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1  Local / Mining (Nederlands) / Waar mining onderdelen kopen zonder opgelicht te worden on: January 19, 2018, 12:01:17 AM
Een bekende van mij wil graag een mining rig bouwen of een kant en klare rig kopen, aangezien er veel nieuwe websites verschijnen en de helft oplichters zijn vroeg ik me af wat nou wel een betrouwbare webshop is. Zoeken een miner voor een eerlijke prijs en advies voor een leuke miner is natuurlijk ook altijd welkom
2  Economy / Exchanges / Bitcoin debitcard without proof of address or multiple cards on: June 27, 2017, 12:08:20 AM
Searching for a Bitcoin debit card that can be used by providing only a identity card and without the need to send a proof of address/utility bill. Before I could use the XAPO debit card but since the new EU regulations they blocked mine card because I did withdraw more as 250 euro from the ATM, I can't use it anymore since I can't verify myself with a proof of address. Wonder what mine best options are to get some money from the ATM with a bitcoin debit card. Even ordering multiple cards is a option since most providers accept only 250 euro lifetime ATM withdraw but need to be sure that not all this cards will get blocked.

Some advice from the community is really appreciated this time.
3  Bitcoin / Electrum / By accident double spend transaction on: April 04, 2017, 01:30:07 AM
By accident I send one transaction twice when I only want to send it once, I did get a message that the fees were to low so I did set he fees higher and send it again. Didn't know that it was already send the first time. Anyone who know what will happen with this transactions have to pay a group of people but don't want to pay it twice or that it will not arrive at all.

The transactions are send with Electrum where I only see this transaction the other isn't even visible only in the blockchain I see them both.
4  Economy / Games and rounds / Click the most captchas and win up to 700k satoshi! 31-03 to 02-04 weekend bonus on: February 10, 2017, 06:49:33 PM
Currently I am running a mrai(RaiBlocks) captchas service here on bitcointalk This weekend we have again a special bonus for the top five captcha clickers who earned the most Mrai from Friday to Sunday. Send me a message if you want to take part in this promotion.

First prize: 700 000 satoshi
Second prize: 350 000 satoshi
Third prize: 250 000 satoshi
Fourth prize: 150 000 satoshi
Fifth prize: 100 000 satoshi

The winners will be announced and paid on Monday!

This is the result of the bonus round we had this weekend, congratulations to the winners!

bonus 11-02/12-02
1st delasoul 500 000 satoshi
2nd ttwork 200 000 satoshi
3rd claret123 100 000 satoshi

bonus 17-02/19-02
1st Yogisetiana 600 000 satoshi
2nd Adriano2010 300 000 satoshi
3rd ttwork 200 000 satoshi
4th azgetar 100 000 satoshi
5th Freddynic159 50 000 satoshi

bonus 24-02/26-02
1st loki 700 000 satoshi
2nd blueskymay 350 000 satoshi
3rd ttwork 250 000 satoshi
4th Yogisetiana 150 000 satoshi
5th snowflake12 100 000 satoshi

bonus 03-03/05-03
1st loki 700 000 satoshi
2nd ResExtensa23 350 000 satoshi
3rd blueskymay 250 000 satoshi
4th Adriano2010 150 000 satoshi
5th Freddynic159 100 000 satoshi
5  Economy / Collectibles / [AUCTION] LuckyBit silver & rose gold set coins/wallets on: January 28, 2017, 09:47:28 PM
I won recently in the LuckyBit image contest the Silver + Rose Gold coins. Now I won before exactly the same set of coins so that is the reason I want to auction one set.

Pictures made by LuckyBit:
Silver coin(sell thread

rose gold(sell thread

Pictures made by me(up set#54, down#60/61)

Only one set have matching numbers #54 and the other silver #60 and rose gold #61, you have the choice between this two combinations. Air titles and holograms will be included for each coin.

Found this good explanation how you can make a psychical wallet of this coins.
1 hologram is included with this coin. If you want to turn it into a physical wallet here are the instructions:

1. Generate a new bitcoin address and copy the private key.
2. Turn the private key into a QR code using a QR generator.
3. Resize the QR code to a 17 mm x 17 mm image and print it.
4. Cut out the QR code and place it (face down) on the coin.
5. Cover the QR code with one of our tamper proof holograms.
6. Send your prefered amount of bitcoin to your newly generated bitcoin address.

