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1  Economy / Micro Earnings / ONE CLAIM FAUCET [1 claim and earn for life] on: February 01, 2020, 01:20:25 PM

Principle is simple:
You claim once and you earn for life.(life means so long you are member of multifaucet)
Regularly your earning is transfered on multifaucet balances where you can swap or withdraw.

To remain member of multifaucet you have just to claim at least once a year to show that you are alive.(lol)

Minimum payout is so low ($0.02 Perfect Money) that you are sure you can request a payout.

Do not try to open multi risk to lose everything for fraud...

Have fun...

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Do you like speculation? on: September 16, 2019, 08:52:28 AM
A good way to speculate:

you follow prices here:



Compare prices and make good profit.


you buy where it is low and you sell where it is high...

For the can make profit.
3  Economy / Micro Earnings / FILCH FAUCET [$0.01 added for 25 first] on: September 14, 2019, 07:18:40 AM
Claimpot is little by little filled in.
So soon or late people will be interested to earn from.
But is is a special faucet.
You filch from the claimpot AND from the other filchers balances.

When you got over $0.10
then $0.05 go on you main pending account on multifaucet or U2 where you can withdraw it or trade with.

and $0.05 go in filch claimpot.
So the filch faucet will never run dry and will become more and more attractive.

To launch it, $0.01 will be added to your pending cash balance.

You can filch once per cycle.New cycle every hour.

When you claim you balance grows and other balances decrease...
But if other ones claims your balance decreases as well.
Long inactivity will dry your balance.

When you claim on winspirals USD faucet you get something on your FILCF faucet.
When you claim on the FILCH faucet you feed as well the FIFTIFIFTY faucet.

So even if you do not earn directly with the FILCH faucet you earn directly with if you are FIFTYFIFTY faucet claimer.

Like allways said:
Profit from the winspiral's opportunities or not.

Claimpots are take or you do not take...
But be sure it is always taken...

4  Economy / Micro Earnings / First exclusive WSPU2 faucet ERC20 compatible on: August 19, 2019, 01:37:18 PM
All you need is an ETH address ERC20 compatible.

Open many accounts is not a good solution because system risks to ban you for ever and your pending WSPU2 are lost for ever.

If you are not used about WSPU2 feel free to ask here or by contact link or PM.

You will not be flooded with WSPU2 because they are stored on an internal WSPU holder account tacken from the ETH address where your WSPU2 are deposed.

It is complementary with the other ways to get WSPU2 for free.

5  Economy / Micro Earnings / FIFTY FIFTY faucet [explosive ref system] on: July 21, 2019, 11:30:46 AM

Why explosive ref system?

Because you are referrer and referral...

Claim and follow when you have time and you see earning progress.

Withdrawal possible trough FaucetHub or re-injection in winspiral systems.

When a claimer reach 100 satoshi payout:
50 satoshi go to claimer's and 50 satoshi are used to reward all claimers.

yes...can be not miss this opportunity to earn often 50 satoshi.

Have fun.

6  Economy / Micro Earnings / CLOSED on: July 14, 2019, 12:40:21 PM
7  Economy / Service Discussion / Free Amazon Gift Cards - how to protect ourself ? on: July 13, 2019, 09:36:41 PM
please take a look:

this is one of many.

does Amazon Sellers use like these tools? so we buy illegal gift cards?

how to protect ourself & make sure we are not buying cracked codes?
8  Local / Vos sites et projets / Cherche volontaires qui veulent donner de la valeur au Bitcoin RM on: June 29, 2019, 03:42:17 PM
Le BCRM me plaît mais il peine à décoller dans l'enfer des cryptos.

Son wallet est un clone du wallet Bitcoin Core.

Bitcoin RM version v0.15.0.2 (64-bit)

Tous droits réservés (C) 2009-2018 Les développeurs de Bitcoin RM
Tous droits réservés (C) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Gold developers
Tous droits réservés (C) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers

Si vous trouvez Bitcoin RM utile, vous pouvez y contribuer. Vous trouverez davantage d'informations à propos du logiciel sur
Le code source est disponible sur

C'est un logiciel expérimental.
Distribué sous la licence MIT d'utilisation d'un logiciel. Consulter le fichier joint COPYING ou

Ce produit comprend des logiciels développés par le Projet OpenSSL pour être utilisés dans la boîte à outils OpenSSL, et un logiciel cryptographique écrit par Eric Young, ainsi qu'un logiciel UPnP écrit par Thomas Bernard.

