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1  Economy / Speculation / Will the MIT experiment bring a spike in price? on: May 02, 2014, 09:36:27 PM
MIT is giving 4500 undergrads $100 in BTC this Fall. What will happen to the price?
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Has Bitcoin left the Beta stage yet? on: April 09, 2013, 04:07:28 PM
Has the bitcoin project left the "beta" stage yet? If not, when is it projected to leave beta?
3  Economy / Trading Discussion / Bitcoinary fees on: April 01, 2013, 03:28:46 PM
I just found out that is charging 2.5 percent for a bitcoin to paypal trade.

Paypal is 2.9 percent! This is bullcrap!

Please lower your fee bitcoinary.

Please complain with me... its our money.
4  Bitcoin / Legal / Bitcoin and Illinois on: March 01, 2013, 11:02:41 PM
Saw this in techcrunch:


Square Slapped With Cease And Desist By Illinois State Department Of Financial Regulation

The quoted law:

We’re not lawyers but the scuffle appears to be over an Illinois state law, the Transmitters of Money Act. According to the Statute, No person may engage in this State in the business of selling or issuing payment instruments, transmitting money, or exchanging, for compensation, payment instruments or money of the United States government or a foreign government to or from money of another government without first obtaining a license under this Act.

Is Bitcoin covered by this law?

How would you ever know if you were dealing with someone who lived in Illinois anyway?
5  Economy / Services / PHP Programmer needed for important project on: February 23, 2013, 02:54:05 PM
• It is for a plugin, similar to a Wordpress plugin. It will be downloaded to various sites on the web.

• This is for a PHP person who understands how passive income works. If you are the "free spirit" type, it helps as well.

• Please PM.
6  Bitcoin / Project Development / A new idea for bitcoin markets on: February 20, 2013, 04:21:14 PM
I believe bitcoin markets should match bitcoin; distributed, and not under the control of centralized groups.
I believe bitcoin markets should not charge fees.
I believe bitcoin markets should not have intrusive ads or ask intrusive questions.
I believe there is a group of people out there who has been waiting for this to happen.

Bank robbers rob banks because they know that is where the money is. Those who
rob current bitcoin markets have the same targets because that is where the bitcoins are.
I believe this needs to change so that thieves no longer have a target online.

This idea of making bitcoin markets decentralized makes bitcoin even more secure.

Some people with some web programming skills would be nice to pull this off. I can do
some of them myself since I have been a webmaster off and on for ten plus years.
I could eventually make it all myself in time. But again, it is against what I believe. Having "one
person in charge" of things is not the goal. Complete decentralization of bitcoin markets is the goal.
If you believe like I do lets work on making it happen.

Send me a PM...
7  Economy / Currency exchange / Want to trade Netspend for Bitcoin on: October 09, 2012, 10:33:33 PM
I want to buy four bitcoin with my Netspend card or account.

The Mt.Gox price plus a little more is okay with me.

8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / (Not) Hacked and can not recover (solved) on: September 24, 2012, 05:25:35 PM
The BTC address was changed in my wallet yesterday. It came after a failed transaction in an exchange.

There was just a little money in there, that is not the worrry. The worry is that I have uninstalled and deleted the Bitcoin program twice. I even restored the computer back about four days before this event.

Guess what happens? Both new downloads of the Bitcoin program produced the same Bitcoin address.

It is the same address that it was changed to when the money was stolen. I can not download a different address.

This is a Vista laptop, so if anyone knows how I can get the guy out of my computer and get my own BTC address, please let me know.
9  Economy / Currency exchange / [CLOSED] USD Paypal for Bitcoin on: September 16, 2012, 10:34:56 PM
I am looking to trade Paypal (USD) for Bitcoin.

I will pay the Mt Gox rate at the time of sale. At the moment it is around $11.80

I want to trade $100. Edit: I will not do any chargebacks.;sa=send;u=56251 → PM me

Second edit: I have a premium, verified Paypal account.
10  Economy / Trading Discussion / Best Prices for Trades on: July 06, 2012, 01:31:34 AM
I am surfing around trying to find the lowest prices/trades on bitcoins. Does anyone know the best site that has decent volume and low prices for USD → BTC ?

I have been waiting for hours at the present one and I would rather cash out than wait. I offered a price above the last few trades, but no one seems to be taking it.

Mt Gox has the highest prices from my experience. I am looking for lower prices.

Thanks in advance for any help.
11  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Bom dia! Quero vender bitcoin no Brasil. on: June 21, 2012, 07:17:25 AM
Em dois dias, gostaria de começar a vender o Bitcoin para aqueles que vivem no Brasil. Vou dar uma percentagem extra para aqueles que compram, tornando-se rentável para eles. Por favor, Envie-me uma mensagem aqui. Obrigado.

Solo hablar en español y ingles.  Roll Eyes
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