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I'm selling a Casascius 1 BTC Brass Coin, Series-1 (2011), ungraded. I bought this coin myself from Mike. It's uncirculated. In 2012/2013 I used these coins in travels/talks to showcase bitcoin, that's why it's a bit worn. The coin was loaded with 1 BTC by Mike himself, and is untampered. The coin is located in Brazil. Can trade in place if buyer is willing to meet here. Can use mutually trusted escrow. I'm asking for BTC 2.5 + shipping costs. The coin will be sold at that price, or to the person who makes the best offer. Pictures: EDIT: Price lowered to BTC 1.5 + shipping costs ============ EDIT: Price lowered to BTC 1.4 + shipping costs ============ EDIT: Price lowered to BTC 1.3 + shipping costs
I'm selling a Casascius 1 BTC Brass Coin, Series-2 (2011), ungraded. I bought this coin myself from Mike. It's uncirculated. In 2012/2013 I used these coins in travels/talks to showcase bitcoin, that's why it's a bit worn. The coin was loaded with 1 BTC by Mike himself, and is untampered. The coin is located in Brazil. Can trade in place if buyer is willing to meet here. Can use mutually trusted escrow. This is my last S2 Casascius coin. I'm asking for BTC 1.4 + shipping costs. Pictures:
I'm selling a Casascius 1 BTC Brass Coin, Series-2 (2011), ungraded. I bought this coin myself from Mike. It's uncirculated. In 2012/2013 I used these coins in travels/talks to showcase bitcoin, that's why it's a bit worn. The coin was loaded with 1 BTC by Mike himself, and is untampered. The coin is located in Brazil. Can trade in place if buyer is willing to meet here. Can use mutually trusted escrow. I'm asking for BTC 1.4 + shipping costs. Pictures: EDIT: Asking price lowered to BTC 1.4 + shipping costs =================================== EDIT (2) Since no buyer was interested, I also popped this coin open. Next and final S2 brass coin announced here:
Estou vendo uma moeda Casascius que comprei diretamente do Mike Caldwell. Fiz um anúncio na parte de compra/venda do forum. Seria excelente se o comprador fosse também Brasileiro: tenho mais moedas Casascius que pretendo vender caso haja interesse.
Hey guys, I thought of a new method for implementing internal accounts. Currently I've implemented it at the application level, and I'd like to know if you find any flaws, and would like to get suggestions. The method is described here : main difference from the current account method is that currently there is no way to track confirmation from moves between internal accounts. When some internal move is made, the balance is credited at the receiving account as confirmed. My proposed method keeps track of the balance confirmation status across all moves. If you like the idea, maybe I can try to port that myself within bitcoind.
Hello, We're launching today a questions and answers site powered with Bitcoins. All questions posted must have a reward in bitcoins attached, and the reward goes to the person who replies it correctly, according to the asker. You can access it at Would love to hear suggestions, comments or questions about the service. Feel free to start asking your hard questions there  Watch our video here EDIT : now the site accepts zero-confirmation deposits! yay! EDIT : active users can now vote up/down on answer proposals EDIT : our commission changed. Now we charge a flat 0.05 BTC per question. EDIT : Improved notifications system : now you can follow Tags, and also be notified on every new question. EDIT : ZERO FEES - now the site won't charge any fee from you, no matter if you are asking or replying questions. EDIT : New layout, now featuring a video!
Pessoal, Estou lançando hoje um serviço de perguntas e respostas pagas em bitcoin, chamado Bitquestion. Peço que visitem-o no endereço http://www.bitquestion.comAceito dúvidas, sugestões, e comentários em geral. Decidimos lançar o site primeiramente em Inglês, por que a maioria dos usuários de Bitcoin são gringos. Mas em breve vamos localizar o sistema para Português para que todos possam fazer e responder perguntas. Aguardo o feedback de vocês!