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Eth-NOVA Current release: v0.1.1 IntroductionEth-NOVA is an absurdly simple all-in-one mining application tailored toward Windows setups. It will overclock your GPUs, set your power limit, fix P-state, launch your miner, and monitor your mining rig for issues. It is designed to be an AIO application to get started with mining on a Windows bmining rig. Features- Overclocking on launch.
- Power limit setting on launch.
- P-state setting on launch.
- Monitoring GPU utilization, rebooting miner/machine on hang/error.
- Autostart mining.
DownloadPre-compiled binaries are found here. Full source code found hereInstallaton / ConfigurationThe default mining configuration applies no overclock or p-state changes and sets the power limit to 120W. Modify the configuration file to your liking. At the very minimum, the path should be modified with your wallet information. Adding this application to your startup is recommended. If you do so, make sure it is ran as administrator (along with EVERY executable in the binary folder!) and is launched from its own directory! Turning off UAC is also necessary to ensure application launches run uninterrupted. Configuration is as follows:- theshold: Threshold in utilization percent to consider a GPU idle.
- kill: Command to kill your mining process. Modify this if you are not using ethminer!
- path: Path to the miner that should be launched. Modify this!
- reboot: The command that is executed when a GPU is idle despite miner restart.
- restartApp: Idle time in cycles (roughly seconds) until the miner process is killed and restarted.
- rebootRig: Idle time in cycles (roughly seconds) until the entire machine is rebooted.
- core: Core overclock amount in MHz.
- mem: Memory overclock amount in MHz. This should be HALF of what is shown in Afterburner!
- power: Power Limit in Watts (NOT percentage!).
If you do not trust the packaged binaries, you can replace them with their original sources, as detailed below. Binary SourcesTO-DO- Event Logging
- Internet connectivity check
- Linux Support
- AMD Support
- Configurator App
DonationsIf you enjoy the application and want to see more of the TODO features implemented, please donate. ETH: 0x00972cd6a2c6786afbcc24ca592b8c86f33f747a BTC: 1n4ruYy5QWbTDBbPEyBRWwj1Ni4U4Sz5P
About two weeks ago, I deposited a fair amount of BTC more than intended into Foodler's service. For those unfamiliar, Foodler is a service nearly identical to GrubHub and Seamless, but with the big (what I thought to be a plus) addition of accepting Bitcoin and converting it into "FoodlerBucks" (their credit system). I meant to send just over .07 BTC, but lo and behold I made a mistake. Now I'm in the middle of a disastrous customer support chokehold, being told multiple things by different people and even being hung up on by support once without having my call answered. I have spent over 7.4 Bitcoins on their service to date, and this is one of the worst customer support experiences I've ever had. I have not spent a single cent since the mistaken deposit and have been eagerly awaiting their response. After an initial email and phone call, I was told the support would "contact Bitcoin". After correcting them and getting the case forwarded up, I called again after 48 hours and was told "the head of the company" and a "supervisor" was notified and that I should be getting a call and receiving a refund. That call never came. I sent another email and was told the same drivel - "they're working on it". After placing one more phone call days ago and trying to get the contact information of someone relevant, I was told the same old "we are working on it but cannot put you on the phone with anyone who can help". I am posting here to let people know to be careful and avoid Foodler's horrendous support. I have lost ~$60 over the past week because of increasing BTC prices, and I have yet to see any of my Bitcoins back in my wallet - and do not know if I will be refunded the full 1.71 BTC I originally deposited or if they will be refunding me at all. I have yet to even receive a confirmation from anyone but their unreliable customer support who cannot seem to get ANYONE else on the line to speak to me. It's been over a week since any correspondence and it seems they have no interest in giving me a refund despite telling me otherwise. I will not be using their services again if this is how they do business with a long time customer. Here is my latest correspondence with them, which is them basically telling me "we're working on it" with no updates. After this email I waited a few days and made the recent call. Still nothing. If anyone has ANY relevant contact information for the CEO or someone who can actually help me over at Foodler, whether it be phone number, email, or otherwise, please PM me or post it here. I would love to get in direct contact with someone who can actually help me out. Buyer Beware.
Paying 10-30% face value.
Paying with PayPal or BTC. PM me or post Skype details here.
So, I've been gone for quite a while. Last I checked VertCoin and Scrypt-N were the new thing. I come back and I see 6 or 7 different algorithms?
What did I miss? How do these algos work? Is there one that is strictly for GPUs not that Scrypt itself has ASICs?
Is there any algo/coin that is "profitable" given existing GPU hardware? Or is it all cloud/ASIC?
I was a very active seller of BTC here a little while back. I had a dozen or so customer interactions a day and after being scammed out of $7k via QuickPay + MoneyPaks decided to stop.
What are the current popular payment methods and how does one go about selling again? How is VanillaReload and related services? What are the money limits/caps that I should know about?
I am operating in the US so I need to know what is acceptable for use here.
Looking for $220 each + shipping. I've got a good amount of trust on here, so you'd be going first ofc.
They're new, in box, and haven't been touched.
I have 2 Blue and 3 Red.
