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1  Economy / Collectibles / [CHARITY RAFFLE] For Minerjones. [FULL] on: July 31, 2016, 08:41:39 AM
I got to know the news pretty late and I wanted to conduct this raffle in order to support his family.
Every little help is much appreciated for a greater good. Smiley

There will be 2 prizes for this raffle, as follows:

FIRST PRIZE: Cryptonic Silver Plated Physical Bitcoin

SECOND PRIZE: Redeemed Denarium Physical Bitcoin

Price of each ticket: 0.015 BTC

Payment address: 1HEGfPYW6MEvv6T2YXrN9vPqJiq4kiZoF (Minerjones' Donation address)

2 consecutive blocks will be announced once all the slots are filled up.

Availables slots:
1: killyou72  -  PAID
2: hybridsole  -  PAID
3: killyou72  -  PAID
4: hybridsole  -  PAID
5: Minerjones  -  PAID
6: killyou72  -  PAID
7: hybridsole  -  PAID
8: killyou72  -  PAID
9: Lutpin  -  PAID
0: Minerjones  -  PAID
a: jacktheking  -  PAID
b: MRBONG411  -  PAID
c: hybridsole  -  PAID
d: Minerjones - PAID
e: chronicsky  -  PAID
f: Minerjones  -  PAID

Slot limit per user: 4
2  Economy / Gambling / Can we have a game similar to ? on: July 30, 2016, 10:38:23 PM
We already know, which is based on but rewards qualified participants with bitcoins.

Can anyone here make a similar platform for with reward system similar to chopcoin?
Here is the source code if anyone wants to develop on it in future:

Since agar and slither are both popular games, we can promote bitcoin on a vast scale if we have something similar to slither.
Waiting for someone to take the torch...
3  Economy / Web Wallets / Beware of this phishing email! on: July 03, 2016, 06:10:39 AM
I received an email an hour ago stating this:

Notice the hidden link behind "Start the verification process here."
Also notice the grammatical errors.
Beware of these kind of emails as this email went through Gmail's spam filter and reached directly to my inbox.

Also they are trying to trick users by using this domain for sending emails:

If you have received these kind of emails, kindly report them as phishing attack for Gmail's spam bot recognition.
4  Local / Marketplace (India) / [URGENT] NEED A DOMINO'S E-VOUCHER WORTH Rs. 1356 on: July 01, 2016, 01:59:56 PM
Kindly send me a Domino's E-voucher worth Rs. 1356 and I will pay you in Bitcoins.
Voucher can be purchased from:
I need it positively by 8:30 pm (IST) tonight.

Thanks in advance.
5  Economy / Exchanges / So Coinbase supports PayPal! on: June 29, 2016, 08:45:34 AM
According to their recent blog post, Coinbase is adding PayPal as a platform for depositing fiat. (only for US users)

I don't know whether its hysterical or hypocrisy but AFAIK, PayPal was solely against any trades related to Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. And I wonder whether its a plan for Coinbase's long con?  Roll Eyes
6  Economy / Digital goods / [WTB] Virtual Credit Card (Not Debit Card!) on: June 15, 2016, 10:57:09 PM
I want to buy apps and games from Oculus store and so I need a virtual credit card only.

It would be better if anyone can sell me a virtual credit card from Neteller because it works on Oculus Store.
Also, I can't get one by myself as my country does not support creating a VCC on Neteller.

Or you can try other sites if you like.

The balance in the card has to be $60.

For this deal I will have to go for an escrow as some VCC might not work out on the Oculus store.
So a refund will be initiated by me if that happens.
7  Economy / Collectibles / [WTB] Bitcoin Penny NFC composite chip. on: June 09, 2016, 04:33:41 PM
I'm hoping for someone to sell me a Bitcoin Penny NFC composite chip or something similar which has an NFC built to it.
I am quite low on my budget right now to buy the whole roll of the Bitcoin Penny Special Edition.

My main point of interest is the NFC technology embedded into a physical cryptopiece.

If you have something like this, you can pm me anytime with your offer and I will definitely look into it. Smiley
8  Economy / Scam Accusations / [RESOLVED] yoona scammed me! on: May 11, 2016, 08:20:21 AM
yoona refunded me my coins with some compensation. The scam accusation is withheld.
Dispute resolved.

What happened::
I saw yoona's auction and placed an order on 19th April for one 32 GB USB Key at his BIN price (0.05 BTC). After I sent him payment, he never sent me the tracking ID of its shipment. I sent him multiple pms reminding of my order but in spite of being online he did not bother to reply any of them. Angry

Scammers Profile Link:;u=508756

Reference Link:

Archive :

Amount Scammed: 0.05 BTC

Payment Method: BTC

Proof of Payment:

PM/Chat Logs:


Please provide me your full address. I will ship asap after I get your payment of 0.05 on 1K2tS3XKiGEfVFC1HpsfVe68d7psMZQKba.