Starting Bid: 0.02
Minimum Bid Increments: 0.0025
Sniping: Each bid made in the last 10 minutes of the auction extends the auction by another 10 minutes.
End time: 48 Hours from this post.

Tracked shipping included in the price.
6  Economy / Services / Best offer solving RaiBlocks captchas solo(the end) on: January 24, 2017, 06:45:48 PM
Most fair deal solving mrai captchas!

I am looking for a few people that want to solve mrai(RaiBlocks) captchas with me. Once in the few days I will update a Google spreadsheet with the total amount of mrai you earned. I can see for each address what they earned each day and will try to sell the mrai that we earned together for the best price I can get for it, and pay back 90% 94% to the people who solved the captchas.

The price of 1mrai is now around 900/1200 satoshi ,  so if I sell it for 100 satoshi each you will get 94 satoshi each if the price go up and I get 500 satoshi each you will get 470 satoshi each. Currently you will get around 0.0425 mrai for each captcha claim but that amount can change depending on how much people are total claiming the captchas.

If you are interested to solve captchas let me know than I will send you a mrai address that you need to solve the captchas.

From now on the minimum amount you need to have to get paid that day is 25000 satoshi(0.00025000), if you didn't reach that amount for that day you will see on the spreadsheet that you automatically take that to the next day.

31-03 to 02-04 weekend bonus round:
This weekend we have a special bonus for the top five captcha clickers who earned the most Mrai from Friday to Sunday. We start from Friday so each one have equal chances to get in this top five, you can easily see when a new day is starting if you keep track on the timer at the faucetpage.

First prize: 700 000 satoshi
Second prize: 350 000 satoshi
Third prize: 250 000 satoshi
Fourth prize: 150 000 satoshi
Fifth prize: 100 000 satoshi

The winners will be announced and paid on Monday!
This is the result of the bonus round we had last weekend, congratulations to the winners!

1st blueskymay 700 000 satoshi
2nd loki 350 000 satoshi
3rd Sliphers 250 000 satoshi
4th Kencha77 150 000 satoshi
5th ardani332 100 000 satoshi

Winners will be paid with the next payment of today the full result is visible on the spreadsheet. Next weekend we will have another bonus round details will be posted soon.

7  Economy / Web Wallets / Xapo will start charging a fee to receive transactions on: January 19, 2017, 02:09:42 PM
Yesterday I noticed for the first time that XAPO will start charging a fee for incoming BTC transactions. Bad news for the people who used XAPO also for receiving micro transactions. All transactions lower than BTC 0.00030942 will have to pay this fee.

Bitcoin Transaction Fees:



Read more:
8  Local / Nederlands (Dutch) / Bitcoin in AD Utrecht Nieuwsblad: Bitcoin is de wilde haren nog niet kwijt on: January 07, 2017, 03:21:43 PM
Stond vandaag een stuk in het AD Utrechts Nieuwsblad. Voor de gene die het nog niet gelezen hadden en wel geïnteresseerd zijn in nieuws over Bitcoin.

9  Economy / Scam Accusations / Btcjack, user: bitcoin110011 fake promises about there giveaways. on: December 12, 2016, 12:06:30 PM
What happened:: The user bitcoin110011 owner of btcjack promises big amounts of Bitcoin to lure people to his website but never paid anyone. No one bragged about there won amount in this giveaway and he never came with any proof that he actually really gave away the 1BTC. He only use fake promises to lure new people. After the giveaway ended he only removed the promotional material from his website and never came up with the winners.

Scammers Profile Link:;u=757125

Reference Link:
Amount Scammed: 1btc possible more in other fake giveaways.
Payment Method: BTC
Proof of Payment: no, he didn't came with proof of payment.
Additional Notes:

Quote of his promises that he would post the winners on his website and on this forum.

This is open to everyone and it is not only legit but we have been paying bitcoin poker freerolls for a long time and anyone who knows BTCJACK knows that we pay out our followers.

It is an easy request to join our youtube channel and retweet our tweet of the giveaway.

10 random people will be chosen and recieve each 0.1btc....
The names will be posted on the 2nd of november on the website and here on the forum with the payment transaction.

We would like to hold an extra 0.25 btc to be split between 2 people who have come through the forum

Enter your twitter account that you used to reweet and 2 people will get 0.125btc

Good luck to everyone and hope that you win.