I've coded a small RSS feed that you can use to track the current price of Doge on Cryptsy. I use WidgetLocker to add widgets to my custom lockscreen, combined with my RSS feed and Simple RSS Widget. Below are the results:  I'm using "Simple RSS Widget" and "WidgetLocker" with the following settings: 1. Configure WidgetLocker however you like. Alternatively, you can just add the Simple RSS Widget straight to your homescreen. 2. Add the "Simple RSS Widget" widget to the lock screen. 3. "Manage Feeds" -> Delete all feeds -> "Add RSS Feed" -> "Appearence Settings" -> Uncheck all boxes but "News Text" -> "No Images" 4a. Customize "News Text" as you wish. 5. "Widget Settings" -> "...update the widget" -> Items per feed: 1 -> Update every: 0 hours, 1 min 6. Resize and reposition as you please. Using the above settings, you will see the current Cryptsy price, updated every minute, with the option to manually update as you please by pressing the widget itself. If this helped, please donate to DCsT2uvZKW8je9EECr6maDqrBzM381B9Dq, 1BkCn4ruJCXUxdt2hygnL6AP7WTVXGVJT5, or EaDDKf1evKwj76Bf4MuYGgmdtqT9fqiTZV.
I have (6) of these for sale. 3 Blue, 3 Red. I'm selling them on Bitmit. If you decide to BIN them from me via BTCTalk & no escrow (check my rep/trust), you get 10% off. RedBlue
Long story short, at one of the satoshi square meetups in NYC, the CEO of Coinlab showed up and started offering 1TH/s of power by the end of August for $45k, stating that after a public press release on August 10th, the price would go up to $65k (which was exactly what happened to the best of my knowledge). Their manufacturer/partner is Alydian. I was told that the units were already built and were being tested by them, and that anyone with a contract was free to come visit their labs and take a look at the hardware in person. It's now nearing the end of August. Has anyone purchased, taken a look at the hardware, or have any pertinent information on the product/contract? Is it functioning or running? Or is this just another broken promise?
I have a single ASIC rig for sale; 9 USB erupters, a fan, and a hub.
2.0 BTC + Shipping If you're interested PM me your address so I can calculate shipping.
No escrow, check my trust; I'm also a legally registered business in NY. Item will be shipped within 24 hours, tracking and all, etc.
accidentally posted in the wrong board!
I bought an HD 5870 recently to be able to mine vanity addresses, and I'm trying to mine a bit of scrypt coins with multipool. Where do I begin? What drivers and settings are ideal for the 5870? Been doing a bit of searching but couldn't find anything recent for this GPU. With default settings it's showing me something along the lines of 155Mh/s? But that's obviously not right, as I believe I'm mining on a scrypt pool, and I've also read that SHA256 should be running @ ~400MH/s with a 5870.
What do?
Here's the deal - I have 9 USB ASIC Erupters coming in sometime in the next few days, and I'm looking to get rid of them all at once. 0.55 BTC each. If you'd like to purchase them all, it would be 4.95 BTC. I also have this hub and the generic Arctic fan that I can ship along with it for a total of 5.75 BTC before shipping costs. Shipping is calculated but should only be a few bit cents within the USA and I will inform you of the cost after receiving your address.
How reliable is depositing/withdrawing to/from BitStamp is it for US citizens, and are there any large transfer fees to be aware of? I assume the only option I have with them is International Wire? How long do these take? I know it's "a couple of days", but with Gox that becomes "a couple of months minimum".
This is an auction for 9 USB Block Erupters, a 10-port hub, and a fan to keep them all cool. Retail value around 6.1 BTC, roughly ~$645 at the time of this posting. That's .6 per Erupter, .6 for the hub, and .1 for the fan. See image here, the setup is nearly identical. Buy it now set to 7 BTC.Bids start at 3 BTC. Auction will run until the units are in hand or BIN is paid. To be delivered before the 1st of September or your money back. This is NOT a preorder. The devices are shipping.
How can I import a custom address/privkey to use as my main incoming/outgoing address? If I have to modify files in order to do so that's fine.
I need a way to send/receive from the vanity address alone.
I've been having a host of issues with their service and I've reached out to them via the built in email system and twitter, which I was replied to with an almost canned response, and the latter of which I received no response to.
Does anyone have a way to contact them directly? Their complete lack of support is absolutely frustrating.
Using this calculator, with BTC @ $100, a constant increase in difficulty like we're seeing now, assuming zero shipping and electricity costs, at $55/GH it will take over a year to get a full ROI if hashing is started on the 1st of September. If you've lost faith in mining or no longer want your hardware for whatever reason, I will buy it off of you in a payment method of your choice (provided I can accommodate) for $55 per gigahash, if you can guarantee delivery before the beginning of next month. Feel free to mine after selling to me for this month, as long as you can guarantee with absolute certainly that I will see the hardware in my hands before the 1st. My offer drops to $30/GH by September, $17/GH by October, and $10/GH by November, based on similar values as above with delivery guaranteed before the following month. I am of course aware that people are paying outrageous prices that ensures they never see their full ROI, but nonetheless my offer is on the table for those who want a guaranteed sale immediately. Cheers.
Is there a way to find/export all addresses with a balance above a certain number to CSV or other file?
I know there's a huge list of cards that accept MoneyPaks, but I see that money of them take ridiculous fees. What cards would be best for immediately loading and cashing out via Money Orders of $2,000+?