Pour lui donner de la valeur "market regulated" comme j'aime à le dire j'ai programmé un faucet à BCRM.

Je vous invite donc à gagner des BCRM gratuitement en utilisant mon faucet.

S'il y a des utilisateurs,le marché fera le reste.

9  Economy / Digital goods / [WTB] Playstation (PSN) Gift Cards on: June 27, 2019, 12:14:52 PM
Looking for PSN supplier for monthly bulk orders.

we start first with a small order like $200.

i pay in BTC. we use escrow.

pm me.
10  Economy / Micro Earnings / FIRST BCRM FAUCET [8 (or so) BCRM per claim for free] on: June 11, 2019, 08:24:38 PM
The first BCRM faucet.

If people are interested,the faucet will be impoved.

BCRM price is nowadays very low...if many people are interested the BCRM price will naturally increase.

Earning for the test time will be as well low.
Like often tested,the principle will be a BCRM pot shared by the claimers.
To start claims are possible every 2 hours.

...Is now market regulated...

11  Economy / Micro Earnings / Trade for free Adpts and earn cash or advertising on: May 23, 2019, 08:09:50 AM
With winspiral's faucet you earn as well free Adpts.

Adpts are worth something.
They are worth banner space.
But not only:
They are as well worth WSPU2pts worth USD.

You can sell you free Adpts for WSPU2pts.
Or you can buy Adpts with WSPU2pts earned for free with the faucet.

More info here on this topic if you ask.
or on the Adpts page:
12  Local / Débutants / Problème avec BitcoinCore on: January 19, 2019, 02:10:51 PM
J'ai une transaction d'envoi sur mon bitcoincore mais elle n'existe pas sur le réseau...
Que va t il se passer?
13  Economy / Micro Earnings / Join CryptoTab in the BitcoinTalk team on: August 23, 2018, 08:46:43 AM
Join here

Chose a team (why not BitcoinTalk team) and let me know as soon as possible ...or not...(do not tell me after days...)

The big advantage is the ref system on 10 levels...(hurry can desrease they say)

You can follow on the page the progress on my page.(at this moment i am writing,I am mining and earning.)

14  Economy / Auctions / [auction]Advertise on WSPU2 faucet $1.00/5000 on: April 26, 2018, 12:03:41 PM
Aution start at $1.00 for 5000 bannerviews.
Each cent more gives 50 bannerviews more.

your banner here:

maximum 3 banners on this page.

End of auction when $3.00 for 15000 bannerviews

End of auction 26 May 2018 00:00 Paris time zone.

Payment Perfect money or ETH or BTC

15  Local / Altcoins (Français) / ERC20-TOKEN JUST on: April 14, 2018, 03:49:49 PM
Je peine à comprendre...
Comme il semble que nous sommes des milliers à avoir malgrès nous ce token,cela serait sympa que ceux qui y comprennent quelque chose en parlent ici en français.
merci d'avance.
16  Economy / Micro Earnings / WSPU2 Airdrop faucet + free BCRM + free IOTA + dollars + BTC+free banner rotator on: March 09, 2018, 05:00:39 PM
A faucet of a new kind....a new kind of airdrop !!!
You claim token WSPU2.

EARN Free WSPU2 token and Free BCRM and free IOTA and dollars and BTC

Free claiming and trading every 8 hours.

17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN]- ERC20-TOKEN WINSPIRAL U2[ICO end] (WSPU2)(Eng) on: February 03, 2018, 01:44:34 PM
ICO has it is the market who decides...
Thanks for the few people who have trusted...I will do my best that they make profit.

I recall that you can keep up earning free WSPU2 through the faucet and the mining and the U2 system.

Contact me if you are interested in buying WSPU2...I will guide you.


ERC20-TOKEN WINSPIRAL U2 (WSPU2) is now created and is an other kind of token.

WSPU2 will be the main money on the u2 cloudmining site.

WSPU2 can be like other tokens be traded on EtherDelta.

