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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Testing the self moderated thread feature on: January 26, 2014, 01:39:39 PM
Hi there,

I would just like to test the self moderated thread feature. Does it work well?

2  Economy / Currency exchange / [ANN] BTC <--> XRP Exchange on: April 21, 2013, 06:31:26 AM
New BTC <--> XRP Exchange

Tired of logging into Bitstamp and of their transaction fees?

Try our new friendly micro sized exchange at:

We buy and sell BTC for XRP : )

Incremental transfers available.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [ANN] The Popeye game project and VSGIT Ripple IOU Token giveaway (50%) on: April 17, 2013, 07:37:14 AM
The Popeye game project and VSGIT Ripple IOU Token giveaway (50%)

I have set up a contract for a new Popeye game to be developed on Github.

We give away 50% of the IOU tokens at project launch (conditions apply).

For more information, see link in signature.
4  Other / Beginners & Help / [Ann] Exchange bitcoins for cash globally on: April 17, 2013, 07:15:26 AM
Exchange bitcoins for cash globally

Just visit the website in the signature and send an e-mail with the following details:

  • Continent
  • Your location
  • Your e-mail address

You will then receive notification wherever someone in your area wants to exchange bitcoin for cash. Easy as ABC.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [ANN] Create and exchange your own currency + giveaway on: March 30, 2013, 08:01:32 AM
Create and exchange your own currency + giveaway

This is a list of emerging markets on the Ripple platform and also re-announcing the GIT.

- Giveaway (0.01 GIT) to new users
- Everything is open source
- RSS feeds are available
- You can create a new market and list it on the website
- We are also looking for developers who want to work for us in exchange for our in house Ripple currency
- Updated UI and the CSS stylesheet entirely
- Form and spreadsheet added to allow users to list markets
- Index of all functionalities added
- List of emerging markets added

How to acquire GIT:

- By taking part of the current giveaway (0.01 GIT)
- Work and submit pull requests to our projects. If accepted, you will receive: 1 GIT for a small patch, 10 GIT for a medium patch and 100 GIT for a big patch.
- Buy them for crypto currencies on the market (the markets where you can find the GIT are listed below)
- Exchange them for your own IOU token on the market (you can post info about your contract here first and then make an offer to us in the forum as well)

Advantages of holding and trading GIT:

-You share an interest with developers and others in a project you like
-You can support a project
-You can trade the tokens in the advanced trade section.
- You can exchange the GIT for XRP and BTC (IOU's) later (see conditions)

Welcome to visit the site (link in signature)


Disclaimer: We do not make any legally binding promises, everything is for entertainment and educational purposes only
6  Bitcoin / Project Development / Let's build an open source Google Reader replacement on: March 15, 2013, 04:56:37 AM
Let's build an open source Google Reader replacement.

Google Reader will be discontinued soon. It is probably the world's most popular and feature rich RSS reader. I personally use it daily.

If the Bitcoin community builds a replacement including some additional Bitcoin features we stand a good chance of seizing the market cap in the void that Google leaves behind. Suddenly the Bitcoin industry will dominate the RSS sphere. (An online petition has already seen >50.000 users sign up to bring the GR product back so there is definitely a demand - many power users rely on it for information about the latest updates in whatever field they are active).

I set up a GitHub project here : ) Feel free to join if you think this is a good idea.

Now another thing too before I post this. We can offer a kind of smart contract for developers and investors who might potentially be interested in this project. Ask for more information and add me to your IM client, the details can be found on the website (link in my signature).


7  Economy / Securities / We buy and sell virtual shares (such as colored coins) on: January 31, 2013, 10:36:35 AM
We buy and sell virtual shares (such as colored coins).

I believe the colored coins project has now reached enough maturity for traders to begin to actively buy and sell virtual assets based on the BitcoinX protocol.

Profits from sales of our virtual shares will gain the developers working on our GitHub projects. You can simultaneously make a profit and support teams of good developers by buying and selling our GitCoins.

Please check the link in the signature for more info.
8  Economy / Service Announcements / Virtual Shares / Git Project Development on: January 30, 2013, 07:39:53 AM
Virtual Shares / Git Project Development

  • We offer virtual shares to web developers. Work for us, get paid with virtual shares - the value of which can go up or down according to supply and demand.

Contact us today if you want to work for us or if you have an idea that you would like someone else to work on without taking unnecessary financial risks.

You can also become an affiliate with us. Put a link to our website and we will give you one GitCoin (conditions apply).
9  Bitcoin / Project Development / Looking for developers who can work for virtual shares on: January 26, 2013, 05:51:19 AM
Looking for developers who can work for virtual shares

As you may or may not know, the colored coins project makes it possible for anyone to issue their own virtual assets in a quick and convenient manner. Those virtual assets can then be traded freely P2P, independently of web platforms (as opposed to,, etc).

We are now looking for developers who can work for virtual shares (non-developers are also welcome to join, we need all sorts of workers).

The value of these virtual shares could go up or down according to supply and demand.

Developers who are not interested in sharing risks and profits need not reply. We will not pay in cash or bitcoins but in virtual shares. If the projects are successful we will all profit, if not well no money will have been lost just time.