Kindly send me the item here:

<My address redacted>

Also try to send me the item through registered mail with full tracking so that I can track the shipment. For example; UPS Express

Allright, I'll let you know when I shipped it. I'll do my best for the full tracking Smiley



Image proof:

Additional Notes:

Do not trade with him until this dispute gets resolved.
9  Economy / Goods / [WTB] S7 Edge Case and Screen Protector on: April 10, 2016, 06:16:07 AM
I want to buy these 2 products from does not ship internationally and did not allow me to buy instantly. (maybe my account is too new)

1. Black carbon fiber case from Caseology -

2. IQ Shield LiQuidSkin screen protector -

I need them urgently. Kindly them from and ship it to my address after you receive it and I'll pay you in bitcoin.

Estimated total cost - $25.84
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Stable altcoin? on: March 21, 2016, 05:49:51 PM
So many altcoins popping up every now and then which makes it far more difficult to decide which one is the stable amongst all.
So can someone suggest me the most stable altcoin till date?

By stable I mean the coins whose price does not change drastically every now and then.

(Except Litecoin and Dogecoin)
11  Economy / Currency exchange / [WTS] 0.84290295 BTC for PP on: February 23, 2016, 09:04:46 PM
I have some pending orders on eBay and I need $ 344 exact on my PayPal account.

Since I have 0.84290295 BTC right now which is approximately around $ 354.

I know the profit is low but it would be generous if you accept the deal. Smiley

P.S. I will only trade with trusted members.
12  Economy / Marketplace / General query regarding a physical coin auction on: February 13, 2016, 04:35:20 AM
I currently having an auction running here -

Regarding the auction many members are either commenting there or pm-ing me asking not to peel the sticker off from the unredeemed coins like Ravenbit, and 2 other CryptoImperator coins.

So what would you like me to do?

1. Peel the sticker off and redeem the coins before delivery?
2. Send the unredeemed coin and the buyer will pay the btc stored in them + the winning auction bid?

(Please write your response below if you have voted)
13  Economy / Computer hardware / [WTS] ►► 2 ANTMINER S3+ & 1 ANTMINER U2 FOR FREE !! on: February 11, 2016, 10:34:37 PM
I am selling 2 of my Antminer S3+ since I am leaving up with the mining game as of now.

Asking price: 0.24 BTC each.

I also have a Corsair RM850 PSU (Fully Modular + Super Silent) which I am selling @ 0.34 BTC (asking price)

If you buy all three of them then you will be given an Antminer U2 for free Cheesy

* Shipping prices are not included with the asking price

Also note that;
  • Shipping will be from India
  • Buyer will pay escrow fees
  • Payment address ►► 1SoumyadbsfCGsSekYdgAkWpGZM3WSaxt

Now its picture time (click on the images for bigger resolution):

14  Economy / Auctions / [AUCTION] ►► Ravenbit, 2 X Cryptoimperator, Cryptonic and 15 different coins! on: February 11, 2016, 09:21:22 PM
I am auctioning off 15 different coins! Wink

1. Gold Plated Commemorative Proof Coin

2. Ravenbit Node Brass (will be redeemed before shipping and a tamper-proof sticker will be provided, kind of DIY)

3. Cryptonic Bitcoin (Silver Plated)

4. 2 X Cryptoimperator Physical Bitcoin (will be redeemed before shipping and no stickers will be provided, kind of redeemed)

5. Denarium 1/100 BTC Redeemed coin

6. Mongolia 500 Togrog Wildlife Protection - Manul Cat 1 Oz .999 Silver Plated Coin

7. Lionel Messi 24KT Gold Plated Proof Coin + Engraved Autograph

8. Cristiano Ronaldo 24KT Gold Plated Proof Coin + Engraved Autograph

9. Sachin Tendulkar 24 KT Gold Plated Proof Coin + Engraved Autograph

10. Magret Thatcher 24KT Gold Plated Proof Coin

11. Casino Poker Card (ON A RUSH - EN FUEGO) Gold Plated Proof Coin

12. Poker Capital Of The World, Las Vegas Gold Plated Proof Coin

13. Batman Series 1OZ Silver Plated Coin

14. NIUE Halloween "Glow In The Dark" Jack O Lantern 1 oz Silver Plated Coin

15. German Deutschland Bundesrepublik Territorial 24KT Gold Plated Bar


  • Starting Bid : 0.01 BTC PER ITEM
  • Bidding Increments : 0.01 BTC PER ITEM
  • End date and time : February 21st, 2016  @12:00 AM INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) ->
  • Multiple Bidding : Allowed, provided you mention the serial number of the listed coins and separate your bids.
  • Shipping From : India.
  • Shipping Fees : To be paid for by auction winner. It'll be calculated after bidding ends. (according to the bidder's postal address)
  • Winner Selected : Last bidder right before 12:00 AM.
  • Forum Downtime: I will reschedule a new auction or just extend the end time depending on the length of the downtime.
  • Payment address ->>1SoumyadbsfCGsSekYdgAkWpGZM3WSaxt<< Watch out for IMPOSTORS!
  • Escrow(**) accepted.


