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1  Other / Off-topic / What to do with the Pirate charity donation on: August 17, 2012, 09:57:56 PM
Assuming BTCST settles out successfully, which I believe to be quite likely, I'd like to nominate the following group for the charity to win the bet.


They share some of our values. Homebrew is about community, thumbing your nose at alcohol taxes, art, and self-reliance.

We're trying to move into a bigger brew house because our space is too small! We teach people in our community how to brew from scratch, give them a place to brew, and have social and educational events. A bigger space will touch thousands of lives a year between members, those that come to our events and classes, and those that get to have our members' beer.

If we get the donation, we are fully committed to writing an article about it, and sharing all aspects of the donation with the local press, emphasizing bitcoin. We've had some great press before, and we will likely have more.
2  Economy / Speculation / Ladies and Gentleman, There goes $9 on: July 17, 2012, 01:33:00 AM
Next stop $10, and then I predict at least 3 months of stability at $10.

$10 makes e-commerce easy. Everyone can do that math in their head.
3  Economy / Lending / Lending small amounts up to 25 BTC on: July 11, 2012, 05:08:46 AM
I currently have 50 BTC to lend, up to 25 BTC each. No post count requirements. Rates will be at least 5% per week, terms up to 4 weeks.

You must satisfy me that you have the ability and inclination to repay. How that is done I will leave to the borrower, and I will ask questions as nessicary.
4  Other / Politics & Society / Original Liberty Immigration Plan - Happy 4'th USA on: July 04, 2012, 07:42:02 AM
So I'm going to call this the original liberty immigration plan.

We were founded as a country of immigrants. We're a country of the best and brightest. Let's return to that. /lead in So here's how I see it. Anyone not convicted of a felony who is not currently a fugitive in the US should be eligible for a 5 year residency in the US. This comes with a 5 year work permit. The catch is for the first five years that person is not eligible for any US funded social services (unemployment, medicare, discounted college). They are eligible for one benefit only, a return ticket to wherever they came from, but they would never be eligible for any visa to the US ever again. After five years if they haven't been convicted of a crime, they are eligible for permanent residency, and citizenship if they met all other citizenship requirements.

I want to see more immigrants come here again. We should be the city on the hill. The home of the international do'ers and thinkers, the country of the willing. WE ARE AMERICA. WE CAN DO BETTER. Who's with me?
5  Economy / Economics / Velocity on: July 04, 2012, 05:57:33 AM
So, I've been looking hard for a velocity graph. I know there is a number of transactions graph, andI could do it myself from the block chain.... but.

The total BTC outstanding is 9.37 Mil.

The 24 Hour volume is 1.866 Mil. That's 20% velocity per day. And this velocity is insanely variable. I know it was significantly less 12 hours ago.

1. Does anyone have the history on this?

2. 20% velocity is a bullish sign on it's own, isn't it? The full outstanding volume turning over every 5 days?

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