Here's more info about the colored coins project:

You can already download the ArmoryX software from and trade virtual assets freely.

Let's get started.

We use Git and for project development.

If you have any good ideas for software development projects (non-software projects might also be of interest) you are also welcome to submit them in this thread.
10  Bitcoin / Project Development / Welcome to CCDSE (the Colored Coins Decentralized Stock Exchange) on: January 12, 2013, 07:28:29 AM
Welcome to CCDSE, the world's first decentralized stock exchange

CCDSE stands for Colored Coins Decentralized Stock Exchange.

Link to CCDSE:
Link to source code on GitHub:

11  Other / Beginners & Help / Welcome to CCDSE (the Colored Coins Decentralized Stock Exchange) on: January 12, 2013, 07:01:58 AM
Welcome to CCDSE, the world's first decentralized stock exchange

CCDSE stands for Colored Coins Decentralized Stock Exchange.

Link to CCDSE:
Link to source code on GitHub:

12  Bitcoin / Project Development / We have many new projects and we are looking for developers on: December 05, 2012, 04:30:10 AM
We have many new projects and we are looking for developers

Hi guys,

I collect ideas and put them on

I already have quite a few projects started there and now I would like to find developers to work with.

Anyone interested? I have made a lot of research about some of these ideas so I think at least a few of them could be successful.

Would be happy to hear from you.


13  Other / Beginners & Help / How can I anonymously exchange BTC for cash and vice versa without sending cash on: November 06, 2012, 08:09:50 AM
How can I anonymously exchange BTC for cash and vice versa without sending cash in the mail?

14  Other / Beginners & Help / Anyone interested in buying gold? on: November 06, 2012, 07:48:52 AM
Anyone interested in investing in gold? It's pretty easy to buy gold in the town where I live. If I get ten investors I could pop down to the shop and buy 10g or so. We could keep it for a year, then sell it and split the profit.

I charge 10% as an administrative fee.

If this is not interesting, do you have any other suggestion for a similar operation?


Ok, this post has been updated.

I will try selling gold instead.

The gold will be sent by mail through recorded delivery. Let me know if you're interested and I will update with more specific info, check with gold shops in this town and so on.

Consider this post market research.
15  Other / Beginners & Help / Questionnaire: a crowdsourced creative content experiment on: November 05, 2012, 04:12:44 AM
[Reply in the wiki, not only in the thread:]

Relax, lean back and feel the heat.

When do the wolves come out?

Where is the retrospect?

If you could turn back the moon, what would you find?

Where are you from?

What is the nature of the internet?

How can I sit there and watch?

What is your earliest childhood memory?

When was the first time you kissed a girl?

What is mathematics?

How many times must a man walk down a road?

What is bitcoin crowdfunding?

Will bitcoin crowdfunding revolutionize the way small businesses raise capital?

Where is the dream?

Who can grasp the unfathombable?

What is a question?

What is the right way vs the wrong way?

Want more questions? Send me bitcoins at 14VDS9UzjvZuK3AgTVBCDsAcmkyCq6VEvY

[Reply in the wiki, not only in the thread:]
16  Other / Beginners & Help / Bitcoin crowdfunding - Post your project here and get involved on: November 03, 2012, 05:11:47 AM
Bitcoin crowdfunding - Post your project here and get involved


What is the project about?

Is it a product or a service?

When will you start developing this project?

How will it be hosted?

How will it be marketed?

Why are you working on this project?

How many people are currently working on it?

How many technicians would you require?

How many designers would you require?

What is the deadline of the project?

What is the benefit of the project?

Which bitcoin address should investors send fundings to?

What is the reward for investing in your project?

What is the reward for getting involved in developing your project?

17  Other / Beginners & Help / Could you link to my website please? on: October 25, 2012, 02:05:22 PM
Could you link to my website please?

I have read the google webmaster guidelines and I think as long as I don't offer monetary compensation it's ok to ask if others can link to a website.

Please link to mine. I would appreciate it and maybe I'll send you a digital hug. Ah, wait, no cannot do that, that would be a reward and perhaps against google guidelines : )

The link to the website is

If you put a link to the website on your site, it would be awesome if you could send me a link to your erm... link.

And to round it off with a little pun - here's another Link (ask me if you don't get the joke):

18  Other / Beginners & Help / What we can do for x bitcoins, list your product/service or buy from someone els on: October 24, 2012, 02:47:54 PM
I like so I want to set up a similar service but with bitcoin.

You can register your service or product on the webpage below or you can buy a service or product from someone else for x bitcoins. Leave a comment at the bottom of the page or send me a message through the contact page.
19  Other / Beginners & Help / Any anonymous debit cards for withdrawing bitcoins available yet? on: October 11, 2012, 06:47:52 AM
Any anonymous debit cards for withdrawing bitcoins available yet?

I heard something about a Polish bank which issued such cards a way back, can anyone confirm?

Or if you have a better link, please feel free to post it here.
20  Other / Beginners & Help / What exactly happens when all the 21 million Bitcoins have been miined? on: October 10, 2012, 06:03:06 AM
What exactly happens when all the 21 million Bitcoins have been miined?

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