(**) (Escrow fees if charged, must be payed by the bidder)
(**) (Escrow is not needed for bidders having good Trusted Feedback rating Smiley )
15  Economy / Digital goods / Porn + Spotify Account Giveaway on: February 06, 2016, 10:50:34 AM
I have a few premium porn accounts on Mofos and some Spotify accounts.
I will give them away for free since I cannot guarantee if they will work.
That is why I am not selling them specifically.

Now to participate in this giveaway you have to reply this thread making a request and I will pm them the login credentials.


1. I will only give the accounts to senior members and above. So please do not request here if you are below senior member.
2. Negative trust accounts are not eligible to enter.
3. You should not request me on pm. You have to reply here to enter.
4. Only one account will be given per member. You can request for both porn+spotify accounts though.
5. No replacement will be provided if the accounts are not working or suspended.

If you find the account I provided you is fine, please feel free to donate me some bitcoins as an appreciation and to help me conducting future giveaways like this Smiley
Minimum donation is at least $1.5 in btc.

My tip jar -- 1SoumyadbsfCGsSekYdgAkWpGZM3WSaxt
(Please dont forget to post here after you have donated to confirm who has donated)

So let the giveaway begin...
16  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Are these spam transactions? on: February 01, 2016, 08:18:10 PM
Today I stumbled upon an address. (
There are already 69 transactions but all of them are of 0 BTC in value.

Moreover in every transactions there is one output stating "(Escrow 1 of 1xxxxxxxxx...1xxxxxxxxx...1xxxxxxxxx...)"

Are these transactions pushed by any automated bots to spam the network or are those transactions done for testing purpose?
17  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / How can I? on: January 31, 2016, 06:00:58 PM
We all know that every address generated on the core wallet or on any other 3rd party wallets like Electrum, Mycellium etc. has a single extended public key (known as xPub) which acts like a master key holding all the addresses like a chain.
In fact we can find our own xPub from the wallet.

But how exactly can I find that xPub key for any other arbitrary wallets?
I know of as it can find the master keys of known companies and exchanges like Coinbase,, etc. but not an individual's key who is actively using core wallet.

Any kind of help is much appreciated Smiley
18  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / How to deal with 80 GB Blockchain? on: January 28, 2016, 10:11:21 AM
We already know that we have to download Bitcoin Core wallet if we want to contribute the network by running the full node of the blockchain.

But it will be a tedious job download the full chain of size 80 GB again if there happens something wrong with one's wallet and it needs to restart a wallet from the beginning.

So is there a recent bootstrap file available anywhere so that I can keep it as a backup in case I need it whenever I start a new wallet?
Or can anyone help me out on how to create a bootstrap file myself directly from the wallet files?

Technical helps are much appreciated Smiley
19  Economy / Scam Accusations / !!! Phishing Site! Beware !!! on: January 26, 2016, 12:49:22 PM
What happened::
A brand new user named Btctrader12 started pming me constantly for choosing me as a partner on his gambling site. He then sent a link to a phishing site of Luckybtccasino. He also sent me another link which will probably download a keylogger and gave a fake login details to camouflage that link saying that they are the login details for admin panel.

LOL! He though I was such a fool! Grin

Scammers Profile Link:;u=741689

Reference Link:
1. Real casino site:

2. Phishing site:
3. Keylogger:

PM/Chat Logs:

Additional Notes:

1. Never feed any troll pms send by newbies.
2. Always investigate thoroughly a link given by them. Never follow their instructions blindly for money.
3. Always look for SSL certificate and verify if necessary. (Look at the phishing link. There is no https://)
20  Local / Marketplace (India) / [WTS] BTC for Indian CASH on: January 22, 2016, 04:48:58 AM
I am currently having around 2 BTC consolidated in all of my paper wallets (including my profile address) and I want to cash them out.

I stay near Kolkata. So if anyone staying in Kolkata and is interested can pm me. We can discus about the price and all and we can fix a date regarding hand to hand transaction.

First of all I will check all the cash to ensure if there is any adulteration done and then only will release BTC in front of you. Also please try to bring notes with highest denomination for easier counting.
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