Every little help is much appreciated for a greater good.

There will be 2 prizes for this raffle, as follows:
FIRST PRIZE: Cryptonic Silver Plated Physical Bitcoin

SECOND PRIZE: Redeemed Denarium Physical Bitcoin

SECOND PRIZE: Redeemed Denarium Physical Bitcoin

Price of each ticket: 0.015 BTC
Payment address: 1HEGfPYW6MEvv6T2YXrN9vPqJiq4kiZoF (Minerjones' Donation address)
2 consecutive blocks will be announced once all the slots are filled up.
Availables slots:
1: killyou72 - PAID
2: hybridsole - PAID
3: killyou72 - PAID
4: hybridsole - PAID
5: Minerjones - PAID
6: killyou72 - PAID
7: hybridsole - PAID
8: killyou72 - PAID
9: Lutpin - PAID
0: Minerjones - PAID
a: jacktheking - PAID
c: hybridsole - PAID
d: Minerjones - PAID
e: chronicsky - PAID
f: Minerjones - PAID
Slot limit per user: 4