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1  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTB] Newbie account with old posts on: March 27, 2015, 09:21:28 AM
I am looking to buy newbie accounts with old posts with the following requirements:

1. Have not been banned before
2. You can prove that you own the account (signing message is NOT required)
3. It have old posts in which is at least 2 weeks apart
4. The account can be first own or bought, but bought accounts must not have their username revealed before

I can pay BTC0.0005-0.001 for such accounts. Escrow is used or you go first. PM me or post your offers here.
2  Economy / Lending / Offering micro-loans on: March 24, 2015, 12:56:18 PM
I am lending out 0.0043 BTC here.
For trusted users with an appropriate reason for loan, then no collateral is needed.
For untrusted (negative and neutral trust) users, I would only loan them with a valid collateral.
Minimum interest: 10% for the whole period
Maximum period: 30 days
3  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTB] bitcointalk account created 2009, 2010, 2011 on: March 18, 2015, 05:49:19 AM
Offering up to BTC0.001 per such account.

Brand new (2009-2011):BTC0.0005 per account
Newbie (2011):BTC0.0008 per account
Newbie (2009-2010):BTC0.001 per account
Jr. member or above (2009-2011):BTC0.0015 per account but I don't think anyone will sell to me such accounts so I wrote up to BTC0.001 per account.
PM me (with the account name) or post here your offer (without the account name). Escrow or you go first.
4  Economy / Auctions / [WTS] Newbie with 1 post - 1 satoshi starting on: March 17, 2015, 10:24:28 AM
Newbie account with 1 post and 1 activity. Registered yesterday.

Starting bid:BTC0.00000001
Minimum increment:BTC0.00000001
Buy it now:BTC0.0002 (PM for lower offers)

Auction ends 24 hours after the first bid or 1 hour after the last bid (which is later). Escrow or you go first.
5  Economy / Auctions / [WTS] Jr. member account on: March 16, 2015, 06:31:40 AM
Jr. member with 30+ activity. Registered June 2014. No pos/neg trust.

Starting bid:BTC0.003
Minimum increment:BTC0.0002
Buy now:BTC0.02 (or PM me for lower price)

Auction ends 72 hours after the first bid or 1 hour after the last bid (which is later).
6  Economy / Digital goods / Market price of accounts? on: March 15, 2015, 07:17:47 AM
I want to ask, what is the market price of different type of accounts?
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