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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / EOSISH on: September 05, 2018, 03:55:51 PM
Guys, on reddit I found out about this. But I cannot understand what it is, why do we need it?
Help me to make out who's in?!
2  Economy / Digital goods / WTB Bulk of verified facebook accounts. (no phonenumber needed) on: August 13, 2016, 12:49:27 AM
Like the title says, I'm interested in buying facebook accounts. All you need is to be able to log in and use it, no information or activity on it required.

Willing to buy bulks of 5-20.

Offering 0.001 btc per account.

3  Economy / Lending / Looking for a 0.1 btc loan, can use account as collateral on: November 26, 2015, 02:57:52 PM
Hey; reason for the loan: black friday. I get paid on the 1st and will be able to repay the loan on the 2nd which is 6 days from now.

Repayment: 0.11 on tuesday.

Let me know if anyone is interested. I've done several loans here before and paid them back on time.
4  Economy / Lending / Looking for a 0.1 btc loan on: November 08, 2015, 04:03:15 PM

Another loaner hasn't been available to loan me any coins this time so I thought I'd give this a shot.

Would like to loan 0.1 btc until Friday the 13th.

Interest would be 0.115 btc to be returned.

Unfortunately I don't have any collateral to offer at this time. Hope my previous loaning experiences have proven I will return the loan in time.
5  Economy / Gambling / Champions League and Premier League predictions on: November 04, 2015, 03:21:00 PM
Hello everyone.

I will be making a personal predictions thread with my predictions and outcomes and more detailed stats in the long run.
Mostly I will focus on Premier League (since it's been one of the most exciting ones this season) but also Champion's League while they are at it.

I decided to make this after guessing correctly on 3 games in a row so far on (finnish betting site). I also own a fantasy football team that is sub 20k overall ranked at the moment.

Comments are appreciated and allowed, as long as they stay relevant to the thread.

I will also be informing you how much I am betting on each bet and how much of a profit I will be making. Hoping some of you may get as luck if you follow my predictions and thus I will just drop a btc address here in case you hit it big and want to thank me later: 1CLtpePt1DJBQGPpoQ5YJXBdzcsZKTHfE4
6  Economy / Speculation / [Poll] What do you think will be the new ATH? on: November 04, 2015, 01:11:38 PM
Just wondering with the recent surge where people will assume the price will reach an all time high.

Will be interesting to see later how it differs from the real one.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Guys... I'm having this feeling again on: October 28, 2015, 10:39:25 PM

I just wanted to share this feeling I've been getting and building up lately... it's one of those you feel deep in your gut and it doesn't happen too often.

As a matter of fact, the only 2 times I've felt it for reals in the last 3 years have been when I met this amazing girl and the first time I stumbled upon bitcoin after reading through everything carefully and being a big lurker on r/bitcoin and here.

I know it's way too early to tell, and I am not here to mention or jinx anything, just a mere reminder that for your trip to wear a seatbelt.

With seatbelt I mean your wallets under your seats, in your backpocket('s *some people may carry several wallets) and please refrain from leaving them in the front of the bus with everyone else's wallets in a bag, I know the busdriver makes it so easy for you to exchange your money for bustickets with just holding your wallet for you. But let me tell you how many times I've heard stories of busdrivers noticing how some wallets one day happen to be extra heavy and they take them for a run and blame the bus that it stopped working. Smiley

Although I've heard there are some new and other buses out there that have busdrivers with huge wallets themselves and only drive the bus cause they enjoy it and they love helping people get forward. Smiley

Stay safe, peace

edit: sorry for the exaggerated metaphors
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / The EFF are disappointed to see CISA pass senate on: October 28, 2015, 05:43:08 AM
"CISA passed the Senate today in a 74-21 vote. The bill is fundamentally flawed due to its broad immunity clauses, vague definitions, and aggressive spying authorities. The bill now moves to a conference committee despite its inability to address problems that caused recent highly publicized computer data breaches, like unencrypted files, poor computer architecture, un-updated servers, and employees (or contractors) clicking malware links. "

more on it:
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Fingerprint distribution and wallet access on: October 27, 2015, 04:39:43 AM
Had this idea last night, we have all seen how the Samsung s5 has the "unluck phone by fingerprint"-function and with technology rising and the future near, I'm sure that this will be something to be used more often and made simpler for most people.

How difficult would it be to make a new coin where the distribution of it would include a certain amount per fingerprint. When people open up the new wallet on their app, it will require them to add their fingerprint to it, the database would notice it's a new fingerprint and award him his share of the "pre-mined" distribution and at the same time he would be able to use his wallet with said fingerprint.

