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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Monero, Zano and the State of CryptoNote Coins as We Approach 2021 on: December 03, 2020, 02:49:55 PM
For a while I've been under the impression that the Zano-Monero relationship was like the CryptoNote equivalent of Litecoin-Bitcoin. CryptoNote silver to CryptoNote gold as it were, with the chance that Zano may edge ahead (at least on a technical level) if they implement log-size ring sigs first. I won't go on too much about Zano (intro for those interested) or Monero here, but here's a link to the papers for their respective log-size ring signature schemes:

Zano:  Lin2-Xor Lemma and Log-size Linkable RingSignature
Monero: Triptych: logarithmic-sized linkable ring signatures with applications

But I realized I really don't have enough information to make such a strong claim, as I don't know much about the other actively developed CryptoNote coins.

There's a whole mess of forks from the original ByteCoin code, but most are probably long gone now.

What's the current state of affairs? Who's innovating and what're the most important CryptoNote projects we should be watching right now?
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