Bankera, ESR, Iconomin Monaco

I want to compare all of them before investing some coins.

Thanks for your feedbacks
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / new coins listed on exchange : how ? on: September 13, 2017, 05:31:48 PM
How are new coins available on exchanges ? Who decide to put these coins on exchange ? What are the steps to put a coin on an exchange ? Are they some decentralized exchange where to put any new coin ?

Thanks for your contributions
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / How long before crypto get used in everyday life like internet is now ? on: September 13, 2017, 05:22:40 PM
20 years ago, internet was a revolutionary technology that was already used worldwide by many people and institutions but was not really an everyday life tool like it is right now. Today, we are all connected permanently with our smartphone. My perception is that the switch between early adopters and mainstream usage of this technology happened around 2010 with the arise of smartphones.

What is your opinion for crypto. How long before it goes mainstream and that your grandma send you some tokens for your next we trip Wink ?

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Thoughts : many new coins/ICO Which will succeed ? How will it get mainstream ? on: September 13, 2017, 04:53:03 PM
I'm totally astonished by growing number of crypto-backed apps and services ! Some of these will change the world and other will simply die.
Their final purpose is always to have a big user base.

Do you believe that in a next future, we will use a coin by service ? This will make a lot of different coins to manage. What about non-techie people ? How would they get involved into this ? At the moment crypto world still requires some advanced knowledge. I just wonder how will this evolve

Also what is your check list for a potentially long-living new coin in which to invest ?
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / What happens when a new minable coin is issued ? on: September 11, 2017, 07:37:53 PM
Let's get back to the birth of BTC to make my question clearer. A the very first beginning, nobody was mining it. And then some miners get involved, first blocks of transaction were validated. At a point I guess, there were less than 20 miners. Where was the trust in the BTC network with such a small amount of miners ? They could agree together on how to store the transaction history and for example send all the BTC to one specific address. Any explanation would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if this question was silly....
6  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Which exacts conditions are required for a block to be validated ? on: September 11, 2017, 07:23:25 PM
OK, I understand globally the blockchain consensus principle. But some parts remain unclear to me. For example

All the miners of the network need to validate a block of transactions to definitely store these transactions in the distributed ledger (aka blockchain). Why question is : how is the network of miners "aware" that all the miners have validated the transaction ? This might be a silly question but know I try to understand blockchain technology more deeply. I know I can find videos about it and so on, but I would prefer to get words from someone of the forum and start an interactive discussion about it.

Thanks for your answers !
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / According to you what are the big families of altcoins ? on: September 07, 2017, 12:02:39 PM
OK we have many kind of coins for many different applications.

Some are created on top of ETH Blokchain, some other on top of Waves, some of them are pre-mined, some other will get mined for years, some coins are related to others (steemit, steepower, steem backed dollar, steem), and so on.

Could you provide me a "map" or a genealogical tree of altcoins ?

8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Should I invest in ICONOMI BLX (blockchain index)? on: September 07, 2017, 07:30:24 AM
Hi !

I've stumbled upon ICONOMI and their BLX Portfolio :

This portfolio is a combination of the tokens the ICONOMI team believes will have a good ROI. Their platform is decentralized and built upon a blockchain.

I like this kind of service because you delegate a portfolio management to a team of specialists. As I don't have much time to work in crypto at the moment, I like this kind of service.

But do you think that it is a good investment strategy ? Or should I keep more time to study the crypto market by myself and invest in what I believe will be coins with an excellent ROI ?

Thanks for your answers !   
9  Bitcoin / Project Development / New crypto-app project - where to submit my idea on: September 06, 2017, 06:33:00 PM
Ok guys ! I have (I think) an excellent decentralized app project in my mind. Is there a dedicated place on the forum where I can try to find people to get involved into this Huh 

Cryptos are not my job and among my friends it hard to find people involved in blockchain and crypto.

So any good advice for me please ?
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / why do governments don't make BTC illegal worldwide ? on: August 29, 2017, 06:37:34 PM
I'm wondering this because is such a real threat to bank system and we all know how banks and governments are tightly linked !

BTC could make people more autonomous, self-resilient, being their own bank. You can use it like cash, making your transaction almost untraceable (or untraceable using e.g. monero or dash or laundry systems) : this is governments worst nightmare, isn't it ?