Free WSPU2 can be bought and earned by the U2 members.
Free WSPU2 can be earned for free by every one here:

The token has been created to avoid horrible Bitcoin fees.


The WSPU2 initial price is fixed at $0.001 for the U2 members who can buy with pending payout.
More WSPU2 can be bought for this price buy every one through webmaster contact.
After every thing is traded through EtherDelta.
By principle the WSPU2 price will go up,but can go down if token holders are in a "sell hurry".

So far it is an information that the token is created and that it can be traded on the site and in private for those who want join the project for free or for cash.
Later it is every thing is on the site and on EtherDelta.

It's a project...once many tokens are in circulation,it's a classic token use.

18  Local / Annonces / [ANN]✅- ERC20-TOKEN WINSPIRAL U2 (WSPU2)(fr)[Fin ICO] on: February 01, 2018, 10:00:50 AM
Toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin.
Merci à ceux qui ont investis quelques dollars dans mon token WSPU2.

Maintenant c'est au marché de prendre la relève.

Ceux qui sont intéressé pour en acheter peuvent me contacter,je leur dirai comment procéder.

On peut évidemment toujours en avoir des gratuits par le faucet et le mining et le system U2.
on peut déjà les trader sur etherdelta et ERC20 exchange... même si c'est pas encore la masse...on "HODL"

Mais sur le faucet et le mining on trade déjà très bien et les cours flambent...
Dans quelques jours on pourra aussi les trader sur le system U2.

Un bonus sera offert au WSPU2 holders...(le 3ème)
Si tout va bien je prévois un rendement de 12% par si le cours chute,moins si le cours monte...c'est pas une promesse...c'est une possibilité car le cours va forcément changer et ce 12% est une prévision basse.


ERC20-TOKEN WINSPIRAL U2 (WSPU2) deviendra la principale monnaie pour le system U2.

Les membres du system U2 pourront le trader entre eux sur le site,mais également à l'extérieur sur le site EtherDalta comme tout un chacun.

Pour plus d'info vous pouvez suivre sur

Au possibilités de gagner des WSPU2 gratuits  sur le site U2cloudmining s'ajouteront d'autres.

19  Local / Annonces / WSPRL est remplacé par WSPU2 [topic désuet] on: January 20, 2018, 10:22:08 AM
Remplacé par:

ERC20-TOKEN  WINSPIRAL (WSPRL) est le token d'un nouveau genre.

La diffusion se fera gratuitement sous certaines conditions afin de donner de la valeur à WSPRL.

Le WSPRL deviendra la monnaie officielle du réseau winspiral,même si les autres crypto et dollar continueront à être utilisés.

L'avantage sera la réduction des frais de transactions.

Le principal avantage sera que le WSPRL vivra à travers les âges et pourra puisque c'est un token de la chainblock Ethereum être utilisé par tout un chacun comme monnaie.
C'est suffisait d'y penser...

Un avantage non négligeable est le côté spéculatif:Puisqu'on part de zéro...son cours ne peut que grimper.

Pour débuter sa diffusion "gratuite",c'est adossé au mining game:

Bientôt également aussi au system U2 où l'on pourra trader les WSPRL reçus gratuitement.

Une fois qu'il aura pris un peu de valeur,la machine sera lancée.Il pourra alors être utilisé par d'autres pour des faucets ou par exemple des campagnes publicitaires,ce qui lui donnera naturellement encore plus de valeur.La spéculation sera donc de plus belle.

Je vois déjà que vous doutez...c'est pas grave...l'avenir nous le dira...en tout cas le WSPRL est né et croyez moi il a déjà pris de la valeur microscopique.

Plus d'info ici:

20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN]TOKEN WINSPIRAL(WSPRL) has been created on: January 03, 2018, 09:39:59 PM
The specificity of this project is that many of these tokens will be offered through a kind of faucet or other systems like my U2 system.
No one has to pay at the start.So no risk if fiasco.
Once the tokens have an utility,some can be bought at the market price.
Of course token holders can once they have token trade them on the Ethereum network like every token among other Ethereum wallet owner.
If real success the token will be proposed on token trade places.

In the mean time if you have not an Ethereum wallet you can try to open one:It's free and fun to manage one.
More info soon...and feel free to ask if you have questions.

I do this for the fun and I hope it will please you.

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