Now I am not saying to add names and ID's to those fingerprints, but just as a necessity that no one would be able to cheat the system and get themselves more than 1 share of the distribution. I know this can be avoided with ID's but in the cryptoworld no one likes to send their ID's to strangers, and what harm could strangers do with a shit-ton of fingerprints instead? Not much I bet.

Just an idea, let me know what you think of it.
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / What happened to Satoshi Nakamoto? on: October 27, 2015, 04:30:37 AM
Either it's me who can't find it through the forum's search function or it's not there any more.

I remember having seen it here before though and read some of the posts he was making in the beginning of this forum. Wanted to go back and read some of them for nostalgia but it's nowhere.

On a related note:

What would you say to him/her/them if the account in question started being active on these forums again or made an AMA?Smiley

Titled edited to relate to recent discussion about the actual creator of bitcoin more than his account on here.
11  Economy / Lending / Loan thread on: October 27, 2015, 02:27:36 AM
Want to borrow 0.1 for 5 days with the return of 0.11 btc.

Date and time currently: 27.10.2015 04:26

Address: 1J3whvthamnhpDV3BbPqvNRiEx4UPQs4aG

0.11 to be returned on the 1st of November.

Add a return address please.

12  Bitcoin / Legal / EU's Top Court rules that Bitcoin exchange should be tax-free on: October 22, 2015, 10:27:08 AM
More on the news here:

Finland was one of the first countries to tax bitcoin, wonder what they have to say about it now.  Roll Eyes
13  Economy / Lending / [Need a loan] of 0.05 and return 0.06 in 7 days. on: October 16, 2015, 01:41:33 AM
Buying coins through kraken next week, actually buying 400€ worth but I don't believe my account's trust would hold up for a lot more than what I'm asking for.

Anyway, my account is worth to me a lot more than 10 euros. With that being said, I would prefer if I could get a loan of 0.05 without collateral since I will need my account for the signature campaign I am in too.

Appreciate the read, if you are willing to give me this loan, let me know here and I will sign a message (even though I haven't used my btc address yet on this forum).
14  Economy / Service Discussion / You can now fund your paypal account with bitcoins on: October 15, 2015, 06:12:40 PM
More about it here:

This is a big step for the btc community I believe. Smiley
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Hedge fund has borrowed $10M usd using the bitcoin blockchain on: October 14, 2015, 03:15:13 PM
The future is here people, get settled for the G force on your rockets. Wink

More info about it:
16  Economy / Speculation / The inevitable is upon us... on: August 04, 2015, 01:59:48 AM
... bitcoin rises to 10,000$, or dollar falls to 10k/coin, however you wanna say it Smiley

What is a thoughtful prediction of yours on when you think this day will happen? try to be exact and think of a couple reasons why you think that will be the time to make your post stand out, and at the end of it all I will make a graph of all answers with an averege estimated date.

If no reasons come to mind; you can just pass aslong as you tried and just give out an estimate date. Smiley

my guess: 4th march 2016, there is just something beautiful of the thought of it happening after the EU starts to realise what's about to happen with their united currency, the same way it flows downwards like litecoin follows bitcoin, it shall follow $, cny and ruble.
17  Other / Off-topic / Futuristic Bitcoin strip on: July 15, 2015, 09:53:56 PM
Hey guys, I was thinking of drawing some short comics or strips about let's say a future where btc will be the primary currency used in the world. How would they talk about the times we are in now where we still weren't aware of bitcoins power? Any fun ideas any of you might have to help me create a few comics?

I'm trying to come up with a few and will be posting results in here in img format Smiley

Was thinking stuff along the lines of like:

"Omg did you hear our new neighbors are known of owing tens of bitcoins?!"

"Whaaat, they must've bough in 2015 or sometime then :O"

Like i don't know, i just haven't seen anything similar lately so was wondering if it would be a cool idea to start creating some of those, then maybe someone would want to add them to newspapers or whatever, you never know. Smiley
18  Other / Off-topic / I was thinking of streaming my day to day bitcoin profits, anyone interested? on: June 21, 2015, 10:55:27 AM
I would go on about what I do on this forum and elsewhere to earn bitcoins for free, was wondering if people would be interested in watching this and if some would learn a few things from it.
19  Bitcoin / Hardware / Where would I look into buying miners? on: June 20, 2015, 04:09:40 PM
I am interested in opening a farm and purchasing a lot of miners.

Just wondering how my steps would be from here, are there any sites that actually work and send you your miners in time? Any trusted sites?

I wouldn't want my investment to go to scam so just wondering how the situation is nowadays and if there indeed are any trusted sites where you can buy miners from and actually get them in time.
20  Economy / Games and rounds / PrimeDice Tournament on: June 16, 2015, 09:13:35 PM
Hey guys, just noticed there is a tournament of some sort going on on the PrimeDice subreddit!

Here is a link to it:

GL HF Cheesy
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