11  Bitcoin / Project Development / Exchange Listing Services for Crypto-Currencies on: June 24, 2016, 10:55:30 PM

Novaexchange is looking for some top-notch coins to be added to their exchange.


1. Superb support (received a response after 24 hours)
2. Diversified markets (BTC, LTC, ESP, DOGE, ARI)
3. Different style of exchange games (dice, scratch tickets)
4. Smooth transactions and no problems with withdrawals
5. Some exchanges take forever to update wallets. Nova takes less than 24 hours.

They currently have their own currency NPOINT. It cost roughly .20BTC to get listed on their site. I can get you listed for .05BTC. I am willing to accept coins for payment.

Escrow services used for transactions:

If interested please pm me.

(Disclaimer- I am not employed by NovaExchange, just a holder of NPOINT)
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / DUB NEXT STEP (DUBNX)- MUSIC CREATION WALLET -WEBSITE, WALLET, COMING SOON on: May 06, 2016, 07:26:10 PM

So I have taken all consideration into affect for the specs of this coin.

Mechanism: vDPOS using POS 2.0 Security
vDPOS is a brand new crypto technology.
Please read more information below or contact us for more details.
Min Stake Age: 8 hours
Annual POS Rate: 5%
DPOS schedule:
Week 1 (Block upto-> - 10079) = 1 DUBNX
Week2 (Block 10080 - 20159) = .50  DUBNX
Week 3 (Block 20160 - 30239) = .25 DUBNX
Week 4 (Block 30240 - 43199) = .25 DUBNX
Week 5 (Block 43200 - 50399) = .50 DUBNX
Week 6 (Block 50400 - 60479) = 1 DUBNX

Total Supply: 500K DUBNX

30,000 DUBNX will be reserved for the following:
3,000 for post-launch bounties (translations, signature and Twitter campaigns)
4,000 for pre-launch bounties and early supporters
10,000 for music creators exclusively created with wallet
13,000 for development team


ROADMAP -I will not fully launch DubNextStep until initial objectives are met:
1. Website- in development
2. Payment gateways- deals solidified
3. Exchanges- deals solidified
4. Crypto wallet with music creation software

Desktop application will be created alongside mobile wallet for easier coding.

13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Bounty for Strb page translations on: May 03, 2016, 02:20:27 PM
I'm offering a bounty for translations on Superturbostake.

I'm looking for:

Greek already done thanks killerjoegreece
Spanish already done thanks 98789

I'm offering a million strb to whomever can complete this
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Circle- buy Bitcoin. Instant purchase from debit card w/ verification on: April 29, 2016, 01:55:12 AM
Instead of using ridiculous ways to get Btc use circle.

I've been a member for 4 months and have had no problems.

After verification you can buy Btc instantly with your debit card. The best thing you can do is selling Btc and it puts USD back onto your card.

Definitely want to let everyone know. My referral link is below

We both get $10 after you send $25+ from your debit card

All are advised to do their research.

Disclaimer: debit cards are not included. Funds are withdrawn from debit card linked to your bank account

Pm me for more details
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / MOVED: DUB/DUBNX PLANS on: March 13, 2016, 04:34:16 PM
This topic has been moved to Announcements (Altcoins).

16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / MOVED: DUB/DUBNX PLANS on: March 13, 2016, 04:33:05 PM
This topic has been moved to Bitcoin Discussion.

17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / DUB/DUBNX PLANS on: March 13, 2016, 04:28:11 PM
Should the direction of Dubnextstep (DUBNX) continue the swap with 1000 to 1 swap ratio?
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / (ANN) DUBNX MUSIC CREATION WALLET on: November 30, 2015, 07:32:15 AM

So I have taken all consideration into affect for the specs of this coin.

Mechanism: vDPOS using POS 2.0 Security
vDPOS is a brand new crypto technology.
Please read more information below or contact us for more details.
Min Stake Age: 8 hours
Annual POS Rate: 5%
DPOS schedule:
Week 1 (Block upto-> - 10079) = 1 DUBNX
Week2 (Block 10080 - 20159) = .50  DUBNX
Week 3 (Block 20160 - 30239) = .25 DUBNX
Week 4 (Block 30240 - 43199) = .25 DUBNX
Week 5 (Block 43200 - 50399) = .50 DUBNX
Week 6 (Block 50400 - 60479) = 1 DUBNX

Total Supply: 500K DUBNX


ROADMAP -Coming Soon

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