He opened a new thread for his website btcjack on this forum Think that this guy deserve some red trust for his nasty behavior.
10  Economy / Gambling discussion / Best apps for sports betting tips on: December 05, 2016, 02:11:50 PM
I wonder what apps you are using or know for the best sport betting tips. I already found OLBG sports betting tips(IOS & Android) and want to know if there are more apps that are great for people who like sports betting.
11  Economy / Gambling / Any nice weekend gambling bonus on: August 20, 2016, 10:44:56 AM
Is there any nice weekend bonus currently running on one of the gambling websites. Before I played a lot at Primedice but want something different this time. I was thinking about signup bonus or some kind of bonus that could be archived not something that need extremely rollover before you can cash out. Of course I am prepared to deposit to play some gambling.
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Final balance in blockchain not in wallet on: August 05, 2016, 10:45:12 AM
How is it possible that the displayed final balance in is not in the Bitcoin wallet. There are no unconfirmed transactions and could not find how this is possible anyway. This address is from a XAPO wallet not sure if that matters. Hope someone can help me and tell me something more about it.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Ripple XRP help needed on: July 06, 2016, 09:49:52 PM
Downloaded rippex Ripple desktop wallet and want to withdraw from Bitrex. Only Bittrex ask for tag code when you want to withdraw Ripple. But can't find the tag code in the rippex Ripple desktop wallet and see this message:
Your Ripple account is not active. To activate it, you'll need to send at least 20 XRP to [own adress]
I have the ripple to activate it by myself but how I send them from bittrex.
14  Local / Nederlands (Dutch) / VPRO Tegenlicht aflevering over Bitcoin on: May 19, 2016, 10:35:02 AM
Toen de financiële wereld In 2008 instortte, presenteerde een mysterieus genie, ook wel bekend onder de schuilnaam 'Satoshi Nakamoto', de architectuur voor het perfecte, bankloze geld. Bitcoin is niet te vervalsen en kan met één muisklik zonder transactiekosten wereldwijd worden verstuurd. Tot op de dag van vandaag weet niemand wie hij is, maar zijn uitvinding van de eerste decentrale ‘crypto currency’ werd in een paar jaar wereldberoemd. Aanvankelijk werd bitcoin afgedaan als onveilig en enkel interessant voor criminelen. Maar met horten en stoten bleef de koers stijgen en langzamerhand wordt bitcoin ook door banken en overheden gezien als een uitvinding waar zij niet omheen kunnen.
De aflevering van VPRO tegenlicht van vandaag ging over de Bitcoin technologie. Zeker de moeite waard eens terug te kijken. Zelf kwam ik het tegen toen ik toevallig televisie aan kijken was.

VPRO tegenlicht 09:20 19/05/2016
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Minergate vs Nicehash on: May 11, 2016, 12:49:53 PM
If you compare this two miner software which one do you guys prefer and why. Wanna run this software on older desktop pc and laptop. My wife already run Minergate on newer laptop but so far I don't know the difference between this two programs.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Best IOS app to keep eye on different crypto on: April 07, 2016, 08:48:28 PM
What app do you guys prefer to use on IPhone for keep close look on the different prices. I know about the app Cryptonater but there you can't see really advanced info. For trading purpose what can you guys recommend me to use.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / PEX price fall down on: April 06, 2016, 04:52:01 PM
Do anyone know why PEX (PoSeX coin)  price has fallen so big. I own some coins and hope someone know more about it.
18  Other / Politics & Society / Johan Cruyff, Dutch football legend, dies at the age of 68 on: March 24, 2016, 01:22:19 PM
The Holland football legend Johan Cruyff has died of cancer at the age of 68. The Dutchman, who on three occasions was voted the world player of the year, guided Holland to the World Cup final in 1974 and as a manager he spent eight years in charge of Barcelona.

Just heard this terrible news on Dutch news site. RIP Johan Cruyff he was the best Dutch footballer ever.

19  Other / Meta / Staking bitcoin adress from mobile wallet on: March 11, 2016, 07:43:44 PM
Is there an possibility to stake an adress here on the forum with an mobile wallet. I use xapo, bread wallet, coinbase, Snapcard and Hive wallet. Any of this wallet that can be used for an signed message could not find what wallet is useful for this.

I wonder this since I read about people who loses there account after they were hacked.
20  Economy / Gambling / Bitcoin poker on: February 09, 2016, 09:27:45 PM
I wonder if people ever tried online poker with Bitcoins. I like to play a game of poker and now I wanna know what you guys experience are and what poker website you